MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 44 what am i

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/ Mo Baqian

[Grass, what's going on? ? ? 】

[Where are the program crew? Wouldn't it be unworthy of a rescue team to come to a seaside tourist area? 】

【Mr. Mo can't swim! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't let anything happen! 】

[Hurry up, people! 】

[Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow 】

The barrage had already exploded, and they were all worried about Qi Mo's safety, cueing the program frantically, and asked the rescue team to hurry up.

A gust of wind blew, and the wooden boards under my feet shook slightly and creaked.

Lan Muzhou stood on the platform, looking at the bubbles in the water.

It seemed that the brain was also deprived of oxygen, and it seemed that a hand was ruthlessly pinching his heart.

A violent dizziness hit him, and he was a little out of breath.

Qi Mo didn't come up.

Can't swim?

Will something happen.

If something happens to Qi Mo...

His thinking was chaotic, and before he even had time to sort out everything, his body took the lead.

Amid the exclamation, Lan Muzhou jumped down!

"Blue Muzhou!"

"The rescuers are coming! Hurry up!"

"Both of them are below!"

There was chaos on the shore, and many tourists who were playing on the beach stopped playing and paid attention to their situation.

After Lan Muzhou got into the water, the cool sea water instantly wrapped him up.

Holding his breath, he soon vaguely saw Qi Mo's figure.

He tried his best to swim towards Qi Mo.

The sea water made his eyes feel a little uncomfortable, he squinted his eyes slightly, and he grabbed Qi Mo's wrist.

As soon as the rescue team came here from the beach, they saw a splash of water in the sea.

Lan Muzhou poked his head up, breathing in fresh air.

He was flailing with one hand, and the other tightly wrapped around Qi Mo's waist, his fingers tightly clutching the fabric.

"Qi Mo, are you okay, are you okay?"

The tone was obviously hasty, but also with deep worry.

Qi Mo rested his head on his shoulder and coughed twice.

After choking on the water, her voice was slightly hoarse, but her tone seemed relaxed, with some comfort, "It's okay, I just choked on the saliva."

This relaxed and reassuring look made Lan Muzhou inexplicably annoyed.

He tightened his grip on Qi Mo's clothes, and his tone was eight degrees higher than before, anxious and angry, "You little man, don't come to the water if you can't swim! If I can't swim too ? You... what if something happens to you!"

In the end, his voice seemed to be soaked in water, a little choked and damp.

The arms unconsciously strengthened, as if treating the person in his arms as a treasure.

His eyes were slightly red, and he caught a glimpse of the cameraman of the program group who was still filming, so he immediately turned his head to avoid his sight.

Until now, his heart is still shaking.

Waves of fear sent chills down his spine.

Hell, it's a good thing he's a **** good swimmer.

Otherwise, wait for the rescue team to come... He didn't dare to think.

"Let you trip me again, and you will know how to bully me. This time, it's okay, you will suffer for yourself, you idiot..."

Lan Muzhou couldn't help but chanted, complained, and spoke incoherently.

Just so light/panting, muttering a few words in a low voice.

The temperature transmitted through the fabric and the sea water finally slowed down his tense spirit.

His heart was still beating violently, he looked up to the sky, frowned and let out a big breath.

Only then did he finally calm down.

Lan Muzhou took advantage of the opportunity to get closer to Qi Mo's ear, and said softly, "You don't know how to swim, I'll teach you some time."

Qi Mo made a long mouthful, then paused, before responding: "Okay, thank you."

When speaking, the corners of her mouth are always upturned.

Feeling Lan Muzhou's heart beating like a drum, she wanted to laugh, and pressed her lips together.

Finally, a pair of smiling eyes remained.

She didn't expect Lan Muzhou to go into the water without any hesitation.

Will be so desperate, will be so... nervous about her.

Very touched and very happy.

"Hey, thank you, I'm not afraid of your own life in the future." Lan Muzhou curled his lips with a haughty expression.

Qi Mo was afraid that he would be felt if he was wearing a corset, so he pushed Lan Muzhou's shoulders, trying to separate them.

But I didn't want to, but my waist tightened.

Lan Muzhou hugged her even more tightly.

"Don't move around, I'll take you up."

Lan Muzhou pulled the tethered swimming ring.

He held Qi Mo's waist tightly, feeling the heat from his body, and his face was blushed abruptly.

After going up, there will be no chance to hug Qi Mo like this again.

He pursed his lips, letting his selfishness go, and repeatedly exerted force on his forearms and hands.

Let Qi Mo get closer to him.

On the mouth, he said: "Hold tighter, don't fall down again in a while, it's troublesome."

The heat and heartbeat came together, and even infected Qi Mo.

She sighed softly in her heart.

In the end, she couldn't hold it back, and in a place invisible to the camera, she raised her hand inadvertently, and slid down her back all the way to her waist.

Wipe the oil.

Then, he wrapped his arms around Lan Muzhou's waist and supported his back with the other.

The temperature on his back made Lan Muzhou's heart move slightly, as if something was about to melt in his heart.

He tensed up, and used the swimming ring to cover his hot face.

Qi Mo today...why is he so obedient.

It's a little out of the ordinary.

Is this scared of falling into the water?

Finally, there was something Qi Mo was not good at, but he was very good at.

Just when he was biting his lower lip, wanting to laugh happily but trying to hold it back...

Just listen to "tear".

The name tag on his back was torn off.

I'm stupid!

Lan Muzhou's swearing in the past month is not as much as today.

It was as if ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past in his heart.

The smile on his face didn't even need to be held back, it froze instantly.

He didn't catch his breath, and swallowed again.

For a moment, he didn't know what mood he should be in, what expression he should put on.

I just felt that a heart filled with joy suddenly became empty.

He even felt a little cold, so cold that he shivered.

During the period from when Lan Muzhou jumped into the water to when the two of them surfaced hugging each other, the live barrage was full of "socialist brotherhood", especially the CP fans, who were all over the top.

[Zhou Zhou actually jumped down to save Mr. Mo! They have a really good relationship! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I'm so good! CP is locked for me on weekends! 】

[I'm sorry, I was scared and cried at first, but now I saw them hugging each other, I really cried...]

[Zhou Zhou was terrified when he saw Mr. Mo fall down]

【What did Zhou Zhou say after Mr. Momo came up? I can't hear you at all! 】

[kswl! Mr. Mo and Zhouzhou are all fine, that's great! 】

And when Qi Mo tore off Lan Muzhou's nameplate and raised his hand in the camera, the wind direction of the barrage changed in a second.

[Damn it hahahahahahahaha Mo always thinks about the game! 】

【Zhou Zhou: I'm dumbfounded QAQ】

[Ha ha ha ha ha dbq I laughed, but Zhou Zhou's expression just now was really funny]

[I was trying to save you, but you just wanted to tear off my name tag! 】

This kind of reversal is indeed very effective in variety shows, and it makes the barrage brighter in a second.

Netizens were laughing and laughing, and some even thought it was a plot arranged in advance by the program group.

Lan Muzhou was silent, and pulled the swimming ring to the side of the platform.

Qi Mo stretched out his hand to grab the wooden board, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he jumped onto the platform with a splash of water all over his body.

Before everyone could react, she had already taken the large bath towel urgently sent by the program group.

The bath towel waved in front of the camera, covering her figure.

Then it was wrapped loosely around the body.

Fortunately, when she went out in the morning, she wore an extra layer of corset than usual, which made her feel suffocated.

Otherwise, I will definitely wear clothes today.

I don't know if Lan Muzhou found out.

Qi Mo took another bath towel and wrapped Lan Muzhou in it.

"Thank you."

While speaking, she observed Lan Muzhou's expression.

Doesn't look like her identity was discovered.

That's right, Lan Muzhou was so anxious at the time, he must not have bothered to discover any clues.


She touched her chest with her hand hidden under the towel.

It's so tight that someone will feel that her chest muscles are hard if they touch it :)

Lan Muzhou lowered his head and did not reply to her words.

The water from the head slid down one drop after another and hit the wooden boards.

He was silent, his face not looking good.

Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou happened to be eliminated after encountering such an accident, so after confirming Qi Mo's physical condition, the program team arranged for the two of them to go back to the hotel first, and the remaining guests continued to complete the game.

In the hotel.

"Go take a bath first. Although the weather is much warmer now, the water is still relatively cold. I just asked someone to buy cold medicine for us. I'll drink some hot water later to prevent it." Qi Mo urged.

Lan Muzhou still didn't say a word, didn't speak.

He kept his head down, his expression hidden under his slightly damp yellow hair.

Turn your head, turn around, and swipe your card.

into his room.

Qi Mo stood in the corridor, looking at Lan Muzhou's door for a few seconds.

There are replacement clothes, but no corsets.

After taking a shower, Qi Mo washed the corset again and dried it with the hotel's hair dryer for a long time.

After it was basically dry, she put on her clothes carefully.

She sat on the bed, put her hands on her forehead, and thought for a while.

When submerged in water, the audience cannot see, so it is impossible to be exposed.

So you just need to see if she has a corset and is caught by the camera when her clothes are soaked after she lands.

After the live broadcast of the program "Looking for People and Exploring Mysteries", there will also be an edited version online.

In case it is recorded, not only do you have to pay attention when editing, but you also need to find a way to clean up the part of the screen recorded by netizens on the Internet.

Just as Qi Mo was thinking, Lu Qingqing called.

"Xiaoqi! Are you really okay? If you feel unwell, you must go to the hospital! Don't hold on just to hide your identity!" Lu Qingqing's tone was hurried, full of anxiety.

It feels good to be cared about.

Whether it's being cared about by Lan Muzhou, or by Lu Qingqing.

It moved her strangely.

Qi Mo felt refreshed after taking a shower, and he answered easily, "I'm really fine, I just choked on my saliva. Thanks to Lan Muzhou's quick response, I picked it up in one go."

Lu Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I was scared to death when I saw the trending searches! But since you were young, you have made a name for yourself, so I won't talk about you too much."

She patted her chest to calm down, and said, "But you really are, and you want to tear up the name tag after everything is like that."

Qi Mo smiled, and changed the topic, "Qingqing, help me see, can people see that I'm wearing a corset after I go ashore?"

"Don't worry, I just saw it."

Lu Qingqing was sitting next to the computer, on which was a live recording released by a marketing account.

"You turned your back to the camera as soon as you came up, and the sun protection clothing was bulging, and you couldn't see anything."

On Weibo, the topic of #赫默河水# has exploded.

Countless marketing accounts posted that live recording, and the real likes and comments below were more than what they usually bought.

[My god, this is too thrilling, it makes my heart twitch when I see it]

[Is this place in disrepair for a long time? ? It's too exaggerated to break the load alone! 】

[Who dares to go to this kind of tourist area, hurry up and rectify it! 】

[Small force surface, strong pressure? ? [dog head]]

[While she shed tears and feel sorry for Mr. Mo, she lamented the socialist brotherhood with tears at the same time]

【Ah, this... isn't it really prepared by the program team in advance (I'll just ask)】

[Did Mr. Mo go to the hospital for an examination? really all right? 】

[I hope that Mo Zong can report peace on Weibo [crying]]

[It should be okay to watch the live broadcast! You don't have to worry too much, Zhouzhou is very timely! 】

Qi Mo communicated with Lu Qingqing, and he went online to understand the simple situation.

Seeing that the fans were all concerned about her safety, her heart moved slightly.

So he took a selfie and tweeted: Thanks to Lan Muzhou, I'm fine. Thank you Lan Muzhou, and thank you for your concern!

After the deity responded, fans and passers-by rushed to him.

【Ahhh that's great! Mr. Mo should pay more attention to his own safety when working in the future! 】

[We are really worried about you, Mr. Mo! 】

[It's fine, it's fine! I will always support your little seven! 】

[Woooooo Mo, you and Zhou Zhou must go to the hospital to check something! 】

【Your body is the most important thing! 】

[Don't force yourself too much! 】

In a short while, the retweets and comments have already exceeded 10,000.

Qi Mo stared at the phone.

The relationship between idols and fans is really amazing.

They make each other perfect, and without one, the other would not exist.

It's a subtle feeling, it seems... not bad.

She rarely replies to fans' comments. This time, she chose several highly praised comments to reply, and then she quit Weibo.

Putting the phone in her pocket, she put away the room card.

He took the cold spirit from the program staff and knocked on Lan Muzhou's door.

It was very quiet inside. After a while, someone came over.

The door was opened.

Lan Muzhou had already changed into new clothes, and his hair was blown dry, and fell softly on his forehead.

It's just that there was no expression on his face.

There is no usual publicity, nor is there a confident smile.

He asked lightly: "What are you doing here?"

As before, Qi Mo curled up the corner of his mouth and smiled lazily.

A box of cold spirit was held in her hand, and she said, "Drink the medicine to prevent it."

"Oh fine."

Lan Muzhou returned to the room.

He has boiled a pot of hot water and drank two cups.

Qi Mo entered the room and tore open the bag of Ganmaoling.

Small brown particles are poured into glasses.

She asked, "Are you not feeling well? Or are you tired and something doesn't look right."

Lan Muzhou wanted to let it go and not worry about the past.

But Qi Mo brought up the beginning, and the anger in his heart suddenly returned.

Now when he thinks about Qi Mo tearing up his name tag, he still gets angry and short of breath.

"Why... in that situation, why do you only want to tear off the name tag?"

Falling into the water, life is at stake.

He was anxious to save Qi Mo, Qi Mo's brain...

Why are you still thinking about such a thing?

Qi Mo held a small spoon and gently stirred the water in the glass.

The hot water and cold spirit blend together and turn brown.

She stared at the spinning potion and said calmly, "Because... this is a game."

Then, she turned around and handed the cup to Lan Muzhou.

The moment the answer appeared, all the anger and grievance reached their peak.

Lan Muzhou trembled with anger.

He really wanted to slap the glass away from his hand.

He wanted to hear the crisp crackling sound, just to have a good time.

But good upbringing allowed him to restrain his impulse.

Yes, this is a variety show and a game.

In this game, he and He Ruilin appeared at the same time, and Qi Mo aimed at him to tear them apart.

Hit him on the knee with a pebble.

Tried him on purpose, causing him to almost fall into the sea.

Besides, Qi Mo had a conscience, so he stopped him and plunged in by himself.

But later.

Seeing that Qi Mo fell into the sea and did not float up, he was frightened and stupid.

A fierce boy followed to rescue Qi Mo, even if he got Qi Mo up, he would still be terrified.

I was so afraid that I could speak incoherently, and said a lot of nonsense.

Still happy, thinking about finally getting closer to Qi Mo, thinking about going back to teach Qi Mo how to swim.

He was frightened, he was worried, he throbbed, he was happy.

He approached cautiously.

And all of this, in Qi Mo's eyes, turned out to be just a game.

It's just a small episode during the shooting of the variety show.

Even if Qi Mo didn't have that kind of thought for him, they had worked together, and he taught Qi Mo to dance, at least they could be regarded as friends, right?

Perhaps in Qi Mo's eyes, he is not even a friend.

Just a nuisance.

When he hugged Qi Mo's waist happily in the sea, Qi Mo might still feel disgusted.

The unequal emotional sacrifice made his heart ache.

Lan Muzhou has never been wronged since he was a child, and nothing can make him sad.

And at this moment, he felt sore in his eyes.

Caring about a person turned out to be so uncomfortable.

He didn't want to care about Qi Mo anymore.

I will never approach Qi Mo so stupidly again.

He made such a decision in his heart, but he still couldn't swallow it.

So he frowned, fixed his eyes on Qi Mo, and asked, "It's a game for you. I'm so worried about you. I'm afraid something will happen to you. What am I?"

What is he.

Heh, he might not even count as a fart in Qi Mo's eyes.

Lan Muzhou laughed at himself.

No, Qi Mo sat beside him with the medicine in hand.

The soft bed sank because of Qi Mo's movements.

Qi Mo looked sideways at Lan Muzhou.

The young man had a stubborn face, and there was a hint of sourness between his wrinkled brows.

From this appearance, she could see that she was breathing a little harder.

After a moment of silence, Qi Mo laughed softly.

She said: "You are the only...accident in my game?"