MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 1525 Elena

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Up until this point, the ladies still hadn't realized what Shad was doing.

Then, they saw a silver arc appear on Shad's fingertips. Xia De frowned slightly, and listened carefully to the strength instructions given by "her", and then pressed his fingers on the skin. Gently swiping down, quite crisply, the flesh and blood separated to the sides, the blood splashed on the table, stained the clothes red, frightened everyone.

Even the great witch of the twelfth rank couldn't immediately realize what Xia De had done. She opened her eyes wide and instinctively leaned back on the chair until she saw Xia De pointing to her chest and her fiery heart.

"Although it hurts, I can accept it. If my heart is pierced during the battle, it will not affect my combat effectiveness."

Xia De thought to himself, very satisfied with the test results of the thaumaturgy "Heart of Stone". He looked at the shocked and panicked Duchess in front of him, then stretched out his hand and poked his heart, and then the corner of his painful mouth twitched:

"Allow me to offer you my heart. Excuse me, Duke Galina, do you want it now?"


The witch asked instinctively, if she saw this scene on the battlefield, she wouldn't even blink, but facing a familiar person doing this in front of her eyes, no matter how decisive and powerful she is, she will inevitably be shocked live.


The loyal head maid reminded her behind her, and it was only then that Miss Galina came to her senses:

"Oh my God! Shad, what did you do? Come on, stop the bleeding! Are you crazy?"

After a while of fuss, Xia De used the soil from the flower pot on the window sill to smear the wound, and the spell "activated soil" healed the wound easily. Then he asked for another glass of water, treated it with "Satiating Food", and poured the profane silver light liquid on the wound, and now even the scars disappeared.

"Very good, very good."

After the panic, the duchess behind the desk held her forehead, looking frightened. She was indeed frightened:

"Although the knights in the stories who are eager for glory are always willing to sacrifice themselves to the princess, queen or other beautiful female characters, but we don't have to do so."

"Well, because everything today is too much like the plot of the knight."

Xia De said, Miss Galina nodded with her eyes closed:

"Your mission is complete, but I think I'm going to take a break, it's too exciting for me. Tifa, you go to Hamilton of Rajed and get his reward for me, I mean what I say Words. Knight, you wait here, after the wonderful adventure, you should take a rest."

Hearing what she said, Xia De knew that the matter was not over yet. So he sat down on the sofa in the study, and then looked around to find his cat.

Half of the maids left with Miss Galina, and half of the maids left with Tifa to get Shad's reward.

But for a long time, when the black-haired maid came back, her hands were empty.

She regretfully said to Xia De:

"Knight, I'm afraid you have to take that gift yourself. After all, it is a treasure that belongs to you alone."

Shad nodded and stood up, followed Tifa out of the room. He followed the maid to the third floor. It was very strange that he didn't meet anyone along the way. It seemed that the house was completely empty in just a few tens of minutes.

After reaching the third floor, Tifa walked towards the master bedroom of the manor. Xia De subconsciously slowed down, and the maid, who had already guessed that he would do so, turned around and said:

"Isn't it reasonable to put the most precious treasure of the Countess in the bedroom?"

"If I remember correctly, you said the same thing when you brought me the potion last time."

Shad pointed, and saw Tifa wink at him:

"Xia De, you really don't know, what are we going to do?"

Xia De looked at the closed door, if he hadn't seen it before coming to the manor

Realized, but he'd figured it out by now.

"You're hesitating."

Tifa said, and then without giving Shad a chance to interrupt, he looked at him with black eyes:

"Think about it carefully, Xia De, since she has made up her mind, are you the one who hesitates to move forward?"

She didn't give Xia De a chance to speak at all, and directly took his hand and continued to walk forward. There was a smile on her face, because she didn't feel any force in the opposite direction at all.

Shad followed Tifa into the master bedroom, and found that the curtains were closed, but red satin hung all over the room, making the room look like a maze made of silk. None of the gas lamps in the room were turned on, and the light source was those low red candles standing on the ground, which made Xia De very worried about fire prevention.

The special candles have a strange fragrance when they burn, and the incense burner placed on the table by the wall makes the smell in this pink maze-like room even more breathless.

With a smile on his face, Tifa led Shade through the layers of red curtains and across the red candles amidst the increasingly intense smell. Finally, they came to the bed. The soft big bed is surrounded by tulle curtains, and through the curtains, one can see the graceful body lying on the side of the bed.

"Look, knight, here is your reward." Tifa said with a smile.


"I really don't know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid."

The duchess, who was wearing a bright red dress, waved to her personal maid, who backed away with a smile, and then left the room and closed the door.

Galina Cavendish looked at the man standing by the bed, those golden eyes were amazingly bright at the moment:

"Is there anything more precious than myself in this manor? I thought you would be able to think about the current situation after hearing about the rewards in the morning."

She sat up straight, lifted the thin layer of curtains, and saw Xia De standing in the background of red silk and lit candles.

She saw the expression she wanted to see on that face, but she also saw a serious expression that should not appear at this time, like an angel judging a mortal:

"I hope you can figure it out, not because of what others have done."

Xia De rarely showed such a serious expression in front of her, but in the current atmosphere, instead of making her angry, it made her feel as if a flame was burning in her chest.

His face was rosy, and the temperature of his cheeks was also increasing. In particular, I thought of the young man in front of me as a "God's Blessed One" who truly carried the power of the Holy Silver Moon Old God:

"I know what you mean, but it's just my own thoughts. I had a lot of concerns, yes, a lot."

The golden eyes fixed on Xia De's eyes, and she could see Xia De's thoughts at the moment from those eyes:

"But judging from the current situation, if I don't do it again, maybe even Adelina will laugh at me in the future."

"What does this have to do with Princess Adelina?" "Don't interrupt me, Shad."

Her voice was gentle, and the emotion contained in her eyes was even more gentle. Here, it seems a bit too hot. Although Xia De restrained himself to calm down, he could still feel his heavy breath.

"Originally, I still couldn't make up my mind, so I chose to let fate decide whether it was right to do so. I will give you five tests. If you can complete them, it means that fate also allows me to do this."

Xia De opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Tifa and the others know me very well. She probably gave you a hint. As long as you find three items, I will assume that you have completed them. The Holy Grail consumes time, which determines whether you pay attention to this matter; the crown tests you as a ring magician Your skill, to test whether you are smart enough and know how to use power; your heart, represents your feelings for me"

This was the truest thought in her heart, and as the curtain was completely lifted, Xia De also saw her attire at the moment. The red skirt was actually a thin pajamas. The legs that are pressed down because of the side-sitting position are thin stockings that are as thin as the skin itself:

"As for the endless

The fountain of fine wine is my childhood dream. Dreams actually have 'unquenchable flames' and 'unicorns', but I know you have them. "

Flame refers to the "primordial fire", and the unicorn Shade can borrow it from the academy.

"And the Philosopher's Stone is a treasure that I believe is absolutely impossible to find even for you. Therefore, you only need to bring three items to pass my test.

The crown represents power, the wine represents dreams, the Holy Grail represents holiness, the Philosopher's Stone represents wealth, and the last is your feelings. It's not an occult ritual, but a ritual of the heart and emotion that I've chosen for myself as a unique, um, means of proposing. I propose to you. "

The expression on Xia De's face moved for a moment, and the witch said with a smile:

"Look at you, are you moved by me? Or are you sad because of guilt? Shade, Shade, if you keep doing this, you will be played by the Cavendish family girls for a lifetime."

In fact, it’s not just five items. About an hour ago, the black-haired maid said softly that she was willing to be an additional sixth test to test the means of knights in advance for the Duchess. Of course, these things are not the right time to think about.

Galina Cavendish held out her hand to Shad:

"Unexpectedly, you completed all my tests perfectly, even better than I thought. Therefore, fate is also catering to me, and fate does not want to disobey Galina Cavendish's intentions. I don't need Hesitating, my soul told me what I wished to do. And now, I need your answer."

She looked at him, and he looked at her:

"If you are ready, I will not back down. Although I know that I am going further and further down the wrong path, but at least facing you, I will not back down. This is also my wish."

The smile in the golden eyes became more obvious, she straightened her body slightly, and the fabric of her legs rubbed inadvertently while standing up:

"I love hearing you say things like that. I've always liked Shade Suren Hamilton. Please look me in the eye."

The two continued to look at each other, and the red-haired witch asked:

"In the future, when there is no one in private, can you call me by my name directly?" "I think it is possible, Galina."

There was a smile on the red lips specially painted with lipstick:

"When I first saw you at the Lucky Southern Cross Club in the midsummer of 1853, I did not expect such a day to come."

Her hand stretched out of the bed, and then hooked his hand:

"I don't need any hints, tell me now, do you like me?"

"Of course, it's not only the witch's appearance, but also your soul. In this boring age, it's hard for me to find a soul that shares my interests and is so interesting."

Xia De said very seriously that compared to the hometown of outsiders, the customs and fashions of the Steam Age are very boring. But the soul of the witch Galina Cavendish is really interesting, and the witches are never bound by the times:

"The first thought of you was to thank you for helping me. But every time I get in touch, I experience various things again and again."

The witch licked her lower lip:

"You look like this, you want to talk but don't know what to say, I like it too. Alright, knight, I didn't come to ask you to stand and talk to me. Excuse me."

She gently tugged on Xia De, with a charming smile: "Are you ready to accept your reward?"

So Xia De's body leaned forward along this force, and knelt beside the bed, but he still had one more thing to mention:


"Rezia knows about it, yes, and Luvia Anat knows it too, I won't make things difficult for you."

She stretched out her head and gently raised her nose in front of Xia De's cheek, as if sniffing something. The tip of the nose brushed against the skin of the cheek, and the smell of the witch's body rushed into the nostrils. It was a slightly warm aroma, which belonged to the temperature of a living person, and that was the fiery heart and soul.

Here, it seems

It's even hotter. "still have a question."

"If you dare to ask my age, even now, I will give you a punch."

"No." He looked at her:

"I want to know your middle name."

For a moment, it seemed as if some string was plucked, UU reading www. The soul in the golden eyes almost set Xia De on fire. The red lips pursed, and then gave the answer:

"Elena. It doesn't mean anything, it's my grandmother's name." "Galina Elena Cavendish"

Xia De read out her full name, and the witch pointed her finger at his mouth:

"I've also heard the story about you and the princess. Since you can serve the princess well, you can also serve the duchess well?"

She smiled and took Xia De's hand and put it on her lap. After seeing Xia De's expression, amidst a chuckle, he completely pulled Xia De to the yellow. Then, the curtains around the bed fell, covering all the pictures inside.

In the windless room, those red silks and satins swayed slightly, and the flames of the candles flickered on and off vaguely.

"The princess once praised the bravery of the knights, but today you are going to hunt down a real witch. Hamilton of Regard, are you ready? You must, perform well."

Almost all the candles in the room were extinguished at this moment, leaving only the candles at the four corners of the bedpost, reflecting the two fiery souls.