MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 1510 Damaged Eyepatch

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[Another story is over, do you have any thoughts? 】

After packing up those harvests, when Shad was about to touch the statue and headed to the Randall Valley, "she" asked softly in Shad's ear.

So Xia De looked at the shelf where the souvenirs were stored, shook his head slightly, and entered the white fog: "What can you think, the old story ends, and the new story will always begin."

The Church of the Forsaken was still as deserted as it had been when Shad first arrived in January.

Walking out of the church, I can still feel the pain of the city after the earthquake. Obviously, the streetscape of Cherry Leaf Avenue was not damaged by the earthquake, but the people walking in a hurry and the gloomy sky that no longer snowed still seemed to cast a layer of "sorrow" on the city. Gloomy filter.

The sadness, depression and uneasiness pervading in the city also infected Xia De to some extent. Although he thought he had found the best ending, there was never an absolutely perfect thing, he could only find a relatively good ending.

Instead of going to the Wilde Opera House or the Bernanice Manor, the disguised Shad got on the carriage very low-key and headed for the Fertile Land Hotel in the city center.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the hotel. As soon as he opened the door and walked in, Shad saw Dr. Schneider, who was dressed in a Randall Valley robe, sitting by the wall, talking to Ms. Marilyn Handel, while the soul of Joey Barton stood aside and wrinkled Brow listened.

Xia De went to the counter to order a cup of hot tea before sitting at the table. Ms. Handel is still silent:

"The matter in the Randall Valley is over. Joey and I will continue our journey." "Then I wish you a smooth journey. Please allow me again to express my sincerest thanks."

Xia De said, Luvia said this morning that although this lady did not show up during the battle on Saturday, she swept away the undead attracted by the filthy earth, so that there were not many Randall Valley after the catastrophe haunted incident.

Ms. Handel shook her head slightly:

"There are so many casualties in this area, we should have been here to guide those lost souls to the end. Now that the investigative forces of the church and college are coming, we should go too."

She didn't get up immediately, but Joey Barton, who was in a special soul state, spoke. Although he is a soul, the special bond with Ms. Handel makes it absolutely impossible for even a ring warlock to see him if he does not want to be seen. Therefore, even Dr. Schneider can only vaguely feel it. There is a strange soul here.

"Xia De, the breath of death in the material world has become more intense. Although you saved everything again, and it seems that you have achieved a happy ending and won the trust of the chosen ones on the earth, but this has not fundamentally reversed. The fact that death is at hand.”

Xia De frowned slightly, then nodded:

"I see."

The two didn't talk any more, Xia De took out a bulging wallet from his pocket and put it on the table. Ms. Handel did not refuse. After nodding slightly, she took the wallet and said goodbye to Shade and walked towards the door together with Joey Barton.

"Excuse me, how much money is in that wallet?"

Holding the teacup, the doctor tilted his head curiously and asked.

Xia De looked left and right, and gestured a few times with his fingers on the wine-stained tabletop, which surprised the wealthy single middle-aged psychiatrist:

"It's a generous shot."

"I'm active in Randall Valley, and it's not unpaid."

Xia De covered his smile, took a sip from his teacup, and then put the dishonest cat on his lap.

Just counting the treasure found behind the sewer wall with Iluna, it has already caught up with his savings. Just like Xia De has always believed, if a ring warlock wants to make money, it is actually not difficult at all.

Because there are some sensitive topics to discuss, the two returned to the room Shad rented here. Of course, Shad has never lived here, renting a room is just to let "John Watson" have a legal address for sending and receiving letters, even if he lived in the local area.

Night, most of the time also lived with Luvia.

The doctor liked the room that Xia De rented very much. It happened that Xia De rented the room for a month because he didn't know how long he would stay, so the doctor could live here these days.

After the two sat down, Xia De took out the "Book of Malpas Demons" and asked the doctor to examine it. However, there are too many contents in it, so this book is temporarily left with the doctor, and will be returned to Xia De after he finishes the examination.

Of course, during this period, the doctor will also understand all the knowledge recorded in it, but Xia De doesn't care, after all, the doctor has enough knowledge about demons, and it doesn't matter if there is one more book.

"I heard from Luvia, how many days do you plan to stay here?"

After talking about the book, Xia Decai asked, and the doctor smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I've never been to Randall Valley. I finally came here, so how can I leave right away? As for the investigation of correspondence student status... isn't it up to us yet?"

"But Luvia may not be able to go back with you, the professors of the academy will give her a ride."

"That's fine, I can arrange my itinerary as I like. Today is Sunday, and I will stay here at most until next Wednesday before leaving. No matter how beautiful the scenery here is, it can't compare to my home."

"I agree with this point of view."

Xia De nodded, and once again thanked the doctor for coming to help.

"I actually didn't help much. You defeated the demons yourself. Although you met Anat later and helped her and the other young girl defeat the enemy, that's what I should do. I'm the team leader."

Dr. Schneider said, but he and Xia De had a tacit understanding, and neither talked about what happened between early morning and early morning on Saturday, and what was going on.

Although the doctor did not see Xia De participating in the final battle with his own eyes, he could guess that Xia De and Luvia must have had a major relationship with this matter. It's just that since everyone in the group has their own secrets, there's no need to delve too deep into it.

Besides, the "Stone Mirror Demon - Goethe" that Xia De gave him this time is really a big gift.

"Speaking of which, doctor, since you will stay in the Randall Valley for a few days, are you interested in visiting Father Murphys of the Church of Dawn with me?"

Shad asked again. "who?"

The doctor asked subconsciously, then reacted immediately, and patted his leg with a smile:

"The old gentleman who bet with Priest Augustus and won tenpence from Priest Augustus?"

"Yes, Luvia and I visited him last month. That Father Murphys is now the Bishop of Murphys. We couldn't see him last time. Luvia will probably go back soon. , and don’t have time to go with me again, are you interested in going together?”

Xia De sent out the invitation, and the doctor readily agreed:

"Of course, this matter must not be left behind on me. You know, I always thought that the old-fashioned and old-fashioned style of Augustus priests was something he was born with... This is not counting him behind the scenes. Bad words. Last time the old priest mentioned that he owed money from a bet with others, I have been wondering what it would be, and now I can finally find the answer.”

"So when do you have time? Oh, doctor, not tomorrow morning. I'm going to a funeral."

"Let's think about it...sightseeing plan, the curator cursed by the devil, Captain Woody who summoned the devil...Wednesday morning, I can buy a train ticket for Wednesday afternoon."

After making an appointment with Dr. Schneider for the next meeting, Xia De said goodbye and left. As for the matter of Oxenfurt Manor, Shad has not heard any news since he woke up. But even if he and the doctor tried to cover up the traces, the traces of the area covered by the demon domain could not completely disappear, so sooner or later the church would know that Stone Oxenfurt was a mortal who signed a contract with the demon.

But luckily, that's all over.

After leaving the Fertile Land Hotel, Shad returned to the Church of the Forgotten. It has been moved away at an unknown time. The stone statue of Mr. Lassus sat for a while, and very light footsteps came from the open door.


Xia De made an appointment with Sister Devlin and Iluna to visit the guardian in the "Heart of the Earth" again, and judging from the sound of footsteps, it was obviously the blind nun who came at this time, because She walks almost silently.

The nun walked up to Shad, put her hands behind her knees to gather her robes together, and then sat down.

Xia De originally wanted to say hello, but when he turned his head, he saw that the side of the exquisite crown-like silver eyepatch worn by the nun, near the ear, had actually peeled off a small piece. The area was about the size of two fingernails, and although Sister Devlin deliberately covered it with her gray hair, it was still quite obvious.

If you look closely, not only the small gap, but also the entire blindfold has cracks. "Oh, what's the matter?"

Xia De asked in surprise, the nun folded her hands on her knees, UU reading www.uukanshu. com seems to be a little unaccustomed. She turned slightly, not wanting Shad to see the "scar" on her blindfold clearly. However, the sideways movement made the missing piece more conspicuous.

"In the early hours of Saturday morning, together with Professor Daniste of St. Byrence and the thirteen-ring Warlock Winter Singer of [Winter Hymn], I faced "Blood Weeper" Hermons and the heretics. There was some accident when I was in the stone statue."

She said softly, her tone still so calm. And that "Winter Singer" is an extra thirteen-ring warlock secretly hidden by the church. This lady believes in the old **** [Winter Maiden], that is, Shade and the short silver-haired witch Chloe. the one who arrived.

"But isn't the blindfold a secret treasure left by the ancient Death God Church? It will also be damaged?" "This is not the first time in history. And Xia De, everything will die."

The nun holding the fire said softly, but she didn't seem to want to talk to Shad about her broken blindfold.

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