MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 40 Ultimate Secret

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In a dimly lit corridor, Zhang Yunxi ran wildly all the way, looking at the running crowd in scarlet combat uniforms around him, he kept yelling and asking, "What's wrong? What's the matter?!"

No one answered, and the group of red-clothed soldiers seemed to be unable to see Zhang Yunxi at all. They were all running towards the end of the corridor with all their strength.

In the ruins of a city.

Standing next to the collapsed building, Zhang Yunxi looked down at his chest and legs, and saw several wounds bleeding.

The surroundings are empty, and there are no living things in the ruins as far as the eye can see, and there is a dead silence.

"where is the guy!"

"Where did you all go? Talk! Don't leave me alone!"


Zhang Yunxi roared in despair, an empty echo came, and his emotions completely collapsed.

In a camp that stretched for several kilometers, the fire was raging, and there were red-clothed soldiers running everywhere, as well as the sound of explosions that kept ringing around.

Zhang Yunxi was wearing a combat uniform, running around the camp in a panic, and kept shouting, "Where are you?!"

"Don't run around, I'm here to save you...!"

Zhang Yunxi was like a tireless robot, shouting anxiously while looking around.

Finally, Zhang Yunxi saw a figure under a photon beam fort. He was very excited and overjoyed. Although he couldn't see the other party clearly, he ran over immediately: "I... I'm here, don't move!

As soon as the words fell, the figure walked out slowly, raised the weapon in his hand and pointed it at Zhang Yunxi, with an extremely indifferent face.

"You...!" Zhang Yunxi stopped immediately, his heart filled with despair and disbelief.


The figure fired at Zhang Yunxi, and a bright light struck.

Looking at the dazzling light, Zhang Yunxi was extremely angry and yelled in grief: "Why?!"

"Ah! Ah!"

In a three-meter-long and one-and-a-half-meter-wide nutrition cabin, Zhang Yunxi, who was completely naked, suddenly seemed to be mentally ill, and howled ferociously.


A young man who was sleeping on the desk on the left was suddenly awakened by the shout, and rubbed his eyes to look at the nutrition cabin.


Zhang Yunxi in the nutrition cabin sat up suddenly, and his forehead hit the synthetic glass plate as hard as steel. He felt as if he had been hit on the head by a heavy object, and lay down again with a thud.

"Zhang Yunxi fell ill again, hitting his head against the glass panel of the nutrition looks very cruel, please help!" The young man immediately yelled at the real-time communication device on the table.

Half a minute later, six members of the AI ​​inspection department led four AI mechs to rush into the room first, and raised their weapons.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Pang rushed in with his team, waved his hands and shouted: "Don't move yet, look at his value!"

"Look at that fart, he's irrational!" A member of the AI ​​inspection department immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Get ready to shoot, control him!"

While everyone was talking, Zhang Yunxi sat up slowly, first glanced at his crotch, and then at Chiguo's body: "...what...what's the situation?"

"Don't move, don't move!" Dr. Pang waved at the AI ​​inspection department, rushed to the side of the nutrition cabin with strides, lay down on the glass cover and shouted: "Zhang Yunxi! Do you still know me? I'm your mentor Pang PhD…!"

Zhang Yunxi raised his neck stiffly when he heard the shout, and looked at Dr. Pang helplessly: "I... I'm not dead?!"

"What did you say?" Seeing Zhang Yunxi's dull eyes, like a fool, Dr. Pang immediately raised two fingers: "How much is this?"


"I ask you how much is this??!"

"Two!" Zhang Yunxi replied instinctively.


Dr. Pang let out a long breath, turned his head and said to the people in the AI ​​inspection department: "He still knows it's two, communication is fine, he's awake."

"Check the values!" A man in Dr. Pang's team ordered to his assistant.

Sitting in the nutrition cabin, Zhang Yunxi saw a group of people outside observing him, and there were several female technicians in their 40s and 50s, and suddenly broke down: "Don't look at it, I'm sorry! Get me a Underpants, auntie!"

No one paid any attention to him, and after about a minute, the assistant got up and shouted: "The value is stable!"

"Open it." Dr. Pang waved his hand.

The assistant pressed the open button, and the glass cover rose.

"Hands up, stand up!" The AI ​​inspection department shouted, raising their weapons.

Zhang Yunxi broke down: "I can't stand up, my tutor doesn't allow me to make such obscene moves!"

An hour and a half later.

Zhang Yunxi ended the communication with Dr. Pang under the close supervision and control of the members of the AI ​​inspection team.

During the communication, Zhang Yunxi learned that he was temporarily rescued, because no one knew who sent the inhibitory solution at the most critical moment, temporarily suppressing the mutated genes in Zhang Yunxi's body and the completely new active cells.

But this situation cannot be maintained for a long time, because the amount of inhibitory solution is limited, and the efficacy of the medicine is gradually fading. In other words, when Zhang Yunxi's brand-new body completely produced antibodies, the effect of the inhibitory fluid disappeared.

According to the numerical feedback results, the efficacy of this inhibitory solution can last up to half a year.

Half a year later, if Dr. Pang and others still can't find a way to suppress the mutated gene in Zhang Yunxi's body, and can't upgrade the efficacy of the inhibitory liquid, then he will still be cool.

Terminally ill? ? ?

That's pretty much what it means.

After hearing this explanation, Zhang Yunxi panicked and nearly collapsed. Sitting alone in the control ward, he was also depressed for a long time.

He is only eighteen years old this year. Originally, he was full of longing for the future life, and he also had his own rigorous life plan. The most important thing is that he is still a first-time boy. He is so GG, so he is really not reconciled!

In addition, Zhang Yunxi has many doubts in his heart that have not yet been resolved.

For example, during his deep sleep, he dreamed of many things that he had never experienced before. The feeling was very strange. It was obviously just a dream, but the images in the dream could actually affect his emotions. At the moment of waking up, he even shed tears himself.

The Liu family made such a big move just to steal his memory.

If you speculate like this, is your dream implying something? Is there really something wrong with my memory? !

Thinking of these mysteries, Zhang Yunxi was full of curiosity and apprehension. He wanted to investigate further, but he only had half a year's lifespan.

How to do?

Zhang Yunxi sat alone in the room and thought for a long time. From the initial anxiety, despair, and collapse, he finally evolved into calmness.

At the age of eighteen, he really experienced too many things, which made his fragile heart gradually become stronger.

He definitely doesn't want to die, and Zhang Yunxi doesn't even want to engage in virtual immortality. He doesn't want to live in the world of immortality, living in the form of a string of data.

Need to find a way out of the predicament.

Inhibition fluid is a temporary life-saving thing, and someone secretly gave it to Dr. Pang, which shows that someone doesn't want him to die.

Perhaps things are not so pessimistic, if the potion can be produced, a solution will surely be found!

But the most important thing right now is that Zhang Yunxi has to find a way to get out. He is currently under the joint control of the Metropolitan Police Department and the AI ​​Inspection Department. The reason is that he counter-killed the murderer Liu Ye and others, and under the warning of the law enforcement department, he still killed Liu Zonghui.

This nature has seriously violated the legal provisions, because the Metropolitan Police Department believes that the body mutation has not affected Zhang Yunxi's thinking. He is a subjective vengeful murder and must be punished by law.

In addition, Zhang Yunxi's physical condition after mutation has far surpassed that of a human. Obviously he is an extremely dangerous person, so how to control him in the future also needs to wait for the arbitration of the judicial department.

The hurdle of going to court is definitely inevitable, but how can we get rid of the crime?

Zhang Yunxi never felt guilty, or had any sense of guilt, for killing Liu's father and son, because at that time he thought that he was bound to die, and he could afford to kill and pay for his life. What's more, the other party is the terrorist who really endangers the society. Killing them is definitely doing justice for the sky.

However, now that I survived by chance, I have to find a way to save my dog's life first!

Two ideas.

1. Find a way to deal with the lawsuit first, and then get out of trouble first.

2. If you get out of trouble, you must find those who sell four bottles of potions, because Zhang Yunxi thinks that they secretly gave Dr. Pang the inhibitory solution, so that he doesn't want to die.

After thinking this through, Zhang Yunxi felt a little better, at least his goal was clear.

For the past few days Zhang Yunxi was lying in the nutrition cabin without eating normal food. He felt that his stomach was very uncomfortable, so the first thing he thought about was to ask for food.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening.

While Zhang Yunxi was eating, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, looked up, and saw Wei Wu walking in.

"Damn it, you're really lucky to be saved." Wei Wu said disappointedly.

Zhang Yunxi rolled his eyes: "They are all old classmates, you cursed me to death?!"

Wei Wu walked over, bent over and sat on the chair: "You... your body...?"

"Don't talk about me yet!" Zhang Yunxi waved his hand immediately: "Did Li Han catch it?"

"I got it." Wei Wu nodded.

"I'm under control, how can you see me?" Zhang Yunxi asked curiously after nodding.

"I've worked in the Police Department for so many years, can this relationship still exist? What's more, Lao Pang is in charge of your treatment. Let me tell him, is it difficult to see you?" Wei Wu crossed his legs: "But you The situation is indeed quite difficult…”

"Brother, let's not talk nonsense, I just have a question. UU Reading" Zhang Yunxi frowned and looked at him: "You are a professional, if you look at it from your standpoint, how can I win this criminal battle?" lawsuit?"

"Aren't you forcing me to instigate you to evade legal sanctions?" Wei Wu waved his hand immediately: "I can't do it!"

"After the matter is completed, I will transfer 20,000 yuan to you." Zhang Yunxi turned off the automatic memory function of the electrode chip.

Hearing this, Wei Wu immediately lowered his voice and said, "The controversial point of your matter is whether you killed someone in self-defense. After the genetic mutation, have you lost your subjective thinking ability?"

Zhang Yunxi blinked: "You speak human language!"

"Damn, you don't understand this! You've mutated, you're crazy, you don't know anything anymore, your body was alert to danger, and you killed a criminal, so who can judge you?!" Wei Wu replied, knocking on the table. : "Crazy, mentally handicapped and other special groups are not applicable to legal terms."

Zhang Yunxi asked in a low voice: "Brother, what should I do?"

"You have to think about the specifics yourself!" Wei Wu replied softly: "But according to various allusions, the ultimate meaning of a madman is nothing more than eating shit!"


"It's the end of this talk, you think about it."

"...I feel like you're messing with me!" Zhang Yunxi replied.

Two hours later.

Zhang Yunxi squatted in the toilet of the control room, staring straight at the squatting toilet, with sweat on his forehead.

Do you want to die, or do you want to live? Is it intermittent loss of subjective thinking, or is it always crazy?

This is a question worth pondering!

After Zhang Yunxi thought for a long time, he picked up a tissue and cursed viciously: "Wei Wu of the **** god, what a fart of the ultimate profound truth! Forget it, I admit the verdict, but this papa must not be eaten!"?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!