MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 105

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Since the emperor's marriage, the empress has always been good. The Queen's maiden is the only one in the sixth house, so that the scorpions look very hot.

In the eyes of some women, Ji Zhao is a soft persimmon, mild temperament, no wrists, and most importantly, the background is not strong enough. Such a woman in the harem, wants to stand on the easy, but no one believes she can dominate the harem.

Some women have moved their minds. Naturally, the status of the Queen is there, they can't be right and the Queen's Empress, but the emperor's courage is still there.

Ji Zhao is very violent. She is not a generous person, not a good wife in the traditional sense - she is never interested in finding a small sister for her husband.

And, she really doesn't like to play palace fights! ! !

Jump to the feet, don't bite people, it should be human. Ji Zhao is not afraid of some women adding chaos, she is blocked. Ji Heng knows that his wife loves jealousy, but unfortunately this man is not reliable. He always comforted her, vowed to say that his virginity belongs to her alone; one deliberately gives others the opportunity to approach him, so that his little field can eat more vinegar. The more jealous, the more it shows that Azhao cares about him.

Finally, Ji Zhao broke out.

The first thing I have to fix is ​​my own man. Ji Zhao found a craftsman and used the rosewood to create a washboard for the emperor. The lines on the floor of other people's homes are crescent-shaped, and the Queen's mother's dressing board does not need to wash clothes, so it is carved into a wave shape, so it is cool to go up.

Ji Zhao asked the emperor to squat on the rosewood board. She used all the things that had been disgusting to her before, and waited for him to explain.

Ji Heng knows that he is playing off, and A Zhao is very angry. He didn't dare to be embarrassed, because the result of indecentness must be that Azhao did not allow him to be close, which was much more painful than the washboard.

Ji Heng explained it one by one, and repeatedly guaranteed that he had no intentions.

Ji Zhaoyi turned his head and did not believe it!

Ji Heng had to swear and swear.

Ji Zhao smiled and looked at him. "What is the "Thunder and Thunder", "Five horses and corpses", I am tired of listening. You change the fresh words, I feel good, let's reveal this page. "

"How about the corpse?"


"Do you make pigs in the next life?"

"You manage this life."

"This life... teach Azhao to entangle with me every day, squeeze me out?"

"Think beautiful!"

Next, Ji Heng thought about some ideas and was denied by Ji Zhao.

"What do you say?" he asked.

Ji Zhaoxiao, "I have helped you think about it."


"Not for life."


Too bad! Under the temptation of Ji Zhao, Ji Heng made a vow of this ancient and swearing. Some people think that the vows are not used, because they are not heavy enough. Even if it is only one in ten thousand, it is a huge threat. No one dares to take the risk, this is enough.

Ji Zhao is relieved.

Next, she has to clean up the women who have given up on Ji Heng. In all fairness, these women did not make any big mistakes. They didn’t want to call them to kill them. Ji Zhao didn’t want to tell them what they really wanted. She just wanted to tell others that Ji Heng was her alone, and others couldn’t touch it.

Ji Zhao devote himself to the development of a set of regulations, which was promulgated and implemented in the harem after the approval of Ji Heng. This stipulation is to regulate the behaviors and behaviors of the women in the harem, and there must be no distance. If someone does not perform well, they will be remembered once. If you remember it three times, you will be punished.

The method of punishment is also quite special, that is, when you go out, you must paint your beard with ink on your face.

Ji Zhao does not believe that a man with a beard, which man dares to be close.

As for the criteria for the record, it is all in between the Queen Mother. It means that she said that you have had it, you have to remember it.

In the first month of the new regulations, there were two low-level beggars who tried to charm the emperor and were painted with beards. It’s not that “painting” is “painting” because they remembered it three times. Without the main animation, the beard still came out, just to be seen by the Queen’s Empress, so the Queen’s words did not say hello to others, but also painted a few, two I haven’t dared to go out for a long time.

The Queen Mother heard about this and felt very fresh, but after thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with it. This is at least too much stronger than the invisible murder of the slashing swordsman, so no matter what other people complained, they went with the empress.

Since then, Ji Zhao has been quite clean. The harem women saw the Queen Mother's ability, and then dare not let go. Ji Heng did not dare to hook up Ji Zhao to be jealous. It is risky to screw up this kind of thing. He now encounters a woman who seduce his first reaction. It is likely that the little brother turned and ran. If that one is embarrassed, and if the vows come true, then he will still be alive in his life.

Ever since, the world is too peaceful.