MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 30 (two)

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"However, if you can agree, I'm very pleased."

The woman fiddled with her curly hair and said with a smile in her voice: "Follow me to sign a contract, the million is you—"

The remaining half of the sentence was not finished, and it was stuck in his throat.

I saw Chu Chisi suddenly turned sideways, the blade was drawn from between the cuffs, her wrist was slightly folded, her movements were fierce and precise, and she stabbed behind her.

She moved extremely fast, and before the man could react, the blade penetrated the suit shirt and plunged straight into the depths of the bodyguard's chest behind her.

The man taught her:

This is the location of the heart.

The bodyguard widened his eyes in surprise, roared hoarsely, and then grabbed Chu Chisi's wrist tightly: "You, what are you doing?!"

Chu Chisi's expression didn't change at all, she held the handle of the knife tightly, using all her strength to go down, then down again.

The tip of the knife pierced deeply and was pulled out.

The fine blood droplets fell on her face, soaking the fine long eyelashes and sinking into the dark eyes.

The ultimate red and white, bright and dazzling.

The hand holding the wrist loosened, the man fell to the ground in pain, and the road in front of him was cleared.

Not far away, you can see the bright lights of the banquet, as well as the dancing and laughing crowd.

Chu Chisi didn't want to fight, turned around and ran into the crowd.

She was busy all day, participating in auctions, playing games with Tang Li, and collecting information from all over the place. In fact, she had no strength for a long time.

But Chu Chisi clearly knew that this was not a hilltop villa, nor the Mirare-In headquarters. She was not familiar with this place, and she did not have the energy to make more arrangements.

Once caught, the consequences would be unimaginable.

She ran with all her strength, the lingering wind blew her long hair, and her toes had passed through the shadow of the promenade. She stepped on the black and white junction box, and there was a bright light in front of her.

One step away, close at hand.

However, a black figure followed her, and her big, rough hands slammed over her mouth and nose, covering her screams that were about to overflow.

The blade was slammed to the ground, her wrist was in constant pain, and her breath was snuffed out in her throat. She struggled, but was still dragged back into the darkness.

Very familiar, a dead silence.

"Uh, uh!" Chu Chisi struggled desperately, but the shout was suppressed in the back of his hand, and his arms were folded behind him, unable to move.

The heavy force pressed up on the back ridge and slowly pressed down, like an immovable rock, forcing her to kneel.

"Chu Chisi, long time no see."

Omega walked towards her, with five or six people standing behind him, only one wearing a bodyguard's black clothes, the rest were wearing banquet dresses, and they were well hidden from the crowd just now.

Chu Chisi lowered his eyelashes and sneered.

The woman walked slowly and squatted down in front of Chu Chisi: "I thought I was doing a good job, but I didn't expect you to see it."

Chu Chisi was held on his knees on the ground, a button on his neck was torn off, and his long hair was messy like ink.

"...Long time no see? Haha."

The voice was light, so calm that you couldn't hear any ups and downs, as if at this moment the person who was in a state of embarrassment, with messy long hair and was suppressed on the ground was not her.

She is the one who is high above and controls everything.

Chu Chisi raised his eyebrows and said softly, "Stop joking, haven't you been there all the time?"

Her eyes were a little red, and her long eyelashes were dyed with water. When she smiled slightly, she contained a hint of seductive beauty.

Like a swan caught in a net and trapped.

"How's it going? I've been dragging it for so long, and I've tried everything I can to make no progress, right?" Chu Chi smiled softly, his voice softer, "I'll tell you—"

"You change one, I'll kill one."

The bodyguards continued to increase the pressure on their bodies, but they still couldn't stop her. There were red marks on their arms, but Chu Chisi didn't realize it, and her voice was cold and biting:

"Do you need me to remind you? I remember it clearly. This has been restarted for the 33,645th time, aren't you in a hurry?"

"After spending so much energy on me, how many 'resources' do you have left? How many people still want to give it a try?"

What was burning in those dark eyes, not flames, but a strange and deep darkness, chaotic madness:

"However, it doesn't matter how many times you come back."

"Everyone will be cornered by me, driven to the brink of collapse by me - including you."

The trapped swan, the iron chain penetrated her flesh, tightening the bones in circles, and letting the blood-stained white feathers fall to the ground.

The swan was pale and weak, but she couldn't hide the tense ferocity in her bones.

Crazy, but extremely beautiful.

A dark look flashed in the woman's eyes, she looked down at Chu Chisi from a condescending height, and suddenly sighed.

She turned around, took a small bright red bottle from the hand of the person beside her, and weighed it in her hand: "Originally, I didn't intend to use this thing."

She twisted the bottle slowly and said with a smile, "If you accidentally break down, it won't do us any good."

There are delicate and fine lines on the bottle, and the golden thread snakes down along the red glass, like a snake hissing a letter, slowly winding her.

The bottle cap fell off, and the sweet fragrance poured out.

Just a slight sniff, a subtle heat surged from the glands.

Chu Chisi breathed for a while, and the alarm bell rang in his heart. He tried his best to retreat, but the bodyguard pressed his shoulders hard, and there was no way to retreat.

"The two of you were in the garden just now, and it was the first time I saw you look like this..."

"You care a little about her, don't you?"

The woman curled her eyebrows and smiled: "Chu Chisi, count how many times you have hesitated in the past few days. Are you really as flawless as you said?"

Chu Chisi looked startled, and his breathing trembled: "I..."

Immediately afterwards, the jaw was pinched violently, and the icy liquid poured in and flowed down his throat.

Wherever she went, she was numb and numb, even her bones were burned, and she was going to be burned to ashes.

"Cough, cough cough—!"

Chu Chisi coughed violently, and the liquid flowed down his neck, soaking his meticulous collar, and his eyes were full of gleaming water.

She was breathing heavily, her chest twitched and her body slowly softened, and she had to be pulled by several bodyguards to keep her from falling down.

The woman chuckled lightly: "It's so good."

She took a tissue from the bodyguard next to her and wiped it slowly, admiring Chu Chi's embarrassed look with some playfulness.

Who knows, the next moment—

Chu Chisi is thin, yet extremely explosive.

The woman did not expect that under the action of the drug, she could still shake off the two bodyguards who were pressing her, and rushed towards her.

The narrow blade penetrated through the clothes and stabbed hard at the shoulder, and the pain swept through the nerves instantly. The woman wanted to scream, but her voice was stuck in her throat:

"I tell you, the initiative is in my hands."

Chu Chisi looked pitiful, and his voice was very soft: "I am the dealer and the trader. Even if you come back thousands of times, the result will not change."

This is an endless game, which is a Nash equilibrium carefully arranged by myself. ①

It doesn't matter how many players there are, no one will change each other's dominant strategy in order to achieve the highest desired value, so—

You won't win, I won't lose;

We play like this forever.

Chu Chisi's eyes were red with blood, and his knuckles gripped the blade hard. If it weren't for the effect of the drug, the knife would have been slashed on his neck without hesitation.

"Ah, ahh..." Miss Qiu was in pain, her eyes that had been sullen just now suddenly became at a loss, and tears fell, "Are you...what are you doing...?"

Chu Chisi made a move and said with a sneer, "I can't stand this pain? It's quite quick to run away."

She was about to pull out the knife, but a gloomy black shadow pressed her slender wrist to the ground violently.

Chu Chisi tilted his head and saw a familiar shadow in the eyes of the tall and burly bodyguard.

She smiled silently: "Meet again."

The bodyguard was extremely powerful, and an Alpha with a natural advantage, his knuckles slammed violently, almost crushing her wrist bones.

His brows were gloomy, and while suppressing Chu Chisi's movements, he looked up at the shadow of nowhere: "Where's the other person?"

A voice answered him, or she: "I have sent someone to hold her back, what do you want to do?"

The bodyguard said in a cold voice, "Wait for another ten minutes, then put away this cell phone, throw it in the storage room and lock it up."

The voice responded: "Okay."

No one could hear except him. .

Tang Li was looking for a wife everywhere, but she didn't know what was going on. The guests who had seen her walking around suddenly became enthusiastic.

The crowd surrounded her three times and three times, all kinds of courteous and flattering words slammed on her in piles, making Tang Li a little suspicious of her life.

She finally grabbed a gap, escaped, and knocked on the system: "What's the matter, did you have a bug again?"

The system said: "The program is running normally."

Tang Li frowned, "System"'s voice sounded a bit strange, not the woman who sounded quite lively and cheerful before, who could easily make out the words.

More like a synthetic voice.

What are they doing? Tang Li rubbed his forehead, feeling vaguely uneasy in his heart, and walked around with a long skirt.

The banquet was coming to an end, and after the last dance music ended, the guests began to leave the venue one after another, but Tang Li searched everywhere for a long time, but Chu Chisi was nowhere to be seen.

Did she leave early?

Tang Li shook his head, still a little worried. She blocked the passing waiters one by one and asked them in a stern voice, so frightened that no waiter dared to approach her again.

Although the blocking waiter provided a lot of content for the hot search, it was still somewhat effective, at least it allowed Tang Li to block two assistants who were running around.

Pipai was holding a lot of snacks and devoured them, while Xi Bianpai sat beside her, carefully writing something on a form.

Tang Li strode forward and grabbed Pai by the collar: "Hey, have you seen my wife?"

Pai Pai cursed: "Bah! How do I know!"

Tang Li reprimanded: "How can you two assistants be so good-natured as Chi Si, what's the use of asking you?"

Two assistants: "..."

"Sister Chi Si may have gone back first," Xi Bianyan looked around. "This... our original plan was to act alone."

She had no confidence, and her voice became smaller: "As soon as you finish what you need to do, leave alone immediately, and you must not attract your attention..."

Tang Li raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

Xibian nodded carefully: "Yes."

I don't know what's going on, but Tang Li always felt a little uneasy in her heart.

A suffocating sense of unease cut through the bones with a knife, which was extremely deep, yet extremely familiar.

The last time she was upset, something happened to Chu Chisi.

So... how about this time?

Tang Li sat down on the chair, she bent down, and pulled the red dress with both hands, "Bah la", a big gap lined the fair skin on her calf, and smiled wickedly at her.

The long skirt is instantly shortened for easy movement.

The torn edge lined the skin, and the white and red formed a strong contrast, like a broken flag standing in the smoke.

After Tang Li ripped off her skirt, she kicked her high heels aside. She stepped on the ground with her bare feet, and opened the system page to take a look:

[Remaining HP: 85]

[Blood lock status: not activated yet]

Saving a little should be enough. If it doesn't work, there is a blood lock plug-in here, and it will not die for a while.

Tang Li thought about it and shouted in his heart, "System?"

The artificially synthesized mechanical voice replied to her: "The system is being upgraded automatically, please be patient for a moment."

gone? Then I must not make a fuss.

Tang Li smiled: "Thanks."

She bent down and continued to tear the skirt, one after another, tore the long skirt abruptly to the thigh, and then tied two dead knots around her legs.

Pai Pai was stunned: "You-what are you doing?"

His long hair fell down, drowning his face in the shadows. After Tang Li heard the voice, she squinted at her.

There was no smile in those eyes, the creepy and icy ghost slowly spread out, revealing an undisguised and creepy killing intent:

"You said, what else can I do?"

Tang Li raised her eyebrows and bit her every word clearly: "The chain that tied the mad dog is about to break, so I have to find her to help me tie it again."

The author says:

Tang Li: I can't find my wife! I'm going to make trouble! ! Duck! ! !

Chu Chi Si in this chapter: ? ? ?

Chu Chisi in the copy: Be good, be obedient.

Those who can restrain Chu Chisi must not be ordinary people, and similarly, those who can restrain Tang Li are not ordinary people.

Make a small patch, both of them are quite dark (especially one), so they can't be regarded as absolute good people.

【Citations and Notes】

①: Nash Equilibrium In a game, all participants sacrifice the collective interests and choose the plan that maximizes their own interests.

The most famous example is the "Prisoner's Dilemma": two thieves are imprisoned separately, and the two confess to 8 years; The final result must be that the two chose to confess because they were worried that the other would betray each other, and were imprisoned for 8 years at the same time.

To put it simply, it means that everyone will die together, and they will all be destroyed together, right? (.)?