MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 21 You are caught!!

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Drop out!

This was Zhang Yunxi's decision after thinking about it, or in other words, from the moment he picked up the oil barrel, he was ready to leave.

After communicating with the senior management of the hospital for half an hour, Zhang Yunxi chatted with Dr. Pang for a long time. The other party wanted to dissuade him from leaving the school, but Zhang Yunxi persuaded him instead.

No one knew exactly what the two talked about, but in short, Zhang Yunxi's application for leaving school had been submitted, and it was estimated that there would be a result tomorrow morning.

On the way back to the bedroom.

Zhang Yunxi wants to contact Kaka and ask him to ask Jiang Xin about the application result of the kinetic energy core, because he has already communicated with the hospital, and the other party is willing to sell Zhu Qizhen's body, and Dr. Pang is also on his behalf. Said a few words.

As far as the hospital is concerned, Zhu Qizhen's body has no value. Even if it is not sold, it will eventually be dismantled, returned to the factory, scrapped and destroyed. So since Dr. Pang has spoken, the processing unit must be fine. Opinion.

Standing in front of the dormitory, Zhang Yunxi was about to contact Kaka when he suddenly felt a slap on his back.

"Damn, you scared me!" Zhang Yunxi turned around and saw Wei Wu, frowning and asked: "Why are you so elusive!"

"Hey, little brother!" Wei Wu gave a smirk, and gave a thumbs up, saying, "Take the oil barrel to flush the management unit, you are a pioneer in the seminary!"

Zhang Yunxi looked at the other party with an unhappy face: "Are you mocking me?"

"Hehe, no." Wei Wu waved his hand: "Old Pang told me all about you, I think it's good."

Zhang Yunxi was stunned for a moment: "He told you everything?"

"Damn, he spent 200,000 yuan on me, how could he let me idle? Capitalists are always like this." Wei Wu curled his lips, paused and replied: "Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. Let's Let's share a little secret!"

"What little secret?" Zhang Yunxi asked.

Wei Wu took out the blue cloth strip from his pocket, and replied softly, "That's the secret!"

When Zhang Yunxi saw that piece of blue cloth, he was also interested in it: "You said that this piece of blue cloth fell from his clothes!"

"Yes, he has been to the scene." Wei Wu nodded: "To put it simply, since I took over this matter, I have always felt that it was done by the people around me, at least the people you can contact with every day."

Zhang Yunxi frowned: "Are you outrageous? Do you suspect it's him? The night I was pushed into the dissection room, he never went out of the dormitory!"

"You are really smart at one moment and stupid at another." Wei Wu looked at Zhang Yunxi with his hands behind his back: "Now that things have come to this, you don't think the gangsters are alone, do you? They are obviously a gang, okay?"

"What I mean is, the gangsters won't play chess by my side, it's too easy to leak the trick." Zhang Yunxi retorted.

"What you said also makes sense." When Wei Wu said this, the expression on his face became serious: "However, he is really suspicious! Have you observed it? His habit of sleeping is to wear outdoor clothes. Put his shoes in the middle of the bed, and when he sleeps in the sleeping cabin, he will wear a T-shirt and shorts. His luggage is only hung on the shelf in the sleeping cabin, and his personal items are never placed in the storage. In the closet. Do you know anyone with these habits?"


"Four years ago, I arrested a skilled worker on a construction site. He was the murderer of six murders!" Wei Wu replied softly: "In this era, with the current level of technology and criminal investigation technology! , I want to commit six murders in a row in the urban area without being caught in a short time! Do you know how difficult it is? Let me tell you this, even if you ask me to do it, I may not be able to do it, but the worker It did, and his literacy level was very low."

Zhang Yunxi fell into deep thought when he heard this.

"The person we are talking about has the same living habits as this worker." Wei Wu replied in a low voice: "Only people who are likely to run away at any time will sleep with their clothes on and put their shoes and their backpacks in the within reach."

Zhang Yunxi glanced at Wei Wu: "Then you are also very good! You can solve a case that modern criminal investigation technology can't solve? Do you have any secrets?"

"To tell you the truth, when I was young, I watched an audio-visual material similar to a documentary. It was called Starscream! It was all about female crimes. It was pornographic and explosive. I spent many lonely nights on it. " Wei Wu started to be serious again: "Now it's out of print, you can't find it, but I have the complete content at home, you give me some money, I can...!"

Zhang Yunxi frowned and looked at the other party: "Let's talk about the main thing! I'm digressing!"

"The secret? You children are all from very privileged families! It's really hard for me to explain clearly to you!" Wei Wu waved his hand: "Don't talk about it! I suspect him now, and I'm going to do it tonight."

"Why didn't you notify the police department?! You're going to do it yourself?"

"You're stupid! If he's just a secondary figure, wouldn't everything be missed when the people from the police department come to arrest him? His associates must be shocked." Wei Wu asked back: "Also, why did you just People who know the police department are also clean?"

Zhang Yunxi blinked: "But if we do it ourselves, it will be a bit dangerous, right?"

"Yehei is quiet, he can't sleep wearing a mecha, right? The three of us, are we still afraid of him?" Wei Wu asked back.

"Three? Besides the two of us, who else is there?" Zhang Yunxi asked puzzled.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening.

Kaka squatted in the small garden at the back of the dormitory, looking at Zhang Yunxi and Wei Wu timidly: "Are you two really going to do it?"

"I just want to ask you a question, are we friends? Can you help Xiao Zhang?" Wei Wu began to kidnap morally.

"Help is fine! But you can't be brainless! We are students, why do we have to fight against the bandits? This matter should be left to the college and the police department!" Kaka replied very puzzled: "You Said that it is difficult for me to run a kilometer on a have to make me fight the gangsters? Isn't it a bit cruel?"

"I said, wait until he rests, and the three of us will be able to hold him down." Wei Wu replied speechlessly: "I have a background in criminal investigation, and fighting and capturing is the basic skill! How hard will it take him?"

"Then why don't you go yourself?"

"I... need help!" Wei Wu stammered back, and asked impatiently: "Let's stop talking nonsense, just ask if we are friends? Can you help?!"

"Okay, don't be kidnapped by morality." Zhang Yunxi waved his hand at Kaka and said, "Forget it, you'd better not go, it's really dangerous."

Kaka looked at the two of them, hesitated a little and replied: "Forget it, I'll go with you, anyway, I don't have many years to be good...!"

"What did you say?" Zhang Yunxi didn't hear the second half of his sentence.

"It's okay, let's go!" Kaka gritted her teeth and replied: "Brother Wei is right, in the dead of night, we will do it, three of them will do one, no matter what!"

"It's a deal!"


The three clapped their hands together in the small garden and encouraged each other.

Around nine thirty in the middle of the night.

In dormitory 107, Kaka stayed in the reading room and was looking at paper books, while Zhang Yunxi sat in his dormant cabin, watching biological materials with all the projection equipment.

In the dormitory, Wei Wu was wearing a holographic helmet, simulating table tennis on the spot, and his head was sweating.

There was a sound of footsteps, Tong Zhan came back from the outside, returned to his own cabin without squinting his eyes, put down his backpack, drank some water, and began to undress to prepare for a rest.

After getting along for the past two days, Tong Zhan may not have spoken more than 20 sentences to the three of them in total, and he rarely stays in the dormitory during the day, and no one knows where he went, anyway. Zhang Yunxi and the others had never seen him in the courtyard, and when they came back at night, they all took a bath, took off their clothes and went to bed.

When Tong Zhan was undressing, Zhang Yunxi took a peek at him in the dormant cabin, and found that he was indeed not wearing that blue T-shirt.

That's right, the "criminal suspect" that Wei Wu and Zhang Yunxi talked about in the evening was Tong Zhan, and the blue cloth strip should also be torn from his T-shirt.

Target is back!

Wei Wu stopped exercising and shouted towards the reading room: "Kaka, do you still have some snacks?"

"Yes!" Kaka responded immediately.

This is the secret code agreed by the three of them!

In the dormant cabin on the upper level, Zhang Yunxi swiped twice on the control panel, and the bedroom door was automatically closed.

Wei Wu was wearing sportswear, took off his helmet slowly, and took a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

Zhang Yunxi sat on the upper bunk, gestured an OK gesture to Wei Wu, and the latter responded with a confident nod.

After everything was ready, Wei Wu walked past Tong Zhan's dormant cabin, and deliberately knocked off his backpack with his shoulder!

This is tactics!


The backpack fell to the ground, and Tong Zhan, who was about to get into the dormant cabin to sleep, got up and glanced at the outside, then glanced at Wei Wu with annoyed expression, got up and put on his shoes: "Don't touch my things!"

Seeing the other party shouting, Wei Wu took a step back: "I'm sorry!"

Tong Zhan ignored him, just bent down to pick up the backpack!

The time has come!

Wei Wu stepped forward, held Tong Zhan's right arm with his left hand and lifted it up, and pressed his elbow joint with his right hand to press down. The movement was done in one go, very decisive!


Zhang Yunxi jumped down from the upper sleep cabin, UU reading www.uukanshu. If you stretch out your hand, you will grab the opponent's other arm!

"Don't move, you've been arrested!" Wei Wu shouted.

At this moment, Tong Zhan dodged to the side, avoiding Zhang Yunxi's arm, and at the same time leaned his shoulder to Wei Wu's side, using the opponent as a support point for his weight, followed by leaning back, and kicking his right foot against the wall Go up!


A backflip that was completed in the blink of an eye happened under the noses of Zhang Yunxi and Wei Wu. The two were stunned, and Tong Zhan's arm that was captured and held down had turned over, and his body was facing Wei Wu!

"Damn it!" Wei Wu looked at the muscles on the opponent's body, recalling the opponent's actions just now, and instantly went numb!


Tong Zhan raised his leg and kicked Wei Wu half a meter away, followed by swinging his legs on the spot, switching legs, and kicked Wei Wu's temple with his left foot!


Wei Wu fell to the ground in an instant, rolled his eyes, and foamed at the mouth!

Zhang Yunxi paused for a moment, turned around and was about to run!


Tong Zhan turned his head and kicked Zhang Yunxi down on the spot, and immediately raised his leg to kick him in the temple!

In just two or three breaths, both of them fell to the ground!

"You are caught!"

At this moment, Kaka ran out from the reading room, holding the wrench of the maintenance robot in his hand, and yelled viciously: "Grab him!"

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Kaka saw Wei Wu spitting out white film, Zhang Yunxi rolled his eyes from being kicked, and was stunned on the spot!

Tong Zhan suddenly turned his head to look at the door.


Kaka threw away the wrench, and walked into the room with a pale face: "Tell me about you, you are all in the same dormitory, what are you fighting for!"?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!