MTL - Whispering To You-Chapter 1 1st Whisper

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At the beginning of August, it is the hottest time of the year, most of the students are still enjoying the summer vacation, but the third middle school is already lively.

Today is the start of the third school year.

According to the practice of previous years, senior high school students will start school one month earlier.

Cheng Yin was standing at the door of the classroom with her schoolbag on her back, playing with the ends of her hair hanging on her chest.

It's already 4:30 in the afternoon, and there is still the last class, but they don't have to go to class. The school has arranged a parent-teacher meeting today.

Many parents came early and entered the classroom as soon as the bell rang, and their children went to the playground to play or go to the canteen for snacks.

Cheng Yin is waiting for her brother to hold a parent-teacher meeting.

This year, my parents have been transferred to other places for a year, and they can't make it back, so the task of holding a parent-teacher meeting falls on her brother.

"Your brother hasn't come yet?"

Xie Ying brought her grandmother into the classroom and came out to find Cheng Yin.

The two are good best friends, the kind who have to go to the toilet together

"Well, it should be soon." Cheng Yin said, "Wait a little longer."

Xie Ying accompanied Cheng Yin at the door and waited together.

"By the way, you know, we're going to have a transfer student in our class this semester."

"Huh?" Cheng Yin asked, "Is it still a transfer in senior year?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on." Xie Ying pointed to the classroom, "We're the only one in our class, and transfer students should be your tablemates."

Cheng Yin has no interest in transfer students now, and is full of the storm after the parent-teacher meeting.

She took out her phone, found her brother's number, and hesitated again.

She did poorly in the final exam last semester. Today, the teacher will hand out all the exam papers. If his brother sees it, he will definitely be scolded.

Either forget it.

If his brother forgets or arrives late, the teacher will not blame her.

"What's wrong?" Xie Ying urged, "It's about to start."

The more Xie Ying urged, the more nervous Cheng Yin became.

She simply turned around and walked in the other direction.

The teaching building of No. 3 Middle School has two exits, one is the stairs that ordinary students usually take, and the other is connected to the office building.

Cheng Yin walked to the office building, and then went out through the stairs of the office building.

This way she won't meet her brother.

She walked slowly by herself.

Although school is not over yet, due to the parent-teacher meeting, the school gate is wide open, and the security guards will not stop students who want to go home early.

Cheng Yin left the school smoothly, estimating the end of the parent meeting.

The head teacher is a talker, no matter how short it is, it will take two hours.

Then Cheng Yin felt that such a wonderful time should not be wasted and should go shopping in the food street.

So Cheng Yin took a special Didi taxi and waited on the side of the road as the driver arrived in a few minutes.

She was bored, took out her mobile phone and swiped Weibo, but after a while she was attracted by the movement on the side.

—Someone is fighting.

Two boys in No. 3 middle school uniform fought.

Students gathered to watch in a few minutes, but no one went up to pull the rack.

One of the boys was still carrying a basketball bag, and he was pushed to the ground while playing, and the basketball rolled out.

Maybe it was too embarrassing to be pushed in front of so many people.

It's a pity that people are angry and can't be accurate.

The crowd exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes followed the basketball, and then saw it hit a passing boy who was talking on the phone, straight at his head.

Although he is tall, with broad shoulders and long legs, he does not look strong.

The strength of seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys should not be underestimated.

However, in the next second, the boy frowned, raised a hand, and smashed the basketball that came over with his forearm.

The basketball flew towards the grass faster than before.

His other hand was still on the phone without moving.

This time, the power contrast is obvious.

The boy hit the ball, but as if nothing happened, he glanced at the two perpetrators with a hint of impatience, and then continued talking on the phone and left.

That one glance made the boy sit on the ground and forget to get up.

The people present were stunned for a moment, and their attention was still on that person for a long time.

Cheng Yin's eyes were also glued to him, watching him walk in his direction.

When the two passed by, the boy glanced at Cheng Yin inadvertently, his eyes only stopped for a moment, and then walked past her towards the gate of No. 3 Middle School.

Psychologists' research shows that when humans see people who are similar to themselves, the area of ​​the brain responsible for understanding people's emotions will become sensitive, and it is easy to have an empathic effect on this role.

Cheng Yin doesn't understand psychology, she understands her blushing at this time as - the other party is really good-looking.

Although they only looked at each other for a moment, Cheng Yin remembered his eyebrows.

But when he looked at the boy on the ground. A few glances, but his eyes are very aggressive.

It makes people imagine what kind of arrogant person should be under this white skin.

Cheng Yin subconsciously wanted to take a second look, but when she turned around, the boy had already walked into No. 3 Middle School.

Three Middle Schools.

Cheng Yin was sure that she had never seen such a person before.

No matter what age girls are, boys who are the same on the outside always have a little taste. If a boy who is tall and can be described as "beautiful" has an innate arrogance, he must be the focus of attention wherever he is.

If he was a boy from No. 3 Middle School, his reputation would have spread long ago.

But Cheng Yin has never heard of it.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yin was a little lost.

This should be a relative of a certain student, who is just here for a parent-teacher meeting today.

At this moment, Cheng Yin's cell phone rang, it was a call from the driver of the special car.

"Hello, I've reached where you're targeting..."

"Okay, I'll be right here." Cheng Yin took one last look at the school, turned and walked towards the special car.

"Chen Ran? Are you listening to me?"

On the other end of the phone, Ji Huaijin was chattering.

Chen Ran walked into the third middle school, looked up and saw a certain building crowded with people, so he lifted his foot and walked in.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened to you just now"

Chen Ran didn't want to mention it, he paused, and then said jokingly, "I just saw a girl at the door of No. 3 Middle School."

Ji Huaijin smiled on the other end of the phone: "Girl? What's wrong? What kind of girl deserves your special mention?"

Thinking of the girl just now, Chen Ran chuckled lightly: "A high school student who looks a bit like me."

Hearing such content, Ji Huaijin lost interest in an instant, "Are you going to go on a self-driving tour on weekends? You used to be in the national team and never went out to play with us. This time, it was a coincidence. Living with him for two days at Xingye Lake, watching the stars and the moon at night, isn’t the waves romantic?”

"No." Chen Ran said, "I'm going to study."

"Read? What?"

Chen Ran said: "Come back to high school, senior year."

The other end of the phone was silent for two seconds, then burst into laughter.

Chen Ran hung up without waiting for the other party to continue bb.

At this time, he had reached the door of the classroom of Class 5 of Senior 3.

The parent-teacher meeting has not yet started, and there are many students standing at the door. When they see him coming, their eyes are naturally attracted and they all look at him.

Chen Ran is a person who is used to paying attention. He didn't care, he pushed open the back door of the classroom, only to see that all the parents were sitting inside.

The only vacancies are the two tables in the last row.

One table is full of books and stationery, the other table is empty, and there is no owner at first glance.

Chen Ran sat down and looked at the classroom again.

He was supposed to report this morning, but on the way, he passed the downtown area, the speed dropped to 30 yards, and he moved like a tortoise. As a result, he rubbed against an old man, and was logically corrupted.

This matter is dealt with, it is past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the school is about to close.

However, on the first day of the report, why should I show up at the head teacher, so Chen Ran still came to school.

I just didn't expect a parent meeting at the moment.

At this time, a Mediterranean man walked in full of energy.

"Hello parents, I'm Zhang Yuehai, the head teacher and language teacher of the seventh class. Please be quiet for a while, we will start the meeting now!"

The whole class was quiet, and all the parents looked at the teacher on the podium respectfully.

Zhang Yuehai cleared his throat and asked the monitor to hand out the exam papers from last semester.

The first one was Cheng Yin's test paper, and the monitor came directly to the back row.

When he saw Chen Ran, the face was really similar to Cheng Yin, so he tacitly agreed that this was Cheng Yin's brother.

So the monitor put the test paper in front of Chen Ran and turned away.

Chen Ran didn't even look at it, he put the test paper aside, but accidentally knocked over Cheng Yin's pen holder.

He stretched out his hand to help and picked up a pen with a cherry ball doll on it.

Then a pen with a pink fur ball.

There is also a pen studded with rhinestones.

Chen Ran glanced at the scores on the test paper next to him.

Oh, the results are not good, but the equipment is quite fancy.

At this time, a gust of wind came in by the window, blew Cheng Yin's test paper, swayed in the air, and finally landed in front of Chen Ran again impartially.

Chen Ran lowered his eyes and glanced casually.

The composition page, the first line, neatly written in graceful font—

My Idol Chen Ran

Chen Ran squinted.


He looked down.

"My idol, Chen Ran, is a fencer. At the age of 13, he won the national championship of the junior group, the Asian Games at the age of 17, and the World Cup champion at the age of 19. In 2008, he missed the semi-finals of the championship and was silent for a long time. When everyone thought he would fall down, he appeared again in the public eye, won the championship in one fell swoop, and everyone said he was a genius."

Chen Ran looked down at a glance, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

I didn't expect to meet a small fan here.

However, seeing the next paragraph, Chen Ran frowned and had a bad premonition.

"But Einstein said that success is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent perspiration."

Friend, this is what Edison said.

Chen Ran then looked down.

"When Chen Ran was ten years old, his family went bankrupt and he couldn't afford the expensive cost of fencing practice. But he didn't give up and didn't degenerate. He got up at five every morning to sell steamed buns, and went back after training at night. The night market set up a street stall, and finally raised enough to study the cost."

Chen Ran: “…”

I don't know how I sold buns and set up a street stall.

Further down, it's even more incredible.

"Chen Ran works hard, but genius may always be bumpy, just as Hongyan is easy to be jealous of, Chen Ran was hit by a car accident and broke both legs."

Chen Ran's eyelids jumped, and the healthy legs under the desk were inexplicably painful.

I don't know if the weather is changing too fast and I have rheumatism.

"He was helpless, confused, disappointed, and hated. But he never gave up. He finally managed to stand up through daily high-intensity reconstruction, even taking care of him Doctors also said it was a miracle."

Chen Ran: "Huh?"

"A flower blooms because of the spring breeze; a leaf is dyed red because of the autumn. Flowers and plants may still be changed by the outside world, but the real spirit is pure and unstained, never due to external forces. And change. Just as Chen Ran never gave up sports because of his disability, even if he was ridiculed for being lame, he could stand up again, run, and prove to the world that he could!"

Chen Ran: "...?"

The author has something to say:Chen Ran: I can't. But if you click on Favorites and leave a message, I can do anything, and I can also ask Qiaoyao to send you red envelopes