MTL - You Practice Immortality, I Farm-Chapter 65 Pure Jade

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  Chapter 65 Unscaled Jade

  The pure aura did not cause any abnormalities, so Lu Xuan put his mind at ease, scooped up half a bowl of spiritual spring water from the spiritual spring pool, and poured it on the seriously damaged blood spiritual leaves.

  The blood spirit leaf greedily absorbs the spirit spring, the large leaves hang down lazily, and the tip of the leaf gently touches the surface of the spirit soil.

   "Finally, the diseased problem of this blood spirit leaf has been solved."

   Lu Xuan returned to the room, his thoughts wandering.

  This not only means that he can not only solve the problem of the invasion and pollution of the spiritual plants planted by himself, but also deal with other diseased spiritual plants, provided that he brings them into his own spiritual field and plants them.

  Although it is not from the beginning to cultivate spiritual plants, the rewards of the light group are almost zero, but if this method is used properly, it can still bring a lot of benefits to oneself.

  Thinking of this, he suddenly felt happy.

  After thinking about it for a while, he came to the spiritual field with 120 spirit firefly seeds.

  Planting and cultivating spiritual plants to obtain white light clusters is the right way.

  Since the one hundred spirit fireflies matured, a large area of ​​the spirit field has been vacated.

  Lu Xuan used the ground attraction technique, and there were tiny cracks in the spiritual soil, just enough to hold the slender and dry spirit firefly seeds.

More than a hundred spirit firefly seeds were planted, and Lu Xuan cast a round of spirit rain, covering the entire area of ​​spirit firefly seeds, and strands of spirit rain seeped into the spirit soil, nourishing the slender spirit seeds to their heart's content .

  After planting the spirit firefly grass, Lu Xuan took advantage of the opportunity to patrol the spirit field.

  The second-grade sword grass has grown to a height of three feet, standing upright, like a sharp sword pointing at the sky.

  There are many tiny sword qi swimming around the sword grass, and densely packed small sword marks can be seen in the spiritual soil below.

  Lu Xuan hit a Seventh Gold Sword Art smoothly, and the golden sword energy swam across the sword grass's body, leaving light golden lines.

Under the specially built wooden shed, the dark red mycelia extending from the second-grade Osmanthus lucidum planted at the same period almost covered the entire wooden shed. Lu Xuan could vaguely see the dark red viscous liquid flowing from the blood vessel-like channel inside the Osmanthus annus. gurgling flow.

  The white smoke surrounding the phantom smoke Luoguo occupies more and more area, almost reaching one and a half feet long, and the concentration is also getting higher and higher, which well hides the smoke-like spiritual plants in the depths.

  Spiritual consciousness was greatly affected by the smoke, and it took Lu Xuan a while to find it. A spiritual rain technique accurately hit the spiritual plant, nourishing it to its fullest.

  Three plants of Qingmiaoling tea, on the intertwined branches of the tea tree, many thin green buds have grown. Compared with the winding, strong old roots, the buds look more lonely and independent.

  The blood jade ginseng of the first grade of twenty plants is also growing quite well. It has been planted for nearly half a year, and it is not long before it matures.

  As for Jiaoteng, after digesting the bottle of double-winged golden-scaled snake blood, it became half-dead again, and could only rely on Lu Xuan's spiritual rain to save it, barely maintaining its vitality.

   Time flies, and three days pass in a blink of an eye.

  The 120 Lingyingcao seeds planted broke through the ground one after another, growing tiny shoots.

  The young shoots are very inconspicuous, and you can only find them after careful observation. They sway gently in the breeze, looking very fragile.

  Lu Xuan felt a high-spirited force from their weak and small bodies, which made people feel a strong vitality and a good mood.

   After inspecting the spiritual field and confirming that all the spiritual plants are in good condition, Lu Xuan was about to go back to the house when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

  Opening the courtyard door, it was the boy named Yu Jie, holding a white jade bottle in his hand.

   "Senior Lu, I'm here to give you the blood of the azure python."

   When the pale boy saw Lu Xuan, he smiled and said, showing his sharp teeth.

   "Thank you, come in."

  Lu Xuan led the boy into the yard.

  Suddenly, a black shadow fell in front of the young man. Tayunlinx stared at Yu Jie's neck with green eyes, and circled slowly.

  The boy's clothes suddenly swelled, and a big green snake came out from the gap between his neck and the clothes. His head moved with the movement of the cloud-walking lynx, making hissing sounds from time to time.

   "Stay aside for me."

  At first, when Lu Xuan saw the reaction of the Tayun lynx, he thought it had discovered something evil from the boy, but the lynx cub didn't let out the rough roar before, so he felt relieved.

  The pale young Yu Jie also restrained the big green snake hidden in his body.

   After the two spirit beasts calmed down, Lu Xuan took Yu Jie into the room and sat down.

   "Senior Lu, this is a whole bottle of blue water python blood. Excluding the weight of the bottle itself, the snake blood is slightly more than a catty, but the price is still settled at the price set before."

  The young man handed the white jade bottle in his hand to Lu Xuan.

   Lu Xuan held it in his hand and shook it lightly, confirming that what the young man said was true, and that the weight of the snake blood inside was indeed slightly more than a catty.

   "Okay, I received it, here are the remaining five spirit stones."

   "When your father catches another anaconda, you will bring the collected snake blood, and I will give you the spirit stone."

   Lu Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and said to the boy.

   Yu Jie took the five spirit stones handed over by Lu Xuan, his already small eyes narrowed into slits with a smile.

  He carefully hid the five spirit stones in his clothes, bowed and thanked Lu Xuan, and then left.

  Lu Xuan opened the cork, and there was a strange red and green liquid flowing inside, and there was a strong and strange fragrance.

  He carefully poured the red and green liquid on the vines.

  Suddenly, the vine seemed to come alive in an instant, clinging to the red and green mixed liquid dripping on the vine, greedily absorbing it.

   After a while, green patterns appeared on the vines. Against the backdrop of the jet-black vines, there was a coquettish atmosphere.

   "With the Yu family providing the blue water python blood, the vines can finally be cultivated stably for a long time."

   Before he came to the Chiyunsong, the last two Chiyunsong pine nuts had matured.

  Two pine nuts, one of superior quality and one of perfect quality.

   It is also the only pine nut with perfect quality among the five Chiyun pine nuts.

  Two white light clusters appeared on the part where the pine nuts were picked, flickering slightly, and countless slender needles could not hide its existence.

  Lu Xuan lightly picked up the first white light cluster, which is the top quality one.

   "Harvest a Chiyun pine pine nut, and get a volume of "Basic Talisman Encyclopedia"."

  A thought flashed in his mind, and immediately, he had a better understanding of the material processing of talismans and the drawing of runes.

   "An experience package, basic talismans: from entry to proficiency."

  Five Chiyun pine pine nuts, two volumes of "Basic Talisman Encyclopedia" appeared, and Lu Xuan's understanding of dozens of basic first-grade Talismans went further.

   It’s just that whether it’s alchemy or drawing talismans, it’s a skill that consumes a lot of spirit stones in the early stage. The failure rate is extremely high, and it’s a loss-making trade, just to gain more relevant experience.

  So, Lu Xuan didn't intend to rush to draw talismans, and wait until he absorbed a few more experience packs.

  The second white light group was also left behind by the perfect quality Chiyun pine pine nuts, and Lu Xuan was even more looking forward to it.

  A thought flashed through his mind, and a transparent jade talisman appeared in his hand.

  Everything under the transparent jade talisman is clearly visible, as if a layer of filter has been added. Wherever it passes, it is clear, bright, and clean.

   "Wuxiu Jade, a third-grade auxiliary treasure, can be pure and wise, and can resist the invasion and pollution of evil spirits. Wearing it for a long time will slightly improve the monk's spiritual knowledge."

  (end of this chapter)