MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1141 raging river (on)

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On December 24th, Jindi is also covered with white snow.

Wei Sheng, the snow stopped temporarily.

The gates of the city were opened in all directions, and dense figures gathered in the white city. It was already a young year. The newly built city was decorated with lights and festoons. In some places, people shoveled away the snow on the road and opened up lively bazaar. After many years of war, this is the first time that Jin has shown such a lively scene.

On the side of the city, where the Tiger King's Tianji Palace used to be, there are now ruins in ruins.

Three years ago, the two Jurchen armies went south, and the West Route Army led by Nian Han and Xi Yin stormed Jin, killed the then Little Tiger King Tian Shi, and then instigated Liao Yiren and other big families in Jin to split the Tiger King's forces. Zhu Biao, Wang Shanyue and others were defeated in Daming Mansion, and Lou Shuwan, Wang Juyun, Yu Yulin and others were unable to support them. In May of the tenth year of Wu Jianshuo, after more than two months of attacking by the Nianhan army, the King Tiger Army abandoned the city and left. . The decisive Lou Shuwan burned most of the buildings in the city, as well as the weapons and even the antiques and cultural relics that could not be taken away.

Lou Shuwan's resoluteness made it impossible for the Jurchens who came here to plunder any benefits. The soldiers who had nowhere to vent raged and slaughtered around for a while, even causing a lot of trouble to Liao Yiren's rule of the land at that time.

After Liao Yiren's death, the King Tiger Army regained the land of Jin, and it still placed its rear in the mountainous areas where it was convenient to fight. In the plain area, Lou Shuwan combined the experience and suggestions of the Huaxia Army to provide labor relief and build roads to attract business. The image of the female prime minister who would rather die than retreat in the face of the Jurchens has given many people confidence. Even at the moment when the entire Central Plains is scattered, there are still many benefit systems that go to Jindi, which extends in all directions, like hundreds of rivers and seas. The central points converged, quickly rebuilt Weisheng, and built the special industrial technology area of ​​Dongcheng near Weisheng.

In the process of rebuilding Weisheng, Lou Shuwan did not restore the original Tianji Palace built because of Tianhu, but found a place in the nearby ruins to build a smaller and more simple palace. Endless, the spring breeze blows and regenerates", she named this place Qinggong. Of course, recently, some people often say that this indicates the female phase's ambition of "If I were the Qing Emperor in another year, I will repay the peach blossoms together".

As a woman holding great power, such speculation about her has a good side, but actually also contains a bad reflection.

After Tian Hu's death, the Tiger King's power was passed down to Tian Shi. When Tian Shi was suddenly assassinated, the whole power essentially fell apart. But here, Lou Shuwan, Yu Yulin and others were not easy to stand up for themselves, so they pushed out a child named Tian Shan from Tian Shi's family as a puppet to continue fighting against the Jin. When Liao Yiren and the others are dead and the land is unified, although the power of women is great, it is impossible to win the support of everyone. Some strange words that come out occasionally are actually a manifestation of the power struggle that cannot be avoided by any force .

Of course, these floating little thoughts are still insignificant in Jindi at this moment. Ever since she was in charge of the household department under Tian Hu, Lou Shuwan has experienced countless contempt and challenges, and she still firmly grasped the entire line of the economy and people's livelihood under the influence of Tiger King, and then as she was From the incident when Tian Hu was imprisoned but killed Tian Hu, to the countless assassinations he experienced when he confronted the Jurchen, and faced with the determination of Nian Han, Xi Yin and other current heroes, it can be said that the female prime minister at this time His prestige was forcibly punched and kicked in fierce waves.

On the other hand, with the support of Yu Yulin in terms of military power, the opening of Weisheng and Dongcheng has attracted the support of various forces of all sizes. Most importantly, the attitude of the expert group from the southwest and Ning Yi represents the most powerful person in the world. The will of the great powers that cannot be ignored. Even if there are some storms, Lou Shuwan's authority in Jindi is almost unbreakable. About the rumors such as "If I were Qing Emperor in other years, the retribution will bloom with the peach blossoms", occasionally even Lou Shuwan listens to it. Arrived, and just smiled indifferently.

Of course, what is more subtle is that in the eyes of some people, the biggest factor for a woman like Lou Shuwan to take power in Jin may not be her achievements in punching and kicking all the time, but in some rumors that came out at some time. There are rumors about Lou Shuwan's love-hate relationship with Mr. Xi Nanning and their complicated relationship.

In today's world, when it comes to political struggle, many people may dare to kill an ally of the Southwest Huaxia Army, but in any case, people will be afraid of killing a family member of Ning Yi, or to be more vulgar, say yes "mistress". The relationship between Lou Shuwan and Ning Yi was a rumor like a joke at the beginning, but later on, the closer the Huaxia Army and Jindi came together, the more complicated the relationship between the two sides became, and the rumors became more mysterious.

Even the supporters who came to Jindi from the southwest, even though they didn't talk about these things verbally, their feelings towards Jindi, especially the female prime minister, were more cordial than those of other forces. Some, vaguely seem to be mentally prepared to call them bosses.

Lou Shuwan did not publicly reveal what kind of attitude the female minister would have when such rumors spread to her ears. But in any case, with the support of these factors, there may be some power holders who want to support the child Tian Shan and drive away the female photoshop Lou Shuwan, and spread some rumors, but the distance from success seems to be ten miles away. With a distance of eight years, the female prime minister may seize power, and may become emperor as a woman in the future, but in the current power structure, none of these are urgent or drastic options.

Based on some suggestions from the Huaxia Army, the atmosphere of Weisheng's new year was quite lively. A few days earlier, preparations were made for a grand celebration with lights and festoons. The time was approaching, and the weather was beautiful. All the residents of Baxiang put on cotton-padded clothes and traveled a long way to enter the city to celebrate. The thick clothes on people's bodies reflect the rare smoothness of Jindi in recent years, and the lively celebration has increased the cohesion. Many people say that they are full of admiration and gratitude when they talk about women.

In the morning, the celebrations and bazaars in the city had just revealed their hustle and bustle. In front of the Qing Palace, You Hongzhuo and the tall Liang Siyi came here hand in hand.

The two participated in the chaos of the Fair Party in Jiangning at the end of September. You Hongzhuo sought revenge from Kuang Wenbai, and then together with Liang Siyi seriously injured "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang during the chaos. He was able to fight the "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng again, but after witnessing the fight that the Huaxia Army participated in, many small things seemed to become less important.

On the other hand, after witnessing He Wen's decisiveness in the matter of taking power, and understanding the path chosen by the Fair Party, An Xifu also came to a conclusion about the matter of going south this time, and brought He Wen's wish to do business with Jindi The willingness to make friends, embarked on the road back to the north.

You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi have a deeper relationship.

When You Hongzhuo first came out of the rivers and lakes, he met several brothers and sisters. The eldest brother Luan Fei and the third sister Qin Xiang were actually the adopted sons and daughters of Wang Juyun who came out of the chaotic teacher. The chaotic teacher was helping the refugees in the north. Those who are capable are released to raise food for the army. Later, Kuang Wenbai betrayed and the lies between the brothers were exposed. Only then did You Hongzhuo discover that the so-called rivers and lakes are not only about the heroic brotherhood.

The third sister, Qin Xiang, died at that time, and the elder brother, Luan Fei, returned to the Chaotic Master, lost both legs, and became a disabled person. The life of a chaotic teacher is inherently difficult, and the life of a disabled person is even more unspeakable. Luan Fei survived for a few years. Later, Wang Juyun and Lou Shuwan gradually cooperated. Liang Siyi and other righteous brothers and sisters who were relatively familiar said: "This is the younger brother that I and your sister Qin Xiang met in the rivers and lakes."

"...he's promising."

Although the occasional words seemed kind, and he was honored and pleased with You Hongzhuo's righteous deed of guarding the female minister in Jindi in the north, but his legs were already disabled, but he never thought of meeting You Hongzhuo again things.

During the most intense period when the Jurchen went south to fight, he climbed into the well and drowned himself in order not to drag the people around him.

The waves of the years are mighty and breathless, and no one expects that one fate will be connected with others in another place. After Luan Fei broke his leg, he didn't want to hurt anyone, and he never thought of meeting You Hongzhuo. After his death, Liang Siyi and others didn't intend to have anything to do with You Hongzhuo. It wasn't until the dying day when the assassination of Chen Juefang failed that Liang Siyi whispered about Luan Fei and Qin Xiang that You Hongzhuo knew that after the separation of the seven brothers, Luan Fei, the eldest brother, had experienced so many things.

The old man is gone, and as bold sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, the two have already had a good impression of each other during their relationship. Not long after, the two made a lifelong promise on the way back to the north. When they returned to Jindi, Liang Siyi led You Hongzhuo to meet Wang Juyun, He was very pleased, not only personally selected the wedding date after the beginning of spring for the two of them, but also stayed with You Hongzhuo for a few days, and personally taught the unique art "Peacock King Ming Qi Shows His Feathers".

You Hongzhuo has been taught by various masters over the years, and this time he has been taught by Wang Juyun, so he knows that this white-haired chaotic leader is not only full of knowledge, but also has martial arts attainments that cannot be lost to anyone. "It was originally a sword technique, but after some guidance from Wang Juyun, the essence of it was transformed into a sword technique, which also benefited him a lot. After these years of twists and turns, he felt for the first time that he was already somewhat sure of killing the "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng.

What made him feel even more cordial was that when Wang Juyun taught martial arts with all his heart, the instructions he gave to his life and actions in his words reminded him vaguely of Mr. Zhao, the "black wind and double evil".

Although he and the Zhao couple had been together for a short time back then, Mr. Zhao's suggestions for his life basically laid the foundation for him to move forward later. He will not be too extreme when it comes to various things. If he hadn't been acting and thinking all the time, even if he got the peerless sword technique, he probably wouldn't be able to make it to where he is today.

Recalling this incident, he also knew that Wang Juyun was Wang Yin, the Minister of the Holy Work Fang La's rebellion, and he had a wealth of experience in the world. You Hongzhuo made a side note about the situation of the "Black Wind Shuangsha" pair of predecessors in the world. Unfortunately, Wang Juyun frowned and pondered for a long time , said that he had never heard of such a pair of heroes in Jianghu.

It has been December since the two returned to Weisheng, You Hongzhuo has no mission, and he doesn't have to explain things to anyone. After meeting Wang Juyun, he has been practicing swordsmanship with Liang Siyi's house. On the contrary, after Wang Juyun and Lou Shuwan mentioned the marriage of their adoptive daughter, Lou Shuwan asked someone to hand over an invitation—the female minister was assassinated many times back then, and You Hongzhuo was a righteous man who spontaneously protected the female minister. His sword skills were developed in such an environment She developed by leaps and bounds, and later had a relationship with Lou Shuwan several times, and became even more familiar with Shi Jin. After returning from this trip, she did not go to see her. According to Wang Juyun: "The lady is very angry."

On the morning of the twenty-fourth, it was a lively party.

As soon as he was introduced into the Qing Palace, You Hongzhuo met many people he knew in the past, the hero Shi Jin who had been serving as the guard of the female minister, Yuan Xiaoqiu, the maid who followed the female minister, Zhan Wu, the representative of the Huaxia Army, and many who were guarding the female minister back then. They proved to be loyal knights when they were prime ministers—many of these people are now the personal guards of female prime ministers.

Lou Shuwan met the two alone in the side hall of the Qing Palace. Compared with the seriousness and haggardness of the time when the situation in Jin was tense, Lou Shuwan seemed relaxed and friendly in private now. She asked You Hongzhuo about his journey —especially in the Southwest—then congratulated him on his union with Liang Siyi, and gave them a piece of jade by the way.

Although it was a private meeting, which showed that they valued each other, of course they can't be called friends. In order to avoid an embarrassing atmosphere, the meeting should not last too long. After a while, You Hongzhuo was ushered into the teahouse in front of him. After some introduction, he finally knew what the theme of today's meeting was.

Since it was the new year, there was a lot of celebration in the city, and the industrial zone on the east side also gave the technical teams from the southwest one after another a holiday. Lou Shuwan invited these people to Weisheng to celebrate the festival. Some people who were unwilling to participate in the party had already gone shopping, and many people came to the Qing Palace as representatives, drinking tea and chatting. You Hongzhuo, as a tourist who had just been to the Southwest recently, was also called by Lou Shuwan to accompany him.

Not long after You Hongzhuo came out, Lou Shuwan led a six or seven-year-old child out of the inner room, and greeted everyone—this child is Tian Shan, the nominal successor of Tiger King’s power—after a brief exchange of greetings, Lou Shuwan Shu Wan introduced each other to everyone, and also brought You Hongzhuo up, telling the story of him studying art in Southwest China.

You Hongzhuo also roughly talked about his experience at that time. Although he hated political affairs as a knight who traveled the world, he was actually very willing to know these people in the southwest in private. Mrs. Lu's name, a group of technical talents from the southwest also praised him for a while. Some asked him about the situation of Zhang Village, and some asked him about the technical requirements of these knights. One of them had already started chatting with him. Going to make some details for him with a few small grenades and smoke grenades...

The ice and snow outside melted, and the rising sun brought a little warmth. The atmosphere in the teahouse gradually warmed up. Lou Shuwan took Tian Shan by the hand, got up and said goodbye with a smile: "I am here, everyone is not so relaxed, You are all from the southwest, let’s get together and have a good chat. I still have some things to discuss with Zhan Wuye and General Xue... Help you take the two leaders away, you can feel free... Daxia Shi, greet me Hit them."

In the harmonious atmosphere, she took Zhan Wu and Xue Guangcheng away, leaving behind Shi Jin.

So the atmosphere became more lively—perhaps because of Southwest's promotion of all kinds of martial arts, the people who came from there were actually quite respectful and kind to chivalrous men like Shi Jin. They had a lot of contacts in the past and were already familiar I got online, and now the leader has left, everyone is laughing and laughing, and I have had a good morning since then...

For the people in the upper class, such and such actions are more or less based on political factors, and they have long lost the freedom they used to have.

Lou Shuwan organized this kind of gathering, more or less, of course, because of the signal that "people in the Southwest only obey me", even if she left early with empathy, it might not be as good as a deliberate gathering. It's as comfortable and comfortable as friends meeting in private. But in any case, the vast land of Jin was stabilized because of such actions, and even this winter, there was room for celebration.

Just like when You Hongzhuo met Lou Shuwan, it was not because they were really caring friends, but because Lou Shuwan gave this world a little room to breathe, allowing people to smile more than usual. At the same level, these friendships between friends are of course fundamentally different.

Not long after leaving the teahouse, Lou Shuwan squatted on the ground smiling and said a few words to her little friend Tian Shan. Tian Shan nodded sensiblely, then saluted respectfully, and went to the inner side of the palace accompanied by the maid.

Zhan Wu and Xue Guangcheng looked at each other from behind, with unhappy expressions.

Standing up straight, Lou Shuwan restrained her smile and walked ahead, the three of them walked along the corridor in the palace towards the study in front.

It's already a familiar path, and the atmosphere is by no means unfamiliar. This is an atmosphere for talking about "business". Of course, for the two leaders of the Huaxia Army, this atmosphere is always unfriendly.

Most of the time we have to fight.

Sure enough, when Lou Shuwan opened her mouth, it made people angry.

"The battle in Bianliang is over. After a while, Zou Xu will come over to celebrate when he is free...don't make trouble."

"What did the lady say?"

"What does the woman say, what can we do as a guest in Jindi?"

Lou Shuwan stopped in front of her, and turned her head: "...Are you being sarcastic?"

"We..." Xue Guangcheng spread his hands, "Of course it's sarcasm."

"En." Zhan Wu nodded.

"Okay." Lou Shuwan was not surprised, and nodded, "Anyway, the last dividend has not been given to you... let's talk about the business, I sent a letter to Southwest last month, and you all know it. This winter, we have enough energy to spare. We need to repair the northwest defense line. For this matter, you need to send some people. Have you made arrangements?"

Zhan Wu frowned: "The letter was only sent last month, and Southwest received it not long ago, right? For such a big event, how many people are involved and how to fight..."

"Jindi and Southwest are thousands of miles away. If you don't get a reply from there, you will stop working?" Lou Shuwan pushed open the door of the study and walked in. This is her usual office. Papers full of words were placed on the table, perhaps because the work in the morning hadn't been finished yet, so she went over to sort it out:

"In any case, General Wang and I have already discussed this matter. All of us know the importance of the Northwest. We didn't take it because we couldn't breathe these years. Now a group of Mongols have attacked Xixia, and we have lost our strength in cultivation. For a period of time, although these people are just barbarians who drink blood, they have to make up for the rainy day, and the Hengshan line has to be added. The reason for pulling you in is because you have fought in the Northwest for several years, and you have indeed left some fame, which is cheap for you. Next, the Northwest War, headed by General Wang's chaotic division, they have been suffering for many years, find a decent place for them to live in, we also send a group of people here, don't ask for much, eat whatever you want, as for your Huaxia Army, send a A group of people, with a name, in the future Xiaocang River will be, uh, how do you say it..."

She sat there, rubbing her forehead and thinking about it, then looked up and laughed: "...oh, joint development."

Zhan Wu and Xue Guangcheng sat down on the chairs beside them. After hearing Lou Shuwan's words, they were a little speechless. Zhan Wu said: "This matter needs to be instructed by the Southwest side. How many people are there? We only have a few people in Jindi, do you want us to simply pull all the people from the technical team over? Don’t do it in Dongcheng?”

Lou Shuwan lowered her head and wrote a few words, approved a letter, and then raised her head: "The soldiers led by General Xue can go, they seem to be very capable of fighting."

Xue Guangcheng laughed: "Miss Lou just wants to transfer my people away?"

"That's right." Lou Shuwan smiled calmly, "In this way, when Zou Xu comes to congratulate me, I don't have to keep staring at you all the time. You can go and **** Xiao Canghe back, and everyone will feel comfortable, killing three birds with one stone, how wonderful .”

"Without special circumstances, the guard company will not leave the technical team."

"Now is a special situation. That is the Xiaocang River. The Huaxia Army fought against gold in the Xiaocang River for so many years before the world recognized you as Huaxia. Now that you can get it back, don't you want it?"

Xue Guangcheng frowned, and Zhan Wu was silent for a moment: "... What's the use of coming back? Except for a symbolic meaning, everything in the Xiaocang River was finished back then, and the dam exploded. If we bring it back today, what can we do?" How many benefits. Moreover, the Huaxia Army based in Luliang back then was also because of the foundations of Qingmuzhai and other places. If you talk about the location, that place is not a fertile soil. You and General Wang took the Northwest, and we took it back to Xiaocang He, didn't you all take advantage of this advantage?"

Lou Shuwan looked at him, after a while, she spread her arms and smiled.

"That's why I don't want it."

"We didn't say no..."

"That's it."

"We don't have that many people, and Mr. Lou, if you just want to make things difficult for us..."

"Who made things difficult for others, who made things difficult for others! Oh, I asked you if you didn't want it, and you didn't say no, and asked you if you wanted it, but you didn't say yes. ..."

"Louisang, you are so eccentric..."

"Who is so yin and yang—" Lou Shuwan burst out laughing when she said this, then she lowered her head and pulled a booklet, opened it, and stretched out her hand, "Okay, I just want to inform you about this matter. Hey, oh, I forgot to tell you, I also wrote a letter to Liangshan. There is no one in the Huaxia Army in Jindi, but there is Liangshan. They are not doing well anyway. I still have kindness to them, so I invite them Take back the Northwest together, and when the time comes, everyone will work together. You see, your Huaxia Army has dispatched troops, and you can divide the Northwest by a third. I don't want to work with you to develop the Xiaocang River... a place where birds don't lay eggs , when the time comes, you develop it yourself..."

The two people in front were silent for a moment, Xue Guangcheng took a sip of tea, suppressed his anger, and Zhan Wu nodded: "...Understood."

"It's good if you understand." Lou Shuwan buried her head in writing, not looking at them, "Everyone is my own, I know you, such a big thing, there is a meeting, look at me, such a big thing, more than a month I told you before, and I’m here to remind you again today, go to the meeting, go to the meeting, get some people out, Northwest is now a bunch of horse bandits, and I’m still looking forward to the soldiers led by Captain Xue .”

There was another silence. Both Zhan Wu and Xue Guangcheng drank tea before standing up. Zhan Wu said to Xue Guangcheng, "Someone is lying..."

Xue Guangcheng: "Or transfer the technical team away."

Lou Shuwan on the other side of the desk raised her head, her eyes were as frosty as frost: "There's something for you."

"Look, she's cheating..."

"Only women and villains are difficult to raise..."

"Bah! Get lost—" Lou Shuwan made a gesture to spit.

"You are pure nonsense..."

"The yin and yang are strange, and the appearance of a woman..."

The two put their hands on their hips and cursed for a while, Lou Shuwan also cursed a few words, and when they picked up the inkstone to wave it, the two middle-aged men sighed and left the study.

Lou Shuwan sat down, propped her chin with her hands, and smiled slightly while writing the paperwork. These days, trying to disrupt the arrangement of the Huaxia Army with various things is her endless pastime. Even when the person in charge is deflated, it can always bring her temporary relaxation and pleasure. The smile on the corner of her mouth lasted for a short period of time, she immersed herself in her work, her eyes gradually became indifferent and desolate.

When she raised her head, the maid Yuan Xiaoqiu came in from the outside and reported to her that the outside party had dispersed and all the participants were happy. Shi Jin had a contest with You Hongzhuo, and now everyone has gone outside the palace to continue to have fun.

"It's very lively outside today, Lou Xiang, do you want to go out and have a look?"

Lou Shuwan looked at her and thought for a while.


She nodded and smiled.

"Then I'll give you a break..."

The winter sun shines on the cotton-like cloud blanket over the land, extending for thousands of miles. Chengdu in the southwest is also celebrating the new year.

Compared with the difficulty and preciousness of the Jindi celebration, Chengdu, which is not snowy and has abundant supplies, is truly full of festive atmosphere. Restaurants and teahouses are festooned with lights and festoons; streets and markets are decorated with green and red; old Confucians and new Confucians organize lively cultural gatherings; like-minded new cultural people also gather everywhere to talk about their ideals; The aroma of delicacies wafted from the courtyard; even relatively poor ordinary people wandered around in the beautiful market in the city, or found a theater open to the public to watch a lively performance.

All living beings, at this moment, have their own joys.

On one side of the city, in a quaint courtyard, the same joy is happening at this moment near noon. A middle-aged man who looks upright and heroic is leading some special guests to his home. , It was also the time of offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God, and his home had already been filled with various sacrificial atmospheres. It was close to noon, and the leader who was welcomed in was a little hesitant, but the middle-aged man had already held his hand and started friendship with him: "We are from the same family, you are going home."

The two are indeed from the same family.

The name of the owner of this house is Li Rulai, and the person who was welcomed in was Li Dong, an artillery regiment commander of the Fifth Army of the Huaxia Army. The two parties had dealt with each other several times before, and Li Dong also had several subordinates. In the past, Li Rulai had made good arrangements. When he was doing business in Chengdu, he was invited to his home by the other party for a casual meal.

Li Rulai is a reliable person.

It's hard to give up.

Since he was from the same family, shortly after he entered, Li Rulai asked his family members to come out to greet him and talk about his personal friendship. This general, who used to lead the army but is now idle, has a rich family, and now he doesn't have too much ambition, and he doesn't ask for anything from the people in the army, so there is no need to worry about being implicated by him to do something corrupt. He used to be from a military background. After being defeated by the Huaxia Army, it was very reasonable to admire the soldiers here. He made friends occasionally, just for the yearning and admiration in his heart.

Not long after, a banquet was set up and a lot of rare food was served. Seeing that Li Dong was hesitant, Li Rulai told him some business matters, and frankly stated one by one: "I don't have a single copper coin here that was illegally earned. , are all things Mr. Ning encourages to do..."

In the festive atmosphere of the whole city, this place is like a small splash in the ocean, and it doesn't show anything special. And in the same turbulent crowd, near noon, several carriages came in from the north gate of the city. During the New Year's season, this was the vehicle that had promised to go back to Zhang Village, but at this moment, it passed through the festive crowd and headed towards the city. The specific house in the middle came silently.

There is a festive atmosphere in the city, but the people in the car are not happy. UU Reading He is frowning and thinking about something. Occasionally, the aroma from outside the car wafts in, and he is a little hungry. Over the years, he has actually become less and less happy.

On the way, I stopped and asked someone to buy a meat bun.

Soon, the carriage stopped outside Li Rulai's mansion.

People from the secretariat came up and told him that Li Dong, the artillery regiment, was having a banquet in the courtyard.


He put down the meat bun in his hand, got out of the car, and stood there for a while.

"...Never mind, let's go in.

Ning Yi walked in and walked through the courtyard.

Soon, everyone standing at the table in the main hall saw him. He nodded.
