MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5259 Underworld

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Chen Xiang and sister Xiaojing unleashed the strongest soul power to conduct various sensory investigations, but they were unable to sense the undead.

Now they can only judge that something is approaching through the light on the mirror of the Six Paths.

"It should be the undead!" Chen Xiang frowned and said, "The death energy released by that pill is not strong, but it can also attract the undead."

The breath of the divine pill refined by Chen Xiang is all restrained, mainly to ensure that the energy inside the divine pill will not be lost.

The divine elixir he refined with the death energy, the internal death energy has been refined by the technique of Heaven Alchemy, the quality has become very high, although the death energy emitted is very weak, it is much stronger than other death energy.

Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, I can't establish contact with the undead, these things are really strange."

In the past, sister Xiaojing was always able to establish contact with various spirits very quickly, and gained the trust of the other party after communicating.

But now she has not made any progress, she and Chen Xiang are also very sure that there are dead spirits nearby.

Chen Xiang said: "Sister Jing, maybe the undead are in the dead world, so they can't come here? There should be some power separating the dead world from our Yang world, it shouldn't be the power of space."

In the past, the dead spirits could easily kill Master Ma and the others, and they appeared suddenly, which means that it is not particularly difficult to travel between the dead world and the sun world, and the relationship between the two worlds is not two dimensions.

Sister Xiaojing said: "When the necromancers shot to kill Master Ma and the others before, there was indeed no spatial fluctuation. Did the necromancers suddenly come from the realm of the dead? Or is it just the power of the necromancers coming from the realm of the dead to kill people?"

Chen Xiang thought for a while, and said: "Maybe some medium is needed to establish contact with the dead spirit. I remember when I was a child, there was a spirit woman who communicated with the ghost by letting the ghost get on her body."

Sister Xiaojing hurriedly said: "Brother, this is too dangerous, you must never let the undead get on your body!"

Chen Xiang said: "But this is the only way at present! We have already refined the pill, and the undead also know the existence of that pill, they must want it very much, but they can't establish contact with us."

"Then we can ask Xiaoqing to borrow avatars. She has so many avatars... Is it okay to lend one to us?" Sister Xiaojing laughed: "We can even ask her to borrow those useless avatars."

Chen Xiang thought for a while, but he could only give it a try. He immediately went back to the city to find Palace Master Xiaoqing.

He didn't intend to tell Palace Mistress Xiaoqing about this, but because the avatar is still very important to Palace Mistress Xiaoqing, she wanted to know what Chen Xiang would do with her avatar.

The main reason is that her avatars are very beautiful. Each avatar is like her work. Not only is her figure well-proportioned, but her face and other aspects are also very beautiful. She doesn't want her avatars to be ruined.

Chen Xiang can only truthfully explain the situation!

Knowing that Chen Xiang wanted to establish contact with the undead, and by letting the undead get on his body, Palace Master Xiaoqing was very shocked and very curious about it.

Why doesn't she want to know more about the dead spirits, because the dead spirits are the trump card of the Three Saints and the nobles of the star people and star monsters.

She had a clone killed before, so the power of the undead has always been her heart disease and always worried her.

Palace Master Xiaoqing said with a smile: "Brother, you should have said this earlier! I thought you were going to mess around with my body!"

She looked at Chen Xiang with a smirk.

Chen Xiang rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said, "Xiaoqing, do I look like that kind of person?"

Palace Master Xiaoqing spread her hands and said, "But you are a man! Isn't that the way about men? That's why I have concerns."

Chen Xiang said: "Then you know now, I'm not that kind of person!"

Palace Master Xiaoqing just smiled ambiguously and said: "When my deity comes out, I will show you what a real woman is!"

In the eyes of Palace Master Xiaoqing, Chen Xiang is an alchemist with a very high status, so she still admires it.

Palace Master Xiaoqing arranged for a clone to come over, and then came to the secret room with Chen Xiang.

"Xiaoqing, your avatar is not may be destroyed!" Chen Xiang looked at the long-legged woman, she looked lost and a bit demented, but she was also very beautiful.

"There is something wrong with my avatar, the soul part is damaged, it's no different from a walking dead." Palace Master Xiaoqing said: "Let her try."

Chen Xiang let this avatar eat the pill that Chen Xiang refined from that grain of death energy.

After Palace Mistress Xiaoqing controlled her to eat, she and Chen Xiang watched quietly by the side.

Not long after, the dull eyes of that avatar gradually became bright and sharp, and then gradually became charming and moving.

Seeing her soft and smiling eyes, Palace Mistress Xiao Qing was stunned for a moment, and then stood in front of Chen Xiang as if facing a formidable enemy.

Palace Master Xiaoqing was still able to control this clone before, but she can't control it now, and has lost contact with this clone.

The woman smiled lightly and said, "Palace Master Xiaoqing, I really didn't expect to have the opportunity to be attached to your avatar. I admire you very much, little sister. We are not enemies."

Chen Xiang asked: "Are you called Undead?"

The woman looked at Chen Xiang, and said with a smile: "What a handsome alchemist, I thought Tianyin Shendan was made by an old man, but I didn't expect it to be such a handsome guy."

Palace Master Xiaoqing was still very vigilant, and asked: "Since we are not enemies, then...why did you kill my clone before?"

The woman shook her head lightly and said, "I wasn't the one who killed your avatar! I wasn't the one who killed the horse leader. You call us undead? Actually... we think you are all undead!"

Chen Xiang asked: "Can you observe us? Why, do you think we are also undead?"

The woman shook her head and said: "We can't observe you, we can only sense your existence. Because after we die in our world, we will be reborn in your world, but all memories will be forgotten."

Both Chen Xiang and Palace Mistress Xiaoqing were stunned. After dying over there, would they come here?

Chen Xiang asked: "Then why do you want to kill people on our side?"

The woman asked: "Because the yin qi on your side is of great help to our cultivation, which is what you call dead qi. For example, the Tianyin God Pill is very helpful to our cultivation. Here, there are very few people who can refine the Tianyin Divine Pill."

Chen Xiang now also knows that the dead world over there is the same as the Absolute Beginning Heaven and Earth, it is also a very huge dead world.

Palace Master Xiaoqing said: "How can we prevent your people from killing us? Their methods of killing are too powerful, and we have no way of sensing them."