MTL - You Agreed To Fight Mechas, But Your Body Exploded Into Stars?-Chapter 55 In what era are you still in the tradition of going downstairs?

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Chapter 55 What age is it? Still going downstairs in tradition

  【Current Location: Mutation Star】

  【Level: One】

  【Difficulty: Normal】

  【Mission: Within five hours, kill the leader: Evolver. 】

  【Description: A virus brought by an extraterrestrial meteorite destroyed the empire, civilization, and everything in ruins within three days.

 Under this hotbed of mutated creatures, roots continue to grow, absorbing the power of the planet...

 Conceives Him. 】

 【Warm reminder: Explore freely and you can escape from the abyss at any time (it takes one minute to prepare). 】

 In the deep starry sky, stars can only emit faint light.

Within the scope of the light, traces of emerald green can be seen on the surface of a light green planet.

 Getting closer, you can see that these traces are huge green vines that have taken root on the planet, pushing out the land and creating deep rifts.

These rifts are like scars on the planet, turning it into a cracked stone ball.

 It seems like it will break if touched.

Jiang Chen’s perspective fell rapidly from outside the planet.

 A moment later, he synchronized with the Yuanchu mecha that appeared in the rift and landed on the roof of the city covered by vines.

“This is indeed the same planet scene as the mutated ruins of the basic trial.”

 “However, it doesn’t seem to be at the same time.”

Jiang Chen stood on the top of the building and quickly looked down.

 The degree of greening in the city is obviously higher than that in the Ruins of Mutation, almost turning into a sea of ​​green.

The thousand-meter-high building not far away is completely wrapped in vines, like a giant tree with vines exceeding one thousand meters.

 Wherever he glanced, there were no skinny low-level mutants.

Rather, they are strange creatures that are half flesh and half plant, wandering on the ground.

 An external scanning device mounted on the head to mark and give information.

  【Mutation Fusioner】

  【Level: one】

  【Attributes: Strength 40, Agility 40, Defense 30, Mystery 0. 】

  【Characteristics: Within the mutation star, the mutants are gradually eroded by the roots, resulting in the mutant fusion monsters that are more powerful than the zero level, but still weak.

  Relying on the habit of group action can bring certain threats. 】

  【Weakness: Flame. 】

  【Evaluation: Be careful to carry a range weapon, as too many ants can kill an elephant. 】

 The ordinary first-level shadows of the past, the mobs that can be seen everywhere, have higher attributes than Master Luo from the zero-level nightmare.

 Considering that after the mecha is upgraded, all the modules it carries will be absorbed and follow the mecha to upgrade to the corresponding level.

 Even if it is an ordinary quality Type Zero mecha, it only needs to be fully strengthened and fully equipped with modules.

 After upgrading, you can have at least about 70 main attributes.

 Destroying these lowest level monsters is no problem at all.

“The Abyss dungeon of normal difficulty is only recommended for ordinary mecha masters who have completed module loading, mecha strengthening, and have temporarily reached the peak of their strength.”

“As long as an ordinary mecha master is willing to put in the time, study the blueprints of the big guys, pile up materials and modules bit by bit...”

“There is also a high probability that a mecha of excellent quality can be sublimated.”

“Considering that the modules and enhancements of the first-level mecha are improved, they are based on the absorption of the zero-level modules.”

“The improvement will not be as exaggerated as the zeroth order.”

“This kind of excellent quality mecha, after reaching the peak of the first level, its main attributes will be around 200.”

Jiang Chen calculated the values ​​in his mind.

 His choice of the mutation star of normal difficulty was naturally not chosen casually.

 Zero has not been strengthened at present. Even if it is of excellent quality, its attributes are slightly lower than the normal difficulty level requirements.

 However, considering the recovery bonus of the overclocking module, the superior quality sublimation module, and the weapon master trait bonus of Jiang Chen.

 It shouldn’t be a problem to clear the level on normal difficulty.

 You can not only test the water temperature, but also help find the correct position and develop your confidence. Anyway, it doesn’t take more than a few hours to clear a wave of dungeons.

Secondly, Zero’s advancement path is originally an extension of the [Root Core] module of the Mutation Star.

 Hence, the type of modules produced by Mutation Star is naturally suitable for Zero’s next advancement.

 At least make one that is easy to use.


Jiang Chen is still observing, but the abyss monster can’t wait any longer.

 A half-plant mutated fusion monster noticed the existence of the purple-white giant, opened its large mouth filled with emerald green roots, and emitted sound waves that ordinary people could not hear.

 The ripples spread quickly, and even the leaves of the vines covering the ground reversed their direction.

 The veins on the surface gather together and seem to turn into eyes, observing the purple and white giant.

At the same time, vines grew rapidly behind the mutated fusion monsters, intertwined into emerald green fiber wings, and began to dance and fly.

 Just three or four breaths of time.

 The sky is almost covered with emerald green.

Countless green-winged monsters rushed towards the purple-and-white giant!

“How can I live with you like this?”

Jiang Chen looked at the overwhelming green-winged monsters, controlled the Yuanchu mecha, and raised his right hand.

 The ancestor of fire, the Great Yan Emperor!

Green-blue high-temperature flames spurted out from the right hand of the Yuanchu Mecha, turning into raging rings of fire and spreading in all directions!

Although the Son of Fire module absorbed by Jiang Chen has attributes at level zero.

 But after six times of strengthening, the power of the flame is close to that of the first-order module.

Coupled with the surging physical strength that Jiang Chen had accumulated, which was comparable to a first-order mecha, almost all of it was released at this time.

When these green-winged monsters came into contact with the ring of fire, they were immediately covered and ignited, struggling and wailing, and quickly turned into ashes.

The flames spread into the distance, and a wave of explosions directly cleared a large area of ​​the sky!

The surging aura of the abyss gathered together and poured into the abyss pattern.

 The level-up energy increased sharply.

 Only three of the first-level ordinary materials were produced.

“With so many monsters, only three ordinary materials were produced...”

“The drop rate on normal difficulty is still as **** as ever.”

Jiang Chen complained in his heart.

The explosion just now, although it looked cool, consumed almost all of his energy and made his body feel a little weak.

 An ordinary mecha master would have already started reading the message and escaped from the abyss.


Jiang Chen exhausted all his energy, what does it have to do with Zero?

The legs of the purple-white giant detached from the roof and floated, its body slightly curled up.

 The next moment, the force field takes effect and the air waves spread.

He broke through the sound barrier almost instantly, turned into a meteor, and rushed straight towards the tallest "giant tree" in Genman City.

 There is no dodge or deflection along the way.

 Monsters, vines, and buildings blocking the way were forcibly penetrated and broken—

 Even the "giant tree" is the same.

When the purple-white giant hits the surface of the vine, even if the vine itself is extremely tough, there is no way to stop his forward momentum.

As the impact spread, the interior of the building has been eroded, and the root system that replaced the metal material supporting the high-rise building quickly broke.

When the purple and white giant penetrated the building, it did not fly too far, slowed down and stopped in the air, turned around and looked back.

I saw a giant tree with more than a thousand meters of vines. Due to its location near the bottom, a huge hole was torn out, and it could no longer support the weight on it.

 It shook twice and slowly collapsed!


 Slurry splashed and smoke spread.

Jiang Chen looked at this scene, like a child who had pushed down the blocks. His desire for destruction was satisfied, and he felt relieved.

Last time he had to run down the stairs little by little.


 In what age are you still going downstairs in the traditional way?

 (End of this chapter)