MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1114 One by one six: shocked the audience! Too bad

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Chapter 1114, one by one, shocked the audience! Too bad

It all happened too fast.

Many people don't even see clearly, what is the situation? What is the situation?

This embarrassed eye is about to kick the blueling's head, how come it suddenly flies out?

"Hey!" He slammed on the ground and tried to struggle to get up. He tried hard for several times. After all, he vomited blood.

But he still used all his strength to sit up and put his hands together in Lanling: "Master, I lost, thank you for letting me see the real martial arts. Although I lost, I am extremely lucky."

This really is a martial art.

Lan Ling stepped forward and gently massaged his position in the middle of the hole.

Suddenly, all the pain in the embarrassment disappeared without a trace. He felt the miracle even more. He immediately sat down on the spot and closed his eyes to understand what he had just remembered.


Lin Hao looked at this scene with amazement. He didn't think that Lanling was so powerful. He lost his hand and suddenly he looked directly at the Russian A-class mercenary.

The majestic and sturdy mercenary stood up and looked at the stunned eyes full of contempt, and then groaned for a while.

At this time, Lan Ling can understand any language in the world, because he does not even need to listen, but only analyze the mental waves released when they speak.

"You stupid, this little white face can't match your strength or speed, he just used a cleverness, you even think of him as a master."

He is speaking English, Lin Hao does not understand English, and the assistant next to him is translated to him.

After listening to Lin Hao, he couldn’t help but be the first master of the East China hardcore.

The martial arts masters do not understand English, but his apprentice A Bing will speak English and immediately translate it to the master.

"Ha ha ha ..." East China's first hard-core master: "My Chinese martial arts is profound and profound, this little friend slightly stunned the AIA martial arts as a celestial being, seeing the skills of the martial arts, or the highest of my Chinese martial arts. What kind of acupoint method? Although it is good at the master of the house, but I don’t know how to master it. Ah Bing, let’s demonstrate it.”

"Yes!" Able's disciple, A Bingdao.

Then, the ice came to a majestic bodyguard next to Lin Hao: "I want you, prepare."

Suddenly, this strong and bear-like bodyguard swelled all over the body, and the muscles of his body suddenly burst into flames. Then he screamed loudly: "Come on."

Ah Bing raised **** and pointed a little at the middle of the bodyguard.


Lin Hao’s bodyguard slammed fiercely, and then his face instantly became blue, and he slammed it directly on the ground, and a blood spit out.

A ice on the front, help him to massage the hole.

For a while, the bodyguard felt that he was slowing down. The moment I felt that I was really dying, the whole brain was deprived of oxygen, and all the blood was crowded together. The whole person seemed to be blasting, and the pain was extremely extreme.

This performance, everyone is suddenly realized, it turned out to be the case.

East China’s first master, Mingye said: “This little friend is learning the inner martial arts, and he is known for his softness and dexterity. I must have been studying for a long time, so I can’t compete with people. I can only take the opportunity to conduct a sneak attack. Although not very good. Glorious, but the king is defeated in life and death, and can not blame anything."

The first master of East China, the look of the master of the tone, secretly every sentence is stepping on Lanling, degrading him into a person who is only opportunistic and insidious.

However, there is a very understanding tone. Use the big master to comment on the tone of the little macaque, high above.

This group of martial arts people may be good at hand, but the effort on the mouth is definitely better. There is a chance to step on others, and it will never be missed. Because it involves the problem of rice bowls, the market is so small, not stepping on you, how do you look like me?

Then, the sage went to the Russian A-level mercenary channel: "Give you something, don't fight with him, it's best to kill at a distance."

The apprentice A Bing translated to the mercenary, and the mercenary master did not give it.


The Russian A-level mercenary Nicholas played, still playing with a dagger.

Lanling stood 10 meters across from him.


The mercenary master Nicholas suddenly took out three daggers, took the Lanling upper middle and lower three roads, and completely sealed him.

He still listened to it, and his life was long distance.

At this distance, the dagger he smashed out was completely arrogant.

"Ah..." At the same time, he yelled and the whole body was like a cannonball, rushing toward Lanling.

Even if the dagger hits Lanling, he will rush to the past and beat Lanling into meat.

This is his signature. Once the enemy is hit, the whole body smashes and becomes a smashed rotten meat.

The louder the sign, the higher his price.

The three daggers fly very fast, and the distance of ten meters is instantaneous, at least not visible to everyone next to them.


Lanling stood still.

The three daggers seemed to be turning around, from the sides of his ears, flying between the legs.

The singer can see clearly, can't help but see?

This distance is obviously a must, why is it lost?

This mercenary master Nicholas deliberately? Is it to let Lanling distract from it, and then he will be killed by a blow?

This should be the case, absolutely, otherwise the ten-meter distance, this mercenary master is bound to hit.

Of course not, Lanling used the power of the gods to control the three daggers to fly off the track.

And just in this moment!


The Russian A-class mercenary Nicholas has already been killed, terrible iron fists, and heavy rains are generally rushing to Lanling.


In a short moment, he smashed more than a hundred punches on Lanling.

Everyone can't bear to look straight, the mercenary master Nicholas has a full force of two hundred kilograms, plus he is also wearing a sharp and hard tungsten punch.

Therefore, this picture in front of us must be extremely fierce. Lanling’s little white face must have been beaten into a rag bag and made into mud.

"Ah, ah, ah..." After Nicholas hit a few hundred punches with heavy rain and lightning, he made a burst of wolverines, then slammed into the marble staircase next to him.


A loud noise, the hard marble staircase was smashed and smashed.

This scene is so amazing, even a fist punched through the cement and marble stairs? terrible?

If you hit someone, you are not living into a meat sauce!

Of course, the onlookers don't know that punching a marble staircase is actually a credit for tungsten steel.

After the fight, Nicholas did not look at it, turned and walked: "Remember to call the money to my account."

It seems very cold, because every time he finishes playing, he doesn't look at the body, because there is nothing to look at, it must be beaten into mud.

However, at this time, the voice of Lanling came from behind.

"If you haven't finished playing, why are you leaving?"

Then, Lan Ling came out from the shadow of the stairs.

The whole body was safe and sound, and even the clothes were not broken.

The mercenary master Nicholas did not dare to look at his own eyes. He had screamed hundreds of punches, and the other party had nothing at all. How could it be?

"No, impossible!" Nicholas yelled.

Then, he jerked forward and waved a terrible iron fist, slamming toward the heart of Lan Ling's chest.

This iron fist whizzes past, a full hundred kilograms of strength, coupled with terrible speed, the total power potential is enough to kill a cow.


Iron fist with a tungsten steel fist, kneeling in the heart of Lan Ling's chest.


Just like hitting the air, there is no reaction at all.

Nicholas was as a ghost, and he dared not look at his fist and looked at the chest of Lanling.

Then, he frantically punched and screamed at the chest of Lanling.

However, Lanling is still safe and sound.

"You are too murderous, kill too many people, this arm, I gave you abolished." Lanling faintly, grabbed his arm and shook it.

"Ah..." A fierce sorrow.

I saw the thick arm of the Russian mercenary master, broke directly, and then shattered.

It's really like a slow motion picture of a movie, parsed one frame at a time.

The whole arm is obviously flesh and blood, but like a plaster, it is broken in an inch.

Then, the arm of the mercenary master Nicholas disappeared directly and became a flesh and blood on the ground.

Everyone is completely shocked!


Actually, there are still such masters?

Too, it’s terrible!

Lanling turned and walked toward the first master of East China.

At this time, the mercenary master Nicholas behind him suddenly took out a large caliber pistol and fired at the back of Lanling.



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(End of this chapter)