MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 14 Kidnapping Xiaobai

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In the fringe area, getting married is very simple, go to the neighborhood to register, and you can get the marriage certificate on the spot.

In fact, many people here don't know how to get a certificate, and living together becomes a family.

If you want to get married...the inspection is not strict, and the household registration in the marginal area has always been chaotic, so it happens from time to time that one person marries several people.

There are even people who are clearly alive, but are reported to be dead by their relatives, and naturally receive their "inheritance".

Xie Yunnan took Duan Changqing out for a trip, and the two got married and became married.

All of this is developing fast, but Xie Yunnan does not reject it at all.

It would be nice to have a lovely companion.

"We will be a family from now on, don't worry, I will take good care of you." Xie Yunnan said.

Duan Changqing laughed: "Okay...are we going to sleep together tonight?" His body hasn't recovered yet, so the bridal chamber may not be very good.

Well a man can't say no.

Xie Yunnan was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly became a little hot: "This... we can sleep together first, but you are not well yet, don't worry, I will not do anything to you."

I didn't expect that Duan Changqing wanted to be with him as soon as they got married... This person has suffered so many terrible things before, and now there is no psychological shadow. This is a good thing, but his body has not recovered yet. He can't be such a beast.

When Duan Changqing heard Xie Yunnan's words, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

What do you mean by not doing anything to him, wait, did he and Xie Yunnan make a mistake?

Duan Changqing was stunned, and suddenly thought of his face.

Xie Yunnan is young and handsome, pure and kind, and he is still a cute puppy, and he is deeply in love with him... He always felt that he had to practice hard to protect Xie Yunnan.

Think about it carefully, in Xie Yunnan's eyes, her appearance, this body...

Duan Changqing: “…”

Duan Changqing was a little tangled when he saw a group of children running towards them.

This group of children includes boys and girls, and they should all be under the age of ten. The boys basically only wear a pair of pants, and the girls wear more tops.

"Thank you brother!"


A group of children surrounded Xie Yunnan, and the tallest girl at the head looked at Xie Yunnan with blinking eyes: "Brother Yunnan, I heard that you are getting married?"

"I'm married." Xie Yunnan showed them the marriage certificate.

The little girl headed by the sky looked like the sky was falling: "Brother Yunnan, why did you get married so early, I want to marry you in the future!"

The other child immediately said: "Me too! Brother, I want to marry you too!"

"And me!"

A group of little boys, both men and women, confessed.

Xie Yunnan has money and loose hands, plus he is an orphan... He has always been kind to the children nearby.

The little girl who was in the lead was once injured by her mother's boyfriend. He sent her to Dr. Hu before he was rescued.

"You guys are too young, I don't like it." Xie Yunnan was serious.

"In a few years, I will grow up." The girl in the lead glared at the children who were robbing Xie Yunnan from her, and said seriously.

"You are not as good-looking as him." Xie Yunnan pointed at Duan Changqing.

The child looked at Duan Changqing, feeling lost.

They are all tanned, and they are not as good-looking as this brother.

This girl can only say: "I may look good in the future... Brother Yun Nan, if you still want to get married, you can find me!"

"And me!"

"And me!"

"We can marry you together!"

Duan Changqing: "..." Is it okay to pry his corner in front of him?

Duan Changqing was thinking this, when the girl in the lead suddenly changed her body, a yellow and white kitten: "Brother Yunnan, the kitten misses you."

"I miss the kitten too." Xie Yunnan reached out and touched the kitten's back.

With his action, other children released their companion beasts one after another.

The companion animals of these children are all kinds of small animals, the kitten is cute, and the companion animal of a child is even a snake.

Duan Changqing froze when he saw this scene.

Isn't the body of the fairies not allowed to be touched? Why are these people holding onto the body for Xie Yunnan to touch?

Xie Yunnan touched one by one!

He wants to stop!

Forget it, they are all children... In the cartoons he watched, those children also ran around with their bodies all day long, and didn't mind being touched at all.

This world is different from his last world? The monsters here casually give others their own body to touch?

Duan Changqing took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and suddenly thought of something.

Before, he thought that Xie Yunnan liked him because Xie Yunnan released the body and let him touch it casually.

As a result, people in this world are like this...

So, Xie Yunnan really liked him at that time?

Did he misunderstand?

It doesn't matter, even if Xie Yunnan didn't like him at the time, she is married to him now, and she definitely likes him!

Duan Changqing walked over silently and put his little squirrel in Xie Yunnan's hand.

"En?" Xie Yunnan was puzzled.

"Xiaohua misses you." Duan Changqing said.

After he finished speaking, he controlled Xiaohua to bow to Xie Yunnan.

Squirrel making such a humanized action is really cute! Xie Yunnan's attention was completely attracted by Xiaohua, and even those children looked at Xiaohua curiously.

"Wow, it's so cute." There are children who want to touch it.

Duan Changqing stopped the child without even thinking about it: "Only your brother Yun Nan can touch the little flower."

Children: “…”

Xie Yunnan was also a little speechless: "What are you doing!"

"My little flower, only for you to touch." Duan Changqing said.

Although she put on makeup, Duan Changqing, who still couldn't hide her handsome appearance, looked at herself affectionately... Xie Yunnan couldn't stand it.

His partner is so cute.

Xie Yunnan didn't want to touch the flower to others. He was squatting to talk to the children, but now he stood up with the flower and said to the children, "I'm getting married today, you come to my house. , I invite you to eat roasted sweet potatoes."

The price of food has risen a lot recently, and Duan Changqing eats a lot, so Xie Yunnan can't invite her children to eat something delicious but expensive like before.

He took out a bag of sweet potatoes and let them roast them in the back of the house.

The kids went to roast sweet potatoes.

Seeing this, Xie Yunnan asked them again, "Has there been any beasts in the fringe area recently?"

"No," said the children.

In that memory, there were already beasts haunting the fringe area at this moment...Isn't it there? Xie Yunnan breathed a sigh of relief.

He just hoped that the things in his memory would not happen.

Duan Changqing has gone upstairs to rest.

There are already computers in this world, but no one seems to use them. Xie Yunnan doesn't have them at home, so he can't find information.

Even books... Xie Yunnan's family has very few books.

However, Duan Changqing turned around and found some information about the companion beasts, and probably figured out the attitude of people in this world towards their body.

The people here do not cultivate, and no one thinks that the companion beast is their body, and they even let the companion beast fight for them.

Then people with strong companion beasts will be sought after, and those with weak companion beasts will be looked down upon.

For those powerful warriors, their companion animals are indeed not allowed to be approached, but most ordinary people regard companion animals as pets in their lives.

Duan Changqing: “…”

Duan Changqing went to see Xie Yunnan's Xiaobai after reading it.

When he was resting upstairs to study, Xie Yunnan would put Xiaobai upstairs to accompany him.

Xiao Bai is very close to him, obviously likes him, but not to the extent that he particularly likes him.

According to the book, the emotions of the companion animals represent the emotions of the owner, and some people even determine their true intentions by observing the behavior of their companion animals...

In the past, someone suddenly realized that they liked someone because their companion beast kept chasing someone.

Duan Changqing looked at Xiao Bai.

"Wang Wang Wang." Xiao Bai wagged his tail at Duan Changqing.

Xiao Bai is very good to him, but the companion animals of those children before, also did the same to Xie Yunnan!

This is not enough.

Duan Changqing stared at Xiao Bai for a while, and took out a little spiritual energy from her body and put it on her fingertips.

Xie Yunnan has the bloodline of a great demon, he has long thought that when his health is better, he will teach Xie Yunnan to practice.

Now...he can't even speak, how to teach?

And the spiritual power emanating from the spiritual marrow these days was used by him to cultivate.

It doesn't hurt to come out too much, just a little is enough to tempt a goblin.

Dan Changqing and Xie Yunnan had dinner before, but Xiaobai didn't react at all, and had no interest in their food.

But now Duan Changqing's fingers are revealing spiritual power... Xiaobai pounced forward and pounced on Duan Changqing's hand, gnawing Duan Changqing's fingers with his teeth.

Xiao Bai was very enthusiastic when he first saw him, and even licked his face, but at the time he was mostly curious, but now it is different, Xiao Bai now calls him a favorite!

Duan Changqing is very satisfied.

, that sound is sticky.

Xie Yunnan was a little confused.

He knows that his Xiaobai has no vigilance because he has always maintained his youthful form. He is friendly to most people, but so enthusiastic... He has never encountered it before.

"Xiao Bai." Xie Yunnan greeted.

Before, no matter how close Xiaobai was to others, he would definitely run towards him as soon as he called.

After all, he is Xiaobai's favorite person.

But this time...Xiao Baili ignored him and kept leaning on Duan Changqing.

Xie Yunnan: "???"

Duan Changqing looked at Xie Yunnan and smiled: "Brother, Xiaobai seems to like me very much."

Xie Yunnan's face became hot when he was called by this "brother".

At the same time, he looked at Xiao Bai and felt a little weird.

So he likes Duan Changqing so much? He doesn't even know!