MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 34 lady behind the door

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"Shard Hamilton, a detective at the moment. Good evening, ma'am, with regards to you."

Xia De considered his own words, trying to speak appropriately. Before knowing the purpose of the other party, it is the correct way to speak in cooperation. Also, he's really sorry for what happened just now, even if it's not all his fault...

"I repeat, don't laugh."

He said in his heart.

"Then Mr. Hamilton, let's not talk about the out-of-control [Dark Box]..."

Even if the danger caused by the loss of control of this poet-level relic can be quelled with the power of a high-ring warlock, it is impossible not to be angry. Only, the lady behind the door is very good at controlling her emotions.

Xia De is very fortunate that the other party is the kind of reasonable person, otherwise his situation would be bad.

"I knew that being able to understand all languages ​​is definitely not a good thing in this kind of world. You must remember this lesson..."

Xia De thought in his heart, the woman quickly calmed down and continued to speak, her tone became soothing:

"Detective, it's nothing serious to find you rashly. The Box of Darkness was just an accident. I want to know from you where the statue is."

"Excuse me, what did you say? A statue?"

Xia De, who was still thinking about what happened just now, was shocked, but what he said showed doubts. He really thought he had an excellent talent for acting.

"The statue of blood, or... the statue of the old **** Vampire Lord Rael, where is it?"

The woman's voice has completely regained its composure, as if Yu Xia De was talking about tonight's weather, but the pressure brought by her calm tone is no less than before:

"One-ring warlock, don't lie. The spell you used on the first and second floors just now smelled too bloody.

But you are very clean, so I think you should not be a follower of the old god, nor a member of the [Mercury Blood] organization that holds the statue.

Since it is a one-ring warlock...the Orthodox Church? No, you don't look like a believer in God...but your inauguration seems quite formal...Academy of Thaumatology? Which school are you a new incoming correspondence ring warlock? That's better, the Correspondence Ringlock has no loyalty to the House. "

She seemed to know a lot about correspondence ring magicians, but she didn't give Shad a chance to speak, so she said softly:

"Actually, it doesn't matter. I don't care about your identity, and I don't intend to find out if you have any secrets. Now, detective, please tell me, where is the statue of the old god?"

Xia De looked at the half-open door in surprise, but he knew that the more calm he had to be at this moment:

"Ma'am, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about, you also know that I'm just a ring..."

Xia De didn't know how he exposed his relationship with the statue of the old god. Today, Tobesk also looked foggy. When he touched the statue in the alley, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to see it.

This should have been nothing more than a simple entrustment, and theoretically speaking, releasing the spell could only feel the fluctuations of the spirit and the gathering of elements at close range.

In the doctor's notebook, there is no mention that someone can accurately smell the traces of a specific spell through two ceilings.

Xia De knew that he had really met someone extraordinary, but at least the other party was not someone from [Blood of Mercury].

"Could it be that the other party is a follower of the blood old god's hostile god?"

He can only make such conjectures for the time being.

"I have a special spirit rune, and I am very sensitive to the power of the old gods, so there is no need to panic. Detective, do I need to emphasize my question again?"

The temperature in the room seemed to be getting colder. Xia De shook his head. He knew that the other party could see him through a door, so he said:

"No, there's no need, the statue of the old **** Vampire Duke Rael... I did come into contact with it, just today."

"That's fine, even if you don't want to give the location, I think I can find out where you are today. But we can save some time, can't we?"

The woman behind the door asked, her voice full of joyful emotions, completely out of the anger just now.

She was looking forward to the detective's answer, and believed that the detective would not disappoint her.

Xia De pursed his lips:

"Then, may I take this commissioned me to find the statue that contains the remnants of the old god?"

This is not a role-playing game in which he is obsessed with the role of a detective, but he is tentatively asking whether the other party wants to take it for nothing or trade it. Although he was sorry for accidentally causing the relic to get out of control just now, it didn't mean that he was willing to hand over a valuable thing for nothing.

Of course, he is also willing to compensate the other party.

And the situation is better than Xia De thought:

"Of course it can be entrusted. I have always advocated fair trade. Besides, you have no enmity with me...except for the matter just now. If it is possible, it is completely fine to do it in the form of a transaction. Then, detective, the entrustment fee is yours How much do you need? Please state a number. If you agree to the transaction, I can forget about the incident just now."

The possibility of getting rich immediately is right in front of you, and the woman inside the door doesn't look like she's joking. Aristocratic woman and high-ring warlock, these two labels together are enough for Xia De to imagine how rich the other party is, and can also resolve the small accident not long Xia De resisted the temptation of money and stopped imagining that he was in In the study room with the gas lamp turned off, the scene of counting a stack of coins by the light of the lamp on the desk.

He has more important things:

"I'm sorry about the relic getting out of control.

The statue is in the alley diagonally opposite the Silver Parrot Milk Distribution Company, and to the right of the entrance is an old bookstore. Enter the end of the alley, the dead corner of the pipe and the wall is the location of the statue, but a mantra is required, and a six-syllable mantra is required to make the statue appear. This is my sincerity, I don't want money..."

Not wanting money is of course a lie, but it can also be regarded as the truth. As for immediately revealing such important information, this is a method. On the one hand, he expresses his apology for what happened just now. Gain favor:

"I want to use the location of this statue and the spell to reveal it in exchange for the power I can use. It doesn't have to be an equivalent exchange, as long as I can use it."

The statue must be lost, and Xia De didn't intend to hold such a dangerous item himself, he didn't even have the ability to take the statue away. Then appropriate flexibility in exchange for greater benefits is the best approach.

The lady behind the door was right, there was no difference between trading the statue to the Academy and trading it to her. Xia De still remembered what the doctor and Miss Writer had repeatedly emphasized, that they were just correspondence courses and had no specific relationship with the college.

Therefore, he would not think that trading the statue to others was a betrayal of the academy. Besides, Xia De also wanted to make up for the loss of control of the relic a little bit. Dealing with such a reasonable person, it will be good for the future if you suffer some losses for the first time.