MTL - Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince-Chapter 302 : Send it to the military camp to be a military!

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I don’t know when the ink jade had ignited the incense burner, and the faint scent floated in the air.

When Jun Ye came in, he inhaled a little fragrance in an instant.

Looking at the smog, the woman in the fiery dress, there is no **** in the ink, tightly behind the body, the body of the demon, so that people only feel the style.

"A Xue..." Jun night whispered low.

The emotions of the sighing moments surged.

It seems that the devil is in general, and the night of the night walks toward the fiery red figure. There is no hesitation, no hesitation, as if the person is Bai Ao Xue.

The woman seems to know that Jun Ye will come over in general, hurriedly step back, left and right to hide, it is not to let Jun night touch her.

The night 魇 魇 魇 魇 魇 魇 魇 魇 魇 魇 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君

And the woman in red, but still eager to dodge, as if to test the night of the night, is not to let Jun night touch her.

The night of the night was approaching again and again, and the woman retired again and again, and she retreated to Mo Yuzhai, next to the large bed.

The woman saw no retreat, and her eyes flashed a bit of chastity, and the pace of panic seemed to be dodging, but fell on the bed.

And Junyue’s little lips smirked and said: “I can’t run.”

The hoarse and low voice is like heavy metal, which makes people feel trembled.

The woman seemed to admit her life and slowly closed her eyes. In the eyes that were closed, there was a little bit of pride and happiness that could not be hidden.

The slender fingers clasped the bed tightly, and the woman’s heart was a bit eager, and she was looking forward to it.

After a long time, the imaginary warmth did not appear, but the gaze of killing, let her body shake, had to open her eyes.

As soon as she opened it, without any accident, she was on the narrow phoenix.

She once fantasized many times, imagining the phoenixes, how to use tender eyes, just watching her alone.

Now, this pair of phoenixes finally stared at her, but she had never imagined the tenderness, but instead made her **** bloodthirsty, and the undisguised killing!

This killing and bloodthirsty is against her! There is no doubt about this.

" are not..." Su Mengruo looked at the night stunned and said, stuttering.

But before she finished, Junyue had interrupted her words.

"Go down." Jun night looked cold and looked at Su Mengrou, said indifferently.

The tone in the words is unhuman.

Su Mengrou heard the voice and climbed up from the bed. When he was in a panic, he actually rolled out of bed.

Looking at the appearance of Su Meng's wolf, there was no trace of the waves in the eyes of Jun Ye.

It’s Su Mengrou’s intention to get up.

Jun night sees this, the sleeves move slightly, "咔嚓", Su Mengrou has fallen to sit on the ground, his feet are irregularly kneeling on the ground, his face pale looking at the night.

A pair of Yingying big eyes, with pain, more is unbelievable.

"Hey, I didn't let you get up. This is punishment." Jun night said faintly.

Su Mengrou looked at this kind of monarchy, and there was already some regret in his heart. Just wanted to ask for sympathy, but Junyue Night said: "Take off your clothes."

When Su Mengrou listened to the night of the night, the light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but be interrupted by the pain in his feet. He hurriedly began to undress.

Jun night looked at Su Mengrou, took off the fiery red clothes, shivered the slender hand, and took the wind with the internal force, and the clothes were smashed!

Scratching the cheeks of Su Mengrou and cutting off the hair of her horns.

Su Meng, who was still undressing, shook his hand, choked his mouth, and looked at the night when he was afraid.

If the night of the night has a heart, then her appearance is all ruined! Turning to look at the smashed clothes, Su Meng soft heart center has a lingering.

"You also wear red clothes? Really think that your little aphrodisiac will make me confused? Even if the aphrodisiac confuses me, seeing your appetite will make me wake up. It seems that Germany A few people far away, can't wait to go to hell." Jun night looked at Su Mengrou, said one word at a time.

Sentences 诛 Su Mengrou's heart!

When Su Mengrou listened to the night of the night, the face was white, and even the pain in his legs had been forgotten. The silk of the night’s love for the night, and the words of the night, completely disappeared. Now!

The man in front of him is not a pure angel at all, nor is it a simple prince. It is her carelessness. It is her urgency. She has treated the devil as a good person!

The man in front of him has a face that is as sacred and holy and glory, but the heart that is still beating is more ruthless than the devil!

There are no demons, he is such a terrible evil taste! Play the opponent in the palm of your hand, confuse the opponent, let the opponent think that he has succeeded, but when the opponent relaxes his vigilance and is about to usher in the victory, he will throw the opponent into hell, and it will never be lost!

The man in front of him is such a terrible person. This kind of cognition makes Su Mengrou feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

The whole person could not restrain the trembling.

"If it is not useful to keep you tomorrow, you have already thrown you into the barren hills ten miles away, and the rations of those wolves and tigers and leopards." Jun night, regardless of Su Mengrou’s thoughts, does not care about her fears, just 眯眯 眸 眸, slowly said.

In a word, it is destined to be a person's life and death, but in his eyes, it seems so indifferent.

Su Mengrou sees this, his heart is half cold. She naturally knows what the meaning of Jun Yee said is useful. In any case, she has already been destined for her ending, but it is sooner or later.

Regardless of Su Meng's desperate appearance, Jun Ye faintly said: "Come in and get people out and change the bed."

In the tone, with no disguise of disgust.

In the blink of an eye, there were a few more black people in Moyuzhai, who quickly set up Su Meng, and several others had already moved to bed.

"How can you treat me like this! Jun night, how can you do this to me! I like you wrong? I like you for so long! It is obvious that I like you earlier than Bai Ao Xue!! Why do you want to choose Bai Aoxue?" People! She is better than me...where is better than me!" Su Mengruo suddenly looked up and looked at the shouts of the night.

Su Mengrou’s sly and shadow, one or two people, did not expect Su Mengrou to say so, can not help but look cold, killing gradually, no one can insult their mother!

Jun Ye’s hand raised his hand slightly, preventing the movement of the shadow and the shadow. He looked at Su Meng’s joking and smiled: “So, you like it, you should like you?”

Su Mengrou did not think that the night will be asked like this, slightly lost.

"You are wrong, fall in love with a person, no matter how early or late, even if there is no snow, you will not look at you. Of course, the most disgusting is the woman who is insulting. Killing you is too cheap for you, send it. When you are a military sergeant, since you like men so much, you will send you countless men." Jun night squatted and smiled, but no smile in his eyes.

Su Mengrou listened to the night of the night, and dared to widen his eyes, full of resentment and unwillingness to watch the night.

And he also had a quick eye, and he ordered Su Mengrou’s dumb.

"Interrupted her hands and threw them into the dungeon. I will bring them out tomorrow, and I will send them to the military camp to fill the army. After a hundred men are still alive, they will kill her. Don't let her die before then." Stretched out the hair on the side of the body, looking at the eyes with a smile, Su Mengrou resentful expression.

At this time, Su Mengrou is the real one.

It is such a man, he can laugh and say the most cruel words, can laugh and make a life worse than death, the smile is pure and unprepared.

It’s just that kind of smile, it makes people feel paralyzed, and when they return to God, they will die without a place of burial!

There are a few people in the Yuan Dynasty who have already contacted the ministers in the middle and the middle. They only waited for the night to let the night shackles, but they did not know the real conspiracy, and they have already started to them.

Jun night looked up and looked at the moonlight of the chastity, and remembered the cold and arrogant face in the brain, and the heart was warm.

"A Xue... You see. As long as you are not around, I will become a demon completely. If you are, will it stop me from making such a decision?" Whispered with enthusiasm.

Here, Bai Aoxue, who has entered the South Moon Territory, sneezed a sneeze, and the singer song on the side, hurriedly gave Bai Aoxue, wearing a white coat.

"Southern winter is particularly cold, you see that this is not a cold." Qi Lian song reached out for Bai Ao Xue, and he said slowly.

But Bai Aoxue is not traced, and has escaped the movements of Qilian songs, but it is only such an action that makes her physically and mentally exhausted.

"That is because you gave me the cartilage scattered, I will be so easy to catch a cold at this moment." Bai Ao Xuefeng looked cold and cold, cold and cold.

When Qilian Song listened to Bai Aoxue, there was no anger, but he smiled lightly: "If there is no cartilage scattered, you will inevitably run away. Although you are very good at chasing me, I am happy to accompany you, but now I have to take it. In addition, the two countries are taking care of your dowry."

When Bai Aoxue heard the words of Qi Lian, his face was unmoved, and he said coldly: "You and I understand in my heart that you don't have to deceive yourself."

It seems that there is no Qilian song. When I heard Bai Aoxue’s words, I received a small heater and stuffed it into Bai Aoshen’s hand. “You are pregnant now, and you are not suitable for running around. Only in this way can you control your child. When the child is born, I am giving you an antidote."

Listening to the words of Qi Lian, Bai Ao Xue was cold and cold, no longer saying more, continue to close his eyes and raise his spirits.

Just sneezing, she only thought that she was thinking of her at night, because she knew that she didn't have a cold.

Jun night... You are thinking about me...

Looking at the snowy night, Bai Aoxue sighed slightly. R638