MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 656 Incorporate into the Chinese map

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The terrain in the Lingnan area is complex. In many areas, even the local Han people know very little. Only those who live in the mountainous areas and often travel in the Lingnan area are the most familiar with the Lingnan terrain.

Even if they have not been to Vietnam, the terrain in the same area is similar, and various routes will soon be discovered.

Moreover, the southern barbarian is also a physical quality, and is also the most suitable for the Lingnan climate.

Therefore, the mountainous terrain of the Vietnam area as a barrier, and the poisonous springs of the southern region, have no effect in front of the Baiyue Army.

Therefore, the unarmed Vietnam Army was defeated by the Great Patriotic Army in the first battle.

Baiyue successively occupied the Gaoping and Quang Ninh provinces in northern Vietnam, and the military front directly forced the Vietnamese capital, Thang Long City, which is the later Hanoi city.

This made the Baiyue King very happy. I didn't expect it to be so easy to be on the Vietnamese capital. After all the Vietnamese main forces were destroyed by Qin Xiaobai, they were already charged.

If a country's capital is attacked, then its country is basically half taken, and the remaining half is easily taken.

For the Eastern Han Dynasty to capture Vietnam, but it is a great thing, when it is not all kinds of life peaks.

Think of the Exciting Baiyue King here, and immediately attack the full force of the non-stop, it seems that the strength of the emptiness can be taken lightly.

However, when he really led the troops to Thang Long City, he discovered that things were not as simple as he thought.

Vietnam is the most capable country in Southeast Asia except China and Japan. Although the 8 million main force was destroyed by Qin Xiaobai, the place where the Mongolian iron ride could not be broken was not so easy. Lost.

At first, it was just caught off guard by Baiyue. I did not expect that Baiyue could easily understand the complicated terrain that they have been relying on.

Nowadays, after being beaten and reacted, Vietnam immediately mobilized the local forces to support the capital.

So the Hundreds of Great Army was soon in the vicinity of Thang Long City, and was extremely fiercely resisted.

At the same time, due to the trade of the 100-strong army, the foundation of the occupied area is unstable, and a large number of Vietnamese guerrilla units have emerged in the Gaoping and Guangning provinces. It disturbed the back of the Baiyue Army.

In this way, the Baiyue Army gradually began to present its disadvantages. In the end, under the sneak attack of the Vietnamese army, it directly collapsed tens of thousands of miles. Gaoping and Guangning, both of which have just been eaten, spit out, and they themselves suffered heavy losses.

This made Baiyue Wang heartache, and went to Qin Xiaobai to go to all kinds of secrets to ask Grandpa to tell her grandmother’s cry...

Qin Xiaobai was not surprised to see this scene, because he knew that although Vietnam lost eight million troops, it still has some stocks in China. Do not say anything else, there are as many as 10 million combat players in Vietnam.

What's more, Vietnam has also annexed Cambodia, regained Laos, and obtained the resources and strength of the two countries.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai did not intend to let Baiyue alone attack Vietnam, but only let them as the leading troops to open the road, while consuming the resistance forces in Vietnam.

Because if Qin Xiaobai directly leads the army, the possibility of a drop in the Vietnam area is very small. After all, this is a national war, and the entire country has been lost. So they will certainly resist stubbornly.

Of course, Qin Xiaobai is a big army, and another battle has killed eight million troops. The young minds of Vietnam up and down have been deeply hurt by him, so they will never fight against Qin Xiaobai. South is shrinking.

To know the topographic map of Vietnam, it is simply a line. If the army is retreating, it can be a place where the husband can’t be alone. Qin Xiaobai can’t even spread his strength.

The best way now. It is to consume the remaining troops of Vietnam.

Qin Xiaobai led the army and the army will hide, but if you let Baiyue go, then Vietnam will not give up its capital, Thang Long City, anyway.

And when the Vietnamese army is almost consumed. That Vietnam is useless even if there is more terrain, because there is no one to guard.

This is the real exquisiteness of Qin Xiaobai's move to kill the wolf.

The only thing that Qin Xiaobai didn't think was that Baiyue would have lost so fast. It seems that he can't pull this little brother.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai waved his hand and was quite generous to the army and supported a large number of combat materials such as weapons and armor. Upgrade their equipment replacement.

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai also gave them additional troops.

The Eastern Han Dynasty Baiyue is divided into Yangzhou Baiyue and Jiaozhou Baiyue. The Jiaozhou Baiyue is slightly weaker. Yangzhou Baiyue. As early as Qin Xiaobai dispatched Sun Jian, the iron and blood suppression has been ruined, leaving only one million people. In the poor mountains of Jiaozhou, the Middle East hides Tibet.

Later, after Qin Xiaobai led the army to the south, the Jiaozhou Baiyue also surrendered Qin Xiaobai like Yangzhou Baiyue.

Qin Xiaobai ordered that more than one million of the Jiaozhou Baiyue were filled into the Yangzhou Baiyue Army.

Baiyue Wang saw Qin Xiaobai and gave the troops and equipment to him. Don’t mention how grateful it was. Immediately, he said that he would help Qin Xiaobai to kill Vietnam.

So with the equipment and the Baiyue Wang who went back to Baizhou, he immediately organized the manpower to attack Vietnam again and successfully regained the Gaoping and Guangning provinces.

On the other side of Vietnam, there is still fierce resistance. The two sides launched a tug-of-war in the vicinity of Thang Long City.

Qin Xiaobai’s success in seeing the plan is very happy, and of course he will not be on the sidelines of the tiger’s leisure. It is necessary to play assists beside him.

Since the main force of Vietnam was destroyed by Qin Xiaobai, Vietnam’s current strength is largely dependent on Laos and Cambodia.

Now, to reduce the strength of Vietnam, in addition to the positive consumption, the best way is to give Vietnam a bottom-up salary.

Both Laos and Cambodia are forced to succumb to Vietnam. Qin Xiaobai believes that as long as he sends a big flicker, he can easily persuade them. Even if they do not turn their backs, they can cut off the supply to Vietnam.

So Qin Xiaobai immediately smashed his Minister of Foreign Affairs and gave him the trouble.

As for Cambodia, this is more difficult. After all, Laos is a dependent country and has certain autonomy.

Cambodia has already been destroyed by Vietnam. Let’s not let them fight again. Even a Cambodian speaker can’t find it.

However, at this time, I don’t know if Qin Xiaobai was out of luck. Suddenly there was an unexpected good news from the Bay.

The Bay Bay twin sisters told Qin Xiaobai that after they learned that Vietnam had invaded China and caused turmoil in the South, they began to prepare for Vietnam.

Convinced Singapore, the same Chinese, to use Singapore as a trade transit station, while secretly funding the Cambodian region and the Cambodian people who were slaves to Vietnam.

Nowadays, in the Cambodian region, a certain amount of force has been armed and can be launched at any time.

Although it is said that now eight million invaders of the Vietnamese army have been wiped out by Qin Vietnam also has to be pushed by Qin Xiaobai.

However, after all, they have abolished their hard work, so they still take it as a thank you for giving the gift of the Gulf to Qin Xiaobai.

"Sure enough, it’s a self-sufficient. Is it still awesome at the crucial time?"

Qin Xiaobai saw this surprise very much. He said to the twin sisters that the gifts are not valuable, only suitable and inappropriate, and their gift comes at the right time.

Nowadays, apart from Laos and Cambodia, which Vietnam relied on last, Vietnam can basically be included in the Chinese territory. (To be continued.)

Ps: Recently, the black body began to turn around. Although it started to develop a new book, there are so many readers who hope that the old book can't be slacked here, and the black will try to restore the two. o(∩_∩)o~

Thanks: the end of the Han Dynasty, love, but for a moment, Putian v celebration, hovho, battlefield battlefield, enlightenment, meditation ~ peace of mind, Godless, book friends 160302074816538, North Lane shine, no inflammation, **** wolf gun, Yuhong Meng, Han Yan colorless, readers support the black ink (*^__^*)...Enable new URL