MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 549 means

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Hua Rongyue picked up a mask from the table, and Tang Liurui followed him out the door.

"Hahaha..." As soon as the two of them came out, they happened to meet the person who made fun of Tang Liurui just now. Tang Liurui was a little angry when she saw him laughing, and she asked, "Why didn't you tell me Hua Zhaotou? over there!"

"Why should I tell you." The man winked at Tang Liurui with a smile, "If I told you, Hua Zhutou might blame me."

Tang Liurui wanted to say more, Hua Rongyue slowly turned from behind her, "Forget it, don't make trouble, the time has come, let's go."

As Hua Rongyue spoke, the people on the opposite side gradually let go of their laughter, and unconsciously gave way to a path, allowing them to walk over.

Tang Liurui looked at Hua Rongyue carefully.

Although the person who made the way just now didn't notice it, the current Hua Rongyue is actually very oppressive, making him involuntarily even when he realizes that this is Hua Rongyue tense up.

In fact, Hua Rongyue's current changes are very exaggerated, and Tang Liurui is also the first time to seriously think about how different Hua Rongyue's current appearance is from his usual.

It can be said that Tang Liurui thinks this change can be called a god, but the strange thing is that the people of Six Doors never seem to notice this.

Even she herself, if not just shocked, seems to have taken this as a normal thing, she never thought how amazing it was.

If the reason is true... Tang Liurui thought, it may be because Hua Rongyue has always been too low-key, he never mentioned it, and never said how difficult it was , so everyone thinks it's very simple.

Hua Rongyue put the mask on her face, covering her face. Tang Liurui found that when Hua Zhoutou covered his face, it seemed to cover up some of his aura.

She looked at Hua Rongyue not far away, and felt that he was the familiar head of Huachao, although he was also playing Yi Linglong, but she has slowed down slightly now, no It happened again that he knew that he was the head of Hua, but he was too scared to move.

Hua Rongyue went out and got into the carriage. After a while, the carriage stopped and another person came up.

"What are you doing here?" Hua Rongyue said with her eyes closed.

"If you don't tell me, your current appearance... looks really like a flower face." The man laughed.

"Not like."

"No, it's very similar." The man laughed, "Maybe you didn't notice it yourself, but since you killed Jiang Lianhuan, it is indeed... more and more like a flower face."

Hua Rongyue did not speak, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him coldly.

"Don't be like this." The man looked at Hua Rongyue's face and smiled, "Just now you were talking and laughing with that little girl, why are you so cold when you come to me? But I have A question I want to ask you..."

"Since you killed Jiang much has your strength improved?"

"You talk too much." After Hua Rongyue said something, she closed her eyes lightly, "Did that man ask you to ask?"

"No, I'm just curious." The man leaned over and smiled.

Hua Rongyue just closed her eyes and did not speak, but the man's face suddenly changed after a few seconds.

He felt that his neck was slightly itchy, as if the paper accidentally cut his finger, leaving a small wound.

The car suddenly fell silent.

The carriage arrived at the location, Hua Rongyue slowly got out of the car, and the man also got out of the car behind him without saying a word.

Tang Liurui glanced over there after hearing the voice, thinking strangely in her heart, isn't this the man who didn't stop her and let her accidentally break into the dressing room?

No wonder he dared to make such a joke, the two of them are in a carriage, does it seem to be a good relationship?

"Excuse me." Zhu Kuai, who was originally stationed here, saw Hua Rongyue and hurried over, "This time things are a bit tricky, if not, we wouldn't specially invite come here."

"It's all right." Hua Rongyue under the mask said with a smile, "Tell me slowly, if there is anything, we will discuss it together."

This is the usual voice of Huazhutou again. Tang Liurui raised her head inexplicably when she heard the voice, glanced at it, and could not help but secretly complained. It's back to the usual way, is this atmosphere specially created for her?

Actually, Hua Rongyue shouldn't be out tonight, but a special thing happened temporarily.

touch, so they still hesitated.

After all, it is the number one lunatic organization in the Jianghu underground, and even vaguely means to become the largest force in the Jianghu. Although the current flower boat is not as big as the Tianyi Building in the previous life, This kind of sign has been noticed by many sensitive people.

Even in the past life, the general hunter would not dare to provoke Tianyilou easily, so after thinking about it, they invited Hua Rongyue to come out.

First, Hua Rongyue's external identity is Yi Linglong, and she is the number one person in Jianghu.

The second reason is more obscure. Hua Rongyue, Yi Linglong's identity is determined by Hua Mian. what to blame.

As the saying goes, some things are settled just like this.

Hua Rongyue followed, and Tang Liurui followed behind the crowd.

When she went to the restaurant, she couldn't help but look up at the catchers here.

"There are really too many people here." The arrester said embarrassedly: "The people above are now telling us that we can't easily let ordinary people know what's going on here, so... we just I dare not let the people here leave..."

Tang Liurui couldn't help showing a trace of sympathy to him after listening to his hard words.

Sometimes the six doors will do some disgusting things, for example, some things are obviously very dangerous, but they still have to be suppressed to prevent angering one party's forces, or it is convenient for the six doors Operate in it…

Tang Liurui also thought this kind of thing was disgusting at first, and then she had to touch it a few times, and then she got used to it.

For example, now, it is the safest way to evacuate the crowd immediately. In order to decorate the peace, Six Doors did not notify other ordinary people living here.

"Hua Zhaitou, you..." Next to them was Zou Kuaiwei, who was with them, looking at Hua Rongyue a little worriedly, Hua Rongyue said lightly: "It's alright...I understand. "

He said, and went to the room that the catcher pointed at just now, and the little catcher who saw him for the first time was amazed by Hua Rongyue's neat and light work. Bundle.

What Tang Liurui was accustomed to thinking about was that it seemed that Huazhaotou had become accustomed to this kind of mess, and she still needed to practice harder...

After Hua Rongyue opened the window, she carefully glanced at the people in the room. She actually wanted to see if the people in the room belonged to the flower boat.


After smelling the smell, these lunatics fainted neatly, but before fainting, they seemed to have killed one person.

Hua Rongyue bypassed the blood stains in the room, frowned slightly, came to the dizzy people, carefully looked at their faces for a while, and then felt Slightly sank.

It seems that… it is indeed a flower boat.

These people are not only flower boat people, there are even several people she is familiar with, but she can't believe that this is something that these people will do voluntarily.

The one who fell to the ground was a young man she knew very well. He was a rare lunatic who could stay awake in the flower boat. He was usually very cheerful, and Hua Rongyue even let him be responsible for some A sober person is responsible for things that never go wrong.

He also travels occasionally on business, Hua Rongyue did not expect to see him here, let alone such a situation.

She observed for a while, and unconsciously cut out a snow-white trace in the palm of her hand. In this situation, I am afraid that the man has shot again. This is not unfamiliar to her. Because that's what he did to the lunatic from the Huashan faction.

Hua Rongyue tried her best to adjust her emotions, then she pretended to be indifferent, came to the window, and made a few gestures at random.

"Hua Zhaotou said it's all right." The people below were all relieved, as was Tang Liurui. The group of them followed.

This is also Hua Rongyue's recent habit. He will instruct his subordinates to do some simple things to gain some experience.

After a while, this room was filled with people from six doors. Tang Liurui looked at the corpse on the ground, frowned slightly, and then walked around quietly.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." The local catcher wiped his sweat, "We'll take these people away right away, so please run for nothing."

"It's fine."

Hua Rongyue said lightly, in fact, she is not running for nothing, these people just want her to contact them first and then they come back, so that they don't have to take responsibility anymore.

Several six-door Xiaochau were carrying people on the ground, Tang Liurui moved slightly away, making way for them to make it easier for people to enter and exit.

She sighed, thinking about the flower boat... What happened recently, why is it getting more and more strange.

Just when she thought so, she suddenly saw a person who was carried away pass by in front of her, and the person who carried the person quickly turned his back to the person, so she couldn't see the face of the lunatic , but she could see clearly.

When the madman passed by her, he suddenly grinned. The smile was exaggerated and disgusting, a very frightening smile.

He opened his **** eyes and looked straight at her.