MTL - You Practice Immortality, I Farm-Chapter 108 dynamic expression

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  Chapter 108 Dynamic Emoticons

   "Since Junior Brother Lu chooses this task, he should have mastered the Spiritual Rain Technique well?"

  The beautiful woman smiled and said to Lu Xuan.

   "Slightly successful."

   Lu Xuan said modestly.

   "Cultivating the monkey face orchid usually requires two things. The spirit rain technique is used to nourish them at intervals, and the other is to raise the spirit insects on time."

   "Spiritual insects are specially cultivated by monks in the sect. Many varieties of spiritual insects can be used to refine medicines, exercises, cultivate spiritual plants, and raise spiritual beasts."

  The beautiful woman led Lu Xuan into the valley, where an ordinary-looking young man was waiting in front of a wooden house.

   "This is Junior Brother Yan Pingyan, Junior Brother Yan, this is Junior Brother Lu Xuanlu."

  Senior sister Yao introduced Lu Xuan and the two to each other.

   "In the future, the two junior brothers will mainly cultivate these monkey face orchids. I will stay in the valley all the time. If there is anything you don't understand, you can find me."

   Lu Xuan nodded.

  He talked to Yan Ping for a few words, and then under his leadership, he chose an empty cabin for his usual practice and rest.

   After resting for nearly half an hour, Yan Ping came over to call him.

   "Junior Brother Lu, we are about to start performing the spirit rain technique on Monkey Mianlan. How about we each take charge of an area?"

  Lu Xuan nodded in agreement, and came to his own area.

  Many monkey-faced orchids with various expressions seem to be frozen.

   Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and strands of spiritual rain fell, dripping on the petals and roots of the monkey face orchid, and seeping into it.

   "The spiritual rain is long and slender, and the range of the technique is precisely controlled. I never thought that you, Junior Brother Lu, have such a deep knowledge of this spiritual rain technique."

   Not far away, Yan Ping noticed Lu Xuan's extraordinary performance in the Spiritual Rain Technique at a glance, and a hint of admiration appeared in his eyes.

   "I am a spiritual planter myself. I don't know how many times I have used the spirit rain technique. The more times I use, the higher the skill level will naturally be."

   Lu Xuan laughed.

  Because of his meticulous nurturing of spiritual plants, he performed the spiritual rain technique many times a day. Even if he didn't get the experience package of the technique, the level of the spiritual rain technique has reached the level of Dacheng.

  The operation speed is faster, the spiritual power consumption is less, and the range of the spiritual rain can be precisely controlled. Even the spiritual rain, which is already as thin as a hair, can be slightly adjusted in thickness to meet the various subtle requirements of the spiritual plant.

  After casting a round of spiritual rain in the spiritual field, the monkey face orchid in the spiritual soil still looked around blankly, and the expression in the petals did not change at all.

   After a short break, Yan Ping brought a pot of worms of various shapes from the beautiful woman.

   "These are used to raise monkey face orchids. Just stuff them into the petals. Monkey face orchids will actively devour and absorb zerg."

   "It's enough to feed one zerg for each monkey face orchid, but it's not good to feed too much."

   Lu Xuan nodded to understand, and took half of the Zerg.

  Compared with the wild black bud worms encountered before, these worms are much worse in terms of attack power and damage to spiritual plants. The monks in the sect purposely raised them on a large scale for various purposes.

  He came to a monkey face orchid, and the expression inside the petals was extremely angry.

   Lu Xuan picked up a slender white worm and stuffed it into the monkey face orchid petals.

  In the center of the petals, dense spikes gushed out instantly, piercing into the body of the white worm.

  The petals closed immediately, forming a bud shape, trembling slightly, and it could be seen that there was a lot of movement inside.

   After a while, the petals opened again, and a piece of insect skin without any flesh and blood fell to the ground, like a piece of white paper.

   "This devouring and absorbing ability is a bit strong."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help sighing, although this insect had no attack power, he was quite surprised that it was so easily killed and swallowed by a second-grade spiritual plant.

   "Huh? Just had a delicious meal, why are you looking at me so angrily?"

  Lu Xuan found that in the reopened petals after devouring the white worm, the monkey face orchid still maintained an angry expression.

  He shook his head with a smile, and continued to feed the zerg to the other monkey faces.

  After finishing his work, when Lu Xuan was about to go back to his room to rest, he suddenly stopped.

  Looking at a monkey face orchid, the expression inside the monkey face orchid petals revealed a faint smile.

   "If I remember correctly, this is the Monkey Face Orchid with an angry expression that I fed at the beginning, but why did it change?"

   "What caused the monkey face orchid petals to form dynamic expressions instead of static expressions?"

   Lu Xuan frowned, looking at Monkey Mianlan in Lingtian, lost in thought.

   "Junior Brother Lu, why are you standing there after you've finished your work?"

   Yan Ping, who was passing by and was about to go back to the house to practice, asked curiously.

   "Senior Brother Yan, I have a doubt about the monkey face orchid. Senior brother has rich experience in cultivating this kind of spiritual plant. I wonder if you can answer it for me."

   "Junior Brother Lu, please tell me."

   "The expressions generated in the monkey face orchid petals are really formed randomly, rather than with any rules? For example, when certain conditions are met, the expressions will change."

   "So it's because of this, Junior Brother Lu, you think too much."

   "It is said that the spiritual planter who first planted the monkey face orchid also had the same guess as your junior brother, but after some experiments, he still didn't find anything."

   "Cultivating monkey face orchids in a conventional way can still get mature spiritual plants of normal quality, so I cut off that thought and judged that these expressions are just a sexual characteristic of monkey face orchids."

   "Junior brother Lu, think about it, even the master uncle Zhuji in the sect didn't find any rules after the test, which means there is nothing abnormal in it."

   "Therefore, let's cultivate it honestly and don't think about it."

   Yan Ping said in a deep voice.

   "Senior brother Yan is right. I'm just curious and won't delay the cultivation and growth of monkey face orchids."

   Lu Xuan glanced at Monkey Mianlan with a cold expression, and then went back to the cabin with Yan Ping to have a rest.

   "Why is there a change in expression? Is it related to the feeding of Zerg when I cast the Spiritual Rain? If it is related, why does it still show an angry expression after nourishing it with the Spiritual Rain?"

  Lu Xuan sat on a chair, looked through the window at the Monkey Face Lan with different expressions in the Lingtian, and fell into deep thought.

  He felt in his heart that some factors must be involved in the change of expression, but the cultivator hadn't discovered it yet.

  All things have spirits, ordinary plants we see every day will have various habits, let alone spiritual plants?

  Adding a spirit word means that the level of life has been improved, and it is reasonable to have various strange manifestations.

  Many spiritual plants he had planted before, through controlling their real-time status, Lu Xuan noticed that many of them had a hint of spirituality, especially the higher the level of spiritual plants, the stronger the spirituality.

  He became more determined because of this, the same is true for the monkey face orchid of the second rank, the change of expression is not just for no reason, but another mystery.

   "It seems that we have to find an opportunity to dig out a monkey face orchid and try it out."

  He couldn't help but have this idea in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)