MTL - Whispering To You-Chapter 7 7th Whisper

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Chen Ran was going upstairs with a peaked cap, Cheng Yin followed behind him.

"You're not leaving yet? Dong Zheng and the others are blocking you."

Chen Ran made an "oh" and continued to walk up.

Cheng Yin grabbed the hem of his clothes and said, "They're really not easy to mess with, the teacher doesn't bother to care about them, they'll kill you."

Chen Ran stopped and looked back at Cheng Yin.

"Have you seen Animal World?"

Cheng Yin nodded: "See, what's wrong?"

Chen Ran said: "I see a few of them, just like watching monkeys fight, do you understand?"

Cheng Yin was shocked.

She really hasn't seen such a pretentious person for a long time.

However, when they arrived at the door of the classroom, they did not see Dong Zheng and the others.

According to the people in the class, Dong Zheng and the others left without finding Chen Ran.

Cheng Yin breathed a sigh of relief, watching Chen Ran take the wallet and casually throw the peaked cap on the locker at the back before going back at ease.

But two days later, during the breakout time, Cheng Yin had just returned to the classroom and hadn't sat down when she heard a movement outside.

—Dong Zheng came with people again.

Cheng Yin subconsciously stood in front of Chen Ran's desk and shouted to them, "What are you doing! The classroom is monitored!"

Dong Zheng touched his neck, and said coolly and madly: "This is between me and him, Cheng Yin, you step aside."

Cheng Yin raised her head and said with justice: "I don't!"

Chen Ran also looked at Dong Zheng, stretched his muscles and bones and leaned on the back of the chair, as if he wanted to eat soft rice, and was ready to bend his legs.

Dong Zheng: "Cheng Yin, get out of the way."

Cheng Yin: "I don't!"

Dong Zheng: "Get out of the way!"

Cheng Yin: "I don't!"

Dong Zheng couldn't think of Cheng Yin, so he said, "Chen Ran, come out if you are a man!"

Cheng Yin: "He is not!"

Chen Ran: "...?"

No, I finally know which leg I broke?

"You let it go."

Chen Ran wants to go out and prove that he is a man - go to the men's toilet to excrete excess fluid in the body.

Cheng Yin stopped him.

"Don't be stubborn, you can't reason with this kind of person, the teacher will come to class soon, don't panic."

"No, I..."


In the quiet classroom, Xie Ying suddenly roared, and everyone looked at her.

Xie Ying slammed the book on the desk and looked out the door: "Are you annoying?! Every day is like a dog skin plaster, which affects my study. Can you be responsible? ?!"

"Fuck! What a big tone!" Before Dong Zheng could speak, He Lizhi, who was next to him, pointed at Xie Ying and scolded, "Why don't you just study, you are amazing!"

"You think I'm just good at studying?!" Xie Ying stood up and pointed at them and scolded them back, "Do you want me to beat you all to know that I am both civil and military!"


Holy shit.

Cheng Yin wanted to kneel down, but she actually met two persecutors within 24 hours.

He Lizhi was so angry that he couldn't say anything, he pulled Dong Zheng's hand and said, "Boss, do it, do you do it?"

Dong Zheng waved his hand: "Don't think that I don't beat women, let me get her out!"

All of a sudden, the people from Class 5 who were watching the fun rushed up to block Dong Zheng and the others.

Bullying Chen Ran is nothing, but bullying Xie Ying is not enough, that is the person who raises the average score of the whole class by himself, so he has to be protected.

There was a lot of noise at the door, and the initiator Chen Ran sat comfortably in his seat, his expression really like watching a play.

Looking at him like that, Cheng Yin believed him and said that watching them like watching monkeys fight was not pretending.

He is really not afraid, but it is more likely because he has not seen the world.

At this time, I don't know who yelled "The director of the Political and Educational Office is here!" Dong Zheng quickly analyzed the situation in his mind. Gen Hanmao, it is estimated that the principal will be the first to fight with him.

Forget it, I can't be bothered, so I put down the harsh words and ran away with someone.

Half a minute later, it was Zhang Yuehai.

He hurried into the classroom and scolded: "I heard your voices in the playground! Where does it look like in high school! Do you want me to set up a stage for you to sing!"

The classroom was suddenly silent, Xie Changxing sat in the front row, walked over to Zhang Yuehai and muttered a few words, Zhang Yuehai's face became even worse when he heard it.

"These little bastards!"

He slammed the door and walked towards Class 9, looking very angry.

Knowing that Zhang Yuehai went to discuss the argument, the whole fifth class was uneasy.

Who doesn't know if they provoke Dong Zheng, don't even think about mixing in the school, even if they don't beat people, there are various ways to force you to die.

Chen Ran forget it, it is Xie Ying who offends them today.

At this moment, Xie Ying is eating the buns and reading the jokes in the back of the magazine, and there is no worry on her face.

"Xie Ying, what should I do?" Cheng Yin began to worry about Xie Ying again, "You offended them today, will they retaliate?"

Xie Ying didn't bother to look back, and sneered: "I can't cure them yet?"

Cheng Yin wanted to persuade her not to pretend, she turned around and stuffed a piece of bread into Cheng Yin's mouth.

"You need to worry about yourself first, the results will come out in a while."

I just finished the test yesterday, but because it is a monthly test, the system is relatively loose, and the teachers began to mark the papers when they were invigilating the test, so the results were released this morning.

As they were talking, Zhang Yuehai came back.

He didn't say anything else, he asked the monitor to take everyone to do the test paper, and then asked Chen Ran to go to the office with him.

When Chen Ran got up, Cheng Yin whispered "Take care".

The last one in the exam, and he provokes the group of people in the ninth class, he must not eat well.

Chen Ran snorted coldly and went directly to the office.

Zhang Yuehai was waiting for Chen Ran in the office with the transcript. When he saw him coming, he first sighed and then waved to him.


Chen Ran sat upright with a respectful expression.

Although there may be some personal humiliation later, Chen Ran is ready to listen.

After all, Zhang Yuehai is a good teacher to him.

Chen Ran understands well, that he will not be required to attend school full time.

This is too difficult for him, so Zhang Yuehai will try his best to cater to Zhang Yuehai in other aspects, no matter if he arrives late or leaves early, and will never cause him trouble.

For example, if this exam hadn't been for Cheng Yaojin in the middle, Chen Ran would have done it seriously.

Write a few words, such as "solution", such as "can be known from the title", and then write a few universal formulas.

"Chen Ran...I'm still very proud of your transfer to my class, no matter what you've been through, you're an ordinary high school student now, and the most important thing is to study. "

Zhang Yuehai wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his face, "I learned from my conversation with the principal that your grades in high school were still very good."

Chen Ran was silent.

"But now that you have decided to come back to the university, you still have to show your attitude. Look at your results this time, it is really beyond my expectations, I see you He is also quite smart, although he has graduated from high school for many years, but he is not like this..."

Chen Ran's mind is now full of Xie Ying's phrase "Pig learn five times".

My day... I really paid too much for this cheap sister.

You can learn the pig five times, know your mother...

Although Chen Ran travels all over the place, Zhang Yuehai is still trying to educate.

A lot of pressure, next time... let's improve to five places? It doesn't sound good if you look at the second-to-last."

Chen Ran: "Okay, I got it...Wait, teacher, where do you think I am last?"

Zhang Yuehai was still surprised when he thought about this guy, didn't he feel a little nervous about what his test paper looked like?

"The penultimate, the second, what's up?"

Chen Ran: "Who is the last one?"

Zhang Yuehai is not happy.

"You can't just think about being worse than yourself, you have to look forward, I think you are sitting behind Xie Ying, right? Don't be too embarrassed, lad, that girl studies well, you usually Learn more from her."

Chen Ran turned a deaf ear: "The last one is Cheng Yin?"

Zhang Yuehai: "Yeah, alas, this girl is really..."

Chen Ran couldn't hear what Zhang Yuehai said behind.


I worked so hard to get to the bottom of the exam!

This is really worse than a pig!

Actually, Cheng Yin wasn't so bad in the exam, but in the first exam that day, Chen Ran suddenly did something to save the beauty, which made her completely absent-minded.

In addition to Dong Zheng's troubles, the invigilator stood in front of him for the entire exam in order to let him live in peace.

It is next to Cheng Yin.

The invigilator was standing next to the exam. The effect was like a shot of adrenaline. Except for people like Xie Ying, no one could do the question well.

Most invigilators have the habit of watching students answer questions. Every time he glanced at Cheng Yin's test paper, Cheng Yin felt that he had done something wrong, and in the end she didn't even finish the composition.

But Chen Ran didn't know the inside story, all he knew was that when the results came down, Cheng Yin must be sad and angry.

It feels as if the girl was forced to marry a pig. You promised to help the girl escape from the marriage, and you also promised to find a handsome man to marry. When the raw rice is cooked, the girl lifts the hood to take a look.

—Hey, the groom is the same pig.

This is a **** tragedy.

And Zhang Yuehai talked to him for a class, during which Xie Changxing had come to the office to pick up the transcript and take it to the class to announce.

Cheng Yin must know by now that she is married to a pig.

Leaving the office, Chen Ran received a call from Ji Huaijin.

"Zhang Yue invited guests to dinner tonight. He was promoted and made a hot pot."

Chen Ran looked up at the sky, it was almost October, and the sun was still so hot.

The person on the other end of the phone was still chattering: "Six thirty, Xiaolongkan. We will play mahjong in the afternoon, will you come?"

Ji Huaijin and Zhang Yue are both junior high and high school classmates of Chen Ran, and they almost grew up together. At this age, most of them have started working like Zhang Yue, or opened their own shops like Ji Huaijin, and only a few are still studying.

This minority includes Chen Ran.

"Okay." Chen Ran said, "I'll come after school at noon."

The last class in the morning is Zhang Yuehai, he will not slip.

Ji Huaijin was happy again, and Chen Ran hung up before he turned on the mocking mode.

The classroom is very lively at the moment. Although most of the students are sitting in their seats, the discussions are one after another.

Chen Ran walked to his seat and saw Cheng Yin lying on the table with his back to him.

In this restless environment, Cheng Yin was a little strangely quiet.

Chen Ran reached out and picked Cheng Yin's hair.


Cheng Yin was motionless.

Chen Ran bent over, supported the table, and patted her.


Cheng Yin still does not move.

Xie Ying turned her head and said, "Don't bother her, she just got her grades, she's uncomfortable."

Xie Ying's roommate, Nie Nan, is a sports committee member. She is not good at words. She has gradually come into contact with Chen Ran in the past few days, so that she can naturally participate in their topics.

Nie Nan turned around and returned the red pen to Cheng Yin, and said, "Don't be sad, the new class is taught very fast during this time, it's normal that you didn't absorb it, try harder next time for the exam. Well."

Cheng Yin finally had a little reaction, and his little head moved.

Nie Nan added: "You don't care too much about the ranking. You see, although you are last in the exam, your room for improvement is the greatest."

Chengdu: “…”

Xie Ying bumped him with her arm: "Don't lift the pot without opening it."

Nie Nan knew that he made a mistake, but he didn't know how to fix it, so he could only turn back angrily.

This delay, the class bell rang, and Zhang Yuehai walked in with the textbook.

Chen Ran sat down, dug out the Chinese book and placed it on the desk.

The sunlight outside the window gradually shifted and hit Chen Ran.

Chen Ran said: "Cheng Yin, draw the curtains."

Cheng Yin naturally did not respond.

Looks very angry.

Chen Ran looked at her lazily for a while, then leaned sideways and kicked Cheng Yin's stool quietly.

If there is no response, he will kick a second time.

Third, fourth…

Cheng Yin was annoyed, dragged the stool to the side, and then burrowed down again.

The girl's ponytail swayed gently in the sun.

Chen Ran plucked her braids.

Cheng Yin covered her head.

Chen Ran plucked her braid again, finally igniting her anger.

She raised her head, glared at Chen Ran, lowered her voice and said, "ADHD, right? Do you try again?"


Chen Ran was very angry and funny, leaning back against the chair and leaning back, he stirred Cheng Yin's braid again.

"I moved, what can you do to me?"



The last class of the morning passed so awkwardly.

Cheng Yin has been ignoring Chen Ran, and even she, who loves to whisper in class, didn't say a word.

At noon, the students walked towards the cafeteria.

Chen Ran naturally left the school, but he felt uncomfortable driving all the way.

I can't say what's wrong.

The moment he got downstairs, he suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove towards the school again.

After half an hour, Chen Ran appeared in the classroom again.

Nie Nan looked at Chen Ran and asked, "Did you forget to take something?"


Xie Ying also turned around and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

Chen Ran sat down, pulled out a book and spread it in front of Xie Ying: "I am a student, of course I came back to study."

"Huh." Xie Ying muttered as she turned around, "People who are one point higher than Cheng Yin are quite enlightened."

Chen Ran: “…”

He looked around, Cheng Yin was not there.

After a while, Cheng Yin returned to the classroom with a can of strawberry milk. Today, her ponytail was a little high, swaying with her footsteps, her hair was golden, as if the sun was shining in her hair Swing on the swing.

However, the moment she saw Chen Ran, she immediately changed her face, didn't ask anything, and returned to her seat indifferently and lay down to sleep.

Chen Ran looked at her indifferent look, thinking that she had suddenly lost a string in her mind and rushed back to sit in this broken classroom.

And he sat all afternoon, even the teachers were shocked to see him.

During this period, Ji Huaijin kept calling and urging him, and he hung up Ji Huaijin at least ten times.

The end of summer is hot and dry, and the excavators at the nearby construction site are making a lot of noise.

There are only three classes on Friday afternoon, and school will be over in less than five minutes. The people in the class are eager to move, and Cheng Yin has already started to pack his schoolbag.

Chen Ranqing's low voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Okay, don't be angry, this time I made a mistake in my estimation."

I didn't expect you to fail the 382 exam.

Chen Ran even looked at Cheng Yin's score in the office, three hundred and eighty-one, absolutely amazing.

Cheng Yin paused, zipped up the zipper of her schoolbag, and looked at the blackboard angrily, placing her hands on the table, like a primary school student.

"I don't believe what I say, it's a shame I still protect you like that today."

Chen Ran: “…”

At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the teacher left without delaying the class.

Chen Ran felt that his patience had reached the limit.

He didn't say anything anymore, when he got up to leave, he felt Cheng Yin glared at him again.

Hey, what's wrong with this little girl.

Chen Ran suddenly turned around and pulled away the stool, bowed and looked at Cheng Yin.

The shadow cast by the tall body easily covered Cheng Yin, although there was no physical contact, but the man's breath was close at hand, Cheng Yin felt a strange feeling and froze.

"What, what?"

Chen Ran said: "Little fellow at the same table, would you like to be reasonable? Do I owe you something?"

Cheng Yin was angry and aggrieved, but she did feel that she was unreasonable.

But she is only seventeen years old, and Chen Ran is twenty-three years old, so why ask her to be reasonable and not Chen Ran to be honest.

So she turned her back to Chen Ran and continued to pack her schoolbag, whispering: "I am the only one in our village who was admitted to high school, and my brother went to the construction site to move bricks before he finished junior high school. , just to save money for me to study, he eats a steamed bun every day, he works so hard, and he sees me coming last in the exam, he will definitely kill me."

Chen Ran twitched the corners of his mouth, this time he is really leaving, he must not stay in this place any longer.

Cheng Yin is still talking to herself: "It doesn't matter if you kill me, my brother will definitely not give me food. I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm still growing. It doesn't matter if you grow up or down. You come to school hungry every day, and no one will know if you faint on the road. I'm only seventeen and it's so miserable. What did I do wrong?"

You did nothing wrong, you just did the wrong question.

The phone in Chen Ran's bag kept ringing, and Ji Huaijin was urging him again.

Cheng Yin passed by Chen Ran with her head down with her schoolbag on her back.

"And some people don't believe what they say, they don't say anything, they push me into the abyss, and they don't even have the slightest remorse. They even kicked my stool and pulled my braids."

Chen Ran: “…”

"It's okay, I'll give you food, okay?" Chen Ran took her schoolbag and walked out, "You can't starve to death."

The author has something to say:(._.)Chen - double standard - dog, treat others with leniency and discipline others, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps.


Today is also a hundred red envelopes to thank the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution~

The Director of the Resource Group of Booknet threw a rocket launcher

Mint cat threw a shallow bomb

Qi Xiu threw a rocket

nanapower, enough to throw 1 mine

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 ​​bottles of Liangpi moon cakes; 15 bottles of stools;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!