MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 629 Mind Mage Hua Rongyue ()

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"Cheat...what?" Shen Qinglan beside her was a little stunned.

When she heard Hua Rongyue say this sentence in a plain tone, she felt strange in her heart.

"Hua Mian" looked at Hua Rongyue, and when he heard Hua Rongyue's words, the wine in his hand had already been put down.

Hua Rongyue closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened it again, she glanced at the group of people beside her.

The people standing there are all wearing black night clothes, and everyone has a cold murderous aura, which has been hidden in the darkness since just now.

This group of people does not have a high sense of existence when they are not seen, but once they are seen, everyone's attention is focused on this group of people.

"That's...the people from Tianyi Building."

The person headed by him glanced at Hua Rongyue, Hua Rongyue nodded slightly to him, he immediately turned around, and disappeared upstairs with the people around him.

The speed of this group of people is very fast, like a group of shadows hidden in the darkness, they melt into the darkness in an instant.

People followed the people in Tianyi Building, as if they were going to stop them.

Those people at Six Doors know that Hua Rongyue has always been a fake Yi Linglong, but his fake Yi Linglong has always been empty.

You know, maybe people in other places are unfamiliar with Yi Linglong, but for Tianyilou, Yi Linglong is almost the person who gets along with them day and night. For such a person , how could they not recognize his face?

At this moment, this group of talents suddenly noticed something strange.

For example, why Hua Rongyue doesn't look like Yi Linglong in the eyes of outsiders, but after that adult took a look, she was firmly chosen to be the new Yi Linglong.

For another example, Mingming Hua Rongyue has never been very strong in everyone's eyes, and even said that his personality is very different, but there has been no one in the rivers and lakes refuting that he is not This matter of Yi Linglong.

"I lied to you a lot." Hua Rongyue said again indifferently.

"At that time, I said that I would not come for a while, but it was actually because I went to contact someone from a certain organization."

Hua Rongyue said this in a very calm tone.

"When was that? Oh, yes... one day when I was done."

In fact, the duller Hua Rongyue's tone of voice is now, the more bizarre it will make the people listening to Six Doors, especially those who have worked with him.

They don't think that Hua Rongyue will easily tell others about his mission at Six Doors, because Hua Rongyue is a person who abides by the confidentiality rules of Six Doors. Things have always been cautious.

But now he said it so lightly.

"Actually, the person in charge of that organization was still in contact with you at that time." Hua Rongyue suddenly said again, "And you have always considered them to be your allies, I have to say, Hua Rongyue There are many allies under the ship, but have you ever thought about what will happen if they don't agree to ally with you, or betray you behind your back?"

"Oh, yes, you don't need to think about it at all, because you don't want to think about these things at all."

Hua Rongyue said lightly.

Jiang Lianhuan, who was hiding in the crowd, touched his nose uncomfortably.

Although Hua Rongyue didn't say his name, he somehow felt like he was shot.

After listening to Hua Rongyue's words, the people on the flower boat next to them had obvious expressions on their faces. They could hear what Hua Rongyue meant - there were traitors among them.

But there are too many people under Huachuan. They just listen to Hua Rongyue's words, and they can't figure out who the traitor is.

"You must be very curious now, right?" Hua Rongyue said with a smile. "If that's the case, then guess who betrayed you?"

Half of what he said was hidden and half of what he said. For the time being, let's not talk about what the Huachuan people would think when they heard this, and just talk about other people. Even they felt a little heartbroken after hearing this sentence cold.

Huachuan has been annexing for so long, and some smaller organizations around it have automatically surrendered to Huachuan because of the strength of Huachuan. Where can I find that organization?

"If you think I'm lying, then you don't have to care what I say."

"But if you think I'm telling the truth...then there are people around you, including those who came to help you tonight, who will be loyal to you, and Who would stab you in the back?"

Hua Rongyue suddenly raised her head and said to Hua Mian with a smile.

Tang Liurui in the crowd shuddered suddenly, she once again recalled the horror when she discovered the terrible thing about Hua Rongyue, and the group of people around her It was the first time I discovered it, and everyone's face gradually showed an incredible look.

Hua Rongyue's expression has gradually changed.

Her eyes gradually changed from warm to aggressive, and the murderous aura on her body has gradually become stronger, and even her temperament has become unstable.

In the past, many people from Six Doors saw Hua Rongyue disguised as Yi Linglong.

At that time, they often sighed that Hua Rongyue was a good-looking person, but his temper was too soft, so he had never been able to make his career at Six Doors.

Some people have ridiculed Hua Rongyue in private, he said that Hua Rongyue has to be a little bit nasty and temperament these days, you look like Jiang Lianhuan, an annoying person With such a high sense of existence at Six Doors, it has always been smooth sailing until people are gone. An honest character like Hua Rongyue is almost just a part of being bullied forever.

"It's only when you play Yi Linglong that people suddenly think that you are quite handsome for a moment. The man in Rongyue said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if this goes on, none of the new female arresters here will be able to like you."

Hua Rongyue just smiled gently and didn't say much.

"Hey...I tell you, in fact, the people in your eyes are very popular, look at that Yun Jinfei." The man secretly came to Hua Rongyue's ear and said, "Originally he It's not the real Yun Jinfei, but after she went crazy, she regarded herself as Yun Jinfei, and used Yun Jinfei's tone to talk to others every day, but she actually attracted a lot of women's likes. Learning Yi Linglong?"

"Why should I imitate him?" Hua Rongyue stared at him and said in confusion, "He is not a good person, but a wanted criminal."

The tone of Hua Rongyue's words at that time was quite sincere, which made the man stunned for a long time, and finally he could only give Hua Rongyue a blank look and said, "Oh, forget it, you It's really hard to talk, you just continue to be stupid like this."

... The person who once teased Hua Rongyue is here today. He looked at Hua Rongyue, who was completely different from what he remembered. Unconsciously, his hands trembled.

He looked at the person next to him again, and stepped back cautiously, and even almost wanted to turn around and leave.

"Hua Mian won't feel unstable after hearing Hua Rongyue's words?" Jiang Lianhuan frowned and thought.

While he was still thinking, Hua Rongyue suddenly took the initiative to make a move.

Flower face facing Hua Rongyue's move is still like a walk, he didn't even let go of Lin Qiya in his hand, just pulled a hairpin from her head, Then use it to resist Hua Rongyue's sudden blow.

To outsiders, this set of actions is still like flowing water, gorgeous and lethal, sometimes just looking at it will make people feel pleasing to the eye. The top-level shots of flower noodles, even if they spend their entire lives, I am afraid they will not see them a few times.

If there is no accident, this move should be able to perfectly resist Hua Rongyue's move, and can also counterattack him.

Just at this moment, a person standing behind the flower face suddenly moved.

…That is a beautiful woman, with the unique charm of Jiangnan women, she has been standing quietly from the beginning, it seems that like other women, she only has a flower face and a horse head is a saddle.

But when Hua Rongyue shot, she suddenly pulled out the sword from her waist and stabbed at Hua Mian.

"Be careful!"

The people around the flower boat shouted in horror when they saw this scene.

When Hua Rongyue saw the woman draw a sword, a faint smile appeared on her lips. That smile was enough to make everyone who saw it feel chilled, and the woman was watching in Hua Rongyue. She only took out the sword after a glance.

Her expression was extremely calm, as calm as Hua Rongyue had washed her brain.

Others may not see clearly, but Shen Qinglan and Gu Xia, who are standing in front, can see clearly.

The woman pointed her sword at the flower face at first, but in the middle of it she found that the flower face had no flaws, so she immediately turned around and pointed at Lin Qiya next to her.

Hua Mian put all her heart on Hua Rongyue's body, and if the sword was only aimed at him, he would have been able to dodge, but Lin Qiya had no flowers. that ability.

In order to save Lin Qiya, Hua Mian

Just got hurt.

Almost everyone present did not expect that the first betrayal was the woman who had just been standing behind Hua Mian.

Just a second before the blade in the woman's hand slashed at Lin Qiya, she was stopped by Hua Mian, who mercilessly stabbed the hairpin in her hand towards her The chest was directly pierced through.

In an instant, a bright red lotus flower bloomed on the woman's skirt.

She fell down, but her expression was calm, as if she had completed her final task.

Hua Nian raised his hands gently, his hands were white and delicate, just like the hands of a woman, a three-foot-wide wound made it look very shocking .

He was injured trying to block the sword for Lin Qiya.

—This is the only injury that Fancy has suffered so far tonight.

Hua Rongyue slowly raised her head and looked over at Hua Mian. At this moment, the smile on his face was filled with malice and madness.

He was heard whispering to the flower face:

"Did I say I'm good at playing tricks?"

"Huh." A person hidden in the crowd looked at Hua Rongyue and suddenly laughed.

"This guy who always likes to hide himself... For so long, no one has ever discovered his cruelty and disgusting evil taste." The man said with interest, "This time, Is he finally going to play the real thing?"