MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 1483 goodbye witches

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The curtain had already opened in front of her, and Fiona believed in Xia De quite a lot, and rushed towards the curtain. But even if the curtain is right in front of the two of them, it will take time for the two of them and the cat to fully enter it when the frozen river of time is restored by the gods, and it is impossible to move instantly here.

And the **** sitting behind the high curtain of the palace in the distance, after seeing the curtain opened, finally shot them in a practical sense. Before that, he was worried about the tree father and didn't want to hurt Fiona. In fact, God didn't seriously fight with the two of them.

The night turned into a giant hand, which appeared behind the two of them in an instant. Even though they had almost touched the black curtain floating in the air at this time, the giant hand of the night could still grab them.

But at this moment, the dishonest cat has already got half of its body out of Xia De's arms.

Its two hind paws were still inside Shad's coat, kicking on the clothes to stabilize its balance, and its two front paws were on Shad's shoulders, making the kitten's head look behind Shad's shoulders.

Neither Xia De nor Fiona could look back at this time, so only Mia's big amber eyes saw the giant black hand. The cat's good night vision ability even allowed it to see through the giant hand, through the hole in the gate of the palace terrace far away, and saw the **** sitting high in the palace behind the curtain.

The **** and the cat looked at each other, and the curtain in front of the former was suddenly lit with golden flames, while the weak and pitiful cat showed a frightened expression, it was frightened.

So out of fright, the cat, whose whole body was still glowing, yelled in the usual way to scare the enemy: "Meow!"

The meowing sound echoed in the sky of Eternal Night City, and the sudden burst of golden light, like the sun, directly dispersed most of the night sky behind Xia De and Fiona, and even the night sky was illuminated, revealing The starry sky and the moon in the true sense.

Although Xia De and Fiona could notice the strong light behind them, they had no time to turn their heads to see what was going on. "sun."

I don't know who is whispering in this long night, and the long night frozen in the rain has been completely broken by this shrill cat cry.

The night did not pursue the two of them again, and even the part of Eternal Night City illuminated by the cat in the sky was not covered by the thick night again.

This moment of pause has already allowed Fiona to take Xia De and Mia through the curtain of the night sky. Probably because the curtain was not used normally, it was fixed in the sky of Eternal Night City like this, and then slowly and completely merged with the night.


Xia De and Fiona hugged and rolled a few times in the corridor covered with white ash before struggling to sit up.

Most of the clothes of the two of them were dyed white, and even the orange and white cat turned into a ridiculous white half. Of course, Mia shook her body violently, and shook off the white ash, successfully preventing Xia De from having such terrible thoughts as "washing the cat".

And after leaving Evernight City, Xia De's mythos officially ended. Fiona returned to the normal twelfth-level state, because she was not actually casting spells at all, so even though she used the power of leapfrogging, she didn't have any sequelae.

At this time, the red dragon girl sat on the ground and hugged Xia De in fear, looking at the curtain hanging on the old brick wall behind the two of them. The night, like splashed ink, invaded the corridor as the two entered, but it only left mottled marks in the corridor. The power of the gods did not pass through the curtain and extended to the area outside the Evernight City.

"It's safe."

After confirming her safety, she finally realized that she was completely out of strength, not because of injury, but because of fear. The memory of the second of life and death just now seemed to be still in front of her eyes, and the warm embrace of her, and the cat's paw that kept trying to push herself out of Xia De's arms, told her that they really escaped from a god.

"Yes, it's safe."

Shad is in the post-mystic phase of weakness, but he's barely able to stand up:

"Hurry up, let's go, I only have 3 minutes this time. There is still more than one minute left, I want to watch you leave here, hurry up."

He stroked it no longer

Glowing kitty, but don't blame the cat for changing from a toy back without authorization. He could feel that if it wasn't for the sun-like warmth given to them by the light from the cat just now, it would be difficult for them to have the strength to pass through the curtain at the end.

Of course, Shad didn't realize what the cat was actually threatening with its meowing.

But when he and Fiona supported each other and stood up, Xia De suddenly remembered that this was the first time in a long time that he had left the task site stipulated by the tree father in the past. This is quite a new thing for him, and he can definitely make more attempts in the future.

"My maze is located, and the direction of departure should be "home", but I don't have a home in this era, and maybe the exit may be dangerous. "

"I'll hold you. Shad, I can handle danger've done enough for me."

Fiona felt like crying, and the red dragon girl carefully supported Xia De, feeling that Xia De was in such a bad state:

"You have exhausted your spirit too much, and you must not fight fiercely in a short time."

While speaking, he helped Xia De to move forward. Compared with the night in Eternal Night City, the night that seeps into the corridor is nothing worth mentioning, and she can even pass through directly.

Of course, this is also related to staying in Eternal Night City for too long, and his own night resistance has increased too much.

Mia also saw that Xia De was not in good condition, so she retracted obediently to Xia De's chest. Fiona tried not to cry, and asked again:

"You said you could only come to Eternal Night City four times, and the fifth time to save me, what price did you pay?" "It's okay, it's okay. I promised to save you."

Xia De shook his head, then took the initiative to change the subject: "Do you know this corridor?"

"Yes, Miss Fei Lianna has become a full-fledged member of parliament. Teacher Olan Nord and I followed her and walked through this road. At the end, is it the door leading to the parliament?"

"No. Miss Fei Lianna, did you say what this corridor represents? Is this part of the Witch Council?" "No."

Fiona shook her head hastily, and she could see that Xia De cared about the answer:

"Teacher Fei Lianna said that the council has nothing to do with this corridor, it's just that someone hid the only door leading to the council here, so the witches need to enter the corridor first to reach the door."

"What is the corridor? Some unknown location? Warp space? Or something more bizarre?"

"I don't know, Teacher Fei Lianna and Teacher Olan Nord don't know for the time being. But they said that this corridor is quite old, very old, older than any relics and tombs they have seen."

The road is not too long, and they don't need to look around, so even with Shade's support, Fiona still led him to the exit very quickly. Xia De knew that the fifth era's Lan Del Valley, but he didn't know what was going on in that piece of Tahiti at this time.

His time was running out, and if there was one more battle to face, he would not be able to handle it. And Fiona obviously knew what Xia De was thinking, she didn't take Xia De directly through the exit, but took out a glove that had just been knitted from the little luggage left in the small bag.

It was the glove of the right hand, and it was something Shade saw sitting in the tent knitting when she returned to the "Twilight Place". Fiona stuffed the glove into Shad's pocket:

"There are my hair and... some scales in it, and the protection effect is better than ordinary dragon leather gloves. Just send me here, don't stay with me, you have done enough for me gone."


"Can we meet again?"

Looking closely at Xia De with red eyes, the temperature of that soul is even hotter than Dragon Flame. "Yes, I will, and that is my promise."

Xia De said with certainty, so Fiona also put her arms around his neck and kissed him regardless of the mess on the two of them at this time. She wanted to use this as a farewell for the two of them, and to remember this moment forever, waiting for the reunion in an unknown time.


Yes, Xia De was still worried that there would be other dangers outside the passage, and insisted on making sure Fiona was safe before leaving.

Therefore, while the two were kissing, he took Fiona out of the night at the end of the corridor with his body that had barely recovered some strength.

Although there are torches in the corridor for lighting, when returning to the normal space belonging to the fifth era, the dazzling sunlight still makes Xia De have to close his eyes to adapt.

He heard many footsteps, he heard birdsong and the babbling of the brook. He smelled the fragrance of nature, the aroma of flowers, and the smell of black tea.

"black tea?"

I managed to open my eyes, and through the glass, I saw the natural scenery of the river valley in spring outside the house. Birds were singing on the trees, and a clear stream flowed by the side of the house. The stream reflected the sunlight in the forest, and the sparkling waves were really beautiful.


This is a glass The house itself is approximately hexagonal in shape, and it is on the second floor at this time from the height.

The house is very large, and the girls in maid outfits outside the house are trimming the flower garden, while the girls on the first floor are sorting out the documents, or are laughing and processing alchemy materials and potion materials in the workshop.

The girl pushing the dining car appeared from the stairs on the second floor. The decoration on the second floor of the entire glass room is plain, with mahogany bookshelves on the left side of the floor, and small flowers in full bloom on the window sills. On the hanger by the wall, there is a violet-colored pointed hat, and on the alchemy workbench, spices are slowly wafting out of the incense burner.

In front of Xia De and Fiona who were kissing, a parasol was propped up in the glass room. Under the umbrella was a round white tea table in the afternoon. Apart from the white porcelain tea set, there were two scattered letters and a few books.

On both sides of the table, there were two ladies who watched them suddenly appear.

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