MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 46 Legacy of old madmen

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"Good evening, Mr. Hamilton, you don't have to bother with black tea. First of all, congratulations on joining the St. Byrence Comprehensive College History Faculty, but tonight is for two other things."

Professor Garcia, the deputy dean of the School of History, said, after lightly clapping his hands in congratulations, he stretched out two fingers, not giving Xia De a chance to speak, the professor was quite vigorous:

"First of all, it's about you, please show your core spirit rune."

The heavy hammer fell, the ring of life appeared in the scorching steam mist, and the brass-colored [Time and Space] appeared in front of three translucent figures.

Every time Xia De calls out the ring of life, he will feel that this power system is really...fashionable.

Professor Garcia nodded in satisfaction, and said in his unproficient Delarion:

"Very good, Mr. Hamilton, this is indeed [Time and Space]. You have now been included in the list of key training by the School of History. Except for the relic that has been handed over to you, your "Time Shuttle Practical Training" is personally guided by me .The college's regulations are that this course will not start until you engrave the first spiritual rune. But you are the key training object, and the time of time travel can be advanced..."

"in advance?"

Shad blinked.

"Yes, tonight. More precisely, after talking about everything tonight."

When Professor Garcia spoke, there was no emotion in it, which gave Xia De a serious and rigid impression of the other party, but Xia De admired this kind of personality professor.

"Most of the correspondence ring warlocks actually don't know the key training objects.

You are different from ordinary correspondence students. Although you cannot violate the rules and directly enter the college, St. Byrence will provide you with a lot of convenience in teaching, provide you with more training resources, and will also propose more Require. Mr. Hamilton, the School of History is looking forward to the day you officially enter the school. I rarely take the initiative to praise students, but please don't waste your talent. Generally speaking, the "Time Travel Practical Training" of the School of History is in charge of ordinary lecturers. "

After finishing speaking, Professor Garcia gave Shad a strange smile. This professor probably doesn't smile often. Xia De nodded with a sullen face. Of course he was happy about this kind of thing, but he was just worried about time travel for a while.

"Before the course starts, there is a second matter. This matter has nothing to do with our history school, but has to do with the group you are in."

Professor Garcia pointed to Professor Sanchez who was sitting across from Shad. Although both were professors from St. Byrence, it was clear that the latter had a higher status:

"Mr. Shade Hamilton, I hope you can guarantee that you will not tell anyone else what we are going to talk about."

Professor Sanchez with a pocket watch chain on his chest said.

"That is to say, can we talk about the preferential treatment for key training targets?"

Xia De thought to himself, and didn't say anything like "the next words can't violate morality", but nodded directly. He seemed to hear the sound of a cat's claws scratching at the door, and he was very worried that Mia would destroy the family property:

"I swear to secrecy."

"Okay, we're talking about your group of five, and your group has a lot of problems."

Miss Jones lowered her head to record, while Professor Garcia sat and listened to the conversation. Professor Sanchez, who seemed to be over fifty years old, showed seriousness in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to continue talking, but suddenly he was taken aback, and almost looked towards the window of this living room with Professor Garcia.

Xia De closed the curtains as required, and the thick fabric curtains can completely block the warm yellow light of the gas street lamps around the square. But now, from under the curtain, a faint silver steam mist appeared at some point, and it was slowly spreading towards the entire room.

"Mercury mist?"

Even though the main body was not in the living room of the detective agency, the two tenured professors still recognized what it was.

"Mr. Hamilton, someone is trying to invade here."

Professor Sanchez said, but still sat there without moving, he frowned and looked at Shad:

"Did you do anything in the last two days?"

The detective, who was covering his mouth and nose and worrying about his mercury poisoning, nodded immediately, and he understood when he heard "mercury". Knowing that now is not the time to hide anything, he told the whole story about the statue of the old god. But he did not say when and where he met "that lady," only that he had found a reliable buyer.

The professors didn't care that he sold the statue of the old **** instead of handing it over to the academy. The two professors looked at each other, and Professor Garcia of the School of History said in his not-so-standard Delarion:

"Then the matter is probably clear. The buyer you found helped you solve [Blood of Mercury]'s tracking of the person who found the statue, but there are still subtle traces. They just wanted to test it, but they didn't expect you to just open it. Perform the ceremony, so that the other party can confirm that you are the Ring Warlock."

Xia De didn't know the reasoning methods of the professors, let alone how to describe this kind of bad luck.

"But don't worry, it's me who chose to meet tonight, Mr. Hamilton, and I will settle this matter."

Professor Sanchez said, looking at Miss Secretary, who replied clearly:

"It complies with the college's regulations, but I have to remind you, professor, during the ritual projection period, UU Reading Even a high-ring warlock's own power will be reduced."

"It doesn't matter. Although the organization of [Blood of Mercury] is ancient, their strongest contemporary is nothing more than the nine-ring warlock 'Silver Eyed One'."

Professor Sanchez said, by the way, he also popularized common sense with Xia Deke:

"The thirteen-ring warlocks, but there are very few thirteen-ring warlocks in this era, and they all have their own titles. The thirteen-ring warlocks of St. Byrence are our college president, Professor Pigman, the Silver Guardian, and St. Miss Daniste, the librarian of the Byrons Great Librarian, the 'Red Moon Witch'. Below this, ring warlocks with ten or more rings are eligible to serve as guardians of the Orthodox Church's archdiocese, or professors with tenured positions in the college .Besides churches and colleges, warlocks with ten rings or above are rare.

【Blood of Mercury】has an ancient heritage. It is said that it was born in the late Quaternary Epoch, but it has now declined. The successors of Mercury's Blood are too obsessed with the angelic relic - Mercury's Blood. "

The professor didn't get up, and while he was talking, the mercury mist almost spread from the window to the feet of everyone. Xia De wondered if he should remind the professors that now they are projections and don't have to worry about being poisoned, but he is an entity.

"But what is [Blood Spirit School]?"

He believed that the St. Byrence professor would not die.

"Inheritance of the older and more powerful lunatic... you or me?"

The deputy dean of St. Byrence asked the deputy dean of the School of History. The latter thought for a while and said in calm but unproficient Delarion:

"Let me come first, at least know who the other party is and how much information you have on Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton, please be careful, this is the power of space."