MTL - When the Green Tea Female Partner is Forced To Attack the Female Lead-Chapter 6

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Du Jingmo noticed that Zhao Qingdai's face stiffened and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Qingdai raised her chin and pointed to the opposite side.

Only then did Du Jingmo realize that there was someone on the opposite side.

Gu Cheng obviously came for Du Jingmo, and after walking two steps towards this side, he saw Zhao Qingdai, he stopped, took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Du Jingmo's cell phone dinged.

They added contact information to each other.

When Zhao Qingdai didn't know.

After Du Jingmo clearly promised her.

"The car is already waiting, let's go out first." Du Jingmo didn't look at his phone.

But there is no meaning to explain.

The two of them walked in the front, and Gu Cheng followed behind, like a gangrene attached to the bones.

Zhao Qingdai felt unbearable when she saw his figure from the corner of her eye.

Du Jingmo helped her into the car all the way, and asked, "Wait a moment for me, I'll deal with something, and come back right away."

Zhao Qingdai reached out and tried to pull her, but in the end she only pulled the seat belt. She nodded: "Okay."

Du Jingmo thought she would say something, after all, her rejection of Gu Cheng was quite obvious before.

But in the end she only said good.

The phone rang again at this moment, Du Jingmo frowned slightly, a little impatient, but still turned around to find Gu Cheng who was waiting for her at the hospital door.

The male and female protagonists get together, and it is enough to attract attention without doing anything. After a while, Zhao Qingdai saw someone take out a mobile phone to take a picture.

She rolled down the car window and said coldly, "Isn't anyone telling you that it's illegal to take pictures secretly?"

The passerby was startled and was about to explain when Zhao Qingdai shouted, "Delete it!"

Her face was calm, her dark eyes were motionless, and her tight lips showed her impatience.

It was clear that she was just a thin and weak girl, but passers-by looked at her with a daze, so they deleted the photo and left in a hurry.

The system sighed: "Is this the bloodline suppression of the villain female pairing passerby A?"

Zhao Qingdai didn't have the heart to argue with it, her attention was on the men and women in the distance.

This is what the system says, a match made in heaven, a talented man and a woman. Even if she disrupts the plot, even if she tries her best to get a promise from Du Jingmo, the two will still be connected under the impetus of the plot.

She was distracted, her fingers cluttered together unconsciously, and her eye movements even looked nervous.

The two people on the side of the road only talked for a few words, but she felt like a long time had passed.

When Du Jingmo came back, she restrained her expression, and there was only pity on her face, and asked softly, "Sister, you..."

As soon as she clicked, she closed her voice before she had finished asking her questions, her drooping eyebrows were filled with endless grievances.

Du Jingmo knew it was going to be bad when Gu Cheng appeared, and she even felt a little numb when she saw Zhao Qingdai like this.

She explained: "I didn't mean to lie to you, or that my words didn't count. I only learned after I promised you that the Gu family and my father have business dealings."

"Last time Gu Cheng and his father came to visit Du's house, I couldn't refuse, so I added a WeChat account, that's all."

It is not easy for Du Jingmo's character to explain so much.

When Zhao Qingdai heard this, she was even more certain that the plot was driving her, she nodded lightly and smiled: "I see, I'm satisfied that my sister can explain so much to me, and I won't make it difficult for my sister. "

"But sister, I really don't think this Mr. Gu is a good person. You must be careful when dealing with him."

Seeing her so coaxing, Du Jingmo quietly relieved: "I see, don't worry."

Regarding Gu Cheng and the others, none of them wanted to say more, so the topic ended.

"Gu Cheng." Zhao Qingdai read the name in her heart and clenched her teeth secretly, "What a male protagonist."

Why can he approach Du Jingmo so easily? Just because he is the so-called male lead?

One Du Jingmo is enough for the person favored by the Creator in this world, why should there be one more of him?

In order to make her such a mustard have a more real self-knowledge?

"Why did your blackening value increase again?" The system was shocked, "I said hello to you in advance, don't blame me."

When its voice fell, Zhao Qingdai had not regained her senses, and a burst of electric current rushed through her body in an instant. The severe pain made her scream, curled up and fell forward.

Du Jingmo was startled, she hurriedly supported him, only to see Zhao Qingdai, who had just been discharged from the hospital smoothly, her face was pale, her teeth were clenched, and she was even trembling uncontrollably.

"Hurry up and turn around and go back to the hospital immediately!"

Before the stamina of the system's punishment had passed, Zhao Qingdai heard such a sentence, she stretched out her hand, grabbed Du Jingmo's finger, and forced a smile: "I'm fine, don't worry, I'm just a little... Hypoglycemia, it just happened."

"Hypoglycemia?" Du Jingmo couldn't believe it, "How can someone suffer from hypoglycemia like you?"

"It's true, what did I lie to my sister for?" Zhao Qingdai hadn't calmed down yet, and her voice was still trembling.

She gently dragged Du Jingmo, if it wasn't for her unsightly face, she would be acting like a spoiled brat at this moment in both her tone and attitude.

"I'm really fine. I want to go to my sister's house quickly. I'm so tired. I want to rest, okay?"

She looked like this, and Du Jingmo couldn't say anything he refused.

"Go ahead and go home first." She instructed the driver.

There is a doctor at home anyway.

The house that Du Jingmo rented outside the school was an independent villa with three floors. Only one guest room was vacant, and the other rooms were equipped with paintings, musical instruments, books, and so on.

At this moment, Du Jingmo was glad that the spare room he had left was next to her bedroom, otherwise she would not have noticed any movement in Zhao Qingdai in the middle of the night.

She and her nanny aunt helped Zhao Qingdai up, and contacted the family doctor to give her a simple physical examination.

The result of the inspection is: Zhao Qingdai is very healthy, no illness or disaster, the sudden convulsion just now may really be hypoglycemia.

Du Jingmo: "..."

I don't know why, I don't really want to accept this explanation.

But apart from the doctor's words, she couldn't think of any other reason.

"It seems that things related to Zhao Qingdai are a bit strange recently." She murmured.

"elder sister."

Du Jingmo turned around when he heard the sound, Zhao Qingdai stuck out half of his head from the guest room, and put his hands on the door frame, looking very hard.

"Why didn't my sister come back after a long time? Could it be that I have some terminal illness, what are you trying to tell me?"

Du Jingmo: "...Don't curse yourself with nonsense. The doctor said you're fine, just take a good rest. You don't have to think about anything until you are completely healed."

Zhao Qingdai nodded her head vigorously, with a big smile on her face: "Yeah! Got it!"

Her happiness on the bright side seems to be contagious, and Du Jingmo's face, which has never been too fluctuating, also has a little more smile: "Are you so happy when your leg is still broken?"

"It's a very happy thing to be able to live under the same roof with my sister." Zhao Qingdai's eyebrows were curved, and the smile in Xingxing's eyes was flowing out like she didn't want money, "I was still thinking two days ago, If I did nothing wrong and I could get along with my sister like I did when I was a child, my dream will come true today."

The days when she was thirteen years old living in the Du family were one of the few happy times in her first half of her life.

When she mentioned the past so frequently, Du Jingmo knew that she was playing a little harmless and careful thought. But she didn't want to cooperate and turned around to leave.

"Actually, I have a question that I've wanted to ask my sister for a long time." Zhao Qingdai seized the opportunity to speak, "During the time when I did something wrong, did my sister regret taking me back to the Du family?"

"No." Du Jingmo replied simply.

She was stunned when she saw Zhao Qingdai, afraid that she would not believe it, and emphasized again: "Never."

At most, she was just a little disappointed with the later Zhao Qingdai.

If she went back to that alley again, she would still bring Zhao Qingdai home, like a kitten licking her wound.

"I see." Zhao Qingdai bit her lower lip, her eyes turning a little red, "I see."

At the age of thirteen, she was thinking, how can there be such a good person in this world as Du Jingmo?

She still thinks so now.

Du Jingmo's existence is already worthy of all the praise in this world.

System: "You're actually moved to tears. I don't think you look like such a conscientious person."

It had big questions on its funny face.

Zhao Qingdai still resented the fact that it suddenly called her, so she ignored it.

She soon made the system realize that not only did she have a conscience, she was also strong.

On the second day of staying at Du Jingmo's house, she got up at 5:30 and prepared breakfast for Du Jingmo with her crippled legs.

It's the system that will sigh at the point of shocking the whole family. Do you have to work so hard to make green tea these days?

The taste of Du Jingmo, Zhao Qingdai had already figured out the days when he was in the Du family. It is not difficult for her to cook a meal that Du Jingmo will like. The difficulty is that she has to be physically and mentally strong, but also maintain a good sense of beauty, and only rely on her back to give Du Jingmo a good impression.

Fortunately, in the end, she did it with years of green tea cultivation.

"Why are you doing this? Where's Auntie?" Du Jingmo had just finished taking a shower, his black hair was still wet, and he was all gathered behind his back, revealing a face without makeup.

"I was preparing before Auntie came, and Auntie didn't have a chance to stop me." Zhao Qingdai put the preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the tray, "Jiang Si has already been picked out, you can try it."

Du Jingmo stopped by his mouth, because the bowl of porridge stopped.

When Zhao Qingdai first came to Du's house, like today, she got up early to prepare breakfast.

At that time, she was too young, and she spoke awkwardly. She clearly didn't want Zhao Qingdai to do these babysitter things. As soon as she said it, she said, "I don't like Jiang, don't do it next time."

The next day, she got a bowl of fish porridge with all the **** shreds picked out.

"Sister, is it still your favorite flavor?" Zhao Qingdai waited eagerly for a reply, without hearing a sound for a long time, she tilted her head and asked, "What is my sister thinking."

Du Jingmo swallowed the hot porridge in his mouth: "I think you are playing tricks on me."

Very useful eye.

Can't be refused.