MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 36 the returning doctor

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"Detective, you are very lucky. If I didn't happen to have this relic in my hand, probably this transaction would not go so smoothly. After all, for weak ring magicians, knowledge that is too mysterious and weapons that are too powerful are equally important. Dangerous... Detective, I don't care about the Box of Darkness anymore. Happy cooperation."

The words of the lady inside the door seemed to mean to see off the guests.

Xia De closed the ring box and took it from the hand of the maid. When the maid walked towards the door again, he did not say goodbye and left, but calmed down his mood and said loudly:

"Ma'am, I don't know if I have the honor to know your identity."

"You don't have this honor for now."

The woman spoke very directly, and Xia De seemed to hear the black-haired maid who was pushing the door accidentally laugh.

"I know what you are worried about. Now that I know your identity and your appearance, I can naturally find out your address and the identity of the correspondence ring magician who is in your group...but so what , The most important thing for correspondence ring warlocks is not to let the church know their identity, so do you think I am a member of the church?"

Just like a woman thinks that Xia De is not a devout believer of the righteous gods, Xia De also does not think that the other party is a devout believer:

"You can tell the correspondence ring warlocks in your group what happened tonight. They naturally know the rules of this city. Of course you can also tell us about our transaction. Do you have any questions?"

She was probably in a good mood because she got the information from Xia De, even though she was a little unhappy at the beginning.

"You showed up here tonight..."

"Of course it wasn't for you. It was just an accident to meet you. I just heard that the club has a very rare Rhodes card in its collection."

"I don't know which series it is?"

"It doesn't matter anymore, it's a fake Rhodes card."

"That's really bad luck...then goodbye, lady, and may you touch the statue of the old **** as soon as possible."

This is to remind the other party to look for it as soon as possible, and don't let [Blood of Mercury] have time to transfer, so that they can't find the statue and blame Xia De.

"Then goodbye, detective...Speaking of which, I really appreciate a young man like you. When the relic was out of control just now, your reaction was very good. Most of the first-ring warlocks did not behave like you.

If you need anything, you can contact me through this club. But you see, all gifts come with a reward. "

"Yes ma'am, have a nice evening."

Xia De clutched the ring box and turned to leave here, but when he was at the door, he suddenly looked back at the half-hidden door:

"Ma'am, about [The Box of Darkness]..."

"The rare relics of the third era, the relics are all accumulated resentment and hatred at the end of the era, so don't be suspicious of what you hear.

The Fifth Era is the Era of Witches, and the wars of the last thirteen Witch Emperors have almost attracted terrifying existences beyond the material world;

The Quaternary Era is an era of darkness and chaos, darkness covers the earth, and strange things run rampant in the material world;

Alien races of the third era coexisted with human beings, but at the same time, terrible and strange humanoid creatures occupy most of the material world, that is, evil spirits born from whispers. Human beings live in a corner with other normal life and protect each other. "

She didn't speak any more, and Xia De also bowed slightly to express his gratitude for the free knowledge, and then walked out the door.

The maid outside the door was waiting for Xia De, and led Xia De from the third floor to the stairs on the first floor. Shad joined a dejected young Franklin there, and the two left the club together.

Returning from the noisy room to the streets of the summer night shrouded in mist, the depressive mood has also improved a lot.

Xia De was still immersed in the series of events just now, recalling the moment when his fingers shone brightly, thinking about the details of this transaction.

Therefore, the two of them did not talk too much along the way, and walked along the street with gas street lamps to the apartment rented by the Franklin family in the quiet night.

But when he was about to reach his destination, little Franklin suddenly turned around and ran away after stepping into the shadow of the signboards of antique shops facing the street where the gas street lamps were not illuminated. Xia De, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately chased after him. The two of them didn't even run half a street, and Little Franklin was kicked down by the detective boots behind him:

"Who is father looking for this time? Have you practiced long-distance running? Are you going to participate in the Tobesk Youth Games? Where was the detective last time?"

He was panting, and Xia De clasped his hands behind his back. While asking questions in a hoarse voice, he didn't want to break free. Young people are not good at running.

"I still want to run. Didn't you also get caught by detectives last time? Uncle Sparrow died, and I took over his job, but I haven't practiced long-distance running."

Xia De felt the power in this body, not only the Ring Warlock, but the quality of this body itself is quite good. I don't know how Detective Sparrow spent several months to make the homeless man like this.

As for pretending to be someone else's nephew, it's okay, after all, Xia De really inherited all the detective's legacy.

"Dead? The guy who put a gun to my head and made me leave the table is dead?"

Little Franklin was a little surprised, but his tone was full of joy:

"That kind of villain, it's not bad to die."

But according to the entrustment records left by the detective found by Shad, he took Franklin Jr. twice from underground casinos and clubs in the slums, all by the power of words. Detective Sparrow Hamilton described himself as the kind Charismatic and quite good at persuading others.

"It seems that his records can't be trusted... However, he did have a gun... lost it? Or hidden it but I didn't find it?"

"Speaking of which, how about you let me go? I'll give you more gold pounds if I win the bet."

Little Franklin still wanted to break free.

"So sorry for your father."

"Come on, you came to arrest me for money."

The young gambler sneered. He was expecting the detective's verbal counterattack, but he didn't expect the detective to nod:

"Yes, of course the gold pound is also important. Otherwise, what would I do to catch you when I am not at home with the gas lamp on to take care of the lovely cat in the foggy night?"

Although there was an accident in the club, at least the process of submitting the commission and getting paid was smooth. The Franklins did not embarrass their son, and Xia De only got half a pound at the door and the two pounds owed by the casino in advance, and left directly.

Before leaving, he saw Franklin Jr. in the house, gesturing to him with vicious gestures. Xia De was not angry, but he really felt pity for Mr. Franklin.

"Every family in every age has its own story, I'd better take care of myself first."

He walked into the long night with his hands in his pockets, bidding farewell to his first official employer.

It was dark, and the detective with a tight wallet still did not take the carriage, but returned home on foot. He had to make up 10 pounds within a month. Even if the relics at home could be pawned, he had to develop the habit of being stingy.

So it was late at night when I got home, and when I left the misty and foggy outdoors and climbed up the dark stairs, I felt extremely lonely and lonely. After entering the door, I was worried that the orange cat "Mia" would defecate everywhere, but fortunately, it was very obedient and left "marks" on the pile of sand prepared by Xia De before going out in the corner of the balcony.

As for the cat itself, it rushed over to the weary detective as soon as he opened the door, grabbed his trouser legs for a hug, and was very excited about Shad's return. This made Xia De, who had been walking alone for several hours at night, feel particularly moved and warm in his heart.

"Even if your master doesn't come to pick you up, I will adopt you."


After he picked up the well-behaved cat, he said that the orange cat Mia rubbed her soft head against Shade's chest to express her love for him. The detective made a makeshift nest for Mia in his bedroom, using a blanket on the desk.

The night was getting dark, so I didn't continue to study the [Vampire Ring]. But even though I slept very late that night, I woke up on time at six o'clock the next day, and I didn't feel sleepy at all.

The goat milk ordered yesterday was delivered together with milk and newspapers. For the first time in this house, Xia De had breakfast with the well-behaved orange cat Mia, and planned for today's itinerary.

Today is Tuesday, and I only need to see Dr. Schneider tomorrow, UU Reading www. But for the note left yesterday, he must go to the doctor.

Yesterday, two commissions were completed in one day, which also gave Xia De a lot of confidence in taking over the firm's business.

But today he didn't plan to deal with the case left by the former detective. After returning from the doctor, he planned to check the house carefully, look for the pistol, and continue to read the doctor's handwriting and past commission records to study his own spiritual runes.

It was still Mia who stayed to watch the house, and Xia De carried the relic [Vampire Ring] with him, and walked through the city in the thin mist.

It took him several hours in the morning to walk from the center of Tobesk to the doctor's clinic in the east of the city, but the unique scenery of the strange steam era and the European architectural style made Shad very novel.

Walking along Roentgen Boulevard in the beautiful affluent district, when he saw the four-wheeled carriage parked outside the psychological clinic and the gentleman in black top hat getting off the carriage, Xia De was still worried about whether the doctor would come back.

Fortunately, the several hours of travel was not in vain. The blue-eyed doctor came back, but when receiving Xia De, he looked rather troubled.

Xia De remembered that Miss Louisa said that his luck was usually bad, and this time he also encountered troubles:

"So I have always hated dealing with nobles. If it can be treated, they will ignore the psychological problem; if it cannot be treated, they will think that my level is problematic.

The bulimia this time is very problematic. The lady probably concealed some secrets that she didn’t want to say. People always don’t trust doctors... Xia De, if you encounter a commission from a nobleman, you will definitely understand me means... please sit down, I saw your note, but what exactly is it? "