MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 47 Be a hacker?

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In the garage.

After Zhang Yunxi thought of the way to get rich from Heidan, he shouted to Zhu Qizhen very excitedly: "Old Zhu, you continue to block the hole, I will go upstairs to check the information."

"Oh!" Zhu Qizhen replied.

Tread Tread!

Zhang Yunxi trotted upstairs, locked himself indoors, and began to look up information on the microcomputer.

"Human beings are too realistic. Once I got the key to my life, I didn't even call my teacher." Zhu Qizhen underestimated with emotion, sat down on the ground with a bang, and began to block the hole with iron plates, just like a laborer.

second floor.

Zhang Yunxi was sitting on a chair, with the inhibitory fluid diversion pump at his waist gleaming, resting his chin on his left hand, he carefully watched the information about the black list in the Immortal World.

Speaking of the black list, there are roughly three types.

The first type: it is the kind of storefront operated by Weber offline. This kind of store meets the living needs of many offline people, but it must be a little gray, otherwise it will definitely not make money.

For example, when Zhang Yunxi went to drink, the woman said that Mrs. Li in Jiangbei was very lonely and needed a little brother as a playmate. This was a form of black order transaction.

To put it simply, the claimant comes to the physical store, sends the order under the protection of Weber, and then the corresponding "professional" personnel picks it up. After the transaction is concluded, Weber draws a certain amount of commission.

The advantages of this kind of black single job are obvious. For example, if you can open this kind of store, you must have a lot of social connections. If you trade something here with him, you will definitely not have any accidents, and you will not be cheated. , because Weber is playing the role of guarantee, once there is a loss, he will definitely compensate.

Also, this kind of transaction is relatively fast. As long as the goal is clear, for example, if you want to buy some controlled mechanical parts today, they can find it for you on the same day, and deliver the goods to your door, and protect customer information.

But there is one disadvantage of this kind of transaction, that is, it is expensive, because the operating cost offline is also very high, it needs people, channels and so on.

The second type: In the virtual world of eternal life, there is also the function of offering a black list of rewards. Oh, no, to be precise, it should be called a quick order offering a reward.

Lingjing Group launched a fast order reward in the world of eternal life. The slogan is very positive. It says that it will make the world easy to do business and let the new generation of young people work freely!

But judging from the actual effect, this is actually Lingjing Group using its huge user base to engage in commercial monopoly.

As soon as the order comes out, many dispatch platforms are all GG, and it is too cold to be cold.

In the quick order function of Immortal World, you can issue tasks such as personal orders, team orders, and business orders according to your credit, and you must clearly indicate how much you will pay.

For example, if a real estate company wants to open a new building today, it needs to recruit 300 people to support the atmosphere. Then it can directly post a reward in the fast order channel of the Immortal World, set the amount, and let everyone grab it.

Since the user base of Immortal World is too large, this kind of order may be sold out in a few seconds, and those who don't want to do a fixed job but like freedom can take this kind of order to maintain their lives.

After finishing an order today and earning five hundred, we can rest tomorrow, and pick up when we have no money.

Reward tasks similar to this type can be seen on this platform, and they are cyclical. announced.

What kind of task can offer a reward of millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions?

In fact, there are many, such as government project bidding, research and development work in a certain technology field, all of which are huge orders with astonishing prices. Generally speaking, the authenticity of the list is still very reliable.

For example, when Zhang Yunxi was in the psychiatric hospital, there was a guy from the fighting nation outside who took a big order of 10 million.

It was an extreme challenge order issued by an energy drink group. It was similar to an advertisement. The employee who received the order needed to use wingsuit flight from Kunlun Mountains K2 to land on a designated gliding route around the mountain, and the landing height was also limited. All in all very low.

To put it bluntly, this kind of job is to find a lunatic to kill. It has been hung up for more than a week and no one has answered it, but in the end it was taken down by the fighting ethnic guy, and it really landed successfully. It is said that he himself is an extreme sports enthusiast. .

This fast order function in the world of eternal life is indeed very practical and convenient, but it has indeed killed many other companies, such as second-hand car companies, full-time recruiters, and express logistics companies, etc., have almost disappeared. up.

User base, crushing everything!

This form of quick order has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that all its task orders cannot be illegal or gray. Whether it is the order receiver or the order sender, they must strictly follow the review process of the eternal life world, so everyone does not need to worry about whether it is a crime or not. If you make money, you are not afraid of being checked by the water meter.

The disadvantage is that the number of users in the world of eternal life is too large. As the old saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in this forest. There are not a few people who use this platform to engage in real fraud. It is also common for ignorant teenagers to be tricked into wilderness areas thing.

Moreover, the amount of fast orders is generally not high, and the involution in various industries is quite serious, because there are indeed many people who do not look for permanent jobs, but live freely and freely.

The third form of receiving orders is too exciting and mysterious! Because it is the gathering place of real black singles, and it is a global trading market that is not exposed to the sun-it is called the adventurer camp!

The adventurer's camp is networked worldwide, and no one knows where its host and terminal are, but it covers all the details of the above two forms of receiving orders, but the above two forms cannot cover its energy.

In the portal of this adventurer camp, you can find almost everything on the earth, as long as you have money, as long as this thing exists in the world, you can buy it.

Here, there are N levels of order dispatching and order receiving, and there are almost no restrictions on the content of the order. To put it bluntly, as long as the text can be typed, all tasks can be dispatched.

It is even difficult for ordinary people to find the address of this portal, and there are two ways to obtain an account. The first is recommended by high-level members, and the so-called high-level must be really high-level, many seven or eight years account, does not necessarily have the right to recommend. The second is to maintain an account. With an address on a portal website, after completing registration, an individual needs to sign in within a fixed period of time for one year to keep the account active before being granted the authority of an ordinary member.

At this moment, you can really start to take orders and make money!

Obviously, this is the real hacker, and it can really make a lot of money!

Zhang Yunxi once guessed that Weber must also be a member of this adventurer camp, and his level is not low, otherwise there would not be so many channels and resources.

In front of the microcomputer.

Zhang Yunxi was eating biscuits, and carefully looked at the information about the adventurer's camp on a forum that was cracked down by the government.

To be honest, Zhang Yunxi was not interested in such things at all before. He felt that this was far away from him, and maybe he would not be able to get in touch with such gloomy things on the day of his death.

but now! He is full of interest in the adventurer's camp!

With his current physical condition and Lao Zhu's ability, he would definitely not be reconciled to doing ordinary quick orders or working for Weber. He was slow to make money and inefficient, feeling a bit overqualified.

But Zhang Yunxi is definitely not a person with a dark heart, and he can't accept that he does something illegal because of money. This is the bottom line of being a person cultivated by character and family education, and it cannot be changed.

But Zhang Yunxi can accept some dangerous jobs by himself, some jobs that do not violate the bottom line of morality, as long as there is a lot of money, and this kind of job seems to be only available in the adventurer camp.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yunxi finally made up his mind, he wants to start a business with Zhu Qizhen, and he wants to pick up jobs in the adventurer's camp!

Bigger and stronger, create greater glories!

At least you have to work until you have the level of wealth you didn't know before Zhu Qizhen!

But what to do, what should I do with my member account in the adventurer camp? ! He didn't know any senior members, so he couldn't get someone to recommend him. It was even more impossible to go to Weber and tell him about his next decision, and it was too long to keep an account for a year.

God of War without pants is very short of money! If you really have to wait a year, then you probably have to serve Mrs. Li in Jiangbei!

How to do it?

When Zhang Yunxi was thinking hard, a figure suddenly appeared in UU Reading's mind!

Jiang Xin!

By the way, when Zhu Qizhen was repaired last time, Zhang Yunxi went to Weber to buy parts, and when he came back to talk to Jiang Xin, the latter seemed to know Heidanke very well.

This girl usually likes to do some weird things, loves machinery, electronics and other products, and hangs around with a microcomputer all day long. She might have an account in the adventurer camp. After all, electronic products and machinery Such products are very strictly controlled, and it is difficult to buy them in the general market.

Why don't you give her a call and ask?

After Zhang Yunxi hesitated for a while, he still called Jiang Xin with a communicator!

Mingzhu City, Huangpu District, in a high-end residential building.

Carrying her luggage bag, Jiang Xin said with a cold face: "I won't admit my mistake to her! Isn't it just money? I will pay her back for the company's losses! That's it, I'm going to school!"

"Where are you going?" someone shouted from inside the house.

"Don't pull her, let her roll!" A man's voice sounded.

Jiang Xin left the house with her luggage on her back, shedding tears as she walked.


At this moment, the communicator lit up for a while, and an electronic sound sounded.

"Personal assistant Xiaojia informs you: Genius girl! The enthusiastic dirty-blood warrior requests to talk to you!"

"No!" Jiang Xin refused without emotion.

Half a minute later, just as Jiang Xin stepped into the transparent elevator, the AI ​​electronic assistant called out again: "Genius girl! The enthusiastic dirty-blood warrior said: My grandson is out of the mental hospital! Do you want to have a meal every time, miss!" ?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!