MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 69 Grandpa would like to invite you to the house. ...

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/ Mo Baqian

"Your head and body, why do you look so PS?"


Lu Qingqing burst out laughing too.

This metaphor... is really inexplicably subtle!

It's just that as a sister, she can't be like Lan Muzhou.

It took two seconds to suppress the smile on his face.

She said: "Xiao Qi, your family, Zhou Zhou, has not rented a house for three days!"

After all, he made a gesture to punch Lan Muzhou with his fist.

Qi Mo's expression remained unchanged, he walked up to Lan Muzhou in two steps, and said with a half-smile: "I didn't hear clearly just now, why don't you say it again?"

Sensing the dangerous information, Lan Muzhou subconsciously took a big step back.

"Then what... I just said that this dress is very suitable for you."

Qi Mo followed and approached him, "Really?"

"Of course it's true! You don't believe me."

Lan Muzhou spoke nonsense with his eyes open, and even bulged his cheeks.

A look of accusation.

"But why doesn't that sound to me?" Qi Mo raised his brows.

Seeing that Qi Mo didn't want to let him go like this, Lan Muzhou snorted dissatisfiedly, "What else can you say to me, just speak up if you have any ideas, just say something straight, come here now to ask the teacher, who will dare to Tell you straight."

After finishing speaking, he sneaked a glance at Qi Mo.

He's just messing around, if the little dwarf hasn't finished, there must be dogs out there!

Qi Mo asked: "So, it's my problem instead?"

"Then... of course it's your problem."

Lan Muzhou glanced around, and found that Lu Qingqing had already left the room with insight.

He leaned over slightly and looked at Qi Mo's level.

With a happy smile on his face, he tapped the corner of his lips with his index finger.

"Barely give you a chance to make up for your mistakes."

His eyes narrowed a little with a smile, and there was light flowing in them.

Qi Mo admitted that he was hooked away for a moment.

She raised her hand, pressed on the cabinet behind Lan Muzhou, and slowly moved forward.

Seeing the person in front of him getting closer and closer, the tips of Lan Muzhou's ears turned red.

Normally, the dwarf always takes one step at a time, why is there a slow motion this time.

Inexplicably, it made him very nervous!

His noses touched, and he subconsciously closed his eyes.

The expected soft touch did not come.

On the contrary, he was severely strangled by fate.

Qi Mo reached out and pinched his soft cheeks twice, and met his surprised and accusing eyes.

She "tsk tut" twice, "You think it's quite beautiful."

On the contrary, the face is smooth and tender, and it feels really good.

With a little force on his fingers, he kneaded Lan Muzhou's face several times before letting go.

"Qingqing, let's do makeup."

"Little dwarf, you are deceiving people's feelings. Do you think you have a dog outside?"

Lan Muzhou chased after Qi Mo and went out.

The little man wasn't as nice to him as he used to be!

I used to keep saying that I was greedy for his body!

Lu Qingqing has already prepared the things to use.

Pull out two foundations from the makeup table, and use a foundation brush to tone them.

She smiled and said, "Lan Muzhou is usually quite mature, why is he acting like a three-year-old mentally retarded in front of you?"

Well, not three-year-olds anymore.

A three-year-old is mentally handicapped.

Lan Muzhou was so angry that his liver ached, he said viciously: "You two can live together!"

Just now Lu Qingqing was laughing along with him.

Now it even stomped on him.

Lu Qingqing deliberately followed his words and said, "This proposal is not bad, Xiao Qi, why don't you leave Lan Muzhou and see how I am?"

"Oh, you think it's beautiful."

Lan Muzhou pursed his lips, moved a chair, and straddled it facing the back of the chair.

Arms resting on the back of the chair, chin resting on arms.

His eyes were glued to Qi Mo's face in the mirror.

Three points of softness, seven points of heroism, perfectly blended on a face.

Why is his little dwarf so good-looking.

Most of the participants in this prom are young people in their twenties.

So the location was chosen in a high-end restaurant called the most mansion.

Lu Qingqing is the protagonist, she needs to take good care of everyone who attends the appointment, so naturally she can't be late.

So she was one step ahead of Qi Mo, and they didn't go by in the same car.

The dance officially started at seven o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that there were still five minutes to go, there was no sign of Qi Mo in the entire mansion.

A little girl hugged Lu Qingqing's arm intimately, and asked: "Qingqing, I heard that you have a very good relationship with Miss Qi, why haven't you seen Miss Qi show up until now?"

Some people want to see Lu Qingqing's jokes, some people want to get acquainted with Miss Qi's family, and some people just want to watch the fun and it's not a big deal.

I don't know what kind of thoughts they are holding, in short, everyone's eyes are focused at once.

Zhang Xiaowan is the obvious former, with personal grievances mixed in.

She sneered, and said in a strange way: "Ms. Qi is superior to others, how could she like us? Qingqing may really regard Ms. Qi as a friend, but she may not think so."

Not only did she connotate Qi Mo in front of everyone, but also stepped on Lu Qingqing's foot, she felt very happy.

Many people looked at each other, shrugged, and whispered.

"I think what Zhang Xiaowan said makes sense, it's not Lu Qingqing's unilateral action..."

"No way, I didn't meet you at the charity dinner last time, and I want to see Ms. Qi's true face this time."

"Hey, there really isn't much to look at in Zhenrong..."

"If Ms. Zhang said a few words less, I might be able to give you a high opinion. I feel embarrassed for you even if someone finds out that you are gossiping behind your back."

An unceremonious sentence came from the hall, and everyone was silenced instantly.

No one said another word.

Under the eyes of everyone, Qi Mo walked in slowly.

A dark haute couture dress made her tall and tall, and the high heels under her feet were studded with diamonds, reflecting the bright light.

She was carrying a small retro suitcase in her hand. The brown leather surface was extremely fine, simple and eye-catching.

"Isn't this suitcase a new global limited edition? How did you get it!"

"This is Lu Qingqing's graduation gift."

"I love it... It was fired to nearly a million when it was released, what price will it be in two years."

Lu Qingqing also recognized the suitcase at a glance.

She had known that Qi Mo would come here, but she never expected that Qi Mo would prepare such an expensive gift.

"Xiaoqi is here! What is the relationship between us, and we are preparing for such a big battle."

She smiled and took the small suitcase.

Twenty centimeters square, it is heavy in the hand.

Qi Mo curled his lips, "The big battle is inside the box, do you want to open it and have a look?"

"Isn't this suitcase a graduation gift?"

"Qingqing, open it and have a look!"

"It should be jewelry or something, Qingqing, take a look!"

Many expensively dressed girls all came over, winked at Lu Qingqing, and urged her to open the box.

Zhang Xiaowan was squeezed behind by the crowd, watching Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing being surrounded by stars like a moon.

Someone echoed her words just now, this face-changing is a good fun!

She wanted to see what gifts Qi Mo could prepare.

Lu Qingqing gently placed the suitcase on the table and opened it carefully.

Holding her breath, she opened the suitcase with both hands—

A necklace lay quietly on the soft black velvet, a ring of bright white diamonds glistened on the chain, and the pendant was a rare top blue diamond, with extremely high transparency and unparalleled beauty.

Lost in the sea!

This necklace was made by Albert, a famous jewelry master. This Lostinthesea was on the cover of "FA Jewelry" two months ago.

At a certain North American auction last week, it was auctioned off at a price of 2.3 million US dollars.

It turned out... was actually taken into the bag by Miss Qi's family.

As a graduation gift for Lu Qingqing!

They are all noble families, but it is rare to spend more than 10 million to buy a necklace as a gift.

"Oh my god... I didn't expect to see the truth here!"

"Almost blinded me!"

"How much virtue did Lu Qingqing cultivate in her previous life to be able to be friends with Miss Qi..."

"Ahhh I loved this when I watched "FA Jewelry" two months ago!"

Lu Qingqing was almost blinded by the beautiful blue diamond.

She froze in place, stretched out her hand, and grabbed Qi Mo's arm.

"I said Xiao this too...precious?"

Qi Mo gently embraced her arrow, and said: "Graduating from school and stepping out of society is the only time in a lifetime. I hope your career will prosper and expand your entertainment empire."

Then... the best resources are given priority to her family, Zhouzhou.

"Thank you, Xiao Qi! I will work hard!" Lu Qingqing stepped on her toes and wrapped her arms around Qi Mo's neck, "But my career is not as good as yours! Even if there is a wild man in the future, it will definitely be Not as good as you!"

Seeing this, many people opened their mouths along the pole, wishing Lu Qingqing a happy graduation and wishing her and her family a prosperous career.

Amidst the beaming conversation, Zhang Xiaowan stared at the Lostinthesea.

Breathing didn't seem so smooth.

This necklace was obviously the first thing she fell in love with!

A few months ago, she took the team to North America for filming, and was fascinated by this transparent blue diamond on the spot.

She begged her father for a long time before he agreed to give her this necklace when she got married.

It doesn't matter if you miss the auction, anyway, such a collection always changes hands frequently.

It's still early for her to get married, so there's no rush.

Who would have was photographed by Ms. Qi and given to Lu Qingqing so easily!

It was so easy for Ms. Qi to get what she liked so much and begged her father for a long time.

Many things are so simple to Miss Qi's family.

But why is Miss Qi not even willing to help her? !

If Ms. Qi hadn't refused to help her life and death, her father would have been promoted to president of FA China!

But now, her father has not only not been promoted, but has also been demoted.

In the FA China area, two people were airborne at once!

Those people holding Ms. Qi and Lu Qingqing like stars, don't they just want to get close to Ms. Qi!

If they knew what kind of person Miss Qi was...would they still be like this?

Really unable to hold back the breath, Zhang Xiaowan gritted her teeth, squeezed away several people, and got close to Qi Mo.

She was obviously a bad visitor, with a bit of aggrieved tone in her tone, deliberately ambiguous about the incident.

"Miss Qi, we had a good chat for a long time before, and we are now friends. I can understand your difficulties if you don't want to help me, but we should at least respect each other, right?"

"Respect? If you are willing to respect my intentions, you won't continue to force others to make things difficult for me even if I refuse." Qi Mo took a goblet and took a sip, "You use your father's Status, frequent abuse of power... With a good daughter like you, it would be nice not to be demoted, but you still want to be promoted? Do you think the top management at the headquarters are all free?"

They are all in the same circle, and they know what it looks like behind the skin.

As soon as Qi Mo's voice fell, whispers arose everywhere.

Zhang Xiaowan's face became paler and paler, and she wanted to refute and curse, but she couldn't open her mouth for a while.

The fingers tightly pinched the wine glass, and the pads of the fingers turned white.

Before she poured out the scarlet liquid forcefully, someone gently grabbed her wrist.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Xiao Shiyu gestured towards Qi Mo.

He spoke with a gentle voice, "Miss Qi, we meet again, I wonder if I am lucky enough to have a drink with Miss Qi today?"

Qi Mo glanced at him lightly, turned and left.

At the same time, he said: "Put away the contempt in your eyes, and talk to me again."

I hate the "scar" on her forehead, I don't like her heavy makeup, and I don't like her as a person, so I insist on coming over.

trouble making.

Looking at Qi Mo's back, Xiao Shiyu sarcastically said, "You really are so arrogant."

"Isn't it?" Zhang Xiaowan agreed, "It's really disgusting."

Xiao Shiyu smiled softly, and swept towards the people around him, "I have something to do in a while, I wonder if I can ask you for a favor."

On the other side, Lan Yanshen met Qi Mo.

He nodded, "Miss Qi."

"Brother, look at your serious look."

Lan Muzhou moved closer to Qi Mo, and the two of them lightly touched their wine glasses, making a crisp sound.

He took a sip and said, "We are so familiar, how tired it is to carry it."

Lan Yanshen didn't change his attitude because of what his younger brother said, and he still looked serious.

"I have something I want to tell Miss Qi..."

"This is just the beginning, brother, if you are serious, let's put it later." Lan Muzhou waved at Qi Mo, "Do you like desserts? There are several kinds of desserts here that are delicious. I'll introduce you."

If it weren't for the crowds here, he would have run away long ago grabbing Qi Mo's wrist.

Looking at the backs of his younger brother and Qi Mo, Lan Yan smiled deeply and sighed.

When will you be able to stabilize yourself?

With a girl I like, why are you getting more and more childish.

Lan Muzhou helped Qi Mo choose a dessert, "Caviar rum and cocoa milk recipe, sweet but not greasy, you must like it."

The milk recipe is a small piece, made of the best milk, covered with gold leaf and fish roe.

Slightly sweet in the mouth, with a touch of alcohol in it and a long aftertaste.

The mouth is soft and waxy, which makes people feel a sense of happiness.

"It's really delicious!"

Qi Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a little innocence, which is rare.

Eating, especially sweet things, is simply one of the great joys of life!

Without dessert, it would be bitter.

While drinking red wine and eating dessert slowly, she chatted with people briefly.

His expression was as usual, with a smile in his eyes.

Just glance at people's expressions, and remember their reactions to her "scar" in my heart.

I really met a few people and saw regret in their eyes.

"Miss Qi."

With a smile on her face, Zhang Xiaowan moved closer to Qi Mo again.

This time she was quite polite in her words, "I was too impulsive just now, I apologize to Miss Qi."

She bowed slightly, then raised her arms to the room on the second floor.

"I have some things I want to talk to Ms. Qi. I wonder if Ms. Qi...would like to give me another chance."

Lan Muzhou turned his head and said in a low voice: "One look at her and it's not a good thing, don't go with her."

Qi Mo glanced upstairs.

She didn't mind going upstairs together, but she didn't agree right away.

If you agree immediately, it will arouse suspicion.

So he just said: "Is there anything that can't be said here?"

Zhang Xiaowan still lowered her posture, and said with a flattering smile: "I want to talk to Ms. Qi about some private matters, I'm sorry to let others overhear, Ms. Qi just don't remember the villain, and come with me, is that okay?" ?”

Qi Mo was unmoved, "How do you know that I won't reveal your private affairs?"

"Of course Miss Qi is impossible, I absolutely believe in Miss Qi's character!"

Zhang Xiaowan's tone was a bit exaggerated, and those who didn't know it thought they were acting in a TV series.

Qi Mo was about to be praised to the sky.

A satisfied smile appeared on Qi Mo's face.

She nodded, "Let's go then."

"Great, Miss Qi, this way please."

With a bright smile on Zhang Xiaowan's face, she turned her head away from Qi Mo, mockery and complacency flashed across her face.

Looks like he wants to watch a good show.

"Hey, Qi Mo, go and come back quickly."

Lan Muzhou frowned, Xiao Wan looked weird.

But he had nothing to worry about.

If Zhang Xiaowan really plans to do something to Qi Mo... then she can only ask for blessings.

After offending Qi Mo, even the Heavenly King and I can't save her.

The decoration of each individual room on the second floor is different.

Zhang Xiaowan led Qi Mo into a red room.

The decoration inside is exquisite, revealing an inexplicable ambiguity.

As soon as Qi Mo entered the room, there was a "bang", and someone immediately locked the door!

She glanced back.

Sure enough, it was Xiao Shiyu, and there were a few rich second generations who seemed to be in a hurry.

Apart from them, there was someone who surprised Qi Mo a bit.

Shi Yun was also there.

He crossed his legs and sank deeply into a soft sofa.

With one hand, he turned the wrench on the thumb slightly.

When looking at Qi Mo, he showed a meaningful smile.

"As expected of Miss Qi, you can still be so calm now."

With his hands behind his back, Xiao Shiyu circled Qi Mo slowly twice.

Qi Mo responded with a faint smile, "Otherwise?"

"Hahahahaha, Miss Qi still doesn't take people seriously."

Xiao Shiyu suddenly laughed, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Since I was completely ignored by Ms. Qi last time, when I go to other gatherings, people always look at me secretly and say, don't look at his smooth talk, in fact, he is trying his best. Ms. Qi doesn't even look at me." If you don't give it to him, he will follow Miss Qi like a mangy dog..."

Relying on his family's money and his natural good looks, where can he go in the circle without being sought after?

The daily life is luxurious, lively and fragrant, and happy like a fairy.

Until the last banquet, he had flirted with Ms. Qi several times but was ignored. I don't know who spread this kind of thing, and someone secretly spread the word, "Who would talk to someone like Xiao Shiyu in a real rich family".

In their circle, face is more important than face.

Once spread ten to ten spread a hundred, the more spread the more evil.

Some people who used to be ambiguous started to alienate him.

Xiao Shiyu gritted his teeth, and said sarcastically, "Oh, Miss Qi, to be honest, with your heavy makeup and the scar on your forehead... If no one knows your identity, you can see that someone is willing to talk to you One sentence? If I want to get back my face today and not let your reputation be discredited, my surname is not Xiao!"

Qi Mo yawned, "And then?"

"Hey, you're still pretending to be calm."

Zhang Xiaowan snorted beside her.

Qi Mo was wearing a dress, didn't have a handbag, and didn't even have a cell phone.

Surrounded by so many people, who can not be afraid?

"I'll see if you can still be so calm for a while!" Xiao Shiyu shook his head "tsk tsk", "Xiao Wan, I'm ready."

"You can start at any time." Zhang Xiaowan responded, holding a micro camera in her hand, and turned it on.

Qi Mo glanced at the smiles on the faces of several people, and laughed too.

"The people below are all people, and my Qi family is not easy to provoke... Are you really so bold?"

Xiao Shiyu was still afraid in his heart, and immediately raised his voice, "Sometimes Mr. supports me, and I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

After a delay of two seconds, he snorted and became more confident.

"Besides, we recorded the video, if you don't want to ruin your reputation, how dare you say it?"

As we all know, when Shi Yun and the others started their business, they did a lot of testing on the edge of gray areas.

But now, it has been washed clean long ago, even if it is checked, nothing can be found.

Shi Yun also ran into a wall with Ms. Qi, and hated Ms. Qi's family extremely, so she promised to deal with the aftermath for them.

What are they afraid of?

Xiao Shiyu's expression gradually became vile, and he took a few brothers and slowly surrounded Qi Mo.

"If you're scared, it's okay to call out, anyway..."

"The sound insulation here is very good, no matter how much you shout, no one will hear you hahaha!"

"Oh, no one will hear."

The corner of Qi Mo's mouth twitched, and there was a hint of danger in his half-smile expression.

"That's really... great!"

She easily avoided Xiao Shiyu's hand, and her knee slammed against her!


Xiao Shiyu's throat suddenly burst into screams like killing a chicken!

He covered his lower body with his hands, almost unable to stand still due to the pain.

"Ah...I'm so stupid..."

"Oh, you still have the strength to curse people."

Without further ado, Qi Mo lifted his hand and hit his knee again!

"Aha! Grass...grass!"

This time Xiao Shiyu was completely unable to stand still, and the severe pain in his body caused him to fall to the ground.

Rolling around on the ground non-stop.

He stared at Qi Mo with tearing eyes, and shouted: "Fuck her! How dare you sneak attack... grass...!"

What can a group of young masters who are idle all day long be so idiotic?

Qi Mo didn't pay attention to them at all, and within two minutes, they all fell to the ground!

"Tsk tsk, the sound insulation effect of this really good."

"You...what's your situation!" Xiao Shiyu exclaimed.

This change is too fast.

How did a thin and frail young lady manage to put so many people in so quickly and accurately?

He simply felt that he was dreaming.

But the burning pain in his lower body told him that all this was true.

He hurriedly said to Shi Yun: "Mr. Shi! Please help!"

Shi Yun was still sitting on the soft sofa, slowly turning his fingers.

It was as if he didn't hear Xiao Shiyu's voice at all.

Hissing was right next to his ears, but his face was so cold that there was no expression.

In the ambiguous red light and shadow, it is weird and terrifying.

The room is well decorated.

There are delicate and beautiful flowers in the vase, and there are several ornamental stones beside it.

Qi Mo walked to the table, picked up an ornamental stone with one hand, and shook it.

Then slowly walked towards Xiao Shiyu.

She smiled as she walked, "You're such an dare to play with Shi Yun? I'm afraid you don't know how you died."

"You, you, you... what are you doing!"

Xiao Shiyu realized Qi Mo's purpose, and his whole body trembled like chaff!

It was a complete reversal from the haughty look a minute ago.

He almost burst into tears, "Mr. Shi! It was you who said you could solve it! It was you who said you could deal with the aftermath! Shi Xian—!"

In the middle of speaking, the ornamental stone in Qi Mo's hand suddenly fell!

Xiao Shiyu opened his mouth wide and let out a heart-piercing wail!

At that moment, he rolled his eyes greatly, and actually fainted for a moment!

Consciousness revived in a blank.

He could feel a heart-piercing pain, as if all the bones in his body had been smashed.

There was cold sweat all over his forehead.

He lay on the ground, enduring the severe pain, and gritted his teeth: "Fuck, aren't you afraid that I'll tell the story?"

"You are welcome to talk about it." Qi Mo chuckled mockingly, "If you are willing to let everyone know that you can't do it."

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she hugged Zhang Xiaowan who was about to run away.

With a light hook of her finger, the camera fell into her hand, and she took out the memory card directly.

"Miss Qi, I was forced by Xiao Shiyu just now! He said that if I didn't ask you to come up, he would deal with me the same way I dealt with you... I was really too scared, so..."

Before Zhang Xiaowan could finish speaking, Qi Mo hit her face with the back of his hand!

The face was slapped, and she instantly felt that she was a mess.

The head quickly tilted to one side, and there was a "crack" on the neck.

It hurts, and there seems to be something wrong with my mouth.

She tilted her head and spit out the contents of her mouth—

It turned out to be a tooth!

Zhang Xiaowan was so frightened that she couldn't even stand still, she slipped and sat on the ground.

Qi Mo leaned over, with a nice smile on his face, "Your acting skills are really clumsy. From the first sentence you said... I knew what was going on."

Zhang Xiaowan swallowed, her lips trembling.

There were several big men moaning/groaning in pain, and her own face was numb from the pain.

She didn't dare to say much at all, and just muttered in a spirited manner: "Miss Qi, I really didn't do it on purpose, Miss Qi, I was really forced, don't believe me!"

Xiao Shiyu's painful groans/groans were mixed with Zhang Xiaowan's chanting.

There were also the voices of several other rich second generations who cried out in pain.

"Crack, clap, clap..."

There was a burst of applause, and the person who had been called out several times finally got up.

"Wonderful, wonderful, as expected of Mr. Qi."

Shi Yun crossed his arms and stepped on Xiao Shiyu's hand.

"A few days ago, there was a situation where I heard this kid swearing at a group of brothers. He didn't have a clean word in his mouth, and he mentioned Mr. Qi frequently. Let's chat a few words according to his words, heck, these guys are quite courageous, It really did that."

His feet gently rolled over his knuckles, and there was another burst of wailing.

He chuckled, "How about it, Mr. Qi, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Qi Mo gave him a blank look, "What kind of gift is this? I'm afraid it's because you want to see a good show."

"Hahaha, Mr. Qi has never disappointed anyone." Shi Yun lowered his head and looked at Xiao Shiyu who was full of pain, "It's nothing but ignorance and incompetence, and it's really embarrassing to tell the difference between good and bad. "

"Mr. Shi, stop laughing at fifty steps." Qi Mo said coolly.

Without Shi Yun's encouragement, these people may not necessarily be courageous.

But since it is done, it is done.

She glanced at the clock on the wall.

"It's almost time. I'll go downstairs first. What about Mr. Shi...Let's stay and deal with the aftermath."

"President Qi...?"

Shi Yun called out from behind, but got no response at all.

He narrowed his sharp eyes.

It's really Qi Mo's style.

Perhaps it should be said that Qi Mo didn't warn him before his eyes like he thought it would be the first time, which is considered an improvement?

It is really the first one who dares to order him like this.

He bowed his head and glanced at the few people present.

It was the first time I saw Qi Mo make a move, and I quickly took three words and got them all.

The most important thing is to be ruthless.

Every time he makes a move, there is a hidden murderous intent, and the casual murderous intent in his eyes is shocking.

They are the same kind of people.

It would be a pity if we don't cooperate, but instead confront each other.

Beside the stairs, when Lan Muzhou saw Qi Mo appear, he immediately took two steps towards him.

"That guy Zhang Xiaowan didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Qi Mo didn't take it seriously, "How can she make things difficult for me, but I'm the one who taught a few scumbags a lesson, and I'm in a good mood."

Even though he knew he didn't need it, Lan Muzhou still stretched out his arm, and gave Qi Mo a loving hand when he went downstairs.

"It's true, the person who can do it for you...maybe he hasn't been born yet."

Descending the stairs, he let go of his arms.

"By the way, my elder brother has something to tell you. Seeing that he is still so serious, let him talk first."

"I have something to say to Miss Qi."

Lan Yan's deep voice sounded.

He whispered: "Grandfather has wanted to invite Ms. Qi to sit at home since a while ago, but unfortunately Ms. Qi has been filming on the set and has no spare time. It's hard to rest today, and it happens to be back to women's clothing. I don't know if I can borrow it." At this opportunity, could Miss Qi please take a seat?"