MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 4 Women disguised as men and mixed men's groups (Part 4)

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At night, this brightly lit modern city is still as bright as day.

"Dingling!" A pink bicycle was parked at the entrance of the registered compound, and the boy in black, whose style of painting did not match pink, gracefully stepped out of the car with long legs down.

The girl took the helmet and looked inside, "Is it here?"


"Go and sign up, my sister will look after you in the hospital. When you are young, you have to chase your dreams, you know?" This girl with a healthy wheat complexion has just graduated from the police academy not long after , I have been yearning for the pleasures in martial arts novels since I was a child, dreaming of being a big hero, helping the strong and the weak. So, the grown-up Mo Lingling chose to be a policeman.

"I know." Returning the bicycle to the police lady Mo Lingling, the boy walked towards the guard.

The check-in time was only one day, and it was already dark when Shi Qi came, this time she didn't come late on purpose. It was really after her nasty scum father was released, and started making trouble again. After a little bit of tricks, the scum was arrested for gathering a crowd to gamble, and Shi Qi, who is an immediate family member, was also invited to the police station for a cup of tea.

Fortunately, the police lady Mo Lingling is beautiful and kind, and she gave Shi Qi a ride after get off work. However, the way she sent it—

It was to let Shi Qi walk in front of her bicycle while she followed behind. At the beginning, Qi refused, but as a result, he watched Mo Lingling with long legs and ran away.

Just throw her away! "...???" If it weren't for Shi Qi's inheritance of the original owner's bicycle skills, he would hardly be able to catch up.

"I run 10 kilometers every morning and night. A handsome boy like you, you must pay attention to safety when you go out." Self-cultivation as a policeman is to care for every motherland people.

Mo Lingling not only has good physical fitness, but also has a first-class level of road memorization. She searched the place where Shi Qi wanted to go, and remembered it directly, and even ran faster than Shi Qi. Bicycles are fast.

After showing her ID card and registration form, Shi Qi who signed the check-in form found that in addition to herself, there were three other people on the registration form: Qu Xiao, Luo Gaohan, and Chu Lian.

These three names, together with her Shi Qi, are obviously doing something. However, Shi Qi was not afraid. What makes her care is the following words, the first stage of [National Idol] is the first show of a four-person team. In order to allow the trainees to have a tacit understanding as soon as possible, the trainees of each team are required to live together.


Does this mean that she needs to change roommates every time she changes teammates?

Forget it, the soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil, she doesn't believe that a fox with a morality can still be planted in the hands of a human cub!

Just as Shi Qi was about to wave goodbye to the police lady Mo Lingling, she found that she was missing. Looking around, it turned out that there was an old farmer carrying vegetables and fruits on his back. He came over with his body hunched over, and she ran over to help.

"Yo? This uncle, why are you carrying such a heavy load? Put it down, come and come, I will help you and I will help you." Helpful nature.

"We are not uncle, we are trainees of [National Idol]." The 'uncle' refused to help, with a strong dialect accent, tremblingly walked to the registration office at the door, The fruits and vegetables on the shoulder pole were placed on the ground, and then he stood up straight.

Shi Qi, who also stood at the door to sign up, was instantly set off by the little bird Yiren. Shi Qi's body is not short, about 1.75 meters, but he is too thin. You don't need to think about it, it's tiring to run around day and night.

The 'uncle' was different. He was carrying a heavy weight on a pole. Before he was hunched over, he couldn't see clearly. Now he stood up straight and the sweat-through shirt showed his perfect muscle lines. A very good figure.

"So tall!" One was thin and slender, the other tall and handsome, the contrast was too obvious, the enthusiastic policeman Mo Lingling couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It's alright, it's only one meter, it's not yet one meter nine." Being praised, the giant 'old man' who filled out the registration form scratched his head, and was embarrassed He lowered his head.

His bowed head just met Shi Qi who was looking up.

Swenwen's face, elegant gold-rimmed glasses, and this unbelievably weird painting style, except for the 'folk artist' Chu Lian in the fourth division who is it?

Shi Qi had a hunch that his dormitory life might be a little 'wonderful'.

Seeing Shi Qi's face, Chu Lian also instantly showed a happy smile, "Hey, you, who are you, that, what... The age among the contestants this year Is the youngest girl Seventeen? You are my roommate, right? I didn't expect you to come so late, let's walk around, let's go in together."

After a few words, this guy stretched out his hand and hooked Shi Qi's shoulder, the two of them seemed to be old friends for many years.

Shi Qi, "...?" She didn't have time to react, and she already started to hook her shoulders? She was about to push the person away, but Chu Lian suddenly let go, "Wait a minute."

In the blink of an eye, this guy went to carry his pole and was bent over again. But the expression is very firm, a posture that these fruits and vegetables can't be lost!

"Sister Lingling, I'm in." Glancing at him, Shi Qi turned to say goodbye to Mo Lingling.

"Okay." Putting on her pink helmet, Mo Lingling was about to leave on a pink bicycle.

"Are you the sister of Little Seventeen? That's my sister too, and I'm his roommate Chu Lian." Hearing this, Chu Lian put down the pole again, and carried it from the pole. He took something out of the basket and gave it to her, "Come here, you have a share. Organic vegetables are green and healthy, and they are delicious."

Mo Lingling with a pumpkin, three corns, an onion and a box of eggs in her arms, "???" The policewoman full of justice has not paid attention to those live drafts, and is connected by Chu again and again. The operation is confusing. This... Little Seventeen participated in the [National Idol] competition. What the **** was that guy just now? idol, is that so?

Although this guy looks good, where is he next to an idol who is good at singing and dancing.

Mo Lingling looked at the registration office in disbelief, and saw the same confused registration staff among the fruits and vegetables piled on the table.

Fortunately, only Chu Lian is wrong here. After entering that door, it is a very serious [National Idol] atmosphere.

In order not to affect the normal life of the trainees, in addition to the live broadcast of the stage performance, the rest of the day is in the form of recording and broadcasting, which is convenient for later editing. This is to avoid too much pressure on the trainees, and also to allow the audience to retain the freshness when watching the stage performance.

They saw that several cameras were aimed at Shi Qi, and many of the trainees who had arrived early couldn't help but feel a little sour. This guy who likes to brush his presence really knows the time.

Everyone who comes here is a competitor. Other trainees have heard about those famous figures. Shi Qi is one of them.

Under the countless gazes of inquiry, hostility, dissatisfaction, etc., Shi Qi strolling in the courtyard is as leisurely as walking in his own back garden. This kind of big old man is the focus of the style, which makes people completely ignore the Chu Lian who looks extremely conspicuous with his hunched waist at the back.

Even when he entered the lobby on the first floor, Chu Lian was almost kicked out, telling him that the kitchen was on the other side. It wasn't until he stood up and appeared in everyone's sight with an extremely conspicuous posture that everyone realized that this guy was actually Chu Lian, a 'folk artist' famous for playing with fire in the fourth division.

It is obviously a more eye-catching appearance than Spitfire, and it is also an unforgettable genius. The ghost is why no one has noticed him just now? Even if I saw it, I didn't care, all my mind was on Shi Qi.

Thinking about it, everyone felt a little scared! It's not that Chu Lian's presence is too low, it's clearly that Shi Qi's presence is too strong! But, Shi Qi didn't do anything except walk in.


What's going on here?

At that time, Qi was obviously the most inconspicuous one of the 'Four Tricks'. In this idol competition for singing and dancing selection, Qu Xiao was rich, and Luo Gaohan was because of his education. , Chu Lian is unforgettable because of the fire breathing, but Shi Qi seems to have done nothing, and if you think about it carefully, he really did not do anything.

However, when he saw Shi Qi for the first time, he really felt the magic power from her.

Some people don't need to do anything, just can make you forget at a glance. The most terrifying thing is that no one else notices at all where she is!

It's just evil.

Euphemistically called, collect material, selfishly is to watch Shiqi for a while.

Shi Qi didn't mind, she took out the key to open the door, and entered the four-person Chase shop by the window and the other two roommates who were confronting each other with a clear line between Chu, Han and Han.