MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 96 - 97: Nine deaths

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Xin Yun looked at Yan Qingying in disbelief: "So, as long as two years ago, you already have this spider dragon?"

After hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qingying nodded gently and said, "Yes, actually, when I was eight years old, I was very successful in recruiting my own dragon. After three days, it should be two years old. ! "

Speaking of this, Yan Qingying did not pause, and continued: "But I don't want them to know all this. Once they become the killers of the dragons, their last names will be completely annihilated. I don't want to be a butcher."

Although Yan Qingying ’s words are very concise, Xin Yun understands Yan Qingying ’s thoughts. The killer of the dragon family has completely wiped out the last name of the human being, which is no longer a human. The reason why Yan Qingying made such a decision, It must not be taken.

Between thoughts, Xin Yun took a deep breath and said coldly, "Lightness, I didn't hear what you said just now, all I know is that you only summoned your own dragon today. Before that, you were a Does the dragon abandon people, do you understand me? "

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qingying was surprised for a moment, then looked at Xin Yun gratefully, and nodded silently, she was very clear that Xin Yun was for her good. Once the dragon family knew about this, she was It is bound to be destroyed, and no one can be safe after playing the dragon family.

Looking at Yan Qingying in the moonlight, Xin Yun's inner ecstasy made him want to jump up and yell and yell, you know ... Since Yan Qingying has told him all these things, it means that he has initially opened Yan The light heart guarded.

Of course, it is definitely not that easy to open completely. That layer of shell is not formed one day or two days, so it cannot be destroyed one day or two days. It takes time, a long time, but Xin Yun is confident, or early One night, Yan Qingying will be completely open to him.

Xin Yun smiled and said, "Very well, this is unexpected, but ... although you already have your own dragon, you still can't go with us, do you understand?"

Gently nodded, Yan lightly whispered: "I understand, please rest assured, during the time you leave, I will successfully summon my dragon."

Hearing this, Xin Yun laughed and blinked winkingly at Yan Qingyi, but only exchanged a slight smile of Yan Qingyi, but for Xin Yun, it was already a surprise.

Looking at the sky, it's too late. Since Yunyun has to hurry tomorrow, Xin Yun didn't dare to delay too much time, so Xin Yun turned around and looked at Yan Qingying and said, "Well, it's too late. Go to bed early. Although you have summoned your own dragon, you can't let go of cultivation. "

After hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qing nodded lightly and smartly. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun was moved and said, "Yes, where is your dragon now?"

In the face of Xin Yun's inquiry, Yan Qingying didn't mean to conceal it. He said more important things. Why care about such a small thing? Between thoughts ... Yan Qingying said flatly: "The day before yesterday, I just broke through to the silver four stars."

"What! I rely on ..." After hearing Yan Qing's words, Xin Yun was stunned. Why did she suddenly reach the silver four stars? According to the memory of the last life, she should be bronze ten stars right now!

Within a few moments, Xin Yun soon came to his senses, is the bronze ten stars? That's just an external claim, but in fact, can Yan Qingying have no reservations?

Although Xin Yun of the previous life knew a lot about Yan Qingying, what he learned was probably after concealment. No one would be stupid enough to put everything out for everyone to know. That was too stupid.

Looking at Yan Qingyan with admiration, Xin Yun sighed again and again. This guy is too powerful. Is this the quality of the nine masters? In two years, he successfully reached the silver four stars, which is almost like dreaming.

But think about it, the speed of Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang is not too slow, although according to the current situation, it is impossible to rise to four stars in two years, but don't forget that Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang use However, the creation speed of dragon stones above nine grades was originally slow, and Yan Qingying used only six grade dragon stones at most. The speed of cultivation is not surprisingly faster.

Although I really want to see what Yan Yan's light dragon looks like, now it is obviously not the time. In case anyone is found, it will be completely finished. Once known by the magic dragon family, Yan Light is definitely dead. .

After telling Yan to be light and light, he must hide his dragon. In the early morning of the next day, Xin Yun took Yiluo Xiang, who had not fully recovered, and set off again. There were still more than four months before the start of school. In time, you should have time to go to the Stegosaurus Valley to catch an emperor Stegosaurus back.

The emperor stegosaurus is a kind of gold dragon. According to the color, it is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, black, white, and nine types. With different colors, its characteristics are also different. Not the same, abilities are very different. Like the guy who ranked first in the nine masters, he uses the golden stegosaurus, and it is also the rarest, the king of stegosaurus.

The stegosaurus's body is very strange. If you shrink a stegosaurus, it is an unsheathed sword, hilt, guards, sword body, and sheath. .

The stegosaurus also has wings. Actually ... the existence of the beast-like shape of the stegosaurus is his wings. The two spray holes rely on the airflow sprayed from the twelve spray holes to generate the driving force to achieve the flight, which is similar to the octopus in the water.

The power of the stegosaurus is absolutely top-notch, whether it is attack or defense, impeccable, especially the speed of the straight flight is extremely amazing. Under the jet of air, it can be described as fleeting, but the flexible name is relatively poor. Its characteristics are similar to airplanes, with fast straight lines, but turning is cumbersome and awkward.

However, do n’t think that slow-turning attacks are bad. In fact, Stegosaurus's attacks are all-round and cover-type strikes. With its invincible defense, you do n’t need to evade at all, and you can directly bomber remotely. .

Moreover, the turning ability mentioned here is poor and awkward, which is only relative to the straight flight with the stegosaurus. Although the stegosaurus' turn is not as straight as it is, it is definitely more flexible than most dragons, and it is worse than the stegosaurus. Up, most dragons are bulky, just like an aircraft carrier sailing in the water. It is more troublesome and awkward to make a turn.

Relatively speaking, even with the extremely high linear speed and the extremely clever turning ability, probably only Xin Yun's Yinglong is the same. It is not without, but it is rare and the speed is faster than him. Without his dexterity, he is faster than his dexterity.

Because of the powerful ability of Stegosaurus, Stegosaurus Valley has always been one of the Jedi. It is the last of the ten major fields to test the nine masters. As long as it can surpass the Stegosaurus Valley where the emperor stegosaurus lives, It is the nine masters!

In the last life, Xin Yun also tried to break through it once again. Unfortunately, just after breaking into the mouth of the valley less than one thousand meters, Xin Yun was almost blasted into a sieve, and fortunately escaped, but never dared to try again. The horror of the stegosaurus, people who have never tried it are unexpected.

But now, although he knew it would be very dangerous, Xin Yun had no other choice. In order to Yiluoxiang, he had to come here. Know that ... Except for the Emperor Stegosaurus, he couldn't find anything more than Death Salon. The powerful dragon is not non-existent, but not found.

The attack is strong, the defense is strong, the movement is fast, the appearance is gorgeous, everything. In terms of overall quality, this emperor stegosaurus is the most suitable for Yiluo Xiang. Although this trip is extremely dangerous, it is imperative!

Jianlong Valley is a valley in the middle of the valley. The terrain is very peculiar, and it looks like a line of sky. The mountain walls on both sides are not high. Even in the daytime, the light is very dark.

Between the mountain walls soaring into the clouds, there is a wide valley sandwiched between them. On the ground, there are mountains up to several kilometers in height, and Wanlong Valley is in the valley formed by these mountains up to several kilometers.

After two months of rushing, Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang finally rushed to the outside of the valley of the stegosaurus valley. Due to the tight time, the two had a little rest and rushed into the stegosaurus valley. .

The Stegosaurus Valley is very dangerous. Even the nine masters of the year only proved here that they have the ability to die. It is not possible to defeat these stegosaurus. That is simply impossible.

The Stegosaurus Valley is divided into ten layers. The first layer is where the weakest stepless stegosaurus is located. Above the ground, when viewed from a distance, a rolling hill is filled with various and strangely shaped swords. These swords are not weapons, but the body of the stegosaurus ...

When usually inhabiting, Stegosaurus always likes to pierce the sword tip into the ground, or the mountain wall, like a sword inserted in the ground, standing up against the wind, looking at it at a glance, dense, dense, no one can count to the end how many.

Further up, are the bronze one-star stegosaurus obliquely inserted at the root of the mountain wall. Looking ahead, a sword-shaped stegosaurus obliquely inserted above the mountain wall. When the wind blows, it emits a sharp burst of sharp sound.

From ground to high, the arrangement of stegosaurus is very standardized, and the low-level dragon will never invade the high-level dragon's territory, which also creates conditions for Xin Yun and Yiluoxiang.

Although Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang now have bronze five-star strength, but if they are facing the bronze-level stegosaurus, there is no chance at all.

Stegosaurus usually does not move, but stands on the ground like a tree and is extremely densely arranged, plus its volume is not large, so as long as it is alarmed, it will definitely cause the pursuit of hundreds of stegosaurus. !!

The most difficult thing is that the terrain here is too suitable for stegosaurus, which is a straight valley, and the straight flight of stegosaurus is so exaggerated, plus the sword air emitted by stegosaurus, so it is impossible to completely escape.

At the mouth of the valley, Xin Yun frowned. Although he had been told countless times along the way, to this day, for the sake of insurance, Xin Yun once again urged: "Yiluo ... must remember, no matter what, you There is only one chance. Regardless of success, immediately turn around and run away, understand? "

Upon hearing Xin Yun's words, Yiluo Xiang nodded flatly and said, "Relax, no matter how tempting, I will never stay in the slightest."

Taking a long breath, Xin Yun stood on Ying Long's head with both feet, holding Ying Long's horns tightly with both hands, and moved silently against the ground toward the Stegosaurus Valley. At the same time, at the mouth of Taniguchi, Yiluo Xiang stood on Morpho, watching the situation in Taniu intently, and was ready to exert soul control.

Along the ground, Xin Yun moved forward all the way. From above, it looked like a azure spirit snake. As he walked all the way, Xin Yun was less than ten meters above the ground, but it was very fast.

Of course, Xin Yun can also fly high, but once it really goes high, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of those bronze dragons on the surrounding cliffs. By that time, Xin Yun will be absolutely dead.

Now, Xin Yun ’s goal is very clear. They are the stepless stegosaurus inserted in the hills. This is the weakest and the only stegosaurus that Xin Yun dares to provoke. With Xin Yun ’s current strength, it should be able to resist. To live with the sword qi emitted by these stepless stegosauruses, it is impossible to completely avoid it.

Along the way, in a short while ... Xin Yun finally approached the hills in the valley. Looking closely, millions of stegosauruses were obliquely inserted above the ground. A strong wind blew from the other side of the valley and passed the sword. When Long Lin, he made a sharp breaking sound.

These stegosaurus are not large, about three meters high and one meter wide. They have different shapes and different colors. According to the memory of the previous life, Xin Yun knows that color determines the type of these stegosaurus, and shape determines Their type of ability, as for the specific situation, I am afraid no one can know, only luck.

Slowly slowly, finally, at the moment when Xin Yun was about to reach his attack range, on the opposite hill, a stegosaurus vibrated at the same time, and the sounds of the swords went from weak to strong, buzzing. stand up.

"Not good!" Seeing this, Xin Yun couldn't help but be shocked. He turned the faucet in an instant, with his wings spreading, making a full effort, and stunned towards Taniguchi.

While Xin Yun was moving, about a hundred stegosaurus roared into the sky on the hills in the distance. In a volley of turns, they pointed their swords at Xin Yun, and then the air flow of different colors instantly passed from the sword. The tail erupted and chased lightningly towards Xin Yun ...

If Xin Yun just ran away in a straight line, then there is no doubt that in a few seconds, they will be caught up by these stegosaurus. Under the bombardment of hundreds of stegosaurus, Xin Yun has no way to live.

Fortunately, Xin Yun's linear speed may not be as good as Stegosaurus, but when it comes to flexible surnames, it is definitely not comparable to Stegosaurus. At the moment when Stegosaurus started jetting air to accelerate, under the control of Xin Yun, Ying Long's tail A pendulum, the dragon's body made a turning moment, bypassing the impact position of the stegosaurus.

With Xin Yun's movement, mid-air ... hundreds of stegosauruses made adjustments at the same time. After an instant adjustment of the tail jet hole, the forward direction was changed almost synchronously, and the sword pointed at Xin Yun again. .

"Cut ..." Facing this scene, Xin Yun whispered, grasping the dragon horns tightly with both hands, and once again became fragrant, clever and indescribable again.

Facing Xin Yun's disguise again and again, Stegosaurus did not show weakness, and timely adjusted the spray holes at the tail to lock the sword's tip firmly on Ying Long's body. After only three consecutive adjustments, Stegosaurus had chased It was less than a hundred meters behind Xin Yun.

Seeing the Stegosaurus chasing closer and closer, Xin Yun's spirit was highly concentrated, and the critical moment was about to come. At this time, even the slightest mistake could bring about the disaster!

"Well ..." The sound of the cannonball falling to the ground, the stegosaurus has rushed closer and closer, and finally ... all stegosaurus began to accelerate at full strength, the airflow at the tail became more intense, and they turned into different colors of light. Hard, whistling and blasting towards Ying Long on the ground ...

Listening to the sound of the air coming behind him, Xin Yun fiercely twisted the faucet. Suddenly ... Yinglong's body turned instantly, and the amplitude was very large. If he did not hold the dragon's horns tightly, he could throw Xinyun away. Ha Long!

"Booming ..." A fierce roar rang out behind Xin Yun, one after another, the sword dragons almost bombed Ying's tail, almost when Ying's tail had just left, there would be one Stegosaurus smashed there.

There are about two types of Stegosaurus attack methods. The first is the attack of this question. Stegosaurus is not just like a sword. The attack method is similar to a sword. It can be used for all kinds of tricks. This belongs to The scope of physical attacks.

In addition to physical attacks, as mentioned earlier, the main attack method of stegosaurus is sword air, which is a variety of sword air with a variety of shapes and types.

Stegosaurus blasted in the air, but the blast was not over. The rock was deeply broken and inserted into the stone ground. The stegosaurus still refused to give up, and they shot out a sharp crimson sword. , Shot towards the escaped Ying Longyu.

Dense, too dense, maybe Xin Yun could barely escape the impact of the Stegosaurus body, but in the face of lightning-like sword air, it was really helpless, although barely able to avoid more than half, but the remaining half, but all I'll take it all in accordance with the order.

Although it is only an orderless stegosaurus, not even the bronze order, it is more than ten stars away from Xin Yun, but despite this, the stegosaurus' attack is still not to be underestimated.

As the swords passed, Ying Long's body flew over the scales, and a large amount of blue liquid flowed out along the wound. At the same time, Xin Yun could clearly feel that the dragon ball seemed to be exposed, and the energy plummeted. .

If it was just a stegosaurus attack, perhaps Xin Yun could resist it, but there were too many stegosaurus chasing them. Under the bombardment of hundreds of stegosauruses, although the impact of the body was avoided, it exceeded 30. Dao Jianqi did not enter Ying Long's body.

The pain seemed to be stabbed by dozens of sharp needles. Xin Yun was sweating all at once, but the pain in the body was nothing like the horror in his heart. Only in the first round of attack, the energy in Xin Yun's Dragon Balls was It has dropped by three tenths, which means that Xin Yun's energy is strong enough. For those guys who created dragon stones with low quality, the energy is probably almost exhausted now.

Not dare to neglect, Xin Yun gritted his teeth and ran at full speed. Behind him, hundreds of stegosauruses lifted off the ground one by one and chased after again in the air.

(To be continued)