MTL - You Have Guts!-Chapter 51 Start reading

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Walking on the tree-lined road of the campus, the sunlight of September fell through the leaves of the sycamore tree on his head, flickering and dappled the shadows on the ground, and dappled the years.

For a moment, Ziyi felt as if he had returned to freshman year. It was the same sunshine and the shadow of the tree. At that time, she just lowered her head and went to her profession with a heart, never Like now, take a relaxing walk and look at the scenery on both sides, with her lover and husband next to her. Thinking of this, Zi Xi feels no realism, all this is like a beautiful and luxurious dream.

"Feng Zizhen, you have really sacrificed to hide from me, so you have given up on the profession you like." Feng Zizhen looked at him side by side, and found that Chu Yanshen's face did not change much. Hey.

Yanshen stood, stretched her arms and held her in her arms, and lowered her head to kiss her lips: "What do you look at me like this? Am I right? I think you look stupid, but it's actually very fine, just then Once I did n’t even remember who I was, I knew I ran away. ”

Ziyi blinked and laughed: "Although I didn't remember you, I remember your aura very clearly, and told me subconsciously to run and hide, otherwise it would be miserable."

Chu Yan smiled lowly: "So you want to tell me, are you miserable now? Well, where are you, tell me ..."

Zi Yan blushed and pushed him away: "Let ’s go and pack things up." He walked forward, but pulled Yan Shen back into his arms, hugged tightly: "Where to run, even if you run It ’s also my wife to the horizon, all my life. ”

Zixi's face was red to the neck. On the tree-lined road of the school that day, he kissed her twice. The first time was very light, and the order was short. The second time was very heavy. He would be swallowed by him.

Grandma's house is an old Guanzilou. Zizhao remembered that when she was a child, it was livelier than the big house, but now it is deserted, as if she hadn't lived in for years.

When the door opened, a tide rushed towards her. When grandma died, she packed it with her brother. Grandma's things were put in two large leather boxes, just on the top of the big closet. Zizi let Yanshen move down. Put it outside and go to the back room to see what else is missing.

When she came out, she held a photo in her hand and gave Chu Yan a deep look: "Look, this is a picture of my grandma when she is young, so beautiful, I always think that grandma is the real beauty, that kind of Let the man pour the beauty of a city for her. "

Zi Yan exaggerated the description, making Zhu Yanshen amused. He took it for a long time and put it in his pants pocket. Zi Zi did not quit: "What do you do with my grandma's picture?"

Chu Yan deeply said: "The old is almost out of sight. Chu has a department that specializes in processing these old photos. I will take it to help you remake and process it. It can be stored longer."

Zi Zi knew he had misunderstood him, leaning on him and whispering, "Thank you."

Chu Yanshen couldn't help but laughed: "Thank you so much for me ..."

Zi Yan blushed and gave him a white look, saying to his heart that there was nothing else in his mind. Chu Yanshen said nothing, put things in the car, and found his wife looking at the stall not far away. daze.

Yan Shen came over, "What are you looking at?"

Ziyu said, "Grandma used to buy this cricket for me. I can't think of it for so many years, and the stall is still there."

Chu Yan locked the car deeply and took her to the past. She asked the old man who was standing at the stall to ask for two bowls of shit. The old man responded with a beep and started to shout, because he was a bit old, his movement was very slow, and the guests on the stall were Many, Ziyi helped him to give the chaos to the guests, "Grandpa Li, you don't know me anymore, I'm the fat of the Feng family."

Yan Shen had just spit out the water she had just drank, but she was so embarrassed to say so loud, fat? Yanshen's gaze looked at her once, and she should be called Shouya if she was fat, but the name was really vulgar.

When she came home, Yan Shen thought it funny, "Who gave you the little name?" Ziyi did not expect this man to be so naive, a little name can be happy now, and he kept asking Dongwenxi .

In order to prevent him from asking further questions, Zi Zi simply tells me: "I was a little fat when I was a kid, and my grandma called me a little fat girl, screaming, and I became a little kid. I could n’t change it anymore, grandma. The old neighbors at the door met me. They all called it like this. Grandpa Li is old. If I say my name is Feng Ziyu, he doesn't necessarily remember that he definitely knows that he is fat.

What did Yan Shen think of: "Tell me about your grandma, your grandma looks very different?"

Feng Zizhen immediately came to God: "My grandma listened to my dad very well. My grandma is a real lady."

"What's your grandma's last name?"

Ziyu said, "My grandma's name is Shen and her name is Shen Wanhua. It sounds good, right?"

"Shen Wanhua?" Yanshen's face changed, and she suddenly stood up and said, "I think the company is still in a hurry. I'll take care of it first. You stay at home by yourself, sleep for a while, and come back when you wake up. Now. "

Feng Zizhen didn't think much, nodded: "Well, I'll wait for you to come back for dinner."

But when I slept, I overslept. When Zi Zi woke up, she smelled a smoke. She knew Yan Shen was smoking, but she was not very diligent and rarely saw him smoking. But Zi Zi turned on the light, but saw the bedside table. Several ashtrays were piled on the ashtray. Even if the door of the terrace was open, the smell of smoke was still great, and his expression did not look right, as if it had been hit.

Chu Yanshen never thought that such a dog blood plot would happen to him. He regretted it very much, and today he ran away to pack up her grandma's stuff, and he regretted seeing the picture.

When she saw her grandmother's home, Yanshen just felt familiar, as if she had seen it in the old house. Until Zishou told him that her grandmother's name was Shen Wanhua, Yanshen's face changed.

Yan Shen grew up with Grandpa. Grandpa always tells him the past, and Grandpa's past can never be separated from Shen Wanhua. Yan Shen is too familiar with the name, but he never dreamed. His grandmother was Shen Wanhua, this unforgettable woman that runs through the life of grandpa.

Yan Shen remembered what Uncle Qiang had said to him this afternoon, and he felt that the world was too funny, too unfair, was he jealous that he was too happy, so this happened, his wife, his son ’s Mother, it turned out ... he didn't want to believe, he needed to calm down, he needed to sort things out.

Ziyi stretched his hands around his neck and leaned into his arms. He was quite skilled in this movement: "What time is it? Did I sleep for a long time?"

Yan Shen's body was a bit stiff, and she said for a long time: "It's five o'clock." He reached out and patted her back: "Get up to eat."

After eating, Chu Yanshen left again, it was the company's business, and then came back in the middle of the night. From this day, Chu Yanshen suddenly became busy, came out early and returned home, developed to the latter two and even did not return.

Ziyi feels that the current situation is very similar to the two during the Cold War last month. The only difference is that the two did not say a word during the Cold War. They talk now, but only if they can meet each other, sometimes for several days. When she met, Chu Yanshen explained to her that the company had a recent merger and acquisition plan, and she couldn't understand them. The only thing he understood was that he was too busy to accompany her.

Son-in-law asked Qiao Yun to come out to eat, and the father and son were killed next month. A literary film was filmed for half a year, which was really slow. Fortunately, it was almost finished, so Qiao Yun had time to come out.

Looking at the woman on the opposite side, Qiao Yun had to sigh that a man could completely transform a woman. The original crippled daughter-in-law and the fashionable and beautiful woman in front of her were almost like two people, even if she had a little sadness between her brows. The child does not hinder her beauty.

Chu Yanshen has made Ziyi a real beauty, but she has nothing to worry about: "Hey, Ziyi, if you're still worried like this, other women should be hung up. The big boss Chu's affection, but now Everyone knows that he runs home every day at work, and the entertainment is almost pushed. Every time the gossip tabloid follows, the photos taken are you Mrs. Chu, enough to see how big boss Chu loves you. "

is it? To be honest, Ziyi was a little skeptical. She felt the same a few days ago. She felt that he loved himself and he loved him. Their fate began by accident, but ended with happiness. I have to wonder, if he loves himself, why not go home these days.

Ziyi also learned today that he is not busy. He has lived in Mingzhu Garden these days. She did something particularly uninteresting today. She followed him and looked at him secretly outside the company and watched him come out. Watching him enter the Pearl Garden, watching the lights on the top floor shine, she still did not give up, she could not go up to see it with her own eyes, and asked herself, but she did not have the courage, she was still an ostrich after all, even asking him I dare not.

Qiao Yun looked at her for a while and tried, "What? Arguing?"

Ziyi shook her head. If the quarrel was fine, at least she knew what went wrong, and now the situation is that she doesn't know anything, only that he is tired of himself and doesn't want to see himself.

Qiao Yun said, "Zi, husband and wife need trust, and they are sometimes suspected to be the biggest killer of marriage."

Ziyu said, "He doesn't go home much these days. I thought he was busy, and he told me so, but until today I found out that he was not busy, just didn't want to go home, maybe didn't want to see me, I didn't even Know where we went wrong. "

Qiao Yun thought about it, "Maybe he has something bad to tell you, you need to think about it, that's why. Sometimes men need to be alone and digest something, but soon they will come back when they figure it out. If there is no other woman, I suggest you give him some time. "

After talking to Qiao Yun, back to the villa, Ziyi found that the man who hadn't seen these days came back, where he stood waiting for her, opened her arms and told her, "Wife, I love you, I love you very much, in order to love you, I'm not afraid of anything, really, really ... "

That night they were very intense, more intense than ever before.

September is almost over. Professor Zheng called Ziyi and asked her how she was thinking. When Professor Zheng called, Ziyi was sitting in a chair outside the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department. The doctor just told her Message: "You are pregnant, seven weeks ..."