MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-Chapter 62 Dog 6's reaction

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On the boat, Kong Zhenghui looked at the "brick" in Lao Leizi's hand, and his brain was a little dazed, because this unexpected situation was completely out of the plan.

The intention of Yu Mingyuan's team at sea this time is very simple, that is to rob the cargo and burn the ship. If you close Hong Kong and don't let me do business, then don't care about any of us. I found someone to order your goods at sea, which caused a big commotion and caused you to suffer huge losses, and it was officially launched.

But everyone never expected that this fishing boat not only contained conventional smuggled goods, but also a large number of "gold bricks", that is, high-purity drug cocoons.

In the cabin, Su Tianbei was the first to react, and said urgently: "Made, this gang really does all kinds of business? Don't worry, bring down the gold bricks on the deck and burn one piece."

Su Tianyu was stunned and didn't reply.

"What are you thinking?" Su Tianbei pulled the six sons, frowned and asked, "I'm talking to you!"

Su Tianyu came back to his senses, suddenly looked at Lao Leizi and asked, "How many gold bricks are there, is it more than fifty kilograms?"

"Fifty kilograms?" Old Leizi replied with curled lips, "There are nearly twenty boxes outside, each of which weighs at least a hundred kilograms, and I think it weighs seven or eight hundred kilograms!"

"So many?!" Su Tianyu was confused.

"Yes, quite a few. The purchase price of these goods is six or seven hundred." Lao Leizi replied in a very knowledgeable manner.

"Why are you asking these questions?" Su Tianbei was puzzled.

"Don't move yet." Su Tianyu's reaction was very quick, he waved his hand at Lao Leizi and ordered: "Bring in the people on the outer deck, tie them up, and lock them in the cabin, including the people in the driver's cab."

"Okay." Although Lao Leizi had never seen what Su Tianyu looked like, the latter had a red cloth tied on his arm and was the leader of this incident, so he immediately took his brothers with him after listening to his instructions. open dry.

"What are you going to do?" Kong Zhenghui asked Su Tianyu.

"The opportunity is better than expected, we have to seize it." After Su Tianyu hurriedly replied, he immediately walked to the cabin stairs and contacted Yu Mingyuan with a brand new phone.

A few seconds later, the call was connected, and Yu Mingyuan asked, "Are you back?"

"There are not only conventional goods on board, but also gold bricks worth six to seven million." Su Tianyu said in a low voice.

Yu Mingyuan was stunned.

"This matter can be followed up." Su Tianyu continued: "Let's not burn the ship, I will push the goods to the beach, you contact external relations, and let the goods explode when they land."

Yu Mingyuan understood Su Tianyu's meaning in seconds, but he frowned and replied, "Are you in a hurry?"

"The key to this matter is the follow-up impact. We just need to push the goods to the beach." Su Tianyu glanced down at his watch: "I'll contact the official relations right away to see if they can help."

Yu Mingyuan fell into deep thought when he heard the sound.

"Don't think about the steps and the room for maneuver. If you don't hurt him or be afraid of him, they will definitely not give in to you first." Su Tianyu obviously knew what Yu Mingyuan was worried about, so he added decisively: "Follow note I’m going to chase him hard, with the idea of ​​crushing him.”

Yu Mingyuan considered for a while: "You do it, pay attention to safety!"

After the two discussed it, Su Tianyu hung up the phone, stretched out his hand and said to Su Tianbei, "Have you used your phone yet?"

"No." Su Tianbei shook his head.

"Come on, give it to me."

Su Tianbei didn't ask him what he wanted to do, but immediately took out the phone and handed it to the other party.

In the bedroom of an apartment in Zhanan District, hypnotic sandalwood permeates the air. On the bedside table is a book on health preservation for middle-aged people, and a cup of tea with wolfberries and cassia seeds.

"Drip Lingling!"

The phone rang in a hurry, and the middle-aged man who was sleeping on the bed woke up almost instantly. He got up slowly, picked up the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and saw that it was an out-of-area number.

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and got up, stepped out of the bedroom, stood at the door and answered the phone: "Hello, hello!"

"Uncle Wang, I am the sixth son." Su Tianyu's voice sounded.

Wang Daolin was obviously taken aback for a moment: "Calling at such a late hour, what's the matter?"

"Mabang has a batch of gold bricks worth six to seven million yuan on the sea, and they are currently preparing to land. Are you interested in taking them?" Su Tianyu asked bluntly.

When Wang Daolin heard this, he immediately became more energetic: "Bricks?! Why didn't I understand what you meant?"

"It means, if you can pick it up, I'll throw it over for you." Su Tianyu replied.

"Can you control it?" Wang Daolin asked.

"It can be controlled, and it can land near Tianhong Port."

"What's the benefit of me accepting it? How many people am I going to offend for six or seven million yuan?" Wang Daolin calculated the pros and cons in an instant, and immediately pouted his lips and replied: "It's not interesting, I won't accept it."

Hearing the sound, Su Tianyu immediately added: "The cargo must have exploded when it landed. If you want to pick it up, the people from the Mabang will beg you, and we have to beg you too... Do you understand what I mean? Uncle Wang!"

Wang Daolin was stunned again: "Is there blood on the boat?"

"No, people are in the cabin, don't need to worry about it, the goods are on the surface." Su Tianyu replied.

Wang Daolin scratched his head: "Damn it, why do you always make surprise attacks!"

"I think it's a good thing. The offender is in your hands. If you pick it up normally, who can it offend?" Su Tianyu added.

"I'll take the fart! The coastal line belongs to the customs and the coast guard, why should I take it?" Wang Daolin thought for a while: "But..."

"But what?"

"How far are you from the mouth of the Longjiang River?" Wang Daolin asked It's very close, and you can enter it just by turning a corner. "

"The ship entered Haikou and passed the Donglong Bridge. This matter can be taken care of. I have to say hello to the friend of the Superintendent of Zhanan District." Wang Daolin replied.

Su Tianyu pondered for a while, then turned his head and glanced at the situation on the sea: "The coast guard has come."

"If you don't enter the East Dragon Bridge, it's not very interesting." Wang Daolin replied firmly.

Su Tianyu thought for a while: "Okay, no matter what method I use, I will push the boat in!"

"It's agreed in advance that I'll pick it up, but it doesn't mean that I will definitely help your boss. It all depends on the development of the matter." Wang Daolin replied very clearly and wisely.


"that's it!"

After speaking, the two ended the call.

Su Tianyu turned his head to look at Su Tianbei and said, "Second brother, take Lao Leizi first, I will enter the mouth of the Longjiang River."

When Su Tianbei heard this, he went mad on the spot: "You're out of your mind?! The coast guard arrived as soon as you spoke. You went in, how did you get out?"

"The company's fate has been blocked, this time we have to fight." Su Tianyu whispered next to his second brother's ear: "You are like this, after you go out, you arrange someone to be there..."

Wang Daolin returned to the bedroom, sat on the bed and put on his clothes.

"Good brother, why are you going?" The girl next to him also woke up, and asked in a charming manner.

"Do something." Wang Daolin put on his clothes, curled his lips and cursed: "Damn it, I'm a dignified police officer at the level of the police station. He doesn't do anything every day, but runs errands for the Su family! Hey, but...but You still can't refuse, do you think it's strange?!"

On the sea, Tang Baiqing yelled on the walkie-talkie: "Are the boats on the shore out of the gate? Let them rob them, hurry up!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!