MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 10 Brothers, I need a referral ticket!

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Brothers, I need a referral ticket!

I have only seen a single chapter for a monthly ticket. I have never seen a recommendation ticket. Today I will open a single chapter to ask for a recommendation.

The new week began, because the change of the A-sign is relatively late, and the next week's streaking is not recommended.

As we all know, the new book period is very important every week, there is no recommendation, the only opportunity to display this book is the home page new book list.

So, I want to rush to the new book list.

What is the rush to the new book list on the home page? Collections, recommended tickets, especially recommended tickets.

How many more books do you need to be on the new book list? About two or three hundred a day.

Because several editions of the manuscript were discarded, Jiuyang had been finished for nearly half a year when the "Destroyed Emperor" was released.

Therefore, the old brothers who have come are not much, and the new book is really lacking in popularity.

This new book is very important to me. The old brothers know that I have to raise a family of five. I can’t miss it.

Once the street is hit, the whole family wants to drink the northwest wind.

I really need a new book list, I really need a referral ticket.

Brothers, please, please collect, and ask for a ticket. Let the brothers get involved and click on the referral ticket.

Thank you, pastry thanks!