MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 93 fire rabbit

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Seeing that Zhang Yunxi couldn't understand what he meant, Violent Bear scratched his paw anxiously.


The sharp claws shattered his body, and blood gushed out of Zhang Yunxi's right arm in an instant.

"Damn it!" The unsuspecting Xiao Zhang grinned in pain, "You're sick, why tickle me?"

The violent bear arched Zhang Yunxi's right arm with its head, intending to let his blood fall into the freezer.

Zhang Yunxi understood what the other party meant, and immediately withdrew his arm: "Are you a Biaozi? You take it as a confession of blood, and it's useless to spray blood directly!"

Obviously, the reason why the violent bear kept patting Zhang Yunxi's chest and scratching his arm was to let him use the maternal mutant gene to provide life-sustaining energy for the dying baby bear.

But this approach is obviously very illiterate and uneducated.

Do you think I am the Supreme Lord? Can a sip of blood bring people back to life? There's no scientific reason for this...

What's more, Zhang Yunxi's blood can't be regarded as fine blood, it can be regarded as miscellaneous blood at most. He is a 4+1 gene coexistence, who knows what else is in his body besides the mutated genes of humans and bears.

If the blood contains a virus and is incompatible, the baby bear will die of infection immediately. What's more, the simple blood transmission can't be absorbed by the baby bear, and it's useless to pour it into the mouth, it needs to be diluted and extracted.

"Aww, aww...!"

The violent bear looked at the cub in the freezer, and kept spinning in circles in a hurry, letting out a low growl of grief.

"Stop barking!"

Zhang Yunxi scolded the violent bear, turned his head to look at the baby bear's life value, and then looked at the freezer. He found that the small glass box was equipped with a high-efficiency nutrient solution extractor. Simply put, this thing is an advanced filtration device that absorbs nutrient essence and removes impurities. It is often used in the medical field.

Fortunately, Zhang Yunxi, the sixth child, is a biology student. He understands the principle and usage of this thing.


Zhang Yunxi reached out to turn off the alarm system of the freezer, slowly took out the glass box, and on the upper LCD control panel, called up the option to increase the power of the extractor, and finally pulled the value to the maximum.


Various tubes and kinetic energy equipment in the glass box erupted with a burst of powerful noise. The power has increased, and the baby bear's life data has rebounded.

There is no other way, this bear is about to die, Zhang Yunxi can only gamble. The bet is that this extractor is very advanced, it can automatically reject impurities that are not compatible with the baby bear's body, and the mutant's immune system is strong, so it can directly absorb the energy in its own blood.

Looking at the baby bear in the box, Zhang Yunxi gritted his teeth and said, "Son, let me give you a word, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky!"

After speaking, Zhang Yunxi put the glass box on the table, and immediately squeezed the wound on his right arm to let fresh blood flow out.

Right above the glass box, there are two sterile nozzles for injecting nutrient solution. Zhang Yunxi opened them and slowly let his blood flow in.


The blood slipped in along the nozzle and fell into the nutrient solution in the box.


The box burst into a sound of efficient operation again, and the nutrient solution boiled and began to bubble.

Zhang Yunxi looked at the box in astonishment, and then took a peek at the violent bear next to him, thinking that he wouldn't kill this bear right away, right?

Damn, if that's the case... then the violent bear's husband's claws are not vegetarian, they can crush him in minutes.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the blood began to fade, and the impurities were quickly filtered by the extractor, and the slender tube inserted into the baby bear's body also began to absorb the energy in the blood.


The liquid crystal display panel of the glass box glowed, and the baby bear's life values ​​began to soar until the numbers turned completely green.

"It's done, it's done!" Zhang Yunxi wiped the sweat from his forehead: "My mother's love is really great...!


The violent bear was so excited that it almost swallowed Zhang Yunxi in one gulp. It stretched out its big tongue and licked his cheek wildly, its joy was beyond words.

"Get lost, don't get bored!"

Zhang Yunxi pushed the violent bear away, scanned the room with his eyes, and found that there were freezers in several other places.

This camp was specially built by Lord Kou for the baby bear. It is equipped with a large number of biological equipment, the purpose is to save the bear's life, so that it can successfully seduce the violent bear.

Zhang Yunxi quickly ran to the inside of the tent, picked out the smallest freezer and opened it, threw out all kinds of useless medicines inside, and finally put the glass box inside, adjusted the freezing value: "Go, go, slip Already!"

Zhang Yunxi carried a large square box, and led the violent bear out of the camp quickly.

Outside, the flames were soaring into the sky, and the cold wind howled.

The small fire ignited by Zhang Yunxi just now has turned into a big fire that can burn hundreds of miles. The tents in the tents are all emitting thick smoke, and the flames are as tall as a person.

Zhang Yunxi turned his head and glanced around, seeing that the cowards in the cave hadn't chased him out, he immediately ran up the hillside.

At the back, the violent bear flicked its four paws and grinned beautifully while running.

Today is a happy day. Although the daughter-in-law has changed, but fortunately she came back and her son was rescued. This is very nice!


Just when Violent Bear was extremely excited, the hum of a large aircraft suddenly came from behind him.

"Rush out, support is coming!"

At the same time, the shouts of soldiers from the management department came from the entrance of the cave.

The violent bear suddenly turned his head and looked down the hillside fiercely.

Underground fortification, in the corridor of area 12.

After Weibo heard footsteps from around him, he immediately shouted at the baby: "Contact the ground, send them the coordinates, and ask Pang Boran to come down to support. That little rabbit was definitely forced out by the smoke. Someone arrived before us. step."

At this moment, Weber had eight people with him, and all the members of the Dirty Blood Squad were present except Zhang Yunxi and Wei Wu. There were seventeen people in total.

Originally, after receiving Zhang Yunxi's call, Jiang Xin was going to leave with everyone and gather on the ground, but before they reached the exit, they saw thick white gas rising from the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, an unknown creature called the Fire Rabbit by the old man appeared.


In the corridor, the Fire Rabbit, which was only the size of an adult's palm, was scurrying along the edge of the wall.

"Grab it!"

Dr. Pang shouted excitedly: "We'll leave if we get it."


Tong Zhan and Bao Bao acted at the same time, one blocked Huo Rabbit's escape route, and the other stepped forward to round up it.

"Stop it, stop it!" Weber also shouted.

"Hula la!"

A group of people dispersed and blocked the corridor.


At this moment, the Fire Rabbit, who was running along the edge of the wall, suddenly ran up the wall, preparing to bypass the crowd at an extremely fast speed.

One of Weber's brothers pulled out the catch net on his waist and threw it directly at the wall.


The strong sticky catch net spread out and stuck to the wall in an instant.

The Fire Rabbit, which was running fast, hit the net with its head, and the hair on its body was stuck, and it screamed and screamed.

"Catch it, catch it!" Weber's brother ran over excitedly, reaching out to pluck the Fire Rabbit from the wall.

At this moment, the young Fire Rabbit shook its slightly fat body, suddenly turned its small head, and spit out the liquid towards the catch net.


"Zi la la!"

When the liquid spit out by the Fire Rabbit touched the catch net, the extremely flexible rope was instantly ignited.

That's right, it was ignited, and flames sprang up, and even the very hard walls emitted white smoke, and a shallow pit appeared visible to the naked eye.

The net was burnt and a large hole leaked out.

The Fire Rabbit jumped out, fled along the wall, turned its head and spit out the liquid again.


The person who was about to go forward to capture him quickly raised his arm in response.

"Zi la la!"

The liquid fell on the mechanical arm armor, white smoke rose instantly, and there was a pungent sour smell.

"Damn it, what is this?!" Brother Weber stepped back a few steps in horror, his face pale with fright.


The Fire Rabbit bypassed the crowd and landed on the ground. After scurrying in the corridor twice, it immediately got into a drainage ditch.

In fact, if Zhang Yunxi was present, he should be able to recognize this little guy immediately, because when he and the baby came to step on the site for the first time, a living thing grabbed his foot and gnawed on it, and he thought it was something like a mouse , Turned around and was kicked away by others.

In fact, the fire rabbit that everyone has been looking for passed by Zhang Yunxi just two days ago.

"Run in!"

Tong Zhan walked towards the drainpipe.

"do not move!"

Dr. Pang yelled: "The thing it spit out should be a flammable acidic substance, which is very corrosive. Don't put your face close to observe it."

Hearing this, Tong Zhan retracted his neck.


At this moment, a large number of masked personnel appeared in the front corridor. Judging from their attire, they were not from the management department. They should be various gold rush teams who have been squatting here.

"Oh, we met again? Godfather Wei!"

A middle-aged man walked forward Behind him were twenty or thirty people.

At the same time, footsteps were heard from the back of the corridor, and soldiers in the uniform of the management department approached with their shields in hand.


A sharp animal cry resounded through the corridor, and a fire rabbit about the size of a washbasin also rushed out from the fork in the road, followed by more than a dozen pursuers.

Just like that, a group of ghosts and monsters gathered in the corridor, and their common goal was the two fire rabbits.

"The management department is doing business, get out of here!"

At the back, the man in the squad leader's uniform shouted in a cold voice.

"What are you pretending to be?!" The group of people in front were not good at it, and one of them stepped out and said, "How many people have died inside and out with such a thing? If you say get out, just get out? Why, Just rely on the skin you wear?!"

"At least give us one, everyone can't run in vain!"


Weber turned his head and glanced around, frowning tightly, thinking that the situation had become complicated.

Just when everyone was looking at the enemy, Jiang Xin suddenly noticed that the little fire rabbit in the drainpipe was forced out again by the white smoke, and ran towards her.

Jiang Xin thought it was going to attack her, so she immediately pulled out the electronic restraint rope Zhang Yunxi gave her.

But what I didn't expect was that the fire rabbit slowed down when he ran close, lowered his head and sniffed the electronic restraint rope...

on the hill.

Zhang Yunxi was carrying a big suitcase, looked back and saw more than a dozen flying machines in the sky, and immediately cursed inwardly: "It's broken, Barbie's Q is broken, I'm a land warrior, and I can't hit a bird that tall...!"?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's note: If you say two chapters, there must be two more chapters. Don't rush everyone, there will be another chapter in a while. Ask for a recommendation ticket!