MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 84 Encounter into Yunlong

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Mangshan 065, in the 38-meter underground tunnel, messy light beams are sweeping around, Zhang Yunxi and others are looking at the surrounding scene curiously.

Kaka stepped to the side of the wall, shone the light on the electric pipe above his head, and said softly: "Old Zhang, I can see that the construction time of this fortification will not exceed thirty years."

"I'm just 18. Is it reasonable for you to call me Lao Zhang?!" Zhang Yunxi replied with some dissatisfaction.

"So kind."

"How did you see that?" Zhang Yunxi walked over and asked.

Kaka shined on the wire tube: "Then it says on it, the production date is 2091. Please, can you give me some details?"

"To be more specific, it has to be you." Zhang Yunxi also looked at the wire pipe: "I didn't write the production unit, otherwise I can probably figure out which department undertook the construction..."

While the two were communicating, Dr. Pang, who was walking forward, suddenly shouted: "There is a response!"

"Hula la!"

Everyone heard the words and surrounded the past.

"What did you see?" Godfather Wei asked immediately.

"Don't move, don't move, don't come here," Dr. Pang frowned and waved his hands: "Don't destroy the traces."

Everyone stopped and stood near the entrance. Dr. Pang bent down, reached out to straighten the detector on his helmet, and stepped forward.

In the underground corridor, the cold wind was blowing, and the small stream of water seeping in from nowhere was rushing towards the low-lying place.

Dr. Pang leaned against the wall on the left and slowly squatted down. He slowly took out a piece of equipment from his bag and turned on the operating switch.


The front scanning port of the square device emitted a broad blue light, covering almost the entire corridor six meters away.

The light blue light flickered, and everyone looked forward, and saw several faint red lights in the water flow under the wall on the left.

This device is called "Visual Biological Trace Targeting Display Instrument", which can search out the biological activity track through a series of comprehensive indicators such as the smell of the biological, walking heat, feces, walking traces, and shed hair.

This thing existed more than a hundred years ago, but with the improvement of scientific research technology, it has also evolved to a perverted level. Take the smell searcher as an example. The sensitivity of its front probe is more than three times that of canine animals. It can detect the smell of creatures that have moved here a few days ago.

This technology directly retires police dogs and greatly increases the frequency of use of electronic dogs.

Dr. Pang hung up the display device, squatted beside the water and tested various test tubes for a long time before turning around and saying, "We have to leave."

"How?" Weber asked.

"There are indeed traces of unknown creatures, but they are mixed with conventional creatures." Dr. Pang stood up and said: "The conventional creatures include mice, insects such as cockroaches, and their biological traces are very messy. We need to distinguish them so that we can Lock on target."

Weber nodded: "Generally understand."

"Now there are three lines that are traces of unknown organisms, and I will mark them electronically." Dr. Pang took the biological detection test tube and handed it to Weber: "You enter your own display device, so that you can distinguish the traces of conventional organisms .We divided into three groups, each chasing one, "

"No problem." Weber nodded immediately.

"Come on, hurry up and enter, we're leaving." Zhang Yunxi also called out.

Everyone entered the values ​​of the detection reagents into their own display devices, and then separated. A group of people continued to move forward along the corridor, while the other two groups walked into the fork road with biological trace lines.

In the damp and dark corridor, the members of the dirty blood team gathered together, following Dr. Pang, looking for biological traces.

Their team includes Kaka, Zhang Yunxi, Tong Zhan, Zhu Qizhen, Jiang Xin, Dr. Pang, and Baobao.

"Candle Dragon Grass, the name should be a plant." Kaka followed Zhang Yunxi: "But it's too difficult for plants to survive in this biological environment, right? After I came in, I didn't see anything except moss."

"Maybe it's an animal, too?" Tong Zhan replied softly, "It's not surprising to have a name for a new species that hasn't been discovered by the public."

On the front side, Dr. Pang asked softly while testing, "Zhang Yunxi, is your discomfort still strong?"

"Sometimes it is strong, and sometimes it doesn't feel like it." Zhang Yunxi replied truthfully.

"According to the strength of the biotrace line, right?" Dr. Pang asked.

"That's right." Zhang Yunxi nodded and admitted.

"Then my guess should be right." Dr. Pang said softly: "The line we're chasing should be related to Fire Rabbit Blood, and this area should be its outer activity territory, because I haven't found any long-term residence. And this The size of the species is not too large, I see footprints."

While the two were talking, Jiang Xin shined a flashlight on the wall and interjected, "Material storage room No. 03, this should have been a work area before."

"Damn it, this underground space is so big!" Tong Zhan also sighed, "We've been walking for twenty minutes, and we haven't seen a dead end yet."

Zhu Qizhen followed behind, and said softly, "I'll go to the room inside to have a look. If we find a map or something, our search will be faster."

"Your big sword is not bad, Godfather Wei gave it to you?" Zhang Yunxi asked with great interest: "I think it is very suitable for me after transformation."

"Get out, two arms!" Zhu Qizhen was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. He knew the other party's style very well in his heart. If he should hold this game in his hand, it would be impossible to return it to himself.

At present, in this world, the only person who can stably prostitute Zhang Yunxi for free is Jiang Xin.

About five minutes later, Zhu Qizhen and Kaka searched the room of the underground fortification, while Dr. Pang and Zhang Yunxi, who knew biology, led the way, looking for biological traces.


Just as the master and apprentice were communicating with each other in a low beep, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps at the corner of the front corridor.


Zhang Yunxi immediately pulled Dr. Pang, took two steps back.

As soon as the words fell, three men appeared at the corner of the corridor, all holding biological trace display devices in their hands.

"Fuck!" The leader of the other party also exclaimed, "Someone?!"

Zhang Yunxi looked at the other party guardedly, and pulled Dr. Pang back three or four steps.

At the same time, Bao Bao, Jiang Xin, and Tong Zhan also rushed up.

Before everyone entered the underground world, they already knew that there were many bounty hunters around, so it was not unusual to meet a group of strangers below.

Tong Zhan stepped forward and said succinctly, "Brother, each will go his own way, and nothing will be delayed."

The three opponents were all wearing mechanical armor armed to the teeth, and even their necks were covered with piston necks to protect their vitals, looking very professional.

The leader wore a holographic helmet and couldn't see his face clearly, but he said forcefully: "It's just a line, how can it not be delayed?"

"Then what do you mean?" Tong Zhan asked.

"Get out! Let's chase this line!" The other party replied in a stern voice.


While the two were communicating, the sound of chaotic footsteps reappeared at the fork in the corridor.

Soon, more than a dozen people dressed roughly the same ran up to the three of them.

Zhang Yunxi swallowed, the other party outnumbered them.

"Hey? It's really a narrow road!"

At this moment, a man standing in the opposite crowd stared at Zhang Yunxi and said, "Little brat, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Zhang Yunxi was stunned for a moment, thinking that he met an enemy?

Sure enough, after the man said something, he immediately turned around and shouted, "Brother Long, we met that kid."

In the empty corridor, the sound of slightly heavy footsteps resounded, and a tall man led the two of them to the fork in the road. He wore a black overcoat on his shoulders, with long hair, and he didn't even wear a holographic helmet, only a delicate gas mask on his nose and mouth.

The man named Long Ge was about 1.85 meters tall, with a strong build and sharp eyes. He also had a red rose tattooed on his neck that didn't match his temperament. He looked quite different in his attire.

Tong Zhan pulled Dr. Pang back, and Zhang Yunxi stood in front of Jiang Xin.

"Hehe, it's really you!" Brother Long stepped forward and asked in a black coat, "Do you know me?"

As soon as Zhang Yunxi heard what the other party said, he knew that this guy had no good intentions, and a good talk would definitely have no effect, so he said: "You are money, why should I know you?"

"Do you know Xiao Dilong?" The man next to Brother Long said in a low voice: "This is Xiao Dilong's big brother, 033 barren area—Ruyunlong!"

Brother Long looked at Zhang Yunxi: "Little brat, come here by yourself, I won't make it difficult for you to be your friend."

Standing behind Zhang Yunxi, Jiang Xin has already notified Weber through the local area network.

"Hula la!"

After Brother Long finished speaking, fifteen or six people on the other side stepped forward and pressed forward.

At the foot of the 065 mountain, in an observation room hidden in a cave, a young man wearing a barren area management uniform is putting his feet on a simple table and staring at the detection information on the electronic screen.


Just when the young man was drowsy, the electronic alarm suddenly sounded. He suddenly sat up and looked at the screen, his eyes widened: "Tong...notify Master Kou, quickly, call him! There is a response!"

Ten seconds later.

Master Kou ran in from the outside and asked urgently, "What's going on?!"

"At the 079 entrance of the underground fortification, the target activity was found." The young man stood beside the detector and said, "The one that appeared suddenly should have come down from the top of the mountain."

Master Kou's eyes were excited: "Where's the bait? Where is the bait?!"

"The live bait is not clear, the underground space is too large, and there are interference signals, we can't detect it. But the trace of the dead bait is near the entrance, and it should be running for the dead bait." The young man replied.

Master Kou heard the words and immediately said: "Ask the third team to prepare to enter, and if necessary, you can take out the dead bait and lure it again."


While the two were talking, the alarm signal from the detector suddenly disappeared. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

On the mountainous area of ​​065, a huge black shadow smashed into the cement wall and gravel simply and roughly, then got into the entrance with extremely sensitive movements, and disappeared.

In the underground corridor.

The eldest brother, nicknamed Ru Yunlong, secretly waved his hands at his subordinates, and continued to shout: "Little brat, I will give you one last chance. You come over by yourself, I can do nothing..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Just when the other party deliberately beeped to attract the attention of Zhang Yunxi and others, heavy footsteps suddenly resounded in the corridor.

When Zhu Qizhen heard the movement, he ran out from the room on the inside, and shouted wildly, "Get out of the way!"

Zhang Yunxi and the others immediately dispersed and dodged to the sides.

Zhu Qizhen pulled out the photon electric explosion sword from the sword groove just welded on his back, held it horizontally with both hands, and his legs flew up into the air directly with the help of foot thrusters, and swiped down with a single sword: "Why are you so tender? Yunlong?! I’ll return Gongsun Sheng on horseback!”


Someone on the other side yelled, and four men in mechanical armor raised their arms to block the sword.

"Bang bang bang...!"

At the same time, all the people around Ru Yunlong dispersed, holding kinetic energy guns and cannons, ready to shoot Zhu Qizhen intensively.


When the sword fell, the battle armor of the two opponents shattered, and their bodies flew three meters away, directly knocking over four or five companions behind them, and smashed heavily on the ground.


Zhu Qizhen stood in front of the crowd, holding a long sword and cursed: "I only have a sharp sword, and I specialize in chopping bullshit."


Tong Zhan roared.


Jiang Xin reacted quickly, and whipped directly at the rose on Brother Long's neck.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's note: Two chapters today, please recommend tickets! Love you guys!