MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 51 Fifth Epoch · 1068 Years

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Entering the white mist door, I didn't feel any abnormality, but just walked forward in a normal way. There is still a solid flat ground under his feet, and everything around him is shrouded in white mist, as if he has come to an illusory dream world.

And in this hazy and strange fog, just like Professor Garcia said, the whispering voice in the ear never seemed to say so many words at once:

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient **** "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[Fifth Epoch 1068 autumn, Southern Continent, Hope Town. 】

[Event: The old **** "Innocent Creator" fell. 】

[The duration is 10 minutes. 】

Except for the sudden appearance of the proper nouns "corridor of time" and "ancient god", the information so far is the same as what Professor Garcia said.

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient **** of time gives you a test. 】

[Before the fall of the "pure creator" of the old god, witness his last wish. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: Thaumaturgy - Blade of Disordered Time, Miracle Spirit Rune - Echo. 】

The sound stopped, Xia De widened his eyes, stood in the white mist and said in surprise:

"Ancient God? Time corridor? What is this?"

【Your soul is very sensitive, so I have obtained more information than the 'other me' of ordinary ring magicians. I don't understand what it means. 】

"Then the task?"

[The ancient **** of time gives you a test...]

"Don't have to repeat what I've heard, I know you're not a repeater. I mean, what do you mean? I've encountered the rare cases that Professor Garcia mentioned? Also, this... ancient God, why is the "shadow watching" me? Could it be that He has always existed and has not fallen?"

He widened his eyes and looked into the depths of the white mist, but he couldn't see any clues, as if the world called the "Corridor of Time" only had fog and endless nothingness. Thinking of this, Xia De inexplicably felt creepy. This world is definitely not as simple as it seems.

[The ancient gods gave you a task, complete it, and get rewards from the ancient gods. It doesn't look bad at least. Also, there are 9 minutes and 23 seconds remaining. 】

"Can't you explain a little more clearly?"

[I also want to tell you, but I can't give an answer. 】

Xia De raised his leg and walked forward, just took a step, and the white mist around him disappeared. Professor Garcia clearly said that it is normal for investigators who travel through time to be surrounded by white mist.

What's more serious is that Xia De found himself standing on the street of a small town that seemed to be backward in the middle ages. The streets were full of sewage, gravel and mud, and the air was filled with the smell of animal excrement and rotting food. The houses next to it were low and dilapidated, and the sky was unusually gloomy, covered by dark clouds that were about to rain.

The thin and indifferent townspeople in dark ragged clothes turned their heads to look at the well-dressed young man. It's not like if you don't take the initiative to contact, you won't be associated with the past time.

A person of past time, a person who has observed future time.

"This is again..."

【look up. 】

Looking up, there is a huge colorful signboard of "Hope Town Toy Store" in front of him, as if the only color in this old black and white photo, Xia De understood his purpose in his heart, and before the townspeople gathered around Push the door and enter the store.

The townspeople were isolated, as if there were two worlds inside and outside the gate.

The bell at the door rang, and the sweet smell of candy wafted around the store. A variety of colorful wooden, metal, and ceramic toys almost filled the shelves, and the sleepy young man behind the counter raised his head.

He was well dressed and wore a ridiculous red clown hat with white dots on his head. The attires of the townspeople on the street are completely different from those who are as numb as dead corpses. If it is not possible to see the outside from the window of the toy store, Shad will doubt whether this is still the "Hope Town".

"Welcome to the Hope Town Toy Store, may I ask..."

The young man wearing a ridiculous hat stopped abruptly. He and Xia De, who was standing at the door and dared not move, looked at each other. The detective from the future time and space, at this moment, suddenly felt like his heart was about to stop beating.

Huge pressure came from the man behind the counter. The feeling of falling as if facing the abyss and the infinite sky made Xia De couldn't help taking a step back and leaning against the door.

Blood color suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and only then did he realize that his eyes were bleeding. Stretching out his hand to touch it, the ears, nose and even the corners of the mouth were bleeding. His internal organs were in severe pain, his head was swollen, and even his spirit gradually became lax. Although the space occupied by the existence in front of him is only the size of a normal person, the position in the world occupied by the existence in front of him is by no means an ordinary person.

The toys in the store came alive in sight, and the piercing smiles of children's voices came to my ears:

"The Holy One..."

About the knowledge of God, Xia De was the first to read the textbook after he got it.

Gods are high-dimensional existences. If you don't want to distort the rules of the material world after appearing, you must have an object in the material world to descend. This is called the saint form of the gods. And the one behind the counter is undoubtedly the saint form of the old **** [Creator of Innocence]. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party had no malicious intentions, and the power was low to the lowest level, Xia De would definitely suffer more than that.

He was holding on to the door behind him, almost unable to stand. Hallucinations and auditory hallucinations occupied his senses, but his spirit was extremely concentrated at this moment, and he even had the illusion that he was about to leave his body. He actually heard singing at this moment, the singing composed of childish voices, constantly tempting his spirit to go crazy.

The whispering voice reminded me of the appearance of the "miracle" element, but there was no "blasphemy", indicating that this **** is a good god.

"Interesting, future man."

The young man behind the counter said softly, this is of course not Delarion, but Shad can understand it.

"Didn't Professor Garcia say that all you need is a witness? Why did I directly face the old god?"

He leaned against the door in pain, UU reading www.uukanshu. The whispering voice of the woman next to com's ear seemed to be saying something, but it was already indistinguishable. However, the woman's whisper seemed to have some kind of power, which helped him at least not to faint immediately.

"what do you want to do?"

The old **** asked softly, although he looked like a young man, but inexplicably made Xia De feel that the other party was old. Seeing Xia De's painful look, he pointed at him.

There is no light and shadow effect, but the flesh and sensory pain has disappeared. Xia De, who woke up like a dream, felt his whole body was soaked in sweat, only a slight pain was remembered in his brain.

"I want to... witness your last wish. Thank you for your treatment."

Xia De said in a trembling tone, although the pain is not there, but the horrible pressure he feels is still causing the body to feel uncomfortable instinctively. The gods of this world are real high-dimensional existences, not powerful mortals. Mortals cannot look directly at the gods.

The saint shook his head:

"I'm just protecting you from God's essence, and this protection won't last long. As for my wish? No, you're too weak, at least you need the afterglow of God to do such a thing. Go back, at least Now, you shouldn't be here."

"What is the afterglow of God?"

"I can't tell, this is the secret of God. Knowledge has weight, and you can't bear it."

The voice of the saint is very gentle.

"So, if you can answer at least one of my questions, just one question."

Xia De stretched out a finger, this is a rare opportunity, he can't let it go. Although he now feels like his head is swollen from lack of oxygen, he is still awake and knows what he wants to do:

"What ancient god?"