MTL - Wilderness Livestream: Other People Struggle to Survive While I Became Famous by Looking After a Cat-Chapter 13 Points gone

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  Chapter 13 points are all gone

  As soon as Ding Sheng stopped, Jiang Xuyan continued to applaud: "As expected of a goddess!"

  However, before the words fell, the director interrupted: "Mr. Jiang, don't be too happy, I haven't finished talking yet."

  Jiang Xuyan spread his hands: "Okay, we are living on a deserted island now, we have to listen to you."

  The director coughed lightly: "Although Song Qingyou was the first in the initial ranking, but because the cat was brought by Qingyou herself..."

   "So, the vaccine you need for being scratched by a cat must be redeemed with ten points."

   "Now you and Ding Sheng's points are equal."

  Learning that Song Qingyou was actually scratched by a cat, Lin Xing couldn't help gloating, "Heh, I've done it to myself."

   When Song Qingyou looked over, she immediately shut up.

   "I accept this result, director please continue."

   "The next step is item exchange. Since some guests have too few points, they may not be able to exchange items. You can choose to cooperate with people in the same group to exchange."

  After the director finished speaking, Lin Xing couldn't wait to ask, "How many points does the tent need?"


  After hearing the answer, Lin Xing stopped thinking for a moment.

  Don't say that their group doesn't have 20 points in total, even if they have, Ding Sheng doesn't necessarily agree.

   After a group of people saw the exchange 'price' of the items, Group A was completely silent.

  The three of Group B got together and muttered together for a while, and finally Song Qingyou said:

   "We need a hatchet and three backpack hammocks."

  Director: "Including the vaccine, a total of 28 points is required. Are you sure you want to exchange 28 points for items, leaving only 3 points?"

   Points are currency in this episode and the key to winning.

  Who would have thought that Song Qingyou would spend all her points when she just said she wanted to take the first place?

   Isn't this adding difficulty to yourself?

   "Since there are only 3 points left—"

  Song Qingyou's pause, others thought she was going back on her word.

  The next second, she turned her head to Jiang and Yu and said:

   "Then how about we just spend these three points?"

  Yu Muhuai smiled: "It sounds like a challenge, I agree."

  Jiang Xuyan clapped his fists, "Why don't we change the condiments? The world is big and the food is the biggest!"

  Being able to say such things, Jiang Xuyan's confidence in Song Qingyou was unprecedentedly high.

   "Then the current situation becomes: Group A points 18, Group B points... 0."

  [Song Qingyou is really confident, she is not afraid that she will never catch up with the other group? ]

  [Too arrogant, arrogant soldiers will lose]

  [Jiang Ge can bring a pot to the show, now it is completely expected to change the seasoning]

  [Mu Huai agreed too easily, right? ]

  [Did Mu Huai be led into a ditch by them...]

  [These three people are quite compatible]

  [It can be seen that Teacher Jiang really trusts Sister You]

  [It would be funny if the car overturned at the end]


  The director looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and relayed the views of the audience: "Now many viewers are questioning, Qingyou, if you spend all your points, you may end up overturning."

  Song Qingyou raised her eyebrows and smiled, "If there is no accident, the car will never overturn."

   "An accident?"

   "Then I will distribute the points to Brother Jiang and Mu Huai." Song Qingyou was very frank, "I made the decision to spend all the points, and most of the responsibility lies with me."

  [As for Song Qingyou's words, I'm a fan of her]

  [You can pick it up and put it down, what’s wrong with being more confident? ]

  [Who can't say beautiful words? ]

   After such a move, Group A almost became the background board.

  The director naturally wouldn't neglect Zhao Yingnan, who is the most famous, and he kept talking to Zhao Yingnan in the end.

  But as far as this episode is concerned, the highlight is still Song Qingyou.

  Even if the two groups have returned to the shelter to rest, there are many people in the live broadcast room of Group B in the middle of the night.

  In the evening, Song Qingyou and her group discussed taking turns to watch the night.

  At first, Jiang Xuyan refused to agree, "Girls should have a good rest at night, or I should watch the night alone. I didn't do anything during the day, so it seemed useless..."

  Song Qingyou raised her eyes and gave a critical blow: "If you don't sleep, wouldn't it be even more useless?"

  Jiang Xuyan looked bewildered, and then quickly put on a gesture of Xizi holding his heart: "I didn't expect that Qingyou would dislike me so quickly..."

   "I'm so sad that for every minute I breathe next, my life is shortened by 60 seconds."

  Song Qingyou: →_→

  [I don’t forget cold jokes at this time, as expected of Mr. Jiang]

  [Every time I drink water, I am one step closer to death]

  In the end, Jiang Xuyan's "struggle with reason" still didn't work, and the vigil still had three people taking turns.

  But Song Qingyou ranked first.

  After the two groups were separated, the staff quickly delivered the exchanged items, including vaccines.

  Song Qingyou didn't hesitate, wiped the vaccination site with alcohol, and then stuck the needle.

   Vaccination hurts, Song Qingyou vaccinated herself, but her expression didn't change.


   Early the next morning.

   As soon as the sky turned pale, Song Qingyou got down from the hammock.

  Jiang Zhihan, who was lying on the banana leaf, also opened his eyes.

  Last night Song Qingyou originally wanted to hug him to sleep, but he struggled repeatedly, which made the other party relax, otherwise he might not even be able to sleep, and just wanted to jump down in the middle of the night.

   "Morning, Zhi Zhi."

  Song Qingyou deliberately knelt down and touched the cat's chin when passing by.

  The cat instinct prompted Jiang Zhihan to narrow his eyes comfortably.

   Despite the rejection written all over his face.

  Song Qingyou had a smile on her face, "It's a pity that your legs are not healed, otherwise you can be my running weight."

  Running and thinking about carrying weights, no wonder her physical fitness is good, Jiang Zhihan silently looked at her arms.

  If it wasn't for his hind legs not recovering, he really wanted to be by Song Qingyou's side.

  After all, this is a desert island survival that is completely different from his original life, which aroused his interest.

  Of course, what he was more interested in was Song Qingyou's next move.

  The shelter in group B is very hidden, and the drone can only stay outside to shoot.

  Song Qingyou opened the door and came out. There were only a few viewers in the live broadcast room, and they only saw a back standing against the light.

  From the slim and graceful figure and the capable and tall single ponytail, it is not difficult to see that it is Song Qingyou.

  The staff manipulated the drone to approach, and the exquisite appearance was magnified under the camera. It was obviously beautiful and outstanding, but not aggressive.

  Song Qingyou waved towards the camera:

"Good morning."

   "Qingyou got up so early, what are you going to do?"

  With the absence of other people, the staff can't let the audience watch the pantomime, of course they have to make noise from time to time.

   "Run and bring back the ingredients for breakfast."

   After speaking, Song Qingyou ran briskly towards the beach.

  The person in charge of the camera didn't pay attention at first, thinking that Song Qingyou was just jogging in the morning, and the speed would not be too fast.

  The next moment, the girl under the camera ran away in a flash, and the drone didn't catch up!

   "I'm going! Wait for me—"

  The staff's complaints came from the device.

  [I saw the drone chasing Song Qingyou early in the morning hahaha]

  [It can be seen from this that the program team definitely doesn't know how strong Sister You is]

  [I thought I invited a little sheep, but it turned out to be a wolf 2333]

  [Song Qingyou: Didn't expect that? I will be so fast! ]

  [Everyone, you have not been cultivating immortals until now, have you not slept yet? ]


  (end of this chapter)