MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 12 The power of historical stars

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It took more than one hour for Qin Xiaobai to complete the refugee camp.

Waiting for the refugee camp to refresh the refugees and building the primary barracks takes time.

So Qin Xiaobai entrusted the village to recruit refugees, construction barracks and other things to Wu Meng, and he took this time to take Mulan to go outside the village leveling.

For Xiaodangshan Qin Xiaobai, I am familiar with it. He was here before, and he played with Xu Meier for half a year.

The wilderness in the area on the mountain was simply the door clear, and soon came to the hill with flowers and trees.

This hill refreshing monster is a level 10 wild boar. The wild boar is a monster in the 10th grade. It belongs to the blood thick, low attack, and high experience. Qin Xiaobai is not strong in the current level. The wild boar is the best. select.

After arriving at the place, Qin Xiaobai first let Hua Mulan hide to the side to mix the experience. She is currently only level 1 and is not a villager who has not been transferred to a soldier. Therefore, she can only exert 30% of her strength. Qin Xiaobai worried that the wild boar would hurt her.

Qin Xiaobai then took a wooden stick from the parcel and held it in his hand. This wooden stick was used as a weapon for his roadside shackles.

Although the stick does not increase the attack power, but kills a few wild boars, it does not need any attack power bonus, and he still has a shameless blame.

Qin Xiaobai did not have the same dull brushing skills as other players. Instead, he used the 99% realism in 'the world' to dig a pit in front of the hill, and then one of the mountain pigs under the hill. Dropped into this pit, and then condescended with a wooden stick to stick the law.

Although Qin Xiaobai’s method was full of wretched atmosphere, it was very effective. In a short while, he had already killed two wild boars. It is estimated that another mulan can be upgraded.

However, the third wild boar was out of order. Qin Xiaobai introduced the third wild boar into the pit and found that the wild boar turned out to be an elite wild boar.

Qin Xiaobai, who is aware of this point, is not good. The elite wild boar and the ordinary wild boar can be completely different. The elite wild boar has twice the defense of ordinary wild boar, and he can't even break the defense with his wooden stick.

Sure enough, the elite wild boar completely ignored Qin Xiaobai's stick attack, and constantly used the pig nose to arch Qin Xiaobai's trap.

Qin Xiaobai quickly let the young girl behind him go quickly, and he continued to smash the elite wild boar to attract hatred by holding a wooden stick. He was born and the player could be born again. Mulan could not.

Under the raging chaos of the elite wild boar, the tofu project made by Qin Xiaobai will soon collapse, and the elite wild boar will be taken out of trouble.

Qin Xiaobai did not welcome the familiarity, and the death warnings that have been heard in countless times in previous lives.

I only felt that my hand was light, and then a pig-like mourning sounded.

At first glance, I saw a young girl in front of her body. The wooden stick swept the elite wild boar. Every hit hit the elite wild boar. It was about to break through the trap and get out of the trap. Go back.

This makes Qin Xiaobai very surprised, Hua Mulan is only one level, and as a villager, she can only play 30% of combat power, even can hurt the elite wild boar that he can not break.

"Is this the legendary 'cut grass' feature?" Qin Xiaobai was amazed and remembered a rumor about the history of the past.

According to legend, NPC faces ordinary NPCs. In addition to its 300% advantage in terms of attributes, it also has a feature bonus.

After the full level, it can reach the 70-point force attribute of the blue-level historical NPC, and it has the characteristics of military commanders.

The blue military commander is 'cutting grass', the purple military commander is 'rolling', the red military commander is 'universal enemy', and the golden military commander is 'unparalleled'.

When faced with an enemy of a non-historical NPC, it will trigger the military commander.

‘Mow the grass’ as the name implies, killing the enemy like a mowing, attack can ignore the enemy’s defense, every attack can seriously damage the enemy, and even the high-force military commander can achieve the spike effect.

Relatively speaking, the feature plays a triple attribute compared to the attribute, which further highlights the strength of historical NPC.

On the battlefield, the historical military commanders rely on these characteristics to ride a thousand, not to be dragged by the player's sea tactics.

As Hua Mulan swept out another stick, the elite wild boar finally mourned and fell.

"Hey!" An upgraded system prompts the sound, and the huge experience of the elite wild boar has actually upgraded Qin Xiaobai.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai said that he had upgraded with Mulan, but he did not expect that the girl was upgraded with him.

"In the past forums of the past, the sweeping smashing of thousands of soldiers to kill the tens of thousands of placards are true, the historical name is really a bunker!"

Really see the history of the famous, especially the historical name with the characteristics will be powerful.

Let the past life always live at the bottom of the game, no one has actually touched a certain player of the historical star, and my heart is amazing.

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai thought about it and thought of one thing. He didn't dare to imagine it before, but now that he has seen the power of Hua Mulan, he can't help but think carefully. Maybe it will take a long time to develop 'Yandang Mountain' in advance. Up...

Of course, he still does not have this strength at the moment, so he has to press his mind for the time being.

As for now, since Mulan has the characteristics of mowing, it is still wandering here to brush ordinary wild boar, Qin Xiaobai decided to go directly to the 30-level buffalo.

Although Mulan has the characteristics of 'grass cutting' that ignores defense, the level is still too low, and it is not equipped with it. The attack power and the defense power are not high enough. Once it is injured, it is not good.

Although the buffalo is not like a lion, a tiger, an active attacking animal, the attack power cannot be underestimated.

Qin Xiaobai, who is dealing with the 10th-level ordinary wild boar, is still wretched. He can't be treated badly for the big buffalo of level 30. So after the buffalo's site, he digs up on the ground, and even dug several...

The girl's bright voice flashed in a glimpse of her eyes, and behind Qin Xiaobai helped lay the cover leaves to cover the It seems that it was broken by a little white.

Qin Xiaobai handed the stick to Hua Mulan, and he found something on the ground that could be used as a weapon. When he saw a stone and a branch on the ground, he did not hesitate to choose the stone.

It is safer to attack from a long distance. If it is not a mowing feature that requires melee triggering, Qin Xiaobai may also let Hua Mulan directly copy the bricks...

Qin Xiaobai is responsible for blaming, and Mulan is responsible for killing the enemy. After half a hour of cooperation, the two men turned over a dozen buffaloes and even a 35-level elite buffalo.

The characteristics of 'grass cutting' are fierce, the defense is high, and the stick collapses.

The successive upgrades of Mulan have increased significantly, and the number of attacks on buffalo has become less and less.

At this time, the two human strength values ​​were used almost, so Qin Xiaobai let Hua Mulan go to drink water to rest, he put all the wild boar and buffalo bodies in the package into the package.

The truth in ‘the world’ is extremely high. The wild monsters don’t explode gold coins and equipment. They only leave their bodies. If they want to benefit from them, they have to rely on the players themselves to peel, cramp and cut meat.

The skin of wild boar and buffalo is not worth the money, but the mosquito is small and meat, and Qin Xiaobai will not let it go.

After finishing the wild boar, Qin Xiaobai calculated the time. Presumably, the barracks were built almost at this time, so they returned to Yandang Village with Hua Mulan.

After Hua Mulan was transferred to a soldier, he was able to play 100% of his strength. At that time, it was estimated that a rhinoceros with a level of 50 in the past could collapse.