MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 355 - 357: Family of three

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Although this guy doesn't care about money, if you have good wood, this guy is willing to do it for you. Strictly speaking, this is a pure person who exists for art. In the last life, the master of the door pocket The highest work is to build a pagoda with golden silk. The entire pagoda is carved with magnificent patterns and symbols, as well as birds and beasts. The most exaggerated thing is that after the pagoda was built, it was turned into a magic weapon by the master of the refiner. Not even Hou Tian Ling Bao, but it can be used to smash people, cover people, or defense!

What makes Xin Yun most enthusiastic is that since it has been refined into a magic weapon, it can be freely expanded or contracted, and it can be carried around. This is too powerful. It is equivalent to carrying a palace with you wherever you go. Rested, and the palace has its own defense, and it is not afraid of danger when sleeping.

The magic weapon made of golden silk is still so powerful. If you use golden sandalwood, combined with purple gold, green silver, red copper, blue iron, and green tin, you can definitely make one that you can carry with you. Powerful defense palace.

After visiting several woodware shops in a row, Xin Yun looked very carefully, but he still could not find the master-style works of the door pocket. Fortunately, it was a long time, and some time.

In the morning, Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang kept wandering around the market. The master of the door pocket has never been found, but the daily supplies, as well as the girl's private items, clothing handkerchiefs, and daily supplies. I bought a lot.

In this incident, the original villa was directly destroyed. All the daily necessities had not been taken out before, and it was directly blasted into powder. Therefore, it must be re-purchased. Master Westmind used the things they said, but Ms. Lan , Yiluo Xiang, and the waitress Yoshitsuka are girls, after all, what can be used by Wushu to buy!

Kung Fu is worthy of care, and finally ... After wandering for more than half of the morning, Xin Yun finally found a set of beautifully carved rosewood tables and chairs in a humble wooden shop.

The works of Master Mendou are very characteristic. One is that the work is fine, the other is that the lines of the work are natural and smooth, antique, and the third is that he is good at sculpting and inlaying. The carved flowers, birds, insects, and birds and beasts are all lifelike ... However, these are secondary The most important thing is that the master's work of the door pocket reminds people of the word art involuntarily.

After turning around the table and chair with a few eyes, Xin Yun finally found a unique signature of the master of the door pocket at a corner of the rosewood wooden table. That's right ... this is definitely the work of the master of the door pocket !!

After repeatedly confirming, Xin Yun turned around excitedly and said to the owner of the wood shop: "Boss, how do you sell this table and chair?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the owner of the wood shop ran over with a smile on his face and said loudly, "Did the guest officer fancy this wood product? It is really good eyesight. This is carved from rosewood, this rosewood ... "

In the next two minutes, the owner of the wood shop eloquently introduced the benefits of this table and chair, but from beginning to end, it always revolved around the advantages of rosewood, as well as the shape and carving skills of this table and chair. Master's name. In the end ... this set of tables and chairs was for a million dollars. Of course ... it can be bargained.

Looking at the set of tables and chairs in front of him, Xin Yun sighed. Now ... the name of the master of the door pocket has not yet been revealed. If it is put in the future, the price of one million will probably not even buy a stool leg.

After groaning, Xin Yun flatly said, "Well, although the price is a little bit higher, it will not be too high. So ... let me see the craftsman who made this table and chair, and I will buy it It's up! "

Facing Xin Yun's request, the shop owner first froze, then nodded again and again to indicate that it was okay, then turned around and walked to the counter, muttered a few words to a 13-year-old child, and the boy nodded and quickly Turned around and ran towards the backyard.

Soon, a stout man with a stout body and full of wood flower aroma walked in under the guidance of the child. Seeing this scene, Xin Yunmeng frowned, this is definitely not a master of the door!

While thinking about it, the owner of the wooden shop grabbed the arm of the stout man and walked straight in front of Xin Yun and said, "This guest officer, this is the master of making this table and chair!"

"Oh!" Xin Yun said with a smile, "I don't know, what's the name of this master?"

Hearing Xin Yun's question, the man said in a rough voice: "I'll be iron, but this table and chair is not ..."

Before the man finished talking, the owner of the wooden shop shoved him sharply, and said loudly, "Okay, there is still a lot of work to do in the back. Hurry back ..."

Suddenly looking at the shop owner, the stout man nodded his head, turned and was about to leave. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun sneered and said to the shop owner: "It's not good for you to do this. This is obviously a deception. Guest, he is definitely not the creator of this table! "

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the shop owner opened his mouth fiercely, trying to explain. Seeing this, Xin Yun fiercely raised his hand and said categorically: "Don't strike me sloppy, tell you the truth, I know this table. The maker, I just discovered his unique mark on the wood, so ... "

Speaking of which, Xin Yun paused slightly, reached into his arms, and took out the golden card: "So, as long as you can help me find him, I will buy this set of woodware at double the price!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the stout man named A Tie scorned and scorned, "I said our boss is a liar, and you're not much better. What else do you know him, but he Standing in front of you, you still have to look around. It's ridiculous ... "After speaking, A Tie shook his head, ignored Xin Yun, turned around and walked towards the back door.

"What!" Hearing Xie Yun's words, Xin Yun completely stayed out. Indeed ... Although the name of the master is very loud, Xin Yun has never really seen him, just listening to other people talking about it. , Obviously ... The master of the door is not the look of A Tie. But now, Natie said that the master of the door was in front of him, so to speak ... Is it!

Thinking, Xin Yun stared blankly at the owner of the wooden shop, um ... Although he was a little bit blessed, although there was a bit more meat on his face, in general, it was really a bit similar to the legendary master of door pockets !!

With a bitter smile, Xin Yun shook his head: "Why are you doing this? Since you are the master of the door pocket, why bother finding someone to lie to me? You are not malicious, I just want to ask you to help me make something."

"Wait!" When hearing Xin Yun's words, the owner of the wooden shop sweated and smiled bitterly: "I'm not what door pocket master you're looking for. The door pocket is my son ..."

During the talk, the owner of the wooden shop dragged the teenage boy and smiled bitterly: "He is the door pocket and the maker of this table and chair."

"Ahhhhh ..." Listening to the owner of the wooden shop, looking at the child who looked only twelve or three years old in front of him, Xin Yun was completely speechless, he was the door pocket!

Swallowing hard, Xin Yun looked at the owner of the wood shop stupidly, "Since he is the door pocket, why don't you pull out the guy named A Tie and introduce him directly to me? ? "

Facing Xin Yun's doubts, the owner of the wooden shop smiled wryly: "It's easy to say, but if I push such a small hair in front of you and say that this set of wooden wares was made by him, would you believe it?"

"I! This ..." After hearing the word from the owner of the wooden shop, Xin Yun finally realized it, yeah ... This child, who looks only twelve or three years old, looks smart and smart, but if he said that this set of wooden tools was made by him In that case, nine out of ten people did not believe it, but Xin Yun believed it, for nothing else, only for the confident light in the eyes of the child!

Facing Xin Yun's gaze, the child smiled slightly: "Don't look at my younger, in fact, I am older than you, but ... I inhaled agarwood when making woodware more than 20 years ago. The aroma, and then inhaled the aroma of green wave incense, and the growth slowed down. Twenty years later, my body only changed from ten to twelve.

After hearing the words from the master of the door pocket, Xin Yun finally felt shocked, feeling ... This guy looks like a twelve-year-old child, but in fact, he is already thirty-three years old, just looks young.

Thinking, the door pocket calmly said, "Are you specifically looking for me to make something? What are you going to do?"

Hearing the big door, Xin Yunmeng turned back and said subconsciously: "This ... I am here this time mainly to ask you to help me build a wooden villa, you see ..."

"What? Wooden villa!" Hearing at the door, Xin Yun said!

For a moment, the master of the door pocket shook his head categorically: "What a joke, I am a carpenter, I can make furniture, I can carve artworks, but when it comes to building a villa, I think you are looking for the wrong person!"

"Eh?" Xin Yun frowned in doubt as he heard the words in the door pocket. Did he remember it wrong? The master of door pockets will not build a villa! But this is not right! I heard from other people that it is clearly the work of Master Mendou.

Just wondering, the owner of the wooden shop said, "Did you remember this guest officer, my son? I understand that he will not build any villa. He has never contacted him. Even if he is willing to help, there is no way. Built out. "

"Eunen ..." Hearing his father's words, the door pocket nodded again and again: "What you're looking for is my grandpa. He is an expert in building construction out of wood, but ... his old man has retired and no longer Help people make things. "

"Your grandpa!" Xin Yun was completely stupid when he heard the door pocket. Why did he come out again? This door pocket would not build a villa anymore. What is going on?

Looking at Xin Yun's horrified look, Mendou said with his eyes brightened: "I told you, my grandpa is very famous. When he mentions the master, he is not only exquisite in craftsmanship, but also very powerful. It is amethyst. Oh master! "

"Wait!" Xin Yun suddenly hesitated when he heard the door pocket, and then suddenly interrupted the other side, eagerly saying, "What's your grandpa's name? Door gate?"

"No, no ..." Upon hearing Xin Yun's words, Mendou shook his head violently. "My grandfather called the door fight, it was a fight, not my own. I think he was also a grand ..."

Without listening carefully to the excited description of the door pocket, Xin Yun instantly understood a lot of things in his heart. Before, he just heard that there was a door pocket master. The name was strange, so his memory was so deep that others said that the building was a door pocket master. Subconsciously, he thought it was the door pocket, but in fact, the building was the work of a door master, one master and two doors, although they sounded the same, but they are a bucket, a pocket, a good at manufacturing Furniture and artwork, a good wooden building, are two different things.

Between thoughts, Xin Yun swallowed his mouth hard: "This, I don't know if I can invite the master to fight, I want to ask him to help me build a villa, you see ..."

"And ..." Upon hearing Xin Yun's words, Mendou said politely: "Don't be silly to you, my grandpa stopped helping people make villas 30 years ago. How can he say that he is also a master of Amethyst, Where can I go to build villas for people. "

"Well ..." Hearing the door pocket, the owner of the wooden shop nodded: "Yeah, the old man is the old ancestor of our house, and now he is too old to build any villa for you, so You should find someone else. "

After hearing the words of the two, Xin Yun frowned and changed to another person. Maybe it was time to leave, but Xin Yun knew that the master of the door would definitely not retire there, and he would build it many years later. With that golden silk tower, how could it be retired! They just don't want to alarm him.

Thinking, Xin Yun frowned and said, "Is this what you mean or what they mean? I guess ... this is probably your wishful thinking, do you want to see him grow old and don't want him to continue to toil? Go down, but I want to tell you that as a warrior, you will never grow old, as long as there is still breath, he will still be a soldier, and will never rest, so I think you better not to replace He decides everything. As a master of Amethyst, he has the right and the ability to decide everything! "

"Okay!" Xin Yun's words just fell, and at the back door of the shop, there was a loud and powerful stop drinking. After hearing this sound, several people turned their heads at the same time and looked towards the back door.

In the eyes of the eye, an old man with white hair but a terrible spirit is marching in. From the appearance alone, he is at least a hundred years old, but if he only looks at the spirit, he is definitely younger. The spirit of returning!

Looking deeply at the spirited old man, judging from the momentum emanating from him, this is really a master of the amethyst stage, and I am afraid that the strength is still very high, and it is not too far away from the diamond stage.

However, the amethyst stage is an amethyst stage. With his physical state, it is impossible to reach the diamond stage in this life. It is not a matter of talent and qualifications, and it has nothing to do with potential. He spends too much time building wooden buildings. As a result, cultivation has been delayed, and now his body has begun to age, and his strength will not be improved but will continue to fall back.

People are like this, they will always be old, sick and die. When they reach a certain level, their physical qualities will decline and decline. If they cannot reach the diamond level before the age of 30, the human body will begin to age. No matter how you cultivate, you cannot overcome this. Natural aging eventually dies.

However, as long as you reach the diamond stage before the age of 30, your life will be greatly extended. It is only a matter of life to live a thousand or eight hundred years old. If you can continue to ascend, it is not uncommon to be immortal.

Although the master of the door fighting is now a master of the amethyst stage, and he can live for thirty or forty years, he can never reach the diamond stage. His strength is declining every day as the body ages. Irreversible.

While Xin Yun was observing, the old man with a spirited voice said loudly: "Good guy, yes ... as long as there is still a breath, my door fighter is a fighter and can decide anything."

Having said that, the master of the door fighting paused, and then continued: "However, although you are very reasonable, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for me to go out and build a villa for you."

After hearing the words from the Master Door Fighter, Xin Yun laughed and said, "Since I dare to come, I have the absolute certainty to ask you to move. I believe ... I can't refuse the conditions I opened."

"Oh!" Master Xindou's eyes brightened when he heard what Xin Yun said, "Is that right? Then I would like to hear what kind of building you are going to build and the conditions for opening it. What is it again. "

With a slight smile, Xin Yun didn't say much. He pulled out a piece of golden sandalwood wood and placed it gently on the table in front of him. Seeing this scene, not only the door master, but also the door pocket and the shop owner I was stunned, hurriedly gathered together and looked at the legendary wood ecstatically.

With a sigh, the door master gently stroked the golden rosewood incense tree: "Is this the gift you gave me? I have to admit that I can't refuse your invitation, this ..."

"No, no, no ..." Xin Yun shook his head sharply when he heard the words of the door fighter: "No, this is not your employment fee. I mean, I want to use this wood to build a villa. . "

"Ah!" After hearing Xin Yun's words, the three of them opened their mouths silly and could not say a word. You know ... this golden sandalwood is the most expensive and cherished wood, and ordinary people have to buy a piece. Can be used as a family heirloom, even if the rich, the family can put a piece of golden sandalwood wood furniture is enough for them, as to build a villa with golden sandalwood wood, let alone see, not even listen I've heard that I'm afraid to see such a building only in a dream.

Looking at the horrified eyes of the three, Xin Yun smiled and said, "As for the cost of hiring you, it is to stop your body from aging. Although it cannot restore youth, the body will never continue to age, and I can guarantee that as long as you Be willing to work hard, for a maximum of ten years, you will definitely step into the field of diamond masters! "

Facing the conditions of Xin Yun, the master of the door bucket did not refuse at all, and was able to personally build a palace entirely made of golden sandalwood and fragrant wood. This is a glory in itself. It did not exist before, and it will never happen again. This golden sandalwood is one of those things that is one less than one cut. It is so rare now and even more difficult in the future.

As for what Xin Yun drives out is not immortal, and there is an upgrade to the diamond level, the master of the door fighting is actually unbelievable, but ... when the door fighting master followed Xin Yun to reach the pot in the sky, when he saw the spirit of the mountains , The overwhelming fairy grass, and the strong aura that is about to condense, finally believed in Xin Yun's words.

Such a good place, of course, the master of the door bucket will not let go, and drag the door pocket directly, and begging to join Xin Yun's axe gang, for nothing else, just to live in this pot in the sky, light If you live here for a long time, you can live forever.

Facing the requirements of the master of door fighting, Xin Yun could not agree, and he directly agreed. Among the three generations of the door family, door fighting was good at wooden buildings, and door pockets were good at family manufacture. That is, the owner of the wooden shop is good at carving, whether it is carving on the building, or carving on the table and chair, including carving sculptures and statues directly.

Together, the three grandsons and grandchildren can meet any of your needs. It is worth mentioning that the name of the father of Mendou and the son of Mendou is actually Mendou. If the light is heard, it is exactly the same!

Door bucket, door bean, door pocket, I do n’t know what they think, but they have a name that sounds so similar, but for Xin Yun, it does n’t matter what it ’s called, anyway ... from now on, this family of three , Will become an axe to help the carpenter!

In order not to damage the environment, Xin Yun did not plan to use the building materials such as jade to build the building in the pot, but chose various woods as materials to build an antique pavilion. This is what Xin Yun longs for. , And it will not destroy the environment here, and perfectly integrate with the entire environment.

After seeing the environment of Hu Zhongtian, the three masters of the door fighting master and his son could n’t set off immediately. After joining the axe gang, the wooden shop was no longer necessary. In the future ... the helm of the construction gang will be enough for them For dozens or hundreds of years, where do you still want to run a wooden shop?

As for the problem of money, this is not even a problem. The most important thing for the Axe Gang is money. Not to mention the harvest of the five rat brothers, just the spirit stone that is everywhere in the pot in the middle of the pot, just sell a few pieces and sell Enough for everyone to live for decades and hundreds of years.

However, to leave, after all, there are still a lot of things to deal with, many daily necessities, tools needed, and things passed down from the ancestors, which cannot be discarded at will, must be sorted out, Xin Yun and the three agreed, At ten o'clock this evening, they will be picked up here in the future.

When everything was done, when Xin Yun and Yiluoxiang hurried to the Ethereal Hotel, Mingxuan and Yan Qingying had already waited there. Although they waited for a long time, they did not have the slightest impatience. Judging from the expressions on their faces, their gains today are not small.

Sure enough, as soon as Xin Yun settled down, Yan Qingying stood up excitedly and reported: "This year's luck is very good. Although I spent more money, I actually found twelve powerful girls with their talents and qualifications. The potential is all above 90. Oh my **** ... I can't believe my eyes! "

Hearing Yan Yan's words, Xin Yun suddenly looked at it. Is there so many geniuses in this world? However, if you think about it, it is true. Even if one genius out of one million people, there will be 20 in a metropolis with a population of 20 million, and in a metropolis with a population of about 20 million, this is a world full of famine. Tens of thousands.

Thinking, Xin Yun smiled slightly: "Very good, since they are so powerful, then you have to use snacks, don't delay them, after all ... they are the twelve apostles who serve you for life! They are your spokespersons."

"En-En ..." After hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qingying nodded her head with excitement, and there was little excitement on her face. You should know ... Under normal circumstances, Yan Qingying doesn't smile. The expression is always so cold and so morbid, it is really very rare.

While thinking about it, Mingxuan said, "I have gained a lot here. My talents, qualifications, and potential are all above 80. Although they are only in their early 80s, I can be so satisfied that I have so much."

With a wordless sigh, Xin Yun smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile, and for a long time, his talent was unsuccessful, three 66, just passed the level of passing.

Fortunately, with the red gourd, along with the continuous refining of the elixir, a large amount of spiritual power will penetrate into the wall of the gourd and then pass on to Xin Yun's body, slowly improving Xin Yun's talent and qualifications, And potential, and ... there is no upper limit, even if it reaches 100, it is not full.

After having a simple lunch, in the afternoon ... the three of Xin Yun sent the twelve apostles selected by Yan Qingying and the 365 disciples selected by Ming Xuan to Hu Zhongtian. After everything was completed, several people rushed to the door together. Master Dou's house transported the three of them together with the family members of the family to Hu Zhongtian.

After indicating that Yiluo Xiang stayed in the Ethereal City Hotel for a response, Xin Yun, Mingxuan, and Yan Qingying passed the Jinqiao transformed by the Taiji map, returned to Huzhongtian, arranged a group of people, and then returned. Ethereal City, next ... they have to find the **** of killing-Rove!

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the original task, the five mice now have an additional purchaser position. If the people living in the pot need anything, they will be directly notified to them. No matter what method they use, anyway Get it as soon as possible.

Of course, these five guys will not be allowed to do nothing, and each task must be counted for the contribution of the gang. Therefore, the five brothers are enjoying it. After feeling the power of the treasure, they ca n’t wait to unblock it to the third. Layer.

When Xin Yun and others left Misty City and rushed to Rove's city, in the first mountain city, the five mouse brothers were destroying unscrupulously. All the people wearing the dragon head gang logo will become the five of them. The target of the attack, all the shops and shops with the mark of the dragon gang will be their place of patronage, not only to kill everyone, but also to move all the goods and goods completely.

After learning this news, the dragon head gang helped the king Wang to be angry. He personally led his men and rushed to the scene of the incident. In the past few days, this kind of things have been happening endlessly. This is the 17th chaos.

It stands to reason that Shoushancheng has a diamond-level master Wang Sheng after all. There should be no other diamond-level masters to make trouble. Unless it is tired, in other words, the other party must be a small gang without diamond-level masters. Don't they know the backstage of the Dragon Chiefs? Once Wang Sheng returns, and there is no diamond-level master in the opponent's gang, he will definitely be destroyed.

In recent days, the gang members of the Dragon Chiefs have been continuously sniped, some were killed inexplicably in the downtown area, some were knocked out in a remote corner, and some died directly. On the bed at home, if it was not the deep wound on the throat that was about to cut off the neck, I thought he had died naturally.

To this day, the Dragon Chief Gang is no longer a small gang, but it cannot afford such a loss. The ordinary gang members are worth it. The key is that the senior leaders of the Dragon Chief Gang also seem to be eyeing each other. The bad news came, and by now, everyone in the Longshou Gang had already endangered themselves. If there is no way to solve the problem, the Longshou Gang will probably break up soon.

Turning around the corner, the front is where the incident happened. Looking ahead, the doors of several shops on the street were broken, and a dozen bodies were scattered on the street. Black and purple blood was everywhere, on the top of the shop. , The billowing smoke rose like a pillar, and the red flames crackled.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Qiang grunted his teeth, stepped forward, and walked towards those fire shops. Who are these guys, and why did they come to the dragon's gang to make troubles?

"Pattern ... patter ..." In the crisp footsteps, Wang Qiang took the lead, crossed a male corpse on the ground, raised his leg, and planned to step over a green-blooded female corpse to continue moving forward. .

The moment Wang Qiang was striding, Wang Qiang's corpse just struck past him, and in the flash of his hand, a gleam of cold light burst towards Wang Qiang's back.

At the same time, the body of the female corpse that Wang Qiang was about to walk around turned, and with the rotation of the body, a cold light from the forest chirped and stabbed towards Wang Qiang's waist and abdomen.

The distance is too close, the speed is too fast, the change is too sudden, and Wang Qiang's attention has been focused on those fire shops, and his mind is still thinking about things, so ... in the face of this sudden change, A little unresponsive for a while.

It is too late to draw a sword to resist, it is too close, but ... after all, Wang Qiang is a master of amethyst and eight stars, how could he be killed so easily.

He stopped drinking, Wang Qiang had one arm, and at a moment ... A bright light whistled and spread out from his body. Under the impact of the hurricane energy, two cold lights penetrated into the body while the other body's body was punched. Fly up.

However, although Wang Qiang's response was timely enough, the two swords that had been chopped and stabbed still hurt him. Although the injuries were not serious, the two wounds in front of and behind were sprayed with blood.

(To be continued)