MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 22 element, bell, ignition, impetus, hymn

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"Working now?"

Hearing the doctor's words, Xia De suddenly became nervous. He didn't expect to be so direct:

"it's here?"

"Of course, is there a problem with the doctor's clinic? And isn't 72 hours coming?"

Miss Louisa, the blond writer, didn't know why, but Dr. Schneider understood what Xia De wanted to express:

"Here, of course, oh Shad, let me emphasize that again.

Remember, we are ring warlocks taught by correspondence. There is actually no special emotional connection between St. Byrence College and us, only responsibilities and obligations, do you understand? As for helping you, that's because I need a fifth Ring Warlock in the group, and the Academy will reward new Ring Warlocks for admission. Not because I'm a well-meaning person. "

The doctor looked at Xia De very seriously, and there was a warning in his pair of blue eyes:

"You have no common sense in this world, so I give you the most important warning: Don't trust others easily."

"He's actually a nice guy, but always so strict."

The lady on the side shook her head and said.

Xia De nodded cautiously, but he also agreed with Miss Writer's opinion that Dr. Schneider is a good person... at least for now.

"Louissa, you just need to observe the next process to prevent unexpected accidents in the process, please don't talk."

"No problem, we've gone through this kind of steps twice, wasn't it the same when Anat and Augustus took office?"

Miss Writer said, motioning Xia De to pay attention.

"To awaken the ring of life, a talented person first needs to get in touch with the four elements, which is difficult for ordinary people who know nothing about it.

Now is the sixth era, not the dark and chaotic fourth era, not the fifth era ruled by witch emperors. In this extraordinary era, steam and machinery are the main theme, and there are not so many mysteries here. Even knowing the existence of the mystery, it is difficult to touch the mystery. Moreover, the danger of exposure to the mysterious is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "

The doctor stretched out four fingers:

"So Xia De, among the four elements, how many have you come into contact with so far?"

"The only difference is [blasphemy] related to the evil god."

To tell the truth, Dr. Schneider didn't ask much:

"Look at my ring."

Three silver runes flickered at the same time, and Xia De interpreted their meanings as [furious anger] [silt in the bottom of my heart] [maliciousness].

[You have been exposed to 'blasphemy'. 】

Immediately following this sentence, another passage was read out in a whisper:

[Sixth Epoch, 1853 of the universal calendar, summer, the day when the silver moon shines darkly, you have come into contact with all four elements. Outsiders, the door to the extraordinary is about to open, and the road to sublimation lies ahead. 】

"Did the 'other you' give a hint?"

The doctor let the life ring behind him dissipate in the steam, and asked.

"Yes, it reminded me that I have contacted all the elements, and the door of the extraordinary is about to open."

The doctor nodded in satisfaction:

"The other me is the core of the ring magician system. It is the back of your soul, it is you, but it is not you. He shares knowledge and memories with you. But he can feel and see more, so he can act as the ring magician. It is a bridge for warlocks to communicate with the world, preventing us from directly contacting those knowledge and information that will pollute the soul. Now I repeat it again, I hope you can keep it in mind.”

"That is to say, it is impossible for the other me to know what I don't know?"

Xia De's heart moved, and he asked this question.

The doctor nodded affirmatively, Xia De blinked, he had already guessed that his "other me" was absolutely abnormal.

"That's actually you, but you don't know it. He's the same gender as you, so I have a man's voice in my head, and Louisa's a woman's voice..."

The lady on the side nodded in confirmation.

"He has the same memory as you, but he doesn't need sleep, so maybe he knows more about the night than you. But in essence, you are different from the other you, just with different ways of thinking and vision, so sometimes you hear inexplicable words , he can see more from the ordinary world."

The doctor said again, and Shad blinked again.

In his heart, the woman's light laughter seemed to nourish his heart, and drove away the last influence of the poet's relic.

"Who are you?"

he asked in his heart.

[Outlander, at least for now, I am you. 】

"Collecting elements" is only the first step, and then there are four steps of "ringing the bell", "igniting the fire", "propelling" and "singing hymns". The complete five-step process is the most orthodox awakening process for Ring Warlocks, which is used by the Orthodox Church and the three major academies.

"Ring the bell" refers to shocking the soul and allowing the soul to undergo the initial sublimation. This step sounds complicated, but it is actually drinking the potion.

The three major thaumaturgy academies and the five orthodox churches have different formulas for the "bell-ringing potion". The doctor said that the potion from the Serkses Higher Medical College is said to be the best, it is orange-flavored and very sweet; and The potion of the [Church of Nature and Evil Thoughts] of the righteous **** [Lord of All Things] is the worst, it looks like dry chewing bark.

The Academy sent the Bell Ringing Potion directly in manuscript, a glass Erlenmeyer bottle, a purple effervescent potion. It's cold to the touch, but warm to drink.

But Shad didn't think he had tasted anything.

"Look behind you."

The doctor reminded.

Xia De swallowed his last sip, wiped the corner of his mouth, put down the bottle and turned around, a layer of white mist had formed behind him, and the bell could be faintly heard, but it was not clear.

He did feel the vibration of the so-called soul, but it may also be a hallucination in the stomach caused by drinking too fast.

"Ignition" refers to igniting the collected four elements, so that the initial spark of the soul is ignited. This step only needs the assistance of ring warlocks with a third ring or above and some skills. The doctor pointed his right index finger between Xia De's eyebrows. When some icy air slowly entered Xia De's body, the bell in his ear became clearer.

He turned his head, and the thick white mist behind him became scorching hot, the steam became deeper, and there seemed to be countless possibilities inside the steam.

"Pushing" refers to allowing the soul to drive the ignited weak spark, so that the ring warlock can perceive the spirit and have the ability to manipulate the four elements. Specifically, this requires Shad to feel power, to feel the idealistic power of mind affecting matter.

So Dr. Schneider brought a book without a cover:

"For ring warlocks, there are many ways to get in touch with the four elements. However, the way of engraving [spiritual runes] into one's life ring does not encourage contact with gods, mysteries, and weirdness. Although it is possible, it is quite dangerous. The orthodox way of cultivation is to read books and read stories from the past, other ways can be regarded as relying on luck.”


This reminded Shad again that the extraordinary organization he joined was a school.

"Yes, churches, academies, and a small number of ring magician organizations, have special collections of books that record rather dangerous knowledge and stories of bygone times. Those books are reproduced by hand, translated from dangerous ancient languages ​​​​to contemporary languages, and their power will be Weakened. Therefore, reading those taboo books that have been copied or translated in their original editions is the best way for Ring Warlocks to engrave spirit runes. For you, this is enough to make you feel your own power."

He handed the book to Shad:

"This is the handwritten copy of the first volume of "The Book of Fire Worship", and it is the original version that has been hand-copied at least six times. It is the least dangerous book in my hands. It is impossible to obtain spiritual runes by reading this book You can read it in half an hour, and you can ask me any words you don’t understand.”

So Xia De spent another half an hour reading, and in his heart he equated his future progress on the extraordinary path with reading and learning. He had to disguise his current identity, so he could only pick a few words and ask them at intervals.

The Doctor and Miss Writer were quiet enough during this time that they knew it was Shad's big moment.

"Read it? How do you feel?"

asked the doctor.

"It's hot."

Xia De put down the book and answered cautiously.

"Light it up."

The doctor gave Xia De another piece of paper. Xia De held it and waited for a few seconds. When he found that the doctor had nothing else to say, he asked:

"Well, did you skip some steps... like spells or gestures."

"Don't understand, but feel and guide this power. Unless your core spirit rune is a concept like [extinguished fire], this is not a problem."

So Xia De closed his eyes. He came from another world. Although there is no transcendence, he has more knowledge and fantasy. Close your eyes and relax yourself, imagining the warmth in your body flowing with the sensation, eventually reaching the fingertips and shooting sparks.

When I opened my eyes, the paper between my fingers had withered and yellowed from the high temperature.

There was a huge roar from the steam behind him, and the black shadow represented the hammer head that was about to bombard Shade's soul.

"The last step is the hymn. You have to admit your identity and announce to the world that you are beyond the ordinary."

The doctor's tone became serious at this moment. UU Reading

"How to do this?"

Xia De was puzzled, his heart was pounding, and he knew that he was about to truly touch the supernatural, approaching the mysterious realm that belonged to the steam age.

"Just say anything, I was saying my name at that time, Louisa was reciting a famous little poem, Mr. Lat Augustus prayed to God, Miss Luvia Anat It's a silent recitation, so we don't know."

For Xia De at this moment, the doctor's words seemed to come from far away. He looked behind him in the thick white steam, at Hammerhead about to fall behind the thick fog.

The voice of a woman, the voice of reciting whispered poems sounded again.

So, almost in sync with the whispering voice of the woman in his heart, Xia De silently read the announcement:

[The sixth era, the common calendar year 1853, summer, the day when the silver moon shines darkly, I came to this world, I opened the door of the extraordinary, and set foot on the road of sublimation of the four elements. Shard Suren Hamilton, the roads of destiny fork under my feet, and I shall witness, I shall feel, and I shall see it all. 】

Carrying a huge wind pressure, the giant hammer was swung out from the depths of the steam, and smashed behind Shad in the strong wind.


The soul is impacted, sparks burst, aura flickers, and elements overflow. In the wild spray of white steam, with a strange luster, the sun-like brass-colored ring gradually became clear.

It spins and sputters sparks in all directions, the brass ring body fully appears in the steam mist with high temperature, and the ring of life is suspended behind it.

In the center of the high-speed rotating ring, there are two brass-colored, shining core runes, which symbolize Shad's next destiny—

[Time and Space] [Silver Moon].

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