MTL - You Agreed To Fight Mechas, But Your Body Exploded Into Stars?-Chapter 153 I can't hold on much longer

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Chapter 153 I can’t hold on much longer

 “Despicable ants!”

 The waves of anger spread.

The wings vibrated and the storm rolled up, forcing the Yuanchu mecha to fly away.

Under the flash of thunder, a black shadow rose from the ground, surrounded by countless rubbles, and stayed in the storm, showing a majestic figure.

This ancient feathered demon looks like a combination of a lizard and a bird. It has the body and wings of an eagle, but its neck extends to form a dinosaur-like lizard head.

His body is no larger than the original Dragon God, but his life energy is much richer.

Most importantly, he obviously has a lot of experience fighting warcasters.

After getting out of the control of the Yuanchu mecha, he just cursed for not practicing martial ethics, and immediately launched an attack without any pause.

 When the Ancient Feather Demon **** its wings, it instantly stirs up countless strong winds.

 They rotate rapidly, forming tornado hurricanes that cover the entire land.

Coupled with the sharp feathers mixed in these tornado hurricanes, they are like a meat grinder, destroying everything involved in it!

                                ) by

 One of the classic moves of the Ancient Feather Demon, with extremely high damage.

The most important thing is that this move is a super wide-range attack and is the most restrained against speed-type enemies. It can effectively avoid the embarrassing scene of the attack failing.

 Obviously, the Yuanchu mecha used its built-in ion thruster to achieve high-speed assault.

The ancient feather demon mistakenly believed that the Yuanchu mecha was a speed-type mecha.

 In fact?

 In the state of machine soul fusion, the basic attributes of the Yuanchu mecha were forcibly upgraded by two levels, soaring to an astonishing 1.42 million power sensitivity and 1.54 million defense!

 During this process, Zero, as a machine soul, endured an excessive amount of life energy and entered a semi-conscious state with eyes rolled.

 So, the Yuanchu mecha is actually a coma type mecha.

 Under normal circumstances, the duration of the coma-type mecha is extremely short.

Such an exaggerated attribute gap, even if Zero is very resilient, will last for at most twenty seconds before he will completely fall into coma and cancel the machine-soul fusion.

 However, during the precipitation process these days.

While Jiang Chen improved his strength, he used the Dominator as a test puppet and practiced many new routines and abilities.

for example…

  【Time-slow fusion】

This is a new skill created by Jiang Chen using the two special attributes of the Soul of Machinery and the Power of Time.

First: Although the fifth-level time power is not enough for Jiang Chen to learn the large-scale time-stopping ability similar to Bai Ying's, he has not yet developed any time-based moves.

 However, you can use the [Quick Action] module as the basic principle.

 Change the speed at which the power of time passes through your own body to achieve the effect.

 One is the slowing effect, which uses the power of time to reduce one's own aging speed, thinking speed, action speed and other things.

 Most of them are negative BUFFs, which grow very quickly and can be reduced to one-tenth.

  Named it [time to stop myself].

 The second is the acceleration effect, which uses the power of time to increase one's own aging speed, thinking speed, action speed, recovery speed, etc.

This gain effect has now reached the maximum four times growth rate.

 This is growth in the power of time.

 Second: The effect of machine soul fusion is essentially to enter a state of communication with a high degree of compatibility, thereby achieving 100% synchronized resonance and completing the infusion of life force.

Jiang Chen used this synchronization process to successfully apply the effect of his time ability on the machine soul.

 Successfully turned the negative state of slowing into a positive state!

 Although Zero was unable to bear the infusion of huge life energy, he gradually fell into a coma.

 But because of Jiang Chen's slowing effect, her coma speed was reduced by ten times.

 Transformation is equivalent to increasing the duration of machine soul fusion by ten times!

 Success is increased from twenty seconds to two hundred seconds.

 For a fifth-level battle, the duration of two hundred seconds is really too long.

Jiang Chen pilots the Yuanchu mecha, and with the flying speed provided by the main body, he can easily deal with and fight the ancient feather demon!

 As for the intensity of the storm summoned by the Ancient Feather Demon, its power exceeds three million.

 Can easily penetrate the defense of Yuanchu mecha...

What does it matter?

Defense is only part of the Yuanchu Mecha.

As a life-type mecha, with Jiang Chen's blessing, the Yuanchu mecha not only has an extremely thick armor, but its recovery speed is also extremely exaggerated.

 Although under the sweep of the storm, the roots and vines that make up the body are constantly breaking and shattering.

 But it is also reshaping and growing every moment.

 At this injury rate, it is not a problem to persist for 200 seconds.

Although Zero was slowed down ten times, with the bonus of agility, he could still barely keep up with the speed of the battle.

  She felt the fighting situation and couldn't help but feel happy.

  【Big miscellaneous fish, why are you so weak! 】

  【Have you eaten or not? You haven't even turned on the defense mode yet, so you can't scratch anymore? 】

Secondly, after many times of precipitation, the thorns of fifth-level strength finally showed their gold content as a sublimation module.

Three times the strength of level 5 thorns, the basic stabbing power alone has reached three million!

 The Yuanchu mecha can share 50%, which is 1.5 million in power!

Although this intensity is far from comparable to the intensity of the storm...

 But correspondingly, the defense power and recovery speed of the Ancient Feather Demon are impossible to match those of the Yuanchu Mecha.

 As a legendary lord with a strength of three million, his main attributes focus on speed, burst, skills, damage, and output.

 The actual defense attributes are not as high as those of the Yuanchu Mecha.

 Hence, Jiang Chen did not activate [Rock Stance].

 Instead, he directly drove the Yuanchu mecha and used the high-speed action provided by the ion thruster to directly catch up with the ancient feather demon.

Hold up a fist of thorns as big as a grain of rice and hit Him **** the head.

 Eyeballs, mouth and tongue, nostrils, ears…

 Since it is small in size, attack the weak points.

 With the help of strength and the power of thorns, he successfully caused considerable damage to the ancient feather demon.

 Blood spurted out, eyeballs were broken, and teeth were smashed.

 Not only did Zero become more and more excited as he played.

Yun, who was watching the battle in Jiang Chen's body, couldn't help but wave his fist to cheer.

  【That's right, General Zero, that's it! 】

   【Poke His eyes, pick His nostrils, pick out His tongue, and defeat Him severely! 】

 At this time, Zero's response speed appears to be slower due to the slowing effect.

  【I don’t know how to solve this problem, I am too weak...】

 “Wait, zero, forget about the door.”

Jiang Chen’s thoughts moved slightly and he interrupted Ling’s words.

 Such a big enemy, even if it wants to attack the body, it can still enter the brain through the ears.

 Although attacking the internal organs through the back door is effective, it is a bit disgusting even when wearing a mecha.

  【Well, since the adults have said it, let me let you go! 】

 While Jiang Chen was fighting, he was having a tea party with the machine soul.

The ancient feather demon finally couldn't stand this humiliation.

He could not escape the pursuit of the Yuanchu mecha. His angry thoughts were conveyed, his wings violently vibrated, and he rushed into the eye of the storm not far away.

At this moment, all the natural energy in the eye of the storm was converted into raw energy and poured into the body of the ancient feather demon.

His body began to undergo changes, and his aura gradually increased.

 “Changed the stage?”

Jiang Chen saw this and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

 “Who doesn’t know how to change stages?”

 “Zero, are you ready?”

  【Ready, sir, let's get started! 】

  With Zero's cheering voice.

 Inside the Yuanchu mecha, Jiang Chen, who was wrapped by countless vines, did not leave the mecha.

Instead, the overload mode is directly turned on, and with the help of the mimetic bacteria, the body size begins to gradually expand.

 One and eight meters, two meters, three meters, five meters, seven meters...

 Here comes the problem.

 What will happen if the body size exceeds the size of the mecha and you wear the mecha?

 【Ah, filled up by adults...】

The root mecha, which was originally only five meters in size, was stretched by the giant inside.

  However, because the Yuanchu mecha is itself a biological mecha composed of root fibers, it has the corresponding deformation ability. Therefore, the mecha itself did not break, but followed the giant to adapt and change.

 It’s just like the [Zero Exoskeleton] back then.

Now the Yuanchu Mecha has turned into a thin [Rootman Battle Clothes] again, wrapped around the giant's body.

 When the [Mecha] becomes a [Battle Suit] again.

As the pilot inside the suit, Jiang Chen can finally truly use the power of his body to participate in the battle!

simply speaking:

 【Strength stacking (the body can use strength, combined with the bonus of the suit)】

  【Agility remains unchanged (from the beginning, it uses the biological force field and thrusters of the main body to fly)】

  【Defense remains unchanged (the body is the body, the battle clothes are the battle clothes)】

 “The pendant is going to start beating people.”

Jiang Chen felt the root-vine battle clothes covering his skin, grinned and clenched his fists.

 Zero felt the fullness in his body, and while rolling his eyes, he felt extremely satisfied.

came back.

 They are all back.

 She could finally be filled with adults and fight together with them as she had done in the beginning.

 The difference from the original is...

 She used to have insufficient defense and low armor value. If you use a little strength, she will be completely broken.

 Now, she is in harmony with the adults and can withstand more power.

 She loves adults the most.

 Her voice sounded slowly.

  【Zero, restrictions lifted! 】

  【Combined stage, open! 】

 This is a unique model for zero!

At this time, the ancient feathered demon had just absorbed the power of the storm and completed its transformation.

Before he could roar, the ten-meter machine appeared in front of him and hit him on the head with a heavy punch.

  Bang! !

Huge air waves spread, and even the storm became calm.

The ancient feathered demon was hit by a punch and smashed into the ground, causing a large-scale earthquake!

 He was confused and at the same time felt unable to understand.

 Why did He become even more invincible when He started to explode?


 Far away, the eye of the storm.

 One mecha suppresses the storm, one mecha controls the sword body, and one mecha releases missiles.

The three mechas cooperated with each other to clean up the incoming descendants of the Feather Demon, and quickly dealt with the Eye of the Storm.

 As a gathering place of storm energy, the eye of the storm has no entity.

 If you want to calm it down, you must use special methods and deal with it for a long time.

 This process takes about a few minutes.

 It doesn’t seem to take long, but both the Storm Feather Demon and the Ancient Feather Demon will take action to stop it.

 If He interferes, not only will the process be greatly lengthened.

 He can also borrow the power of the Eye of the Storm to attack the mecha master and even gain strength.

Therefore, how to attract the hatred of the ancient feather demon and prevent him from preventing the mecha master from destroying the Eye of the Storm has become a huge problem for this legendary shadow—

 After all, the Ancient Feather Demon is not a fool.

Even if the mecha master delays in the past, he will quickly break away from the battle and rush to stop it if he senses the changes in the eye of the storm.

Lan Yi and the other three mecha masters were originally worried about whether Jiang Chen could hold back the ancient feather demon.

 They have suppressed the Eye of the Storm for a full minute now.

There is no sign of the ancient feathered demon appearing at all.

This made them relieved and happy.

“The captain this time is really strong.”

“Although it is the first generation of a new civilization, the second level can possess this kind of strength. It has already caught up with many hopeful people of the fifth level civilization, right?”

“It seems that a new civilization will arise in the purgatory layer…”

Qing and Jian, the two mecha masters, couldn't help but sigh.

Lan Yi was more concerned about the war situation.

 He used the communication device to open the team communication and report.

“Captain, we have begun to suppress the Eye of the Storm. It is estimated that in one and a half minutes, we will be able to eliminate the first Eye of the Storm and reduce the power of the Feather Demon.”

 “How is the situation over there?”

 The team communication went silent for a moment.

Jiang Chen’s voice was heard.

  …Oh, I’m fine here.”

The sound seemed a bit noisy, as if there was some kind of interference.

  Lan Yi and the other three mecha masters listened carefully.

 You can hear the sounds of heavy blows, collisions, and bombardments coming from the channel, as well as the angry and shrill screams of the feather demon.

 The war situation is very anxious.

That’s right. Under normal circumstances, the Ancient Feather Demon can walk if he wants to, and it’s extremely fast.

 In order to hold Him back, the captain must have paid a heavy price.

Lan Yi and the other three looked at each other and asked immediately.

"Captain, our situation is not bad here, we have extra manpower..."

“How long can you hold on over there? Do you need help?”

 The sound of fighting on the other side of the channel stopped for a moment.

Jiang Chen’s voice came over.

“…I can’t hold on for much longer, so there’s no need.”

What? !

 Lan Yi and the others' breathing was stagnant.

 They originally thought that the captain would be able to delay it for some more time...

Unexpectedly, the captain was almost unable to hold on and did not even ask for support.

  Could it be that the battle situation on the captain's side has reached a life-and-death moment, and are you planning to give up the challenge and escape from the abyss?

 If this is the case...

Then the three of them must get out of the abyss as soon as possible.

 Otherwise, you will be chased by the ancient feathered demon that is coming over later, which is very dangerous!

"team leader…"

 The three of them looked at each other and were about to speak and ask.

 Suddenly, the storm stopped, and many feathered demons screamed and fled in all directions.

 The aura of the abyss evolved into words before my eyes.

  【Successfully kill the lord and complete the legendary goal. 】

 【Number of people cleared: four】

  【Lord Strength: Five】

 【Calling rewards based on known information...】


  【The settlement is completed and you will be out of the abyss in one minute. 】

The settlement interface appeared in front of them, blocking the words that the three of them had reached their mouths.

Jiang Chen’s voice came from the channel.


“Originally I wanted to delay him for a little longer, but I accidentally got him high and beat him to death.”

“By the way, what did you want to say just now?”


It turns out that when you said you can’t hold on for long, it’s because the Ancient Feather Demon can’t hold on for long!

Qing and Jian opened their mouths, as if their mouths were blocked and they couldn't say a word.

Lan Yi, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment and spoke quickly.

"Team... Boss, which one are you going to fight next time? When will the group start? Are there any positions in the team?"

 “Let me cheer for Thief Six.”

 (End of this chapter)