MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5222 Dao soul in the beginning

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Chen Xiang felt that this Taurus was quite easy to get along with, and his strength was not weak. If he encountered any unexpected situation, with the Taurus at the front, he would be much more relaxed.

"Master, how long will it take me to cultivate the Divine Orb of Absolute Beginning?"

Chen Xiang now only thinks about how to cultivate quickly, and after reaching a certain level, he can be regarded as integrated into this new world of primordial beginning.

"It depends on your luck! But with my help, it won't last long, at most three to five years." Niu Chao said, he walked in front, flicking his tail, looking very cheerful .

"Three to five years? I can't wait!" Chen Xiang became very anxious when he heard this.

"There's no need to rush this kind of thing." Niu Chao smiled and said, "Come on, little disciple, follow my pace, and listen to me while you run with me. "

After Niu Chao finished speaking, his speed suddenly increased, and Chen Xiang could only speed up and run wildly behind.

"Master, where are we going now?" Chen Xiang said, "I want to go to the Taichu Academy."

"What's there to do in the Taichu School Palace? You haven't cultivated the Taichu Divine Orb, so you can't enter that place. You follow me first, and then you can cultivate the Absolute Beginning Divine Orb." Niu Chao said.

Chen Xiang had no choice but to continue to follow Niu Chao.

On the way, Niu Chao began to talk about the key to cultivating the Divine Bead of Absolute Beginning, the first thing is to have the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning.

Chen Xiang didn't have this kind of thing, and neither did Niu Chao, so he could only take Chen Xiang to look for it.

Most of the Dao Souls of Absolute Beginning are born with it, but Chen Xiang is an ancient survivor, so it is impossible to have it innately, so he can only take him to find those naturally formed Dao Souls of Absolute Beginning.

Niu Chao said that if one finds the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning, with good talent and high comprehension, he will be able to cultivate the Divine Orb of Absolute Beginning very soon, and it won't take three to five years.

The Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning naturally bred by heaven and earth is very rare, and even if there is any, it is usually in a very dangerous place.

It's not that Niu Chao is unwilling to teach Chen Xiang to practice. He also said that if he finds the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning, he will definitely go all out to help Chen Xiang get it. For this, Chen Xiang is also quite moved. After all, this master is still responsible. .

"As long as it is a star land, it is not particularly difficult to find the Taoist soul in the early days. Fortunately, I know how to find the Taoist soul in the early days." Niu Chao said with a smile: "Little apprentice, you are lucky if you worship me as a teacher. If you Fumble and practice, to ensure that you may not be able to cultivate the Divine Orb of Absolute Beginning for thousands of years."

"Master, how did you find the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning?" Chen Xiang asked.

The so-called star land is a place with stars, and there is a Taurus star under this place.

A place without stars is called a starless land, and it is generally very dangerous and chaotic.

"I can perceive it by nature! I can sense a very good Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning right now. I hope it's a good thing, and it's best for you." Niu Chao said.

"Are there many types of Dao Soul in the beginning?" Chen Xiang ran behind and asked, "What kind of Dao Soul in the beginning is suitable for me?"

"I don't know either. When I see the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning, I will be able to see if it is suitable for you. If it is not suitable, then don't." Niu Chao said.

"Isn't the Dao Soul very rare in the early days? Can you still pick and choose?" Chen Xiang was a little puzzled.

"That's because I'm here, so you can pick and choose, because Master, I can easily find the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning." Niu Chao said.

Chen Xiang didn't know whether it was true or not, so he could only follow along to see.

After running for two days, Chen Xiang followed Niu Chao to a lake. Niu Chao whispered: "Little apprentice, look in the middle of the lake!"

Chen Xiang looked over and could see bubbling in the middle of the lake, he asked: "Is there a Dao Soul in the middle?"

Niu Chao nodded and said, "There is a crocodile there, and the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning is guarded by the crocodile. In fact, the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning has not yet fully grown, so the crocodile has not yet absorbed it."

"Is it not good for us to rob others?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It is not a crocodile in the first place. It is born of heaven and earth, and whoever gets it with his ability will own it." Niu Chao said: "If the crocodile can't keep it, it means that this product is not worthy of possession, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, Niu Chao went into the water and swam over, and told Chen Xiang to wait on the shore.

"Master, you have to be careful!" Chen Xiang was suddenly anxious, after all, he couldn't see the crocodiles now, and the beasts here were all very strong, so he couldn't shake them now.

After Niu Chao entered the water, there was a lot of movement, but for some reason, the crocodile just didn't move.

At this time, Chen Xiang also found that the water waves that Niu Chao, the Taurus, rippling in the water were a bit strange.

Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, there is something about this old cow. The water waves released by him swimming in the water are very strange. The crocodile should be made still by the water waves."

After Niu Chao swam to the middle of the lake, he seemed to have got something, and then swam back quickly.

"Get on my back, let's run!" Niu Chao hurriedly shouted after landing.

Chen Xiang immediately jumped onto Niu Chao's back, and then Niu Chao started to run wildly. The speed of this golden bull running was really incredible, Chen Xiang couldn't catch up with him at all, so Niu Chao could only let Chen Xiang ride up.

"Master, are all of you Taurus that strong? Or is it only you that are so strong?" Chen Xiang has now realized that this Taurus is not simple.

He remembered that there were many golden bulls in Niu Village.

"Only I am the strongest! Village Chief Niu gave me to you, and I asked him to give it to you." Niu Chao said: "I control his consciousness, and he doesn't even know it."

At this time, the roar of crocodiles came from the lake, and Niu Chao had already led Chen Xiang to run a long way.

Niu Chao came to the side of a mountain, and soon dug out a cave and brought Chen Xiang in.

"Master, where is the Dao soul in the early days?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

Niu Chao spit out a bead from his mouth and said, "Hold it in your hand and have a look!"

Chen Xiang picked it up and looked carefully, there was a cloud of white mist inside the bead, and he didn't know what it was.

I saw the beads emitting a strong light at this time!

Niu Chao exclaimed in surprise: "Little apprentice, the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning is very suitable for you!"

Chen Xiang hurriedly asked: "What kind of Absolute Beginning Dao Soul is this?"

"I don't know yet, I have to wait for you to fuse to determine what it is." Niu Chao said: "Fuse quickly! Yes, I don't seem to have taught you how to fuse."

Afterwards, Niu Chao told Chen Xiang that the fusion method actually requires the soul to resonate with the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning, and then allow the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning to enter the depths of the soul.

This is really too simple for Chen Xiang.

Not long after, he successfully introduced the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning into the depths of his own soul, and then began to fuse.

Two days later, Chen Xiang successfully merged with the Dao Soul of Absolute Beginning, but he still didn't know what attribute it was.

Niu Chao investigated carefully, and after a while, he exclaimed: "It's terrible, this primordial Taoist soul has no inherent attributes and forms, which means it can be anything, or did it become like this because it met you?"