MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 511 Split offensive

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The huge trunk in the hands of the mountain giants, after being modified by Xiao Yu, was loaded with the hammer of steel. At this time, it slammed on the wall, creating a powerful and powerful attack.

The soldiers were completely at a loss at this time, and all of them were scattered.

The Batrider, the Griffin Knight, and the Wyvern Flying Dragon have already flown to the city. All kinds of attacks are thrown away. These soldiers are in the thunder and lightning and the flame bombing, they can't find the North directly.

Xiao Yu originally wanted Kaisas to sit on top of a gryphon, cast a spell in the air, bombing the city, and later found that this method could not be implemented, because the griffins felt the powerful magical elements of Kael'thas. It fell directly from the sky.

So, Xiao Yu is going to let Xiaolong squatting with Kael'thas in midair, but Xiaolong protests, his own breath is enough to kill, and the key moment can also be rushed through the melee to solve the battle, once Take a Kael'thas and tie it to it.

Therefore, Xiao Yu’s original plan can only be given up.

This fierce attack, completely stunned the soldiers of the Principality. Originally, the turmoil of the country's turmoil, the people of the country, is the heart of the people, although the important positions are those who have already inserted the Kennedy family.

The Kennedy family also arranged a lot of masters to come here to stay, but most of the ordinary soldiers are still soldiers of the Principality. These soldiers have no intention of fighting, and with such unexpected attacks, they become a direct Help the army.

Just three minutes, the city has already fallen.

This speed is also far beyond Xiao Yu’s prediction. Xiao Yu’s plan to send Chimera’s attack could only be cancelled. When he attacked the Wang Du Huicheng of the Weigong Kingdom, he suddenly received it and could even receive it. The effect.

"What happened? What happened?" Although the commander of the Cold City said that Xiao Yu might sometimes attack, but for three consecutive months, he can not always maintain the highest alert every day.

One day can be, two days can be, one month is OK, but for three consecutive months to maintain the highest alert every day, no one can stand the spirit.

He is also a human, he has to rest, let the soldiers pay attention to the alert, but he did not expect, at this time, there is no sign at all, Xiao Yu launched the attack in such a short time.

Moreover, the intensity of the Xiao Yu attack is so large. At this time, the high-altitude bombing of the Bat Knight and the Griffin Knight, the ground attack of the Mountain Giant directly caused the city wall to fall.

Once the city wall fell, Xiao Yu’s troops, pioneered by the base soldiers, immediately entered the city. Originally, they also made a strategy to take the street fighting, delay the attack time of Xiao Yu, and fight for opportunities in other places once the cold city fell.

However, when the road race was really started, or when it was completely unprepared, they found that fighting for a second was a luxury.

"What is that? God, how come out so much, is it the undead? The original undead are all made by the guy Xiao Yu."

"Run, the undead is coming."

The undead that these soldiers saw were the elite troops led by Caso, all wearing armor and rushing toward the city.

As a sixth-order shield, Caso led the army and was simply invincible. Although there are some masters in the cold city, but where is his opponent.

After 10 minutes, the cold city has completely lost, all the original defense plans have failed, and the Kennedy family's mage troops and so on have quickly retreated, and there is no need to stick to it.

At the beginning, if it is not an attack, then suddenly, as long as the city can hold on for a while, then with the powerful magic equipment of the city, the advanced magic brakes, and then let the magician cooperate, Xiao Yu, they want to capture the cold city, it is bound to win Paying huge casualties.

Because knowing that the cold city is the first stop for Xiao Yu to attack, Zanetti deployed a large number of magic instruments and magicians here.

If these powerful magical instruments are all played out, even if they are the mighty of the mountain giants or the metamorphosis of the dragons, they can still be killed.

The dragon is powerful, not to say that the dragon is killing. The powerful magical instrument of human beings can also penetrate the body of the dragon. However, many of these magical instruments are very large and difficult to carry, but they are used to defend the city. It is possible to deal with the dragon.

Then there are those magicians who have been instructed by Zanetti to carry a lot of high-end magic scrolls. If there are some magic scrolls in the crisis, then Xiao Yu’s casualties will be even greater.

It’s a pity that these killers are all useless.

The only dozen magicians on the city's head were killed by Xiao Yu, Ma Wei, Grom, Illidan, etc. in an instant. Their magician guards, in front of Mawei, did not have time to react.

Coupled with the huge panic caused by land and air amphibious operations, the soldiers of the Weigong Kingdom soon became chaotic.

When the commander of the cold city ran out of the armor, he found that the soldier of Xiao Yu was about to attack the front of his mansion. So he glanced at it and sighed, and he no longer stubbornly defended himself. The retreat.

However, the speed of their retreat is obviously not fast enough. Xiao Yu ordered some people to clean up the remnants of the cold city, and then quickly chased with the vanguards, preparing to get all the other cities in the Weigong state in the shortest possible time. Only one Huicheng is left.

Huicheng is the capital of the Principality. Zanetti will definitely send people to carry out a large number of fortifications. Xiao Yu is now rushing there, and the other party must have reached the news of magic transmission.

However, Xiao Yu has all the four weeks down, leaving only a lonely city in Huicheng, so I can say it.

Zhu Yuanzhang played Zhang Shicheng in the same year. All the ministries said that they would directly fight each other's national capital, so that they could win a game. Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and chose to knock down all the surrounding areas. Only one lonely city was left, and then slowly gathered around to fight. Finally, Prove that this method is very easy to use.

There is only one lonely city left, and the soldiers are easily collapsed when they are isolated and helpless.

Now, there are many soldiers in Xiao Yu. It is not difficult to surround a city. Sun Tzu also said that if it is ten times the military strength of the other side, it is necessary to surround them.

Therefore, Xiao Yu now began to order the troops to split into several shares, quickly occupying the city of all the Principality.

These troops, the first team led by Alonso, mainly members of the silver hand, plus the help of the old bulls of this powerful attack, there are 500 Bat Knight, 250 pairs of dragons, 20,000 ordinary soldiers.

The second team was led by Caso, followed by hero Kael'thas, plus Terran infantry, lawbreakers, witches, griffin knights, 250 Wyverns, and 20,000 ordinary soldiers.

The third team was led by Thrall, and the hero Grom followed, mainly composed of orc infantry, headhunter, Kodo beast, 500 bat knight, dragon eagle, etc., and there were 20,000 ordinary soldiers.

The fourth team is led by Tyrande, followed by hero Mawei and Illidan, mainly the elves' army, the elf hunter, the raptor druid, the clawed druid, the mountain giant, the horned beast knight, etc. 20,000 ordinary soldiers.

The fifth team was led by Mu Huali and Long Hui, and the remaining heroes, Antonidas, etc., also handed them over and carried most of the magical instruments.

Therefore, the five units quickly rushed to their respective targets. Xiao Yu himself sat in the city hall of the cold city and continued to chat with Nikolay.

"How? I sang well in this play." Xiao Yu smiled and said.

"Very good, very good, you didn't take the opportunity to quickly attack Huicheng, but chose to attack other cities. This is beyond my expectation. I have to admit that you are the only one I have ever seen. I feel that I can be compared with me and even surpass me. I have always been very proud and narcissistic. I don’t think anyone in this world can compare with me. Now, I finally found one.” Pulling on the bench, watching Xiao Yu, drinking red wine, his eyes creased, I don't know what to think.

"Hey, have you been thinking about **** me?" Xiao Yu sat down and asked a few maids to massage their shoulders, kick their legs and enjoy.

These maids are the maids of the main city of the city of Hancheng. They are all their own now. And now, whether it is the steward Xiao Hong, or a few nephews, for the beauty of this aspect, it is not so banned, so he can be more comfortable.

In the past, it was because Xiao Yu was too jerk, so they were more disgusted with Xiao Yu. Now, Xiao Yu is already a dragon among people, and the land is so prosperous, they have nothing to say.

Men, especially successful men, if there are no beautiful women around, it is not normal, it will not be worthy of Xiao Yu’s current identity.

"To tell the truth, yes, I really want to kill you now, so I can't help you, but I know that I can't kill you now." Nikolay shook his head slightly and sighed.

It seems that he is destined to have a real match with Xiao Yu.

"Actually speaking, I have never known how strong your true strength is. My current lineup seems to be not small, all kinds of arms are available, but I believe that what you have is definitely not less than me. If If I am now on the full strength of your family, how many chances do I have?" Xiao Yu is also very interested in the true strength of Nikolay.

"If you really fight against the power of my family, then you can say that it is a good opportunity to get rid of you. Now your strength is very strong, but compared with me, it is still a lot worse. It’s a pity that you The lion collar is too remote, I can't go through so many forces to attack you. You are here in a remote place, a weakness, and an advantage. There are no too powerful enemies around you. Once you attack the Principality, then The other places are a few powerful Principalities that will guard the portal for you. You don't have to worry about it unless they want to kill you. But if they are in any Principality, it is impossible to kill you, unless they All together. Just, they can't be united."

Nikolay sighed. Now, the situation of Xiao Yu seems to be better than him.

"Cut, what do you envy me? I can have such a situation now, that is, I also hit it a little bit. I have to know that in the past, it was a robber, and there was Yunmeng, which one is good. It’s not that I have managed it a little bit.” Xiao Yu’s own status quo is still a small tribute to himself.

"Yes, at the beginning, everyone felt that this place was a place where garbage could no longer be rubbish. It was absolutely impossible to develop, but I did not expect it to be discovered as a treasure."

Nikolay is also naturally aware of the origin of the development of the Lion King. It used to be a place that anyone wants to discard. It is considered to be a mixed place where the robbers are mixed.

Now, it has become a very good strategic base, and it can be attacked and retreated, and it can be developed rapidly.

The two people have been chatting for so long, and when they talked about the dawn, some people began to report and told Xiao Yu the results.

In the end, the five teams of the army, all won a total victory, did not encounter too much obstacles.

Because, as Nikolay imagined, Zanetti, after receiving the news, thought that Xiao Yu would definitely attack Huicheng immediately, so he immediately strengthened his defense and even mobilized some masters from other places to Huicheng.

In the end, I did not expect that Xiao Yu would not play Huicheng at all, but would play other cities. What strategy is this?

However, no matter what strategy, Xiao Yu has been successful. Now, there is only one city in Huicheng. Even if Zanetti is talented, it is still in jeopardy.