MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-Chapter 74 environmental impact

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In the last life, Yiluo Xiang was sent by Ada to an old couple who had no fertility and had a good family condition. Imagine ... An old couple who had never had a child suddenly got such a well-behaved daughter. Pain in the bones?

Therefore, in the previous life, the old couple was a tired and tired girl who cooked her food every day, bought beautiful clothes, and dressed her beautifully every day. Basically, the old couple All the spirit is used for this.

The influence of the environment on a person is very important. In addition, the old couple is so carefully dressed every day, so unconsciously, Yiluoxiang has developed a habit of beauty. Everything is based on beauty, and I dare not dare. Let yourself be exposed to anything unattractive.

However, this life is different, it is still affected by the environment, but the people who affected her have been replaced by Xin Yun, and due to various reasons, Yiluo Xiang's view of Xin Yun is more concerned, so in a subtle way, Yiluoxiang treats things Xin Yun's assimilation was assimilated, and everything was based on practical utility. As for the appearance, it didn't matter at all.

Of course, girls are all beautiful, and Yiluoxiang is no exception, but now Yiluoxiang must hypnotize herself and make herself believe that the innermost is the most important. It is more important than everything. As for the appearance, it has no effect at all.

Some people may wonder, why is Yiluoxiang so hypnotizing herself? It is not a mistake to love beauty, so why devalue external beauty? In fact, the reason for this is very simple, that is, because the current Yiluoxiang is not beautiful, and the mature women she has contacted are all beautiful and peacock-like.

In this environment, in order to have Xin Yun's love and to find a reason for Xin Yun's love, it can only be the inner thing. Yiluo Xiang must convince himself that Xin Yun loves her inner, if What is she worth if she is outside?

In addition to the above two points, another thing that cannot be ignored is the role of wisdom. Yiluo Xiang is not stupid, but smart and scary. Because of this, she can quickly accept Xin Yun's things. Because after three generations, Xin Yun's view of things, although it can't be said to be absolutely correct, it will never be wrong. As long as you analyze it with your heart, it is basically inevitable.

When it comes to assimilation, in fact, the most fundamental thing is, but Yiluoxiang absorbed the experience and lessons of Xin Yun with the incomparable wisdom and formed the same or similar views.

Of course, beauty wants, but if beauty and strength cannot be achieved, then Yiluo Xiang will not hesitate to choose the strength. It is very realistic and helpless. In fact, from the moment Yiluoxiang decided to leave with Xin Yun Since then, she has embarked on a completely different path, and can no longer be the one in the previous life. It's just that ... it's better or worse, it depends on the future.

Looking at Yiluo Xiang with concern, after confirming that she really thought so, Xin Yun laughed. In fact ... In the eyes of the boy, this death salon is definitely cool and handsome, but in the girl In the eyes, this guy is just ordinary and not pretty.

Now, the reason why Yiluo Xiang feels that this salon of death is not bad is actually because her spirit is not placed on the outside, but on the inside. In her opinion, as long as she has strength, as long as she has good ability, then It's really good, even if it looks ugly, it's ugly and cute. The so-called love house and black, like the ability of this guy, incidentally like the appearance of this guy.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun was a little embarrassed about this change, but there was nothing he could do. Different people's experiences formed different life concepts, and they had no way back.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun said, "Okay, now that we have decided to go to Doulong College to study, we must quickly make money. Starting tomorrow, we will begin to hunt the leader of the Sand Fire Dragon in Death Valley!"

After hearing Xin Yun's words, Yiluo Xiang nodded firmly. Although he could not bear the killing, but since he chose this way, killing was necessary. Although he would definitely be uncomfortable at first, he could get used to everything.

After a full night's rest, the next morning, the two men drove their respective dragons and drove towards Death Sand Valley. After more than half a month, they finally saw the sand fire dragon again.

Ordinary sand fire dragons do not produce dragon crystals. Only the leader-level sand fire dragons will definitely produce one. Therefore ... it is meaningless to kill ordinary sand fire dragons. Only hunting sand fire dragon leaders is the way to go.

Most of the dragons are the same. For every ten sand fire dragons, there will be a sand fire dragon leader. Generally speaking, if you want to kill the sand fire dragon leader, you must kill the ten ordinary sand fire dragons. But Xin Yun and the two obviously didn't need to do this.

The sand fire dragon cannot be transformed into a sand stream form. Once it is broken, it is hung up, so ... these guys do not fly high and the speed is not fast. Although they can spray sand fire balls, they are slow and have a very long range. Recently, it is impossible to truly threaten the two of them.

Of course, the speed and altitude of the sand fire dragons of different orders, the speed and range of the sand live **** are also different. The higher the strength, the higher the speed, and the faster the shot.

It is actually not difficult to hunt the leader of the sand fire dragon. Although it is also a salon, the death salon and sand fire dragon are completely different. This is not only in color, but also in ability.

Sand Fire Dragon cannot be immune to any attack. Once hit, the energy will be consumed. When the energy is exhausted, it is time to die. Unlike the death salon, when attacked, it does not affect his energy, but only condenses the body. Will consume some energy.

However, although the sand fire dragon can not be compared with the death salon, but here is the death sand valley, once close to the ground, at any time may rush out ten million sand fire dragons, the first hundred sand fire dragon leaders, even if Yiluoxiang could not escape Such a dense fireball jet.

Originally, the two could only rush into the sand valley from Taniguchi and kill all the sand fire dragons encountered at the edge. In this way, the two people must also kill those ordinary sand fire dragons, consuming energy and time. To extend more than ten times!

But now it's different. After the death salon, Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang don't need to go down to guide them. The death salon that is immune to physical attacks and energy attacks is the best choice.

Suspended high in the air, Xin Yun nodded silently to Yiluoxiang next to him. The next moment ... With Yiluoxiang's order, the death salon instantly turned into a gray airstream, silently Rushed towards Death Valley below.

"Woo ..." As soon as he reached the ground, the sand stream formed by the death salon spun in an instant, turning into a dust storm covering a 10-meter square, rolling a sand fire dragon into it, only in the fierce whistling sound, only After a few turns, the sand-fire dragon sobbed, and his body was instantly scattered into the red sand gravel and fell to the ground.

After successfully killing an ordinary sand fire dragon, the death salon continued a rotation, and then completed the condensation within two seconds. The slender mouth screamed out the flames of death, and the sand and gravel bullets flew. Out, shot towards the surrounding sand fire dragon.

Seeing the invasion of an alien dragon, the surrounding sand and fire dragons suddenly made a harsh whistle ... The originally calm sand valley was boiling!

Almost at the same time as the scream of the sand fire dragon sounded, on the ground of Death Sand Valley, a sudden dust erupted, as if the sea surface was writhing with waves, countless road red figures burst out of the gravel, whistling from the ground. , Flying in the direction of the death salon, at the same time, countless red sand fireballs overwhelmingly blasted towards the sand fire dragon.

Seeing this scene, the Death Sand Fire Dragon didn't stay at all. Between the wings of a pair of wings, it was strong against the fireballs that shot in succession, and whistled and flew over. Numerous sand fireballs exploded on his body one after another, but But there is no fireball in the sand that can really stop him.
