MTL - Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!-Chapter 13 , there is such a silly X everywhere

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  Chapter 13, there are such silly X everywhere


   "Miss, what do you want to do?"

   "Miss, don't be impulsive!"

   "Hey, miss, please go slowly!"

  A young girl wearing a veil and wearing a veil came out of the sedan chair with an aura all over her body, and the guards and maidservants followed behind in a panic, like ants on a hot pot.

   "I'm going to find him!"

  The girl smiled with a hint of firmness in her voice.

   "I'm sure, he's the one I want!"

  The guards and maidservants following behind slipped on their feet and nearly fell down. Their eyes were staring like fish eyes, and they almost had a heart attack from the frightened words of my young lady.

  The maidservant in Tsing Yi turned pale, this is no joke!

   It's just a glance, a word, how did the lady fall?

  Could it be that the young master is some sort of monster who cursed the young lady?

   Xu thought of something, the girl's steps paused, and the originally gentle words changed to murderous aura.

   "Stop following him, if you scare him away, I will let you pay for your life!"

  As soon as these words came out, the guards didn't dare to move anymore. They all felt that their ankles were a little weak and they couldn't walk.

  The maidservant in Tsing Yi was a little anxious, "Miss, you have a noble status, you must bring guards, you can't be so willful, the master will be angry!"

  The red lips under the girl's veil raised slightly, "My father will definitely be satisfied with this one this time!"

  Everyone heard the words and silently prayed for the boy who was favored by the lady. Poor guy, something really happened.

  Si Luo was completely unaware of what happened behind her. She finally walked in front of the "No. 1 Restaurant in the World". Looking at the powerful characters on the golden plaque, she felt a little turbulent in her heart.

  There are a lot of people coming in and out, all of them are dressed in rich clothes and have extraordinary temperament.

  When they passed by Si Luo, they all had a little curious look in their eyes.

   After a few handsome young men in Chinese clothes looked her up and down, they laughed contemptuously and discussed something in a low voice.

  Normal people may not be able to hear or hear clearly, but after special training, Si Luo, who has excellent hearing, naturally heard what these guys said.

  She glanced at those people, and the sharpness in her eyes shocked them all at once.

  Siluo, who has been baptized by countless blood, is very domineering both in appearance and aura. How can these guys resist such a captivating gaze.

  This feeling is as if my own father is holding a stick and standing in front of me aggressively.

  The pride of the teenagers, who were as proud as peacocks, suddenly became sluggish.

   After reacting, they were a little embarrassed, but they didn't dare to provoke this person, so they lowered their heads and walked in despondently.

  Si Luo curled his lips mockingly, there really are such stupid Xs who look down on people everywhere~

  These guys live too well and live too comfortably, and they don’t know the dangers of the world.

  Fortunately, a few of them left without making trouble.

   Otherwise, she really doesn't mind teaching them how to be human instead of their father.

  Without the distraction, Si Luo continued to stare at the plaque with some confusion.

  A place like this is probably an ancient five-star hotel.

   I don't know if the banknotes I looted from that soldier are enough.

  For a while, she really didn't dare to walk in directly like this.


  I think of her, Siluo, no matter which high-end club she goes to on earth.

   But whoever recognizes her, which boss doesn't welcome her in with a bright smile like a chrysanthemum?

  Not to mention this, the huge sums of money she received from doing missions in the Swiss bank from time to time are enough for her to live in style for the rest of her life.

  Never thought that I would encounter such a predicament one day in the future.

   Right at this moment, a heavenly voice sounded slowly from behind her.


  Si Luo subconsciously looked at the owner of the voice, slightly taken aback.

  The owner of the voice is a strange ancient woman. The long white gauze skirt is as white as snow. When the breeze blows gently, the corners of the skirt are raised, making her look very elegant.

  The corners of the girl's mouth under the veil slowly rose, and the voice like a silver bell sounded again, "It's been so long, haven't you filled your stomach yet?"

   "Ding Yiqiuqiu detected a loyalty score of 40, which was extracted from favorability, and has been automatically stored in the account!"

  (end of this chapter)