MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 75 no one to rely on, then rely on yourself

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In the lobby of the main building of the supply camp, a wave of air that was difficult to catch with the naked eye swept across the surroundings, and smoke and dust rolled on the ground. Zhang Yunxi spread his arms, clenched his fists and let out a low growl.


The thick **** layer of armor emerged, bursting Zhang Yunxi's clothes in an instant. His whole body turned gray, his body swelled rapidly, and his body proportions gradually became perfect.

less than three seconds,

Zhang Yunxi's body swelled a full two times. According to visual inspection, he was about 2.10 meters tall. His body line was extremely tough, and the spine on his back was all protruding, about five centimeters in height.

This kind of body is even taller than a professional basketball player, and his face and posture are no longer human, but like a white-haired gorilla.

This physical change visible to the naked eye caused all the desperadoes in the house to wander around in the wilderness to look horrified and bewildered.

Even Lord Kou upstairs looked at Zhang Yunxi with frown, very surprised.

"He...his body has evolved again." Wei Wu turned to look at Dr. Pang and said.

"This is not a good thing. The greater the change, the more it means that the effectiveness of the inhibitory solution is decreasing." Dr. Pang replied nervously.

The woman named Chizi looked at Zhang Yunxi with terrified eyes, and her heart was pounding: "I have lived in the barren area for so long, and I have seen genetic mutations, but I have never seen such a big change. No wonder the adventurer Someone in the camp is asking for 30 million yuan to capture you alive, you are indeed worth a fortune!"

"Be careful!" The person next to He Laoliu shouted: "I have seen the video of this kid, his mutant speed is very fast..."

"Gan Nima! Hurry up?! Fuck you first!"

Zhang Yunxi is not a person who talks about immorality. After he adapted to the change in his body, he rushed towards the speaker with a whoosh.

A tall afterimage flitted across the hall.

"One piece...!"

Before He Laoliu's men finished speaking half a sentence, Zhang Yunxi had already arrived in front of his eyes, not much beeping, and raising his hand was a cannon punch.

This middle-aged man with a strong body raised his arm and used the mechanical arm to block Zhang Yunxi's attack.

"How many catties and taels are you, you just call when you enter the door?!" Zhang Yunxi roared, and with the inertia of his body, his fist hit the opponent's head directly.



The fist fell, and there was a crackling sound in the metal arm armor.

The middle-aged man flew three meters away and fell to the ground on his back. The mechanical arm armor on his right arm was cracked on the spot, and even the titanium alloy support pillar was bent.

That's titanium alloy! Although the pillar was very thin, the metal that couldn't be melted by conventional hot weapon shells was deformed by Zhang Yunxi's punch.

As Dr. Pang said, Zhang Yunxi's body has indeed changed under the strong pressure of the inhibitory fluid, and the increase in physical fitness also means that his body is about to lose control.

"Hula la!"

He Laoliu, Xiao Dilong, the blond ghost, Chizi's subordinates and others, when they saw the middle-aged man being punched to the ground, they panicked in their hearts, immediately got up and stepped back, and kept touching their own skin. arms.

This group of people scattered in all directions, not only kept staring at Zhang Yunxi, but also guarded against the other three groups, for fear that the other party would cut off the beard at a critical moment and eat the dirty blood warrior alone.

This is why everyone only sent one or two backbones to beat Zhang Yunxi in groups. They don't trust each other, and they come here with eight hundred thoughts.

"Spread out!" Chizi took a few steps back while holding the electronic restraint rope.

Brother He Laoliu, who was knocked down by a punch, was holding the ground with one hand at this moment, and just about to force himself up, he felt dizzy in his brain, and turned his head and vomited.


The tall Caucasian man with a dagger in his hand frowned and scanned Zhang Yunxi's body with electronic eyes: "His body peak is still growing, shoot and attack!!"

The two brothers on Xiao Dilong's side immediately pulled out the kinetic energy cannons on their waists and aimed at Zhang Yunxi's body.

"Zoom away, don't fight him head-on."

Chizi was also very afraid that Zhang Yunxi would approach, so she stepped back while pulling out the kinetic energy cannon with her left hand.

Zhang Yunxi stood in the middle of the hall, quickly scanning around. He found out that this group of people were all veterans. He only punched him once, and the others didn't intend to get closer to him. Instead, they immediately stood at a corner and tacitly dispersed and tugged.

Zhang Yunxi has no long-range firepower, and the other party is six or seven bounty hunters walking in the barren area. If you let them disperse, you must be the one who feels uncomfortable.

Forget it, don't care about it, whoever is the most lovable can do it, and even if he dies, he will be buried with him!

Zhang Yunxi had a choice in an instant, turned his body to the left, and rushed towards Chizi with one stride.

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

At the same time, the others all used kinetic energy guns to shoot Zhang Yunxi.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

The concrete floor, tables, chairs and benches in the hall exploded one by one under the burst of blue kinetic energy beams.

Shallow craters with the size of human heads appeared on the ground. Cement fragments and cracked wooden boards flew across the ground, hitting the second floor. Wei Bo was so scared that he got up quickly and moved away a little.

The impact point of the kinetic energy shell was almost along Zhang Yunxi's heel, extending all the way forward.

More than a dozen shells were fired without hurting Zhang Yunxi at all. His speed was too fast.


In less than a breath, Zhang Yunxi rushed in front of Chizi, with his right arm stretched forward, trying to grab Chizi's body.


To Zhang Yunxi's complete surprise, Chizi's reaction speed was much faster than he expected. The woman fell to the ground on her back, dodged Zhang Yunxi's arm, and pulled the trigger of the kinetic gun with her cheek flushed.


The kinetic energy beam hit Zhang Yunxi's chest, and a large amount of gray liquid exploded from the cuticle and splashed on Chizi's face.

Zhang Yunxi felt as if his chest was about to burst open, and he glanced at the kinetic energy cannon in Chizi's hand in horror.

Before this, Zhang Yunxi had never been in a barren area, and in his knowledge, the kinetic energy hand cannon did not have this power. He has never heard of this kind of kinetic energy improvement!

"He's physically strong, but he doesn't have any fighting skills." Chizi yelled after taking a shot: "On one piece, don't give him room to speed up."


At this moment, the dwarf little earth dragon, who had not made a move all this time, swung the electronic restraint rope and directly wrapped it around Zhang Yunxi's neck.


Xiao Dilong pulled the restraining rope back with both hands, and pressed the electric shock button.

The electronic restraint rope wrapped around Zhang Yunxi's neck emits a burst of blue light, and the high-efficiency thermal energy sheet and electric sheet embedded in the rope body are activated at the same time.


The current surged through, and Zhang Yunxi suddenly felt numb all over his body. He grabbed the rope body with one hand and tried to break free, but the heat sheet on the rope body burst into a high temperature of hundreds of degrees in an instant.

"Thrust Lala!"

A burst of white smoke rose, and Zhang Yunxi felt his neck and right hand, as if being placed in magma, and the burning pain was unbearable.


Taking advantage of Zhang Yunxi's attack, Chizi turned his body to the left, and threw out the restraining rope with his right hand, directly wrapping around his feet.

Zhang Yunxi immediately felt that his calves were being restrained, and he tried to break free, but with his current strength, the restraining rope did not break open.

Who can eat in the barren area for nothing? ! Without some unique skills, who would dare to mess around in a cannibalistic society!

I don't know what material Chizi's electronic restraint rope is made of, but it is obviously higher than that of Xiaodilong, and it can shrink or extend.

After Zhang Yunxi's legs were restrained, Chizi's electronic restraint rope was covered with spikes the size of embroidery needles, extending upward along his legs, binding his waist and thighs, while automatically tightening, letting him fall The thorn dug hard into his cuticle.

"Come on, one piece!" Chizi roared frantically.


A Caucasian man over two meters tall, holding a short dagger with a glimmer of light, rushed from behind extremely fast.


As soon as the knife entered his body, the entire body of the knife sank into Zhang Yunxi's waist.

Ever since Zhang Yunxi's body changed, his cuticle defense is obvious to all. Liu's AI's airborne kinetic energy cannon can't easily break his defense, that is, the weapons in the police system can injure him, which is enough Explain how strong the "gray lin armor" is.

But the white man didn't know what kind of dagger he was holding. It looked like a conventional cold weapon on the outside, but the sharpness of this dagger was far beyond imagination. It pierced into Zhang Yunxi's cuticle without any pause.

"I'm going to shatter your internal organs!"

The white man gritted his teeth and roared, and decisively pressed the carving of the wolf's head above the dagger.

"Bang bang bang...!"

There was a clear explosion sound, and the tiny **** hanging on the dagger body exploded at the same time.

There was a round hole-shaped wound the size of a fist on Zhang Yunxi's back, and blood and gray-white liquid gushed wildly, spurting out unstoppably.


For a moment, Zhang Yunxi felt that his hyperactive mutant gene was decreasing, which had never happened before.

The body has suffered a major trauma, and the mutated gene has declined by itself without the intervention of the inhibitory fluid? !

Is this a form of self-preservation, or what?

Zhang Yunxi didn't have time to think about it, he only felt that his gray cuticle was decreasing, and at the same time he saw the rest of the people rushing towards him.

"On horseback!"

"Are you going to hang up like this?!"

Zhang Yunxi's brain was a little dizzy, and phantoms appeared in his eyes.

"Made, don't talk about Wude!"

Zhu Qizhen rushed over like Followed by Tong Zhan and Wei Wu.


Wei Bo, who had been silent all this time, got up and shouted: "Little Dilong, it's not enough to beat one of these six or seven, but you have to do it all? It's a bit unreasonable, right?!"

Xiao Dilong ignored Webber at all, and only strangled Zhang Yunxi's neck and shouted: "Fuck him, I want the machine on his chest!"

Everyone rushed forward.


The baby jumped down while holding on to the handrail on the second floor with one hand: "Zhang Yunxi, let me help you."


Zhu Qizhen opened the cannon shell, Wei Wu raised the kinetic energy gun, and Tong Zhan put on a pair of mechanical arms.

The three ran to this side in a rampage.

"Do it!"

He Laoliu pointed at the three of them and shouted.

"Get out of here!! I don't need anyone!"

Zhang Yunxi roared with scarlet eyes: "I have to go out by myself today!!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yunxi raised his left arm, reached out and pressed the second-order stimulation button of the suppressor on his chest.


Three seconds is a real man!

The sound of gas explosions in the gray field swept through the living room, and everyone felt dizzy in their brains, and even their thinking stagnated.


At this moment, Zhang Yunxi reached out and grabbed the electronic restraint rope around his neck, and pulled it back hard.


The little earth dragon, who was short in stature and affected by the magnetic field of the gray field, was dragged over by the air without any precaution.


Zhang Yunxi grabbed Xiao Dilong's neck with his left hand, and raised his right arm high: "Just step on the horse and you scream happily!! When I enter the barren area, I will kill you first to practice your courage!!"


A punch fell, and Xiao Dilong's head was crushed by the punch without any defense.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!