MTL - When the Green Tea Female Partner is Forced To Attack the Female Lead-Chapter 15

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As Zhao Qingdai's mood fluctuated, there was also her dangerous blackening value.

The system sent an electric spark warning: "It's enough for you to make green tea, don't be a sick child, too many buffs will be electrocuted!"

Zhao Qingdai: "...Got it! I'm so annoying!"

On the day when Du Jingmo went to attend the charity dinner, Zhao Qingdai maintained the original pace of life and did not delay in what to do. She is still alone, most people just nod and greet her, no one can see that she has been irritable all day.

After leaving school, she went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, prepared a dinner for one person, and sorted the remaining ingredients. The attitude of a good wife and good mother is too much, to the point where the system is shocked when she sees it.

It couldn't help but ask, "Are you really doing nothing today?"

This is not scientific!

Zhao Qingdai glanced at it, raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Of course not, what are you thinking? I'm a vicious and dedicated female supporter."

Without her, the plot can't move, how can she do nothing with such an important existence?

"I'm just doing prep work." She fumbled around the wine cabinet, estimating that a bottle was not too expensive, and she filled two glasses.

Her cheeks flushed quickly, her eyes were stained with drunkenness, and she asked with a smile, "Do you know what skills are necessary to be green tea?"

The system asked modestly, "I don't know."

"As long as I want to find my sister, I will pour a glass of milk."

But it's not enough to really drink milk. It's too disrespectful to Du Jingmo's IQ. Two glasses of red wine is the bottom line.

In order to stay awake, Zhao Qingdai washed her face with cold water after drinking, and then went out to take a taxi to find Du Jingmo. She sat upright in the taxi, ignoring her flushed face, she really couldn't tell that she was drinking too much.

The dinner was held on the top floor of a five-star hotel. After she got there, she found a quiet stone staircase and sat down. Her body was limp, as if she had no bones. Behind her were the shadows of trees. She hid in it and was about to merge with the darkness.

The system is a little worried: "Why do I think you are really drunk? Will you drink?"

Otherwise, the acting is too good.

Zhao Qingdai is very frank: "No."

She was really drunk. She had just pushed herself in the taxi just for safety reasons. Now that there was no one, she naturally let herself go a little.

The system crashes: "Won't you drink the whole thing? Isn't it dangerous?"

Zhao Qingdai was amused as she watched a funny head twirling anxiously in midair.

When the system saw this smile, it was drunk and stupid, and it was extremely worried: "Then how do you get in?"

It is too dangerous for a drunk girl to sit outside alone, not to mention that Zhao Qingdai is still a very beautiful girl.

"Am I drunk or are you drunk? I don't have an invitation, so how can I get in?" Zhao Qingdai poked it twice in the face, "Don't talk stupid, be good."


The sky is gone, what the **** did it do with a system, and now it actually wants to be like an old mother who saves a rebellious girl?

Fortunately, the hotel's security was in place, and there were not even a few people passing by. The most suspicious person was Zhao Qingdai herself.

"Ding dong" sounded, and her phone lit up. This time, she didn't even glance at the message, she just turned off the screen.

The system was amazed: "You actually don't reply to the news of the heroine, and there is still such an unprecedented time?"

"Shh, shut up, don't remind me."

She can't go back now.

As long as she doesn't look, she can't help it.

At the dinner party, Du Jingmo frowned as he looked at the messages on his mobile phone that had not been answered for a long time.

Zhao Qingdai usually responds quickly to news. The last time she didn't reply to her news in time was when she was blocked at the door of the girls' dormitory and was forced to confess.

This kind of association made Du Jingmo uneasy. She wanted to go out and make a phone call, but at this time, a small charity auction was going on, and everyone was sitting and holding a sign. It was too conspicuous for her to stand up abruptly.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Gu Cheng, who was sitting beside her, asked.

The two of them were seated next to each other, and Gu Cheng leaned towards her as he spoke, but he always maintained a basic social distance. At first glance, they were close, but in fact they were very measured, and one could not pick out any wrong attitude. .

Du Jingmo shook his head slightly, and the tassel earrings swayed twice with her movements, reflecting a little bit of broken light under the reflection of the indoor lights.

Just like her, she is beautiful and cold, and she refuses even a chance to be approached.

Gu Cheng asked unintentionally, "I haven't seen you bid, do you like it?"

Du Jingmo was too familiar with this kind of chasing people, and when he heard this, he immediately sounded the alarm: "No. You must not make any high-priced auctions, and then use them as gifts for me."

"It's stupid."

Gu Cheng pursed his lips, and all the rhetoric prepared in front of him were all beaten back at this moment.

"You seem to have a prejudice against me." He couldn't understand, "Why?"

"I admit that our first encounter was very unfriendly, but I tried my best to make up for it afterwards. I also went to Miss Zhao to apologize, but..."

He said that he was forced to accept it here.

He could feel that if he said something bad about Zhao Qingdai today, Du Jingmo's impression of him would instantly worsen, and he still didn't know how to return it.

"I know you have a bad impression of me now, but... can't you really even give me a chance to pursue it?"

Du Jingmo fiddled with the broken hair next to his ear, but didn't answer.

Compared with the strange men Zhao Qingdai had met before, Gu Cheng was an excellent sentence, and even the rights he pursued had to seek the consent of the woman.

No, even if Gu Cheng is not compared with that kind of strange male creature, Gu Cheng is excellent, otherwise his father will not deliberately match, and the business between the two will not always be exchanged.


The last item was finally finalized at this moment, and there was not warm applause around, and some people got up and ran to the next link.

Du Jingmo also stood up with the crowd, she lightly lifted the skirt, leaving only a delicate profile for Gu Cheng: "It's like asking my father to put pressure on me to attend the same event as you, etc. Mr. Gu should do less in the future, it will only make people more annoying."

But what does this have to do with her not liking Gu Cheng?

"Wait a minute!" Gu Cheng was a little anxious, and quickly caught up to grab Du Jingmo's wrist, but he lowered his hand after raising it.

He asked in a low voice, "Why? I should know where I went wrong."

Du Jingmo paused, thinking seriously about where her rejection of Gu Cheng came from?

She shrugged, her eyes filled with a smile involuntarily: "Probably because Mr. Gu doesn't look like a good person in my aesthetic."

She might have been brainwashed by that girl, Zhao Qingdai.

If there is anything wrong with Gu Cheng, it is that he should not offend Zhao Qingdai.

After she finished speaking, she didn't pause, and went out to find a quiet place to make a phone call. A man with champagne suddenly appeared in front of her. He was brought from home, and three stood in front of her in a row.

After being interrupted several times, Du Jingmo didn't show it on his face, but he was already a little annoyed. She was about to shirk, but she was stunned after seeing the person coming.

There is actually Zhang Xinlan.

With surprise on her face, Zhang Xinlan's reaction was even more violent than hers, with visible avoidance and resistance, her face turned pale.

"Miss Du." The man is nearly fifty years old, his body is slightly fat, and his temples are a little white, but his suit and leather shoes are in good spirits.

Du Jingmo has seen a lot of this kind of person, all of them have done a lot of business, but they are not big enough. They can't see the real person in power of the Du family. They want to get along with the Du family by making her.

She coped with it very naturally, and she could not see the impatience in her heart at all.

On the surface, she should agree with the man, but in fact, the focus is on Zhang Xinlan. The longer they talked, the more anxious Zhang Xinlan became.

The little boy beside Zhang Xinlan who was somewhat similar to Zhao Qingdai was obviously a lively character. After standing by his father's side for a long time, he couldn't wait. He wanted to leave, but Zhang Xinlan pinched him to make him quiet.

Du Jingmo probably understood something. She put her hand into her bag, pressed the speed dial button skillfully, and summoned the summoned beast, Du Zhong, to help her deal with people she didn't want to deal with.

The man's original purpose was to make friends with Eucommia. He was quite satisfied with this scene, and his eyes lit up.

"I'll leave first if I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you." Du Jingmo smiled slightly, with imperceptible malice flashing in his eyes, "See you next time, Aunt Lan."

Zhang Xinlan pretended not to know Du Jingmo from the beginning, and was shocked when she heard this.

Du Jingmo can already imagine what kind of questioning she will face from her husband when she goes back, and how she will make up to get back.

This time, there was finally no interference from other people, and she called Zhao Qingdai.

It took nearly an hour to reply to her news, which was already the limit of Zhao Qingdai's patience.

As soon as the phone rang, she answered immediately: "Sister, are you coming back?"

Du Jingmo stood by the window behind the green plant: "It will take a while, I will do it as soon as possible. Why didn't you reply to my message? Where are you?"

"I'm... um... I'm very close to my sister," she said, burping uncontrollably.

But Du Jingmo, who was on the phone, couldn't tell what kind of hiccups she was, and thought she was eating too much.

As soon as she talked to Zhao Qingdai, she didn't consciously relax, leaned against the window sill, took off her goddess posture, and looked at the scenery outside the hotel.

"What did you eat for dinner?" She said, her eyes focused on a certain point, "There seems to be a girl downstairs, who looks a bit like you... Someone passed by."

The two men, who had just left the hotel, hurried past, then noticed a drunk girl sitting in the corner and returned.

Du Jingmo frowned, and was about to call the security guard downstairs to check the situation when a strange man's voice came over the phone.

"Both of us are lucky today, we can all pick up drunk shrimp here! It's pretty!"

Du Jingmo squeezed the phone tightly, and burst out a foul language: "...Damn!"

That is Zhao Qingdai!