MTL - Who Taught You How To Control Animals Like This?-Chapter 56 Universal cultivation method, the birth of Wolf of Ten Thousand Woods! (Third update

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Chapter 56 Universal cultivation method, the birth of the Wolf of Ten Thousand Trees! (Third update)

 Happily, he inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

Su Ping just had to rub his hands.

This gesture reminded him of the first time in his previous life when he watched something on the computer that opened the door to a new world.

 At the same time, while looking at the computer, he paid attention to the movement of the All Souls Illustrated Book in his mind.

 Finally, the first folder in the USB flash drive was opened, and a document appeared in front of Su Ping:

[Accelerated casting is a very practical passive skill for pet beasts. It can speed up the casting time of pet beasts and the release speed of skills. In battle, a gap of one second can determine life and death, and accelerated casting can make Skills are used more smoothly and smoothly...]

 Opening the document, what comes into view is the preface, which introduces the effect and ability of this accelerated spell casting skill.

However, Su Ping was not a little annoyed and looked at it carefully word by word. This thing can be regarded as Sun Chaoju's nurturing effort.

In addition to the cultivation method of accelerating spell casting, there is also his cultivation experience, his insights on the cultivation of Timberwolves over the years.

I have to say that this kind of thing is like a treasure to a beast master who has just stepped into this door.

Su Ping almost lost track of time.

It wasn't until a new prompt appeared in his mind, in the Timber Wolf's Diary in the All Souls Illustration, that Su Ping suddenly came back to his senses after reading all of it.

 【Discover the special cultivation method of ‘Timber Wolf’ in the catalog: the secret method of accelerated spell casting. 】

  【It was discovered that the secret cultivation method of 'Accelerated Casting' has certain flaws and biases. Should I spend 500 points of catalog experience to completely improve it into a universal pet beast cultivation method? 】



Su Ping felt the feedback from the All Souls Illustration in his mind. For the first time, he only had this thought:


At the beginning, he was still wondering that the skill effect of the Heart of Wood was much more cherished than that of accelerated spell casting. Moreover, the Heart of Wood is a magic potion formula. Compared with today, this is a quite complete cultivation of accelerated spell casting. Method, why does it cost more experience points after perfecting it than the Heart of Wood?

 This is obviously unreasonable!

 However, after carefully sensing all the feedback from the All Souls Illustration, Su Ping finally understood.

 It’s not that it’s unreasonable, it’s that he doesn’t believe in the magic of All Spirits Illustrated Book!

 Now, Su Ping believes it!

 Because of the feedback from the Catalog of All Souls, this ability to accelerate spell casting is a perfected universal training method!

 What is this concept?

  Prior to this, Sun Chaoju’s cultivation secret method for accelerating spell casting could only be used on Lin Lang, and it could only be understood by Lin Lang.

 But now, after being perfected by myself, it is no longer limited to race! Instead, it becomes available to all pet beasts!

Su Ping believes that even Vice President Liu has never thought about such improvement and progress, let alone achieving it.

But according to the feedback from Wanling Tulu, Su Ping can do it with just a thought.

 Hold it!

 You must hold back!

Su Ping took a long breath. The big gift package Sun Chaoju brought also had another item at the bottom of the box. Su Ping estimated that this other one might be a big hole that needs to be filled with experience points!

Although five hundred experience points are not a lot for Su Ping today, he still has to finish the other one before Su Ping can feel at ease.

 Close this document without finishing it, and Su Ping clicked on another document.

What Su Ping didn't expect was that this document was ten times larger than the other one!

It is conceivable how far these experimental data and the evolution of the Wolf of Ten Thousand Trees have reached.

 In fact, this is indeed the case.

From the first sight, coupled with the picture and text description, Su Ping was firmly absorbed in it with his attention and mind.

From this research report, Su Ping also saw how Sun Chaoju and the Wolf Cave Breeding Base discovered the evolution method of the Wolf of Ten Thousand Trees. The Wolf of Ten Thousand Woods is a special evolved pet beast that has further strengthened the wood attributes of the forest wolf.

 The focus of strengthening lies in the wood element!

In the previous wolf lair base, a strange forest wolf appeared. The forest wolf seemed to have eaten too much meat. One day, it suddenly hugged a tree stump and started chewing it.

 At first, the wolf's lair didn't pay attention either.

But later it was discovered that after the forest wolf bit those trees, in addition to its normal behavior, it also had some new behaviors, such as standing motionless or directly burying its soles in the soil.

  It seems a bit like developing towards a plant.

This situation is very strange. At first, I thought it was some kind of illness. However, the family over there in the wolf's lair has a big business. After the inspection, no abnormality was found, so the forest wolf ignored it.

Until the Timber Wolf finally one day, after being exposed to the sun for several days, without moving or drinking water, he realized a special skill, a skill that would never be understood by a Timber Wolf:


Su Ping has seen this skill before. It appeared on the body of the pine nut, and it is also a special skill that can only be found on all plant beasts.

 This skill is somewhat similar to sunlight absorption, but the effect is completely different.

In other words, at this time, the forest wolf, under such weirdness, swallowed a large number of plants, and after simulating the growth of plants, it initially possessed the characteristics of plants.

Su Ping thought, and then continued to look at the research report below.

The changes in this strange forest wolf quickly attracted Sun Chaoju's attention.

Then, a few more days passed after the forest wolf completely simulated becoming a plant, and after these few days, Sun Chaoju was not idle.

 Anomalies in pet beasts often represent huge opportunities and a new research direction!

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the past few days, Sun Chaoju adopted the method of cultivating plant-based beasts and purchased a lot of water and soil resources for the use of the forest wolf that had transformed into a plant state.

Not surprisingly, after the Timber Wolf consumed a large amount of resources, its energy accumulation reached a peak level, and evolution began!

 However, with Sun Chaoju full of expectations, the final result can be imagined.

 Three days later, the evolved Wolf of Ten Thousand Trees completely lost all remnants of being an animal organism, and all its organs, internal organs, blood and flesh became plant fibrosis.

 In the end, not even the body that turned into a plant was preserved, it completely rotted and disappeared from the world.

Since then, Sun Chaoju and Langxing began to secretly study this topic, and spent a lot of energy and resources on experiments.

 In the end, there are no exceptions.

 They all ended in failure!

Just after Su Ping read all the research logs, it was not beyond Su Ping's expectation. In his mind, the catalog belonging to Lin Lang slowly lit up again on top of the catalog of all spirits.

 (End of this chapter)