MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 1548 mirror and monster

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The maids following Miss Galina did not follow in at the door of the room, only Tifa and Shad followed the witch to the innermost part of the room. When he walked into the room, he didn't feel anything, but when he got close to the damaged dressing table, Xia De realized the whispering element: "The relic is the mirror, and the table is just an ordinary item... The relic itself is not strong. "

Xia De said softly, and the witch nodded:

"It's very sharp. It's fine to stand here, don't get close, and I'm not sure what it is yet. The clue I have is that people who look in the mirror have a very low probability of seeing themselves in the mirror. Clear silhouettes. Of course, that is what ordinary people encounter, and the situation of ring warlocks facing relics may be somewhat different."

"Although the whisper element is obvious, there is almost no fluctuation in the element, which means that Ruo's relic is in good condition. I'll give it a try."

Shad said that Miss Galina and Tifa did not object either. Here Xia De has the lowest level, even if there is something, they can help him. "Take this."

The witch took off the gold necklace representing her identity and handed it to Xia De. Xia De nodded, holding the necklace and walking forward until she sat down in front of the broken mirror.

The mirror was severely damaged. Judging from the traces, it seemed that someone hit the center of the mirror head-on with an iron ball or something. Although all the areas of the mirror still exist, the center of the mirror is sunken inwards, and then dense cracks radiate out around the circular depression.

This divides the mirror into many areas, each of which can reflect Xia De's figure. He watched carefully and waited for things to happen, but five minutes passed and there was still no abnormality.

"I'm not being manipulated by the mirror, I'll try another way."

He spoke to the two women behind him, and after getting a reply, he reached out and touched the mirror. [You have come into contact with "Whispers". 】

"She" said softly, and then paused: 【This mirror has some kind of power to connect spaces. 】

Xia De's perception will become stronger and stronger as the contact distance gets closer, and he found unexpected information after direct contact. This mirror is exactly the same style as the other mirrors in the dressing room, so the relic itself is not physical, it is very likely to be some kind of "event" relic, or a relic that can be integrated into the mirror itself.

He told the two ladies behind him about his discovery. Although there are very few clues at present, the well-informed and knowledgeable witch still thought of something:

"Shad, look in the mirror and say 'Courage walks with me' in Evra."

Although the request was strange, Shad complied. He didn't understand the language mentioned by the witch, and he hadn't even heard the name of this language, but this didn't prevent him from repeating that not-so-long sentence in its entirety.

Sure enough, as Xia De's voice fell, the originally shattered mirror became flat again as if time had flowed backwards, and the cracks fit together perfectly. At the same time, at the center above the mirror, a golden stick figure ribbon appeared there, and then there seemed to be an invisible hand, and it was written under the ribbon:

[The brave have no fear. 】

Originally, the image of Xia De that existed in the mirror completely disappeared. After the white mist covered the mirror, as the mist dispersed, what appeared in the mirror was actually the scene of a strange room with the lights turned off.

There is no light source in the room, but all items can be seen.

On the wall facing the mirror is an oil painting of a lake landscape with a brass-colored metal frame, and on the lower cabinet with three drawers and gold-colored drawer handles, there are precious jewelry boxes, music boxes and tobacco boxes.

This looks like a noble's collection room, but Xia De frowned, because in the landscape oil painting above the center of the mirror, a mass of black traces became clearer and bigger. The group of black traces quickly left the oil painting in the mirror, entered the room in the mirror, and then left the room in the mirror, as if to enter the world outside the mirror.

[Profane elements, whispering elements, some kind of evil thing contaminated with the power of the relic. 】

While listening to the reminder in his ear, he stood up and stepped back. miss galina took ti

Fa walked over, the witch knew what relic it was, she spoke quickly:

"Sure enough, it's this relic. It seems that luck is pretty good. Xia De, that thing is about to come out. I'll get rid of that thing first and then I'll tell you the information about the relic. I'll leave this battle to you. You, the power of a normal combat state."

"no problem."

Xia De knew that Miss Galina believed that no matter what happened next, she would be able to control the situation, so she held the witch's gold necklace and began to cast spells:

"The Great Sin Chain!"

The black chain in the sleeve shoots forward, almost going to penetrate the black ball in the mirror in the next second. But in the squirming black, a big hand with six bluish-gray withered fingers stretched out, and actually grabbed the end of the chain of great crime.

Xia De originally thought that the blockade effect of the [Major Sin Chain] on the extraordinary power would take effect, but he did not expect that the black ball disappeared into the mirror, and the chain also fell on the dressing table under the mirror with a clatter.

[You hit its mirror image, not its body. 】

There was no need for "her" to remind, Xia De could also detect the abnormality in the surrounding space. The thing that ran out of the mirror did not disappear, but used its own spatial ability to hide in the gap between normal spaces.

The danger suddenly prompted by the inspiration made Xia De turn to the right side, and then the slender yellow moonlight sword suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing behind him.

Obviously there was nothing in the air, but the slender yellow moonlight sword did hit the target: "Spatial stability halo!"

The effect of the thaumaturgy forced the enemy hidden in the gap in the space to come out, and Shad's weapon hit it in the abdomen. It's a pity that this is not a fatal injury to this kind of monster that is not sure whether it is a living thing or not.

Until now, Xia De saw the real appearance of the enemy behind him from the mirror he was facing. Its height is about the same as that of a five or six-year-old child. It is gray all over, and the other half of its upper body grows out of its bent back, which is almost the same as its body, making it look like two identical monsters, the product of the fusion of the lower body.

There are a total of four blue-gray arms on the two upper bodies, and three of the four arms have already grasped the blade of the [Moonlight Great Sword].

Obviously Xia De did not cancel the [Spatial Stability Aura] spell, but the first half of the [Moonlight Great Sword] still appeared in an area three meters away in the next second. The spiritual weapon disappeared because of the break, Xia De frowned slightly and turned around to split the moonlight with his left hand, but the monster disappeared again.

He stood there and waited for two seconds: "Run away."

The witch, who had been standing by without moving, smiled and asked:

"I know that you are good at space power, and you also have a thaumaturgy that specifically prohibits abnormal space states. But compared to those monsters with "space" talents in the true sense, you with the sixth ring are nothing. Fortunately, according to the characteristics of the relic , it can’t stay away from this mirror for a short time. With your character, you definitely won’t let it leave. Then Xia De, do you need my help?”

Those golden eyes looked at Xia De with a smile.

"No, if you can't even do this kind of thing well, I don't think about skipping to the sixth grade in the summer." Xia De said, hanging the necklace in his hand around his neck, and then closing his eyes to perceive the space unusual traces.

Let that thing run away just now, on the one hand because the other party's space ability is indeed weird, and on the other hand because he doesn't want to make too much noise in the opera house. But now that the other party wanted to run away, he didn't have to worry so much.

"Wait here for me, I'll be back in five minutes at most."

Xia De opened his eyes and said, Tifa stood beside the duchess with no expression on her face, a loyal maid would not have any communication with her lover at this time. The witch nodded:

"Okay, you go and deal with that monster, and I'll deal with this mirror. Remember not to make too much noise, I'll give you ten minutes. If you can't solve this kind of trouble, then every Sunday morning, I will talk to Yi Together with Luna, come to my class. Shad, show me your strength."

She showed full trust in Xia De, which made Xia De feel that he must not miss.

Red butterflies flew out of his body one by one until he scattered into a group of red butterflies and flew outside from the window.

The abnormal spatial traces are quite obvious to Xia De who understands the power of space. But if we don't catch up in time, the stable time and space of the material world will soon stabilize this fluctuation.

The red butterflies use illusion to cover themselves under the moonlit night, and the moonlight shines on the shining butterflies. They flew towards the sky in groups until they reached the roof of the opera house.

It is worth mentioning that although the roof of the Maria Opera House is vast, it is not open to the public, so generally there is no one on the roof.

The escaped monster was on the roof at the moment. After showing its own figure, the lower body lay on the ground, while the upper half of the body turned its back to the starry sky above. There was still fog in the city, but the starlight spread on it like a spotlight on the stage, allowing the sword wound lying on the ground to heal quickly.

Red Butterfly's illusion and Moon Shadow's illusion were simultaneously applied to Xia De, preventing the monster who had escaped from the space gap from discovering him in the first place. And when Xia De gathered his body on the edge of the roof and was about to launch a fatal blow, he frowned and looked to the other side of the roof. The view of the roof of the opera house in the thin mist was unobstructed, and the air, which was originally empty, twisted in the next moment. Then, with a slight crackling sound, two twenty-seven or eighteen-year-old men holding hands unexpectedly appeared here out of thin air.

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