MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 36 (1)

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With such a gentle voice, he approached him cautiously, respected her, and asked her will: "Is it okay?"

Tang Li was waiting for her answer.

But Chu Chisi didn't know how to answer.

Perhaps, there are many questions in this world, and there is no definite answer. Whether it is the person who asks or the person who answers, they are all looking for different voices.

Tang Li let go of her hand, and turned her fingertips to brush her cheeks. The delicate lines touched the skin, making it a little itchy.

She really hugged.

It was just a very light, very light stroke, his arms were wrapped around his neck, the tip of his nose was buried in his shoulders and neck, his long hair fell into his arms, and the faint fragrance of pear blossoms fell.

Chu Chisi froze, subconsciously wanting to refuse, but the voice stuck in his throat, and he turned around slowly for several times, but he couldn't say it.

So warm.

She bowed her head, thinking.

Tang Li only gave a light hug, then quickly backed away, looking at Chu Chisi's expression, and tentatively shouted, "Chi Si?"

Chu Chisi gave her a sideways glance, but said nothing.

It's good that he's not angry, Tang Li is relieved, and he starts to rub over a little with restless thoughts.

She put on the usual aggrieved expression, looked at each other with watery eyes, and began to tease her wife again: "Chi Si, have a smile?"

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, then took off one of the black engineering gloves, the knuckles were fine and white, slapped Tang Li's cheek, and pinched it gently.

Tang Li didn't dodge, and was stunned for a while.

Fingertips glide across the skin very lightly and softly. The aroma from her wrists spread out lightly, and the sound of breathing flowed quietly.

Melt into the heart carefully.

Chu Chisi only squeezed his hand and took it back, his voice was a little cold, and he warned: "I said, don't look at me like this."

what? Poor Baba?

Tang Li thought to himself, "Okay, Chi Si, you're done. This expression has been deeply embedded in my bones. I'll take it out and use it as soon as you get angry."

Her cheeks were inexplicably hot, Tang Li blinked and found her voice: "Wife, it's not fair."

Chu Chi Si didn't understand: "What's unfair?"

"I've been married to you for so many days, but I dutifully abide by the terms of our marriage contract. How honest and rules are, but you are always breaking the rules."

Tang Li said plausibly: "Why can you just stare at me, stare at me, and I can't look at you more?"

Honestly, rules? ? ? ? ?

These two words can be put on anyone, but when it is put on Tang Li, it is a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

Think about a lot of "bad things" she has done: robbing books, robbing backpacks, robbing earphones, dismantling weapons, jumping over walls and windows all day, singing love songs at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night to disturb the people, and having a fever and stuffing people with three pieces of chocolate—

The list goes on and on.

The system couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but complain: "Look at what you said, do you believe it yourself?"

Tang Li said: "There is no road in the world, and the more people who have walked by, the road will become; a lie has been told a thousand times and it will become true; only shameless can you chase your wife."①


That ruthless, ruthless, merciless Chu Chisi, how has his temper changed so much recently?

Come on, give this Raiders a knife!

Even Chu Chisi was stunned by her remarks, her eyes were full of doubts, and she was a little helpless: "Are you... sure?"

"Of course it is." Tang Li said boldly. .

It turned out that there was no interference from Tang Li. Chu Chisi's hands-on ability is very strong.

Those hard metal blocks and screws were in her hands, as if they were alive. She moved quickly and quickly, and installed the remaining gas stove in ten minutes.

Beautiful, like new.

There is absolutely no trace of being "bombed" before.

The chef who had been changing "clothes" for a long time also came back, looking at Chu Chisi's eyes, brewing complex emotions such as accusation, sadness, anxiety, anger, sadness and so on.

Chu Chisi "clicked" the button, and the flames burst into flames, her voice was light: "It's repaired."

The chef said bitterly, "It was good in the first place."

Chu Chi thought as if he didn't hear it: "I reconnected the line, you can try cooking on a high fire later, the speed and efficiency will be much faster."

The chef complained even more: "Are you sure this 'fire' is good? Don't come out directly and 'again' set the kitchen on fire."

He gritted the emphasis on the word "you", his eyes were full of tears, and he glared at Chu Chisi angrily.

Chu Chisi felt a little guilty: "...Well."

Before the chef tried the "big fire" function and "made a big fire", Tang Li coaxed and deceived, and quickly pulled Chu Chisi away.

The two returned to the restaurant. Most of the children had finished their meals and were lying on the ground floor for a morning break.

The two teachers were having lunch. They waved Tang Li and asked them, "Do you want to have something to eat?"

The two did not refuse.

The tableware and chopsticks are outdated, and even the small chairs are creaking. The simple dishes are delicious.

Chu Chisi ate slowly, but Tang Li was very fast. After three strokes and five divisions, he finished pulling a small bowl of rice, then stood up and patted his clothes, ready to help the teachers wash the dishes.

The system's voice sounded, and the ghosts lingered in the ears: "Tasks, remember the daily tasks."

Tang Li had a headache when she thought of this. She washed the dishes with a small brush, and glanced at Chu Chisi, who was sitting in the distance, from the corner of her eye.

Chu Chisi lowered his head, was holding a small square towel, dipped it in some water, and slowly wiped a small piece of dirt on the table.

The fingertips swayed gently, glowing white in the dimly lit room. She wiped it slowly and in circles, taking a few strands of her breath in an instant.

Tang Li swallowed his throat.

She was a little hungry again.

Lunch is impossible to count on, but there are many opportunities for snack time in the afternoon. Tang Li quickly calculated, brushed all the dishes and arranged them neatly.

The teachers next to them were stunned. They looked at the small pile that Tang Li had washed, and then looked at the two or three bowls in front of them. They couldn't believe it: "You, you are..."

Her movements are too skilled, and her speed is fast. Every bowl is extremely clean, and one minute is worth the workload of others in ten minutes.

Tang Li said, "It was trained."

The teachers were still in shock, wondering why an eldest lady was so proficient at washing dishes: "This-how did you get it done? Did you receive any professional training?"

They said: [Professional training]

The inadvertent words made Tang Li froze, and the hand wiping the table stopped suddenly, the thin white knuckles embedded in the foam, clenching tightly.

The heart was beating violently.

Breathe slightly, one second, two seconds.

Tang Li raised his head and let out a smile. His voice was clear and brisk: "How is it possible, I just do a lot of housework, I'm familiar with it."

As she said that, she glanced at Chu Chi Si, and said nonsense: "I ate aristocratic ice cream with my wife before, but I didn't have enough money in my card, so I was sold to the store for five or six years."


Is this sentence true or false?

Of course it was a lie. Tang Li lowered his head and continued to wipe the table, but his movements subsided a bit, his heart was still beating wildly, and he couldn't help but be afraid after a while.

She glanced at the system silently.

There was silence in my ears, I could vaguely hear some typing sounds, and the system screen only had a thumbnail, so I just didn't notice the movements on my side.

No, I've been a little slack lately. You need to be more cautious, otherwise you will make a wrong step, and you will only end up losing the whole game.

Tang Li rinsed off the foam on his hands, wiped his hands with a tissue, and walked to Chu Chisi's side, "Chi Si, what are you doing?"

Chu Chisi glanced at her, and shoved the small cloth that was wiping the table into Tang Li's hand: "So busy? I'll give it to you."

Her voice was small and soft.

A few words quietly fell into my ears and scratched to the tip of my heart. At this time, I always want to eat something sweet, such as white marshmallows, or a soft person.

Tang Li took the rag, wet it with a little water, poured a few drops of dishwashing liquid on it, rubbed it into a foam, and wiped the table clean with a little force.

Chu Chisi looked beside him, his eyes widened.

Just now, Chu Chisi was seriously dealing with the small piece of oil stain, and after wiping it for a long time to no avail, he was seriously considering whether to get some sulfuric acid, or take a photo of it with a laser.

In the end, when Tang Li was replaced to clean the table, not to mention the small piece of dirt, the entire table looked brand new, as if it had just been moved from IKEA.

She was a little shocked: " are amazing."

Several teachers who were doing dishes next to him nodded silently.

Tang Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What's the matter, I just have a little experience, plus a little more strength."

She wringed the water in the towel and rubbed some foam again, ready to wipe the next table.

Chu Chisi kept watching her movements, and involuntarily approached a little: "How did you do it?"

With her fluffy head close to her side, Tang Li could see her staring at her actions seriously as long as she lowered her head.

Chu Chisi was so close, the faint aroma rushed over, and went all the way up the neck, blooming clear flowers on the side of the face.

Rubbing the foam of the hand, a little floating.

The long eyelashes are dense, the tip of the nose is a little red, and the lips are also soft.

Tang Li had some bad thoughts, raised her hand and touched the tip of her nose: "Chi Si, what are you looking at?"

Chu Chisi said, "Observe your behavior."

Her voice was flat, and she didn't notice that the tip of her nose just touched by Tang Li was already dyed with a small white foam.

Wandering, kinda cute.

Tang Li watched happily for a long time, and after he was satisfied, he slowly reminded: "Chi Si, it seems that you accidentally got some foam on the tip of your nose."

Chu Chisi reacted quickly, first glared at her with some dissatisfaction, then turned to look for a tissue.

She folded a stack of tissues, wiped the tip of her nose little by little, pursed her soft lips, and said two words angrily: "Childish."

Tang Li felt at ease and smiled calmly: "I'm just so naive, did you only find out today?"

Chu Chisi: "...".

In the end, Tang Li basically did all the cleaning work. Chu Chisi and the two teachers watched the whole process, handing her water and rags from time to time, as if they were the younger brothers who helped her.

No way, her efficiency is really too high, one person can support ten volunteers and teachers, and everyone else can only help.

The workload of teachers plummeted, and all of a sudden there was nothing to do.

Teacher Wen Jing held a bag of coffee-flavored chocolate beans and asked cautiously, "Would you like to have some snacks?"

Even using the word "you" shows how much she admires Tang Li.

Tang Li was about to shake her head when she squinted at the person beside her.

Chu Chisi's expression was calm, and he could not see any change in his expression, but his eyes kept falling on the bag of chocolates, and there was a faint glimmer of light in his eyes.

Tang Li paused, and turned around in his mouth when he refused, changed his appearance, and said with a smile, "Okay."

She twisted the towel, and the white bones were stained with water, and the water droplets wetted her long fingers, and dropped drop by drop into the sink.

Tang Li turned her head away, and a few strands of long hair swayed to Chu Chisi's face, like a naughty bird pecking at the cheek: "Chi Si, can you help me with it?"

Chu Chisi said "Oh", took the small bag from the teacher, and did not open it, just stood quietly beside Tang Li.

Tang Li added: "Chi Si, I want to eat."

Chu Chisi lowered his head and tore the wrapping paper, there was a soft sound of "呲la", the aroma of chocolate spread out, and it was entangled between the two of them.

She handed over the chocolate bag: "Here."

Tang Li blinked, raised her hands and shook it towards Chu Chisi, the knuckles were covered with white foam, and water droplets fell dripping.

She looked innocent: "I have no hands."

The water droplets dripped down, leaving a crystal clear mark. The moistened skin was clear and soft, with blue veins faintly visible.

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, clenched the chocolate bag tightly, and his voice became hesitant: "You mean... I'll give it to you?"

Tang Li nodded hastily.

While nodding, she approached a little shamelessly, not too close, so she leaned slightly against the tip of Chu Chisi's ear and gently rubbed: "Chi Si, is it alright?"

A few strands of mischievous blonde hair swayed over her shoulders, and landed in the shallow depression of her collarbone.

Shake off some golden light, beautiful everywhere.

Chu Chisi pulled the small bag, carefully selected it for a long time, and chose the smallest one, but after picking it up, he hesitated for a while.

It can't be too obvious, but you still need to test the person in front of you first. After thinking for a moment, she silently changed a medium-sized chocolate ball to Tang Li's mouth: "Here."

There was a hint of blood on the fingertips, and he was holding a chocolate ball. He looked at himself with clear eyes, and Tang Li felt itchy and wanted to take a bite.

So, she did the same.

Tang Li leaned over and bit her teeth lightly on the chocolate. A few strands of heat escaped from her lips, itchy and itchy, scalding her fingertips.

Chu Chi shuddered, his hands a little unsteady.

But the "initiator" had an innocent face, chewing chocolate balls, and his voice was indistinct, and he moved closer to himself: "Chi Si, thank you."

"It's sweet and delicious."

The tips of the hair, with the faint fragrance of scattered pear blossoms, swayed on the collarbone, sliding back and forth a few times, evoking a slight itch hidden in the bones.

The lips were against the side of her ear, as if they had touched it or not, rubbing against the reddish cartilage intentionally or unintentionally, pressing down softly.

Her breath was so hot, and her voice was blowing through her broken hair, as if it was about to melt into water in her auricle: "It's very sweet."

The knuckles clenched slowly, and the bag was crumpled.

Seeing that the other party didn't move much, he didn't speak. Tang Li quietly lowered her body a little further, her long black hair brushing the tip of her nose, spreading a faint coolness.

The tips of her ears are red, like cherries.

I really want to take a bite.

Tang Li's throat was dry and hoarse, and she resisted the urge to bite it, but with a little bit of bad intentions, she gently rubbed her ear with the tip of her nose.

The airflow accumulated on her lips and slowly flowed into her auricle, with a light and soft, hazy heat: "Chi Si?"

Chu Chisi finally couldn't bear it any longer and took a half step back.

The chocolate was broken into pieces.

Chu Chisi pursed her lips, stared at her with a pair of dark eyes, and the cat seemed to condense a little: "Why do you always call me 'Chi Si'?"

Tang Li's face did not change, and she was very sincere: "Because I think it sounds very good, and it sounds sweet, like honey."

This is just one of the reasons, and another reason is that she is used to shouting and will not be able to change it in a while.

However, I don't really want to change it.

Chu Chisi took a slow sigh, and his hand holding the bag loosened a little, still looking indifferent: "It's just a 'name' that refers to me as a person, I don't think it has the conditions to trigger the sense of taste."

Because it's your name.

Tang Li smiled and answered her in her heart.

Sweet, gentle, the name that has been called hundreds of thousands of times by myself, has long been embedded in flesh and blood, and melted in the breath.

Whenever she read it, she couldn't help but want to laugh, want to hold her hand, put her arms around her shoulders, and kiss her softly.

Those many beautiful memories like a dream, those moments that fly as lightly as butterflies, those sparkling treasures hidden in the depths of my heart.

"Okay," Tang Li shrugged and said again,

"That's because I'm naive, I just love to call you 'Chi Si', can you still seal my mouth?"

Chu Chisi had previously said that she was "naive", but Tang Li happily accepted it all, and then returned it intact.

It can be said to be scheming and shameless.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Tang Li teased his wife's great success in her career, and her heart blossomed happily one after another, and even the sound of "ding dong" in her ears became a bit sweeter. .

"Ding dong! Congratulations on completing the daily task!"

A mechanical voice sounded: "The sub-item [Task Value] of [Task Objectives] on the main page has been unlocked, do you want to check it now?"

"Wait, you actually unlocked this?!"

The system was silent for a long time, not knowing what it was doing, and suddenly it came out along with the daily task completion prompt.

Her voice was full of disbelief, and she asked curiously, "How did you do it? You actually unlocked Chu Chisi's favorability?"

Tang Li shrugged and said, "I don't know what's going on, let's check the update page first. Hela"

The system's response was faster than hers. Before Tang Li finished speaking, the system couldn't wait to pop up the page:

Mission Value: [New]

1: favorability (1.00)

2: Trust (0.000001)

3: Shake value (0.00)

4: [to be unlocked]

Tang Li took a few glances, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Her voice was rather helpless, sounding lazy: "Although I don't want to admit it, this data looks very real."

The favorability is only a pitiful 1 point, and the trust degree is followed by five bright zeros after the decimal point. It can't even be rounded up, it can be ignored.

Tang Li shrugged: "Hey, I'm so sad."

The system complained: "I see your relaxed and contented expression, and it doesn't look like you are sad."

Tang Li was very indifferent: "What do you know, I am secretly sad, secretly wronged, secretly sad."

Looking at this person's lazy appearance, there is no trace of sadness, grievance, or sadness at all.

"Come on, among the lesser 10,000 Raiders, you are the first person to make Chu Chisi's favor and trust become positive."

The system was even more excited than her, and said raggedly:

"In the past, the values ​​of the Raiders were all negative numbers, and the whole cycle was not moved, so it was naturally impossible to unlock the [Task Value] interface."

The system sighed: "After so many cycles, I wonder if there is a bug in the program, or if the computer just crashes."

Tang Li frowned and smiled: "Really?"

"Yeah, why am I lying to you," the system tapped the mouse. "Although you are about zero, at least you are not zero. You deserve a commendation."

With that said, the system brought up the detailed change interface of [Favorability] to Tang Li, and at the very top, a huge negative number was displayed:

[Initial favorability: -1000]

Tang Li: "..."

"Do you think now that your 1-point favorability is very powerful?"

The system said: "You can actually turn a negative one thousand into an integer. You are really the most potential raider I have ever seen."

Tang Li said modestly: "Hey, good luck."

She flipped up the increase in favorability records, and found that they were all bits and pieces of +10, +20, and the like, and only a few days ago there was a sharp increase.

Tang Li remembered very clearly that it was a charity dinner that day.

She is so smart and rational to a person who is almost ruthless, how desperate she must have been on that day, that she will increase so much favorability after her arrival.

Tang Li's expression darkened, her knuckles tensed tightly, pinching into her soft palms.

It hurts, it hurts, that's right.

Except for Tang Li, the others naturally couldn't see the task screen and couldn't hear the system sound, and Chu Chisi was no exception.

While Tang Li was absent-mindedly washing the dishes and checking the [task value], Chu Chisi had already taken the bag of chocolates and sneaked to a corner.

That person only ate one, and continued to wash the dishes with his head down. In addition, she said "I don't like sweets" before, so Chu Chisi decided to trust her for a while.

So, this bag is all my own.

Chu Chisi carefully observed her for ten minutes, and found that Tang Li's face was normal, her breathing was steady, and there was no sign of poisoning.

Probably not poisoned.

Chu Chi calmed down and pulled the bag of chocolate **** a little bigger in the corner, then took out the largest one and bit it slowly.

Really fragrant and sweet.

Chu Chisi ate several pills in a row, her brows and eyes bent unconsciously, and her lips and teeth were filled with the faint aroma of coffee, which she liked.

There were more than a dozen left in the bag, and she was a little reluctant to eat them.

So, Chu Chisi carefully folded the bag, pressed the opening with a clip, and put it in a sealed plastic bag.

Then, she put the plastic bag into a square plastic box, and finally put the plastic box into the black backpack, and neatly organized every corner.

A few teachers next to her who watched her give the small bag of chocolate "matryoshka": "..."

Isn't it just a bag of coffee-flavored chocolate? It's fine if you don't finish it. Why should you protect it so strictly, for fear that someone will come to steal it? .

In the afternoon, there was a handicraft class, but due to insufficient funds, each child was given a sheet of paper, and the previous weak teacher taught everyone how to fold a thousand paper cranes.

Tang Li and the two sat at the back of the classroom.

Chu Chisi was very interested in Zhihe, and following the teacher's instructions, he folded it up and down, but Tang Li lacked interest.

She yawned, feeling a little sleepy for no reason.

"Hmm..." With her knuckles against her forehead, Tang Li slowly lowered her head. She closed her eyes and simply lay down on the table and said in an airy voice, "I'm a little sleepy, so I'll squint for a while."

Fingers pressed against his forehead, and there was a buzzing noise in his ears.

It's really strange, the guy in the system didn't speak for so long after diving for the first time, and he didn't know what strange program he was adding.

Tang Li felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She lay on the table, her brows wrinkled in discomfort, and her forehead hurts one after another. She doesn't know whether it is because of lack of sleep or excessive mental stress.

Indistinctly, someone seemed to say, "Okay."

Tang Li was groggy and didn't know how long she had slept, when suddenly, someone pushed her shoulder gently.

very light.

She woke up suddenly, and reached out to her waist subconsciously, but found a space: there was nothing she was accustomed to carry.

Chu Chisi whispered: "get out of class is over."

Tang Li was stunned for two seconds, then smiled and said, "Really? I'm sorry, I fell asleep."

She hasn't slept well in the past few days, her energy has been tense, and she often wakes up several times in the middle of the night. She may not really fall asleep for several hours, and she is seriously lack of rest.

His heart was beating fast, and his breathing was a little chaotic.

Tang Li closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead with her knuckles, but someone suddenly tapped her shoulder and handed something over: "Send you."

It was a small thousand paper cranes.

Nicely folded, and sprinkled with gold dust.

Tang Li breathed for a while, then turned to look at the person beside him. Chu Chisi's expression was light, still the same calm tone: "Here it is for you."

"It's so beautiful," Tang Li's brows and eyes suddenly rolled down, with a smile in his eyes, fiddling with Zhihe's wings, "Did Chi Si fold it by you?"

Chu Chisi nodded: "Yes."

"Did you just fold one?" Tang Li became greedy, and hurriedly asked, "Just give me one person? Or everyone else."

Chu Chisi nodded and shook his head again.

"I just folded one paper crane, and then I felt a little bored, so I folded a lot of triangular pyramids, and wanted to build a Sierpinski triangle."

She paused, and suddenly felt a little aggrieved: "I just built two floors, and before the shape came out, I was collapsed by the group of children."

Tang Li: "…"

Tang Li slapped the table and said, "Who is so daring, who dares to collapse my wife's...Ski triangle? I'll beat him up for you, and you'll be honest and obedient."

Chu Chisi: "???"

Thanks to the dean's grandma and the teachers not here, or else I would have to kick Tang Li out after hearing this.

Fortunately, this is a physical education class, and the children are all playing in the courtyard, and they are very lucky to escape.

Tang Li didn't want to go to bed anymore, so he pulled up Chu Chisi, who had planned to stay in his seat for a long time.

The two walked outside the orphanage together, walking slowly along the path, blowing the wind.

It was a cloudy afternoon, with a light breeze and a cool breeze.

The walls of the orphanage are a little worn out, and there are broken places and gaps everywhere, and even protruding steel bars.

Tang Li thought about it, and was going to invite the construction team to renovate all the walls to prevent the children from hurting themselves when they ran around and explored.

The roads here are overgrown with weeds and seldom taken care of, so the branches and leaves are rushing out, dyeing the soil with fresh and brilliant colors.

Chu Chisi untied the hair rope that tied the little bun, and the long ink-like hair was splashed and swayed gently behind him.

The breeze blew by her side, the air carried the light fragrance of her body, the snow-covered grass and trees took root in her heart, and she pulled out the cool and quiet branches.

Tang Li blew a gust of wind and felt more lucid.

Chu Chi thought perseveringly carrying her black backpack, refusing to put it down without saying anything.

"It's really quite remote here," Tang Li looked around. "If you really want to buy a lot of materials to help build infrastructure, how to transport the materials will become a big problem."

Chu Chisi said: "Divided into mountain bikes and delivered them one by one."

This is a good idea, with no downsides other than possibly higher shipping costs.

The two walked and chatted.

Chu Chisi didn't take the initiative to find a topic. Tang Li often used messy questions to tease her. When she was in a good mood, or when she was too annoyed, she would reluctantly answer a sentence or two.

However, although Chu Chisi said few words, she took every sentence seriously and carefully, just like her character, she was meticulous and serious in everything she did.

The two walked a long way without realizing it.

The cascading branches and leaves covered the sky, and the chirping of some insects could be vaguely heard around, and a few beams of sunlight leaked from the gaps, which were narrowly reflected on the sides of the two of them.

Tang Li looked left and right, and found a few dandelions in a short weed, and folded one down.

She handed it to Chu Chisi beside her, and shook it a few times in her hand: "Look, what is this?"

Different from the previous time when the two of them were shopping, this time Chu Chisi took the dandelion in her hand and took a serious look.

Thinking about the lily that was pushed away before, Tang Li deeply realized the huge difference between -1000 favorability and 1 favorability, and decided to make persistent efforts to continue her great cause of teasing his wife.

Chu Chisi wondered: "Why do you give me this?"

"This is a dandelion," Tang Li said with a smile, "if you blow the dandelion away, one of your wishes will come true."

The breeze blew softly across his cheeks, blowing the branches and leaves above his head. Birds fluttered and flew, in this silence.

Chu Chisi lowered his eyelashes, and the voice in his ears was far away, or very close, softly scattered in the wind, like petals falling:

【Chi Si, what is your wish? 】

The pompom-like flowers swayed and were blown away by her. Chu Chisi looked at the floating white plush and said casually, "I have no wish."

She repeated: "I have no wishes."

There was only one bare stem left of the dandelion in his hand, and then it was snatched away without explanation.

Tang Li squatted down next to her, holding a dandelion in her hand, her long fluffy hair rubbed against her, and said plausibly:

"It's okay, I have a lot of wishes."

Dandelion was handed over, almost touching Chu Chisi's lips, and when she tilted her head, she could see the man's smiling face: "Chisi, can you blow it for me?"

Chu Chisi hesitated for a moment and came over.

The warm wind blew through her fingers and towards the dandelion balls, and she got so close that she had the illusion of kissing her fingertips.

The white feathers floated in the air and swayed leisurely in the wind. Those who could not speak, buried deep in their hearts, were scattered in the silence.

Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes and fiddled with her hands in the wind. The scattered dandelions brushed across her palms, like falling snow.

She couldn't help but fold her knuckles together, as if by doing so, she would be able to catch the floating dandelions and the ethereal warmth.

Chu Chi thought secretly:

Her wish... what would it be? .

Time passed quickly, and it was evening in the blink of an eye.

Considering the activities tomorrow morning, the two did not plan to go back to the mountaintop villa, and planned to find a nearby hotel to stay for two days, so as not to run back and forth too much trouble.

However, I encountered some troubles when getting the room card.

The front desk of the hotel stared at Chu Chisi's icy gaze, checked it over and over again on the computer several times, and finally bit the bullet and said, "Chu...Miss Chu, I'm sorry..."

"I, we really only have one room left."

The front desk was trembling, looking at the expressionless Chu Chisi, and then at the manager behind him who winked wildly at him, miserable: "I'm really sorry."

"My reservation two days ago."

Chu Chisi's voice was calm and cold, and she tapped the wooden countertop with her fingertips: "Why is the room suddenly full?"

"There must be something wrong with our hotel's system." The smile on the front desk's face was uglier than crying. "No, I accidentally gave out your reserved room."

"As compensation, we will waive all your fees, refund the room fee to your card within three days, and include two SPA coupons: do you want to stay today?"

Chu Chisi glanced at Tang Li coldly.

Tang Li didn't dare to come out.

The system is still smug in his ears: "How about it, thank me quickly, I changed the background data at the last minute, and created a two-person world for the two of you."

Tang Li sneered: "Haha."

It was obviously pushing himself into the fire, or a fire full of knives.

It was very late, whether it was to find other hotels temporarily, or to ask the butler to come and pick people up now.

Chu Chisi still took the room card.

There was silence in the elevator, Chu Chisi didn't say a word from beginning to end, even if Tang Li teased, he didn't respond, just silent, then silent, cold and silent.

Like a sea hidden in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, the system still has a little bit of conscience. After all, it is a double room with two single beds, so that one person cannot sleep on the bed and the other on the sofa.

Tang Li is ready to sleep on the sofa. If there is no sofa, she may use a blanket to lay the floor.

Yes, she is very self-aware.

After seeing the two single beds, Chu Chisi's expression softened a little, at least not continuing to exude a chill like a glacier.

She put her backpack beside the wall, packed it up and prepared to take a bath, she pulled the bow tied by Tang Li with her hand.

Tang Li: "…"

It must be because of the earthy love saying "untie the ribbon".

But it should be said that the hotel is still very high-end. The double room is very spacious. In addition to the bedroom, there is a small living room and a small balcony.

Tang Li glanced at the bathroom, which was also very spacious.

The large and hard black stone washbasin, a rectangular transparent mirror, and a glass bottle with a bouquet of flowers are exquisite and beautiful.

Chu Chisi went to take a bath, there was a little rushing water behind the locked door, and the fog covered the window, which always caused some reverie.

Tang Li was lying on the bed and playing with her phone, letting the system make a noise in her ears, but she was unmoved.

Suddenly, the sound of the water gradually stopped.

It was quiet for a while inside, and even the fog slowly dissipated. Tang Li was playing with a stack of cubes on his mobile phone when he heard the "click" of the lock being unlocked.

There was a gap in the closed door.

A Chu Chisi voice came from inside, like a tangled thread, tugging at her fingertips: "Can you help me with something?"

Tang Li rolled over and sat up: "What do you want?"

"On the side of the backpack, there is an ointment given by the doctor," Chu Chisi said, "a brown-green package with two leaves in the lower right corner."

Chu Chisi is the most tidy, everything is organized, Tang Li can easily find the ointment.

She wanted to take a peek at what was in her backpack, but she was about to secretly tug on the zipper, and then she