MTL - You Agreed To Fight Mechas, But Your Body Exploded Into Stars?-Chapter 42 He really cares about me!

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 Chapter 42 He really cares about me!

 The development and practice of extraordinary abilities cannot be completed in a moment.

 Furthermore, the core of the mecha master's strength is always the mecha.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to learn the cultivation method. He first summoned the repaired Type Zero mecha and said to Laila.

 “It should have woken up now, you can try to feel it again.”

Laila nodded, stretched out her right hand, and touched the purple-white mecha in front of her with her fingertips.


Like a baby being born, the mecha gave birth to the germ of consciousness from the moment it was summoned.

 A bud is a bud, chaos, confusion...

 It’s like a blank sheet of paper, empty, waiting to be painted on.

Until a certain moment, the deepest pain reaches the deepest pain, causing consciousness to fall into coma, but it also breaks through the chaos.

 The concepts of "brokenness", "pain" and "death" gradually sprouted.

When consciousness wakes up again, it begins to instinctively crave strength and does not want to experience that kind of pain again.

 It makes a longing sound to the closest and most attached existence.

The other party seemed to understand its desire, gave it strength, and made it become stronger quickly.

Even, it has the power to heal itself, and it seems that it no longer needs to fall into such painful brokenness and death.

 It happily absorbs these powers, happily protects that being, and helps him deal with enemies.


 Brokenness comes again.

It doesn’t understand why it has fallen into a broken state again after it has absorbed so much power.

 Fortunately, the Being did not give up on it.

Not only did he completely repair it, but he also brought a lot of wonderful materials to let people strengthen its power.

It strives to cooperate with the strengthened person and greedily absorbs every nutrient.

 It can feel that it has become extremely powerful and can definitely protect that being!

 It broke again.

 The third time I was broken, the pain was no longer so intense, but the frustration became stronger and stronger.

It is obviously your mecha, why is it always breaking?

 Fortunately, the master repaired it with his own hands and told it that he wanted to fight with it and let it catch up with the master's pace...

 This is very difficult, adults are getting stronger and stronger.

However, it will definitely work hard!

 It was broken into pieces.

The enemy was so powerful that it couldn't even survive for a moment, which was really embarrassing.

  However, my lord has defeated the enemy and received the due reward. Everything is worth it.

Moreover, your Excellency also told it the story of the Phoenix’s Nirvana today.

 Brokenness is not the end, nor will it break a person, but it will make it stronger.

 Adults will also help it become stronger.

 It will definitely catch up with adults!

 It was broken.


 Incomparably complex emotions flow from your fingertips to the bottom of your heart.

Laila had no way of knowing Zero’s experience, but she felt emotions such as “tenacity”, “attachment”, “admiration”, and “struggle”.

These emotions were rich and passionate, almost making her think that she was facing a living creature rather than a mecha.

Jiang Chen was on the side, looking at her expectantly.

 “Feel zero?”

 “How is it? Is it sad? Is it sad?”

 “Help me tell Zero not to be sad about what happened before—”

"Although it was broken, it also successfully saved a mecha pilot. This is definitely not a failure..."

  【Wow, that's great, adults really care about my feelings! 】

  【But, it doesn't matter, I won't be defeated because of these little things! 】

  【I will definitely try my best to follow you, sir! 】

 When Jiang Chen spoke.

The emotion of the machine soul that Laila felt suddenly became more than ten times stronger.

 But she is not very old after all, and her level of development of extraordinary abilities is not high.

Just like the [Source of Life] trait, you can only feel the emotions of the machine soul. There is no way to hear the "heartbeat" of the machine soul like the best traits.

 Hence, there is a certain error. She thought about it for a moment and then spoke.

 “It’s not sad at all, but rather...happy?”

 “There are also emotions such as unyielding and admiration...”


Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

 The mecha is completely shattered, and the machine soul will be knocked unconscious directly.

Even Bai Ying said that this process is very painful.

 As a result, after Zero was broken, not only did he not suffer much, but he was extremely happy?

Jiang Chen lives in Bengbu.

 Bai Ying is naturally stupid, but Ling is not a jerk, right?

 Wait a minute, I named you Zero because you are my first mecha. There is no other meaning at all!

However, Machine Soul’s character has already taken shape.

 Instead of forcibly turning it around, it is better to continue to guide it and let it go on a suitable and strong path.

For example, shaking the M can also lead to perseverance and enjoyment of pain...

It also seems to be quite suitable for a life mecha with strong recovery ability and immortality...

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment and decided to respect and give blessings.

"fair enough."

“Zero, do you still remember the story of the phoenix I told you?”

“The process of nirvana and growth is inevitably hurt and painful. You can regard pain as happiness and enjoy pain.”

 “Then nothing will be able to break you.”

“You will eventually become stronger and can face all enemies calmly.”

“Although you have not yet ascended, everything you have experienced will become nutrients for your growth...”

Jiang Chen looked at the purple and white mecha in front of him and said seriously.

“Zero, are you willing to stay by my side and continue to fight with me no matter how many times you are defeated?”

  【zero willing! 】

  【As long as you don’t give up on Zero, Zero will always be by your side! 】

  【Zero will work hard to enjoy the pain! 】

 Layla felt the machine soul's emotions and gave a concise summary.

 “It is willing.”

Jiang Chen also smiled.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the purple-white mecha, thinking silently in his mind.

 Zero mecha, combined!

The purple-white mecha was instantly scattered into countless parts, but it was not broken, but was connected together by purple roots.

The next moment, the roots wrapped around Jiang Chen, and Bai Yan suddenly closed up and transformed into a complete mecha again.

Laila was standing aside, watching this scene with envy.

 The mecha Lord Apocalypse wears is not only gorgeous in appearance, but also spiritual.

It would be great if her steam mecha could be so handsome...


 Completed the communication with the machine soul, Jiang Chen was completely relieved.

Now you don’t have to worry about the machine soul being broken due to too many pieces.

 Of course, communication must continue.

In these ten days, I will use Laila's ability to communicate more with the machine soul, gain favor, and improve my bond to facilitate the sublimation of the mecha.

Whether it’s a Pokémon or a Digimon, bond evolution is always the most powerful, right?

 The next step is to practice and control extraordinary abilities.

Jiang Chen followed the tuxedo gentleman's method and tried to develop the abilities of the Son of Fire.

 The effect is quite gratifying.

 Although the time is too short, the power has not changed much.

 However, Jiang Chen's ability to control the Son of Fire's abilities has been greatly improved.

 Originally, only the simplest operations such as flame attachment, flame emission, flame extinguishing, and flame gathering can be performed.

 Now, flames can be transformed into various forms.

 Whether it’s fire balls, fire snakes, or even small fire rains, you can catch them all at your fingertips.

Although Son of Fire is only a transitional ability.

But it also proved that the mecha module absorbed by Jiang Chen was truly transformed into his ability, rather than a simple bonus.

  After all, it is absolutely impossible to improve module capabilities through practice on a mecha!

 (End of this chapter)